Fujitsu Series 3 Manual
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3. Explanation of Operations 3.1. A/D conversion operation The A/D converter can perform two types of conversion processes: scan conversion and priority conversion. 3.1.1 Scan conversion operation 3.1.2 Priority conversion operation 3.1.3 Priority levels and state transitions FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 695 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.1.1. Scan conversion operation This section explains the scan conversion operation. The input channels are selected in the Scan Conversion Input Selection Register (SCIS). By setting the corresponding bit in the SCIS to 1, any necessary channel can be selected from among multiple analog input channels. The A/D converter can be started by software or a timer. To start the converter by software, set the SSTR bit in the SCCR register to 1. Then conversion starts. To start the converter by timers, set the SHEN bit in the SCCR register to 1 to enable timer start. Conversion starts when the timers rising edge is detected. When conversion starts, the SCS bit in the ADSR register is set to 1. When the conversion is completed, the SCS bit is reset to 0. When the SSTR bit in the SCCR register is set to 1 again during A/D conversion or the timers rising edge is detected again while timer start is enabled, the ongoing conversion operation is immediately stopped and initialized and the A/D conversion is performed again (the operation is restarted). The available scan conver sion modes are as follows: 1. One-shot mode for a single channel This mode is selected when only one analog priority conversion is specified for scan conversion and RPT = 0 in the SCCR register. When the selected priority conversion is completed, the operation stops. Figure 3-1 Stop of operation in one-shot mode for a single channel (SCIS3 = 0x00, SCIS2 = 0x00, SCIS1 = 0x00, SCIS0 = 0x08) RPT SSTR Conversion channelch3 Stop Stop 2. Continuous mode for a single channel This mode is selected when only one analog priority conversion proce ss is specified for scan conversion and RPT = 1 in the SCCR register. When the selected priority conversion is completed, the same priority conversion is st arted again. To stop A/D conversi on, set RPT to 0. The operation stops when the ongoing A/D conversion is completed. Figure 3-2 Stop of operation in continuous mode for a single channel (SCIS3 = 0x00, SCIS2 = 0x00, SCIS1 = 0x00, SCIS0 = 0x08) RPT SSTR Conversion channelch3 ch3 ch3 ch3 ch3 ch3 Stop Stop FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 696 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3. One-shot mode for multiple channels This mode is selected when mul tiple analog channels are specified for scan conversion and RPT = 0 in the SCCR register. When the conversion starts, the existence of each channel is automatically checked. While the channels are sw itched from one to another, A/D conversion is started and the conversion result is written to FIFO when the conversion is completed. The conversion channels are selected in descending order of channel number (starting from ch.0). Channels not selected in the SCIS register are skipped and the conversion operation targets the next selected channel. When the A/D conversion of the last one of the selected channels is completed, the A/D conversion is stopped. Figure 3-3 Stop of operation in one-shot mode for multiple channels (SCIS3 = 0x00, SCIS2 = 0x01, SCIS1 = 0x01, SCIS0 = 0x11) RPT SSTR Conversion channelch0 ch4 ch8 ch16 Stop Stop 4. Continuous mode for multiple channels This mode is selected when mul tiple analog channels are specified for scan conversion and RPT = 1 in the SCCR register. When the conversion starts, the existence of each channel is automatically checked. While the channels are sw itched from one to another, A/D conversion is started and the conversion result is written to FIFO when the conversion is completed. The conversion channels are selected in descending order of channel number (starting from ch.0). Channels not selected in the SCIS register are skipped and the conversion operation targets the next selected channel. When the A/D conversion of the last one of the selected channels is completed, the conversion operation starts again from ch.0. To end A/D conversion, set RPT 0. The operation stops when the A/D conversion of the last one of the selected channels is completed. Figure 3-4 Stop of operation in continuous mode for multiple channels (SCIS3 = 0x00, SCIS2 = 0x01, SCIS1 = 0x01, SCIS0 = 0x11) RPT SSTR Conversion channelch0 ch4 ch8 ch16 ch0 ch4 ch8 ch16 Stop Stop FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 697 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.1.2. Priority conversion operation This section explains the priority conversion operation. This mode is used to give priority to a specific conversion process. Even when scan conversion is in progress, if priority conversion is started, the scan conversion is interrupted immediately and the priority conversion is performed. When the priority conversion is completed, the scan operation restarts from the channel where it was interrupted. If conversion with hi gher priority (priority level 1) is started while the conversion with lower priority (priority level 2) is pe rformed, the priority level 2 conversion is interrupted immediately and the priority level 1 conversion is pe rformed. When the priority level 1 conversion is completed, the priority level 2 conversion is restarted. Two levels of priority are given to priority conversion. Priority level 1 is the highest and level 2 is the second. Trigger start by an external pin is assigned as the start factor at priority level 1 and software/timer start is assigned as that at priority level 2. The input channels are selected in the Priority Conversion Input Selection (PCIS) register. The procedure for selecting channels at priority level 1 differs depending on the ESCE bit in the Priority Conversion Control (PCCR) register. When ESCE = 0: The P1A [2:0] bits in the PCIS re gister are used. Only one of the eight channels, ch.0 to 7, can be selected. When ESCE = 1: The setting of the P1A [2:0] bits in the PCIS register is ignored. Only one of the eight channels, ch.0 to 7, can be selected with input from the external pin (ECS [2:0]). Example: ECS [2:0] = 0b000 -> ch.0 = 0b010 -> ch.2 = 0b111 -> ch.7 The P2A [4:0] bits in the PCIS regi ster are used for selecting the channel at priority level 2. Only one of the multiple input channels can be selected. The start factor of A/D conversion differs depending on the priority level. Priority level 1 (highest priority) conversion can be started by a falling edge of external trigger input. To enable external trigger start, set th e PEEN bit to 1 in the PCCR register. Priority level 2 conversion can be started by software or a timer. To start conversion by software, set the PSTR bit in the PCCR register to 1. To start conversion by a timer, set the PHEN bit in the PCCR register to 1 to enable timer start. Conversion starts when the timers rising edge is detected . When conversion starts, the PCS bit in the ADSR register is set to 1. When the conversion is completed, the PCS bit is reset to 0. In priority conversion mode, the conversion cannot be restarted. In addition, start factors at the same priority level are ignored. (A timer start factor is ignored during software-started operation.) If a priority level 1 start factor (external trigger) oc curs during conversion started by a priority level 2 start factor (software or timer), the PCNS bit in th e A/D Status Register (ADSR) is set to 1 and the priority level 2 conversion is interrupted immediately. When the priority level 1 conversion is completed, PCNS is reset to 0 and the interrupted priority level 2 conversion is restarted. If a priority level 2 start factor occurs during priority level 1 conversion, the pr iority level 2 start factor is reserved (retained) and PCNS is set to 1. When the priority level 1 conversion is completed, PCNS is reset to 0 and the priority level 2 conversion is started. Priority conversion can only be performed in one-shot mode for a single channel. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 698 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.1.3. Priority levels and state transitions This section explains priority levels and state transitions. Priority levels Table 3-1 Priority levels for the A/D converter Priority level Conversion type Start factor 1 Priority level 1 conversion Input from external trigger pin (at falling edge) 2 Priority level 2 conversion Software (when the PSTR bit is set to 1) Trigger input from timer (at rising edge) 3 Scan conversion Software (when the SSTR bit is set to 1) Trigger input from timer (at rising edge) When a startup by priority conversion occurs during scan conversion The scan conversion operation is interrupted and priority conversion operation is performed. When the priority conversion operation is completed, the sc an conversion is restarted from the channel where it was interrupted. When a startup at priority level 1 occurs during conversion at priority level 2 The priority level 2 conversion is interrupted and th e operation by the startup at priority level 1 is performed. When the priority level 1 operation is completed, the priority level 2 conversion is restarted automatically. When a startup at priority level 2 occurs during conversion at priority level 1 The start factor at priority level 2 is retained. When the priority level 1 conversion is completed, the priority level 2 conversion is started automatically. When a startup of scan conversion occurs during priority level 1 conversion The start factor of the scan conversion is retained. When the priority level 1 conversion is completed, the scan conversion operation is started automatically. When a startup of scan conversion occurs during priority level 2 conversion The start factor of the scan conversion is retained. When the priority level 2 conversion is completed, the scan conversion operation is started automatically. While priority conversion is performed, start factor at the same priority level are masked (the operation is not restarted). FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 699 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations State transitions Figure 3-5 10-bit A/D converter state transitions 000 Standby for A/D conversion 010 Priority conversion is in progress. 110 Priority level 1 conversion is in progress. Priority level 2 conversion is pending. 011Priority conversion is in progress. Scan conversion is pending. 001 Scan conversion is in progress. 111 Priority level 1 conversion is in progress. Priority level 2 conversion is pending . Scan conversion is pending . Scan conversion request Scan conversion completed Priority conversion completed Priority conversion request Scan conversion request Priority level 1 conversion completed Priority level 1 conversion completed Priority conversion request Priority conversion request Priority conversion completed Priority conversion request Scan conversion request The operation states can be read from the SCS, PCS, and PCNS bits of the ADSR register. Table 3-2 Correspondence between bits and operation states PCNS PCS SCS Explanation of states 0 0 0 Standby for A/D conversion. 0 0 1 Scan A/D conversion is in progress. 0 1 0 Priority A/D conversion (priority level 1 or 2) is in progress. 0 1 1 Priority A/D conversion (priority level 1 or 2) is in progress. Scan conversion is pending. 1 1 0 Priority A/D conversion (priority level 1) is in progress. Priority conversion (priority level 2) is pending. 1 1 1 Priority A/D conversion (priority level 1) is in progress. Scan conversion and priority conversion (priority level 2) are pending. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 700 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.2. FIFO operations The A/D converter has 16 FIFO stages for scan conversion and 4 FIFO stages for priority conversion. When conversion data is written in the specified count of FIFO stages, an interrupt is generated to the CPU. 3.2.1 FIFO operations in scan conversion 3.2.2 Interrupts in scan conversion 3.2.3 FIFO operations in priority conversion 3.2.4 Interrupts in priority conversion 3.2.5 Restrictions on reading FIFO data registers in empty state 3.2.6 Bit placement selection for FIFO data registers FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 701 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.2.1. FIFO operations in scan conversion This section explains FIFO operations in scan conversion. Sixteen FIFO stages are incorporated for writing scan conversion data. After reset, they are in empty state and the SEMP bit in the Scan Conversion Control Register is set to 1. When A/D conversion of one channel is completed, the conversion result and conversi on channel are written in the first FIFO stage. This resets SEMP to 0. The conversion result and conver sion channel for the subsequent channels are written in the corresponding FIFO stages. When such data is written in all of the 16 stages, the SFUL bit is set to 1 to indicate that FIFO is in full state. If conversion is performed and an attempt is made to write data in FIFO when FIFO is in full state, the SOVR bit is set to 1 and the data is di scarded (cannot overwrite the existing data). To clear the data in FIFO, set the SFCLR bit in the S can Conversion Control register to 1. FIFO goes to the empty state and the SEMP bit is set to 1. Data in FIFO can be read sequentially by reading the Scan FIFO Data Register (SCFD). To perform a byte access to this register, read the most significant byte (bit 15:8) to shift FIFO (reading the least significant byte (bit 7:0) does not shift FIFO). FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 702 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3.2.2. Interrupts in scan conversion This section explains interrupts in scan conversion. Figure 3-6 FIFO interrupt settings and FIFO operations FIFO interrupt request FIFO stage count settingValid FIFO stage count N=5(6stages) N=3(4stages) FIFO readout A/D conversion Stop123456Stop123456Stop1 Stop Flag clear Flag clear When conversion data for the number of FIFO stages (N + 1) set in SFS [3:0] in the Scan Conversion FIFO Stage Count Setup Register (SFNS) is written in FIFO, the interrupt request bit (SCIF) in the A/D Control Register (ADCR) is set to 1. If the interrupt enable bit (SCIE) is set to 1, an interrupt request is generated to the CPU. The following explains FIFO st age count interrupt methods for each scan conversion mode. 1. One-shot mode for a single channel To generate an interrupt after the completion of one conversion process for the specified channel, set SFS [3:0] = 0x0. When conversion data is written in the first FIFO stage, SCIF is set to 1. If SFS [3 :0 ] is set to 0x1 or more (two stages or more), interrupts are n ot generated until the specified number of times of conversion is completed. 2. Continuous mode for a single channel To generat e an interrupt after the completion of one conversion process for the specified channel, set SFS [3:0] = 0x0. When conversion data is written in the first FIFO stage, SCIF is set to 1. To generate an interrupt at the completion of a number of times of conversion of the specified channel, set SFS [3:0] to 0x1 or more (two stag es or more). For example, set SFS [3:0] = 0x3 to generate an interrupt after four repeats. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 703 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series

3. Explanation of Operations 3. One-shot mode for multiple channels To generate an interrupt after the completion of conversion of the multiple specified channels, set the FIFO stage count according to the number of channe ls. If eight channels are selected, set the FIFO stage count by setting SFS [3:0] = 0x7. When the conv ersion of the last one of the selected channels is completed, SCIF is set to 1. An interrupt can be generated at any timing before scan completion by setting SFS [3:0] to a value less than the number of selected channels. 4. Continuous mode for multiple channels To generate an interrupt after the completion of the first scan of the multiple specified channels, set the FIFO stage count according to the number of channels. If eight channels are selected, set the FIFO stage count by setting SFS [3:0] = 0x7. When the conversion of the last one of the selected channels is completed, SCIF is set to 1. To generate an interrupt after the completion of the second scan, set the FIFO stage count to twice the number of selected channels. For example, when four channels are selected, set the FIFO stage count to 8 (SFS [3:0] = 0x7). An interrupt is generated when the second scan is completed. Because the FIFO stage count can be set to any valu e, an interrupt can be generated at any desired timing. FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR LIMITED CHAPTER 18-2: 10-bit A/D Converter MN706-00002-1v0-E 704 MB9Axxx/MB9Bxxx Series