Samsung Exynos 5 User Manual
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Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-7 14.4 I/O Description Signal I/O Description Pad Type SPI_0_CLK SPI_1_CLK SPI_2_CLK ISP_SPI_0_CLK ISP_SPI_1_CLK In/Out XspiCLK is the serial clock used to control time of data transfer. Out: W hen used as master In: W hen used as slave XspiCLK_0 XspiCLK_1 Xi2s2CDCLK XispSPICLK XispI2C1SDA muxed SPI_0_nSS SPI_1_nSS SPI_2_nSS ISP_SPI_0_nSS ISP_SPI_1_nSS In/Out Slave selection signal. All data Tx/Rx sequences are executed when XspiCS is set to low. Out: W hen used as master In: W hen used as slave XspiCSn_0 XspiCSn_1 Xi2s2LRCK XispSPICSn XispI2C1SCL muxed SPI_0_MISO SPI_1_MISO SPI_2_MISO ISP_SPI_0_MISO ISP_SPI_1_MISO In/Out This port is the input port in Master mode. Input mode is used to obtain data from slave output port. Data are transmitted to master through this port in slave mode. Out: W hen used as master In: W hen used as slave XspiMISO_0 XspiMISO_1 Xi2s2SDI XispSPIMISO XispGP4 muxed SPI_0_MOSI SPI_1_MOSI SPI_2_MOSI ISP_SPI_0_MOSI ISP_SPI_1_MOSI In/Out This port is the output port in Master mode. This port is used to transfer data from master output port. Data are received from master through this port in slave mode. Out: W hen used as master In: W hen used as slave XspiMOSI_0 XspiMOSI_1 Xi2s2SDO XispSPIMOSI XispGP5 muxed NOTE: Type field indicates if pads are dedicated to the signal or pads are connected to the multiplexed signals. The unused SPI ports are used as General Purpose I/O ports. Refer to Chapter 6 General Purpose I/O for more information.

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-8 14.5 Register Description 14.5.1 Register Map Summary Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Register Offset Description Reset Value CH_CFGn 0x0000 Specifies SPI configuration 0x0 MODE_CFGn 0x0008 Specifies FIFO control 0x0 CS_REGn 0x000C Specifies slave selection control 0x1 SPI_INT_ENn 0x0010 Specifies interrupt enable 0x0 SPI_STATUSn 0x0014 Specifies SPI status 0x0 SPI_TX_DATAn 0x0018 Specifies Tx data 0x0 SPI_RX_DATAn 0x001C Specifies Rx data 0x0 PACKET_CNT_REGn 0x0020 Specifies packet count 0x0 PENDING_CLR_REGn 0x0024 Specifies interrupt pending clear 0x0 SW AP_CFGn 0x0028 Specifies swap configuration 0x0 FB_CLK_SELn 0x002C Specifies feedback clock selection 0x0 Setting Sequence of Special Function Register Steps to set Special Function Register (nCS manual mode): 1. Set Transfer Type. (CPOL and CPHA set) 2. Set Feedback Clock Selection register. 3. Set SPI MODE_CFG register. 4. Set SPI INT_EN register. 5. Set PACKET_CNT_REG register if necessary. 6. Set Tx or Rx Channel on. 7. Set nSSout to low to start either Tx or Rx operation: a. Set nSSout Bit to low, then start Tx data writing. b. If auto chip selection bit is set, nSSout is controlled automatically.

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-9 CH_CFGn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0000, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value HIGH_SPEED_EN [6] RW Slave Tx output time control bit When this bit is enabled, slave Tx output time is reduced as much as half period of SPICLKout period. This bit is valid only in CPHA 0. 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0 SW _RST [5] RW Software reset This bit clears these registers and bits. Rx/Tx FIFO Data, SPI_STATUS Once reset, this bit must be clear manually. 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 SLAVE [4] RW Whether SPI Port is Master or Slave 0 = Master 1 = Slave 0 CPOL [3] RW Determines whether active high or active low clock 0 = Active High 1 = Active Low 0 CPHA [2] RW Selects one of the two fundamentally different transfer formats 0 = Format A 1 = Format B 0 RX_CH_ON [1] RW SPI Rx Channel On 0 = Channel Off 1 = Channel On 0 TX_CH_ON [0] RW SPI Tx Channel On 0 = Channel Off 1 = Channel On 0 NOTE: SPI controller should reset when: 1. Reconfiguration of SPI registers 2. Error interrupt occurs 3. Before software reset using SW_RST, you should channel off.

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-10 MODE_CFGn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0008, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value CH_W IDTH [30:29] RW 00 = Byte 01 = Halfword 10 = W ord 11 = Reserved 0 TRAILING_CNT [28:19] RW Count value from writing the last data in Rx FIFO to flush trailing bytes in FIFO 0 BUS_W IDTH [18:17] RW 00 = Byte 01 = Halfword 10 = Word 11 = Reserved 0 RX_RDY_LVL [16:11] RW Rx FIFO trigger level in INT mode. SPI Port 0 and ISP-SPI Port 0, 1: Trigger level (bytes) = 4 N SPI Port 1, 2: Trigger level (bytes) = N (N = value of RX_RDY_LVL field) 0 TX_RDY_LVL [10:5] RW Tx FIFO trigger level in INT mode. SPI Port 0 and ISP-SPI Port 0, 1: Trigger level (bytes) = 4 N SPI Port 1, 2: Trigger level (bytes) = N (N = value of TX_RDY_LVL field) 0 RSVD [4:3] –=oeserved==-= RX_DMA_St=[2]=RW= Rx=DMA mode=enable/disable = 0 ==Disables=DMA Mode = 1 ==Enables DMA Mode= 0= TX_DMA_St=[1]=RW= Tx=DMA mode=enable/disable= 0 ==Disables=DMA Mode = = = = === 1 ==Enables DMA Mode = 0= DMA_TYPb=[0]=RW= DMA transfer type, single or 4 bursts.= == 0===Single== 1===4 burst== DMA transfer size must=be set as the same size in= SPI DMA.= 0= = =

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-11 NOTE: 1. CH_WIDTH is shift-register width. 2. BUS_WIDTH is SPI FIFO width. The transfer data size should be aligned with BUS_WIDTH. For example, TX/RX data size must be aligned with 4 bytes if BUS_WIDTH is word. 3. CH_WIDTH must be smaller than BUS_WIDTH or same.

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-12 CS_REGn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x000C, Reset Value = 0x1 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value NCS_TIME_COUNT [9:4] RW NSSOUT inactive time = ((nCS_time_count + 3)/2) SPICLKout 0 RSVD [3:2] –=oeserved==–= AUTO_N_MANUAi=[1]=RW= Chip=select toggle manual or auto selection= 0== Manual= 1 = Auto= 0= NSSOUT=[0]=RW= Slave selection signal=(manual only)= 0== Active= 1 = Inactive= 1= NOTE: If AUTO_N_MANUAL is set, SPI controller controls NSSOUT and data transfer is not performed continuously. Unit data size depends on CH_WIDTH. Figure 14-3 illustrates Auto Chip Select Mode Waveform (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0, CH_WIDTH = Byte). Figure 14-3 Auto Chip Select Mode Waveform (CPOL = 0, CPHA = 0, CH_WIDTH = Byte) SPICLK MOSIMSB654321LSB MSB654321LSB*MSBMISO NSSOUT *MSB654321*LSB 654321*LSB**MSB NCS_TIME_COUNT

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-13 SPI_INT_ENn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0010, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value INT_EN_TRAILING [6] RW Interrupt Enable for trailing count to be 0 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_RX_OVER RUN [5] RW Interrupt Enable for RxOverrun 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_RX_UNDE RRUN [4] RW Interrupt Enable for RxUnderrun 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_TX_OVER RUN [3] RW Interrupt Enable for TxOverrun 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_TX_UNDE RRUN [2] RW Interrupt Enable for TxUnderrun. In slave mode, this bit must be clear first after turning on slave Tx path. 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_RX_FIFO_ RDY [1] RW Interrupt Enable for RxFifoRdy (INT mode) 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0 INT_EN_TX_FIFO_ RDY [0] RW Interrupt Enable for TxFifoRdy (INT mode) 0 = Disables interrupt 1 = Enables interrupt 0

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-14 SPI_STATUSn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0014, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value TX_DONE [25] R Indication of transfer done in Shift register (master mode only) 0 = All case except Tx FIFO and shift register case 1 = When Tx FIFO and shift register are empty after transmission start 0 TRAILING_BYTE [24] R Indication that trailing count is 0 0 RX_FIFO_LVL [23:15] R Data level in Rx FIFO 0 to 256 bytes in port 0 0 to 64 bytes in port 1 and 2 0 TX_FIFO_LVL [14:6] R Data level in Tx FIFO 0 to 256 bytes in port 0 0 to 64 bytes in port 1 and 2 0 RX_OVERRUN [5] R Rx FIFO overrun error 0 = No Error 1 = Overrun Error 0 RX_UNDERRUN [4] R Rx FIFO underrun error 0 = No Error 1 = Underrun Error 0 TX_OVERRUN [3] R Tx FIFO overrun error 0 = No Error 1 = Overrun Error 0 TX_UNDERRUN [2] R Tx FIFO underrun error 0 = No Error 1 = Underrun Error NOTE: Tx FIFO underrun error occurs when Tx FIFO is empty in slave mode. 0 RX_FIFO_RDY [1] R 0 = Data in FIFO less than trigger level 1 = Data in FIFO more than trigger level 0 TX_FIFO_RDY [0] R 0 = Data in FIFO more than trigger level 1 = Data in FIFO less than trigger level 0

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-15 SPI_TX_DATAn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0018, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value TX_DATA [31:0] W This field contains the data to be transmitted over the SPI channel. 0 SPI_RX_DATAn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x001C, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value RX_DATA [31:0] R This field contains the data to be received over the SPI channel. 0 PACKET_CNT_REGn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0020, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value PACKET_CNT_EN [16] RW Enable bit for packet count 0 = Disables 1 = Enables 0 COUNT_VALUE [15:0] RW Packet count value 0

Samsung Confidential Exynos 5250_UM 14 Serial Peripheral Interface 14-16 PENDING_CLR_REGn (n = 0 to 4) Base Address: 0x12D2_0000 (SPI0) Base Address: 0x12D3_0000 (SPI1) Base Address: 0x12D4_0000 (SPI2) Base Address: 0x131A_0000 (ISP-SPI0) Base Address: 0x131B_0000 (ISP-SPI1) Address = Base Address + 0x0024, Reset Value = 0x0 Name Bit Type Description Reset Value TX_UNDERRUN_CLR [4] RW TX underrun pending clear bit 0 = Non-Clear 1 = Clear 0 TX_OVERRUN_CLR [3] RW TX overrun pending clear bit 0 = Non-Clear 1 = Clear 0 RX_UNDERRUN_CLR [2] RW RX underrun pending clear bit 0 = Non-clear 1 = Clear 0 RX_OVERRUN_CLR [1] RW RX overrun pending clear bit 0 = Non-Clear 1 = Clear 0 TRAILING_CLR [0] RW Trailing pending clear bit 0 = Non-Clear 1 = Clear 0 NOTE: After error interrupt pending clear, the SPI controller should be reset. Error interrupt list: Tx underrun, Tx overrun, Rx underrun, and Rx overrun