NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Office Data Specification
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NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 667 Issue 1 ASHC : Assignment of Station Hunting Group - Circular 4. Data Sheet TENANT NUMBER (TN)STATION NUMBER (STN) MAXIMUM 5 DIGITSSECRETARY STATION NUMBER (SECRETARY) STATION NUMBER (STN) NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STN 1265176 2275277 3285378 4295479 5305580 6315681 7325782 8335883 9345984 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100
CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 668 Issue 1 ASHCL : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-Circular for LDM ASHCL: Assignment of Station Hunting Group-Circular for LDM 1. General This command assigns the data related to the Station Hunting - Circular service feature. With this command, Station Hunting Group - Circular can be assigned by using Telephone Number. 2. Precautions 1. This command is also used to modify and delete the Station Hunting - Circular service feature related data. 2. The maximum number of member stations within a Hunting Group is 100. 3. There is no limitation on the number of Circular groups in a system. 4. The data assigned at this command is invalid in Fusion Network. 3. Data Entry Instructions Note:Enter the Telephone Number to be assigned in “EDIT TELN” box on the display. NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN)SECRETARY TELEPHONE NUMBER (SECRETARY TELN) Max.16 digits TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) Max.16 digits TELN TELN TELN TELNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) STATION NUMBER (STN) SECRETARY TELN Enter the secretary telephone number if required. Fixed to 1.UGN 2 3 4 527 28 29 3052 53 54 5577 78 79 80 TELN CNT 2-100 Telephone Number of the member stations. 1
NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 669 Issue 1 ASHCL : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-Circular for LDM 4. Data Sheet USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)SECRETARY TELEPHONE NUMBER (SECRETARY TELN) NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) 2 275277 3 285378 4 295479 5 305580 6 315681 7 325782 8 335883 9 345984 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100 26 51 76
CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 670 Issue 1 ASHCN : Assignment of Station Hunting Group - Circular for NDM ASHCN: Assignment of Station Hunting Group - Circular for NDM 1. General This command assigns the data related to the Station Hunting - Circular for Fusion Service. The data assigned by this command is written in the Network Data Memory (NDM) of the Network Control Node (NCN), updating the NDM at each Local Node (LN). 2. Precautions 1. This command is also used to modify and delete the Station Hunting - Circular service feature related data. 2. The maximum number of member stations within a Hunting Group is 100. 3. Data Entry Instructions Note:Enter the Telephone Number to be assigned in “EDIT TELN” box on the display. NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN)SECRETARY TELEPHONE NUMBER (SECRETARY TELN) Max.16 digits TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) Max.16 digits TELN TELN TELN TELNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) STATION NUMBER (STN) SECRETARY TELN Enter Telephone Number of the secretary extension if required. Fixed to 1UGN 1 2 3 4400 401 402 40326 27 28 2951 52 53 5476 77 78 79 CNT 1 Enter the station number specified in TELN parameter CNT 2 - 100 400 1 500 Enter the Telephone Number of the member station
NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 671 Issue 1 ASHCN : Assignment of Station Hunting Group - Circular for NDM 4. Data Sheet USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)SECRETARY TELEPHONE NUMBER (SECRETARY TELN) NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) 1 265176 2 275277 3 285378 4 295479 5 305580 6 315681 7 325782 8 335883 9 345984 10 35 60 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 67 92 18 43 68 93 19 44 69 94 20 45 70 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100
CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 672 Issue 1 ASHU : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD ASHU: Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD 1. General This command assigns the data related to the Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) service feature. 2. Precautions 1. This command is also used to modify and delete the UCD service related data. 2. The maximum number of stations within a UCD group is 100. 3. The UCD pilot station (controlling station) is assigned at the STN parameter. 4. Press ESC to skip forward to the WRT? text box when all the desired stations have been entered. 5. Assign the AUAD command if the Delay Announcement-UCD service feature is required. 6. Assign the AUCD command if the following peripheral thresholds are required: (a) The number of calls in UCD queuing that are used for the UCD Peg Count. (b) The threshold causes the UCD Call Waiting Lamp located on a D term to flash. (c) Denies the MCI call result text if the call terminated to the UCD group. 7. Assign AUOG command if the Overflow-UCD service feature is required. 8. When assigning the AUAD/AUCD/AUOG commands, the Tenant Number (TN) and the UCD Pilot station (controlling station) number (STN) assigned in this command are used to specify the UCD group. 9. The applicable Tenant Number (TN) range is designated by the ASYD command, SYS 1, INDEX 8.
NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 673 Issue 1 ASHU : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD 3. Data Entry Instructions Note:Enter the Station Number to be assigned in “EDIT STN” box on the display. NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) TENANT NUMBER (TN) 1-63STATION NUMBER (STN) STN NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) STN NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) STN STN STATION NUMBER (STN) STN Enter UCD pilot (controlling station) number 2 3 4 527 28 29 3052 53 54 5577 78 79 80
CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 674 Issue 1 ASHU : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD 4. Data Sheet Note:Enter first Station Number here. This Station becomes the control station. TENANT NUMBER (TN)STATION NUMBER (STN) Note STATION NUMBER (STN) NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)STN 2275277 3285378 4295479 5305580 6315681 7325782 8335883 9345984 10 35 6 0 85 11 36 61 86 12 37 62 87 13 38 63 88 14 39 64 89 15 40 65 90 16 41 66 91 17 42 6 7 92 18 43 6 8 93 19 44 6 9 94 20 45 7 0 95 21 46 71 96 22 47 72 97 23 48 73 98 24 49 74 99 25 50 75 100 26 51 76
NDA-24298 CHAPTER 4 Page 675 Issue 1 ASHUL : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD for LDM ASHUL: Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD for LDM 1. General This command assigns the data related to the Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) service feature for each Node by using Telephone Number. The data is written in Local Data Memory (LDM). 2. Precautions 1. This command is also used to modify and delete the UCD service related data. 2. The maximum number of stations within a UCD group is 100. 3. A maximum of 63 UCD groups can be arranged per a Node. 4. The UCD pilot station (controlling station) is assigned at the TELN parameter. 5. Press ESC to skip forward to the WRT? text box when all the desired stations have been entered. 6. Assign the AUADN command if the Delay Announcement-UCD service feature is required. 7. Assign the AUCDN command if the peripheral threshold listed below is required: (a) The number of call in UCD queuing which is used for the UCD Peg Count (b) The threshold of the UCD Call Waiting Lamp (which can be accommodated on a D term) starts to flash (c) Denial of the MCI call result text of the call terminated to the UCD group 8. Assign AUOGL command if the Overflow-UCD service feature is required. 9. When assigning the AUADL/AUCDL/AUOGL commands, the User Group Number (UGN) and the UCD Pilot station (controlling station) number (TELN) assigned in this command are used to specify the UCD group.
CHAPTER 4 NDA-24298 Page 676 Issue 1 ASHUL : Assignment of Station Hunting Group-UCD for LDM 3. Data Entry Instructions Note:Enter the Telephone Number to be assigned in “EDIT TELN” box on the display. NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN)TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) Max.16 digits TELN TELN TELN TELNNUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT)NUMBER OF STATIONS (CNT) TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) Fixed to 1UGN 2 3 4 527 28 29 3052 53 54 5577 78 79 80 TELN Enter UCD pilot station (controlling station). 1