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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Instructions Manual

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    of 1718
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    797 ISDN-BRI Trunk Circuit Pack 
    A 12-digit field containing the SPID expected by the far end. DEFINITY ECS 
    blocks you from changing this field unless the port is busied out or 
    unadministered. The only protocol supported for SPID initialization is Bellcore 
    (Country Code 1). Trunks will not be put in service if SPID installation is not 
    Endpt ID
    A 2-digit field containing the Endpoint Identifier expected by the far end. 
    DEFINITY ECS blocks you from changing this field unless the port is busied out 
    or unadministered.  
    Max NCA TSC
    This is a display-only field. It shows the port number to which parameters 
    administered on the row apply.
    Directory Number
    These 10-digit fields contain the directory numbers assigned to the interface, 
    which it views as being allocated to 2 separate endpoints. 
    Valid entries Usage
    Any string of 1 to 12 
    digits Leading zeroes considered significant and not 
    Valid entries Usage
     to 62Leading zeroes considered significant and not ignored.
    Valid entries Usage
     through 63.  This 2-digit field gives the maximum number of 
    Non-Call-Associated Temporary Signaling Connections 
    allowed on this BRI D-channel. This field’s function is the 
    same as the field with the same name on the Signaling Group 
    Valid entries Usage
    Any string of 
    1 to 10 digitsThese fields must be administered in pairs. That is, if you enter a 
    value in one field, you must enter a value in the other. 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    798 ISDN-BRI Trunk Circuit Pack 
    Trunk Member Administration
    Administer BRI trunk members using the following scheme to address the 
    individual B-channels:
    nB-channel 1 uses the port address of the BRI Trunk Port.
    nB-channel 2 uses the port address of B-channel 1 incremented by 16.
    When adding a BRI trunk to an ISDN trunk-group, DEFINITY ECS blocks you 
    from administering a Signaling Group for that trunk member.
    DEFINITY ECS blocks you from administering a BRI trunk member if the port 
    has not yet been administered on the BRI Trunk screen.
    For example, administer the B-channels on a TN2185 circuit pack inserted in slot 
    01A10 as follows:
    add bri-trunk board PPCSS command is rejected if PPCSS identifies a 
    TN556B circuit pack, and a port on that circuit pack has already been assigned to 
    a station or data-module. If a TN556B circuit pack has been administered as a BRI 
    trunk circuit pack, any port on that circuit pack is prevented from being assigned 
    to a station or data-module.
    Port B-channel 1 B-channel 2
    1 01A1001 01A1017
    2 01A1002 01A1018
    3 01A1003 01A1019
    4 01A1004 01A1020
    5 01A1005 01A1021
    6 01A1006 01A1022
    7 01A1007 01A1023
    8 01A1008 01A1024 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    799 Language Translations 
    Language Translations
    When you want to use a language other than English, French, Italian, and Spanish 
    to display messages on your display phones, use the Language Translation screens 
    to define the messages. Set up your messages using Roman letters, punctuation, 
    digits and blank spaces. Diacritical marks are not supported.
    If user-defined is entered for the display language on the station screen or 
    attendant screen, and no messages are defined on these screens, a string of 
    asterisks appears on all display messages.
    In this section, the field descriptions are listed before the screens
    This is a display-only field. It contains the English version of the message on the 
    Meaning of English term 
    This is a display-only field. It explains the abbreviated English message.
    Enter the message you want to appear on the phone display in place of the English 
    message. Remember that a long message may be shortened on phones that display 
    fewer than 32 characters.
    Screen 128. Language Translations — AD programming
    change display-messages ad-programming  Page  1 of  1  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English            Translation 
      1. Press button to program 1. ****************************************
      2. Change program?  2. *********************** 
      3. Yes = 1 No = 2 3. **************** 
      4. Enter number;  4. ****************************************
      5. Press # to save  5. **************** 
      6. #saved  6. ****************************************
      7. Change label?  7. ***********************
      8. Enter label:  8. ****************************************
      9. Press * to advance; # to save  9. ****************************** 
     10. Press * to reenter; # to save  10. ****************************** 
    11. Label saved. Hang up to update 11. **************************************** 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    800 Language Translations 
    Screen 129. Language Translations — Auto-Wakeup-Dn-Dst 
    Screen 130. Language Translations — Auto-Wakeup-Dn-Dst
    change display-messages auto-wakeup-dn-dst Page  1 of  3  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
       1.     English:    AUTO WAKEUP - Ext:
          Translation: ********************:
       2.     English: WAKEUP ENTRY DENIED
          Translation: ************************
       3.     English: WAKEUP REQUEST CANCELED
          Translation: ****************************************
       4.     English: WAKEUP REQUEST CONFIRMED
          Translation: ****************************************
       5.     English: Wakeup Call
          Translation: **************************************
       6.     English:  Time:
          Translation: *****:
    change display-messages auto-wakeup-dn-dst  Page  2 of  3  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
       7.     English:    DO NOT DIST - Ext:
          Translation: ********************:
       8.     English:     DO NOT DIST - Group:
          Translation: ***********************:                               
       9.     English: DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED
          Translation: ************************
          Translation: ****************************************
          Translation: **************************************** 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    801 Language Translations 
    Screen 131. Language Translations — Auto-Wakeup-Dn-Dst 
    Screen 132. Language Translations — Call-Identifiers
    change display-messages auto-wakeup-dn-dst  Page  3 of  3  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
      12.     English: INTERVAL FULL
          Translation: *************
      13.     English: NO PERMISSION
          Translation: *************
      14.     English: SYSTEM FULL
          Translation: *************
      15.     English: TOO SOON
          Translation: *************
      16.     English: INVALID EXTENSION - TRY AGAIN
          Translation: ****************************************
      17.     English: INVALID GROUP - TRY AGAIN
          Translation: ****************************************
    change display-messages call identifiers  Page  1 of  4  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English               Meaning of English term                  Translated
         Term                                                           Term
      1. sa            ACD Supervisor Assistance                     1: **
      2. ac            Attendant Assistance Call                     2: **
      3. tc            Attendant Control Of A Trunk Group            3: **
      4. an            Attendant No Answer                           4: **
      5. pc            Attendant Personal Call                       5: **
      6. rc            Attendant Recall Call                         6: **
      7. rt            Attendant Return Call                         7: **
      8. sc            Attendant Serial Call                         8: **
      9. co            Controlled Outward Restriction                9: **
     10. cs            Controlled Station To Station Restriction    10: **
     11. ct            Controlled Termination Restriction           11: **
     12. db            DID Find Busy Station With CO Tones          12: **
     13. da            DID Recall Go To Attendant                   13: **
     14. qf            Emergency Queue Full Redirection             14: **
    15. hc Held Call Timed Reminder 15: ** 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    802 Language Translations 
    Screen 133. Language Translations — Call-Identifiers
    Screen 134. Language Translations — Call-Identifiers
    change display-messages call identifiers  Page  2 of  4  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English               Meaning of English term                  Translated
         Term                                                           Term     
    16. ic            Intercept                                    16: **
     17. ip            Interposition Call                           17: **
     18. ld            LDN Calls On DID Trunks                      18: **
     19. so            Service Observing                            19: **
     20. na            Unanswered Or Incomplete DID Call            20: **
     21. ACB           Automatic Callback                           21: ********
     22. callback      Callback Call                                22: ********
     23. park          Call Park                                    23: ********
     24. control       Control                                      24: ********
     25. ICOM          Intercom Call                                25: ********
     26. OTQ           Outgoing Trunk Queuing                       26: ********
     27. priority      Priority Call                                27: ********
     28. recall        Recall Call                                  28: ********
    29. return        Return Call                                  29: ******** 
     30. ARS           Automatic Route Selection                    30: ********
    change display-messages call identifiers  Page  3 of  4  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English               Meaning of English term                  Translated
         Term                                                           Term
     31. forward       Call Forwarding                              31: ********
     32. cover         Cover                                        32: ********
     33. DND           Do Not Disturb                               33: ********
     34. p             Call Pickup                                  34: *
     35. c             Cover All Calls                              35: *
     36. n             Night Station Service, Including No Answer   36: *
     37. B             All Calls Busy                               37: *
     38. f             Call Forwarding                              38: *
     39. b             Cover Busy                                   39: *
     40. d             Cover Don’t Answer                           40: *
     41. s             Send All Calls                               41: *
     42. to             to             42: **
     43. VDN           Vector Directory Number                      43: ***
     44. hunt          Station Hunting, Origination                 44: ********
     45. h             Station Hunting, Termination                 45: * 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    803 Language Translations 
    Screen 135. Language Translations — Call-Identifiers 
    Screen 136. Language Translations — Date-Time
    change display-messages call identifiers  Page  4 of  4  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English         Meaning of English term                 Translated         
         Term                                                    Term               
     46. OPERATOR        Operator                              46: ***************
     47. EXT             Extension                             47: ***************
     48. OUTSIDE CALL    Outside Call                          48: ***************
     49. UNKNOWN NAME    Unknown Name                          49: ***************
     50. CONFERENCE      Conference                            50: ************
     51. ringing         Ringing                               51: ********
     52. busy            Busy                                  52: ********
     53. busy(I)         Busy With Intrusion Allowed           53: ********
     54. wait            Wait                                  54: *****
     55. (I)             Intrusion                             55: ***
    56. Sta Station    56: *********
    57. Trk Trunk   57: *********
    58: offered QSIG call offered to remote endpoint  58: ********
     59: cl              Controlled Toll Restriction           59: **
     60: vm              Call to Attendant Out of Voicemail    60: **
    change display-messages date-time  Page  1 of  1  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English           Translation            English           Translation
      1. SUNDAY         1: ***********        11. APRIL         11: ***********
      2. MONDAY         2: ***********        12. MAY           12: ***********
      3. TUESDAY        3: ***********        13. JUNE          13: ***********
      4. WEDNESDAY      4: ***********        14. JULY          14: ***********
      5. THURSDAY       5: ***********        15. AUGUST        15: ***********
      6. FRIDAY         6: ***********        16. SEPTEMBER     16: ***********
      7. SATURDAY       7: ***********        17. OCTOBER       17: ***********
      8. JANUARY        8: ***********        18. NOVEMBER      18: ***********
      9. FEBRUARY       9: ***********        19. DECEMBER      19: ***********
     10. MARCH         10: ***********
     20.     English: SORRY, TIME UNAVAILABLE NOW                               
         Translation: **************************************** 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    804 Language Translations 
    Screen 137. Language Translations — Leave-Word-Calling
    Screen 138. Language Translations — Leave-Word-Calling
    change display-messages leave-word-calling  Page  1 of  2  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
       1.     English:             MESSAGES FOR
          Translation: ************************
          Translation: ****************************************
       3.     English: END OF MESSAGES (NEXT TO REPEAT)
          Translation: ****************************************
          Translation: ****************************************
       5.     English: MESSAGE RETRIEVAL DENIED
          Translation: ****************************************
       6.     English: MESSAGE RETRIEVAL LOCKED
          Translation: ****************************************
    change display-messages leave-word-calling  Page  2 of  2  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
       7.     English: NO MESSAGES
          Translation: ****************************************
       8.     English: IN PROGRESS
          Translation: ****************************************
       9.     English: DELETED
          Translation: ****************************************
      10.     English: GET DIAL TONE, PUSH Cover Msg Retrieval
          Translation: ****************************************
      11.     English: Message Center (AUDIX) CALL
          Translation: ****************************************
          Translation: **************************************** 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    805 Language Translations 
    Screen 139. Language Translations — Malicious-Call-Trace 
    Screen 140. Language Translations — Malicious-Call-Trace
    change display-messages mailcious-call-trace  Page  1 of  2  
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
          Translation: ****************************************
       2.     English: END OF TRACE INFORMATION
          Translation: ****************************************
      3.     English: original call redirected from:
         Translation: *****************************:
      4.     English:           voice recorder port:
         Translation: *****************************:
      5.     English:  MCT activated by:        for:
         Translation: *****************:       ****:
    change display-messages mailcious-call-trace  Page  2 of  2  
                                 LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
      6.     English:    party :                   (EXTENSION)
         Translation: ******** :       ***********************
      7.     English:    party :                (ISDN SID/CNI)
         Translation: ******** :              ****************
      8.     English:    party :                     (PORT ID)
         Translation: ******** :           *******************
      9.     English:    party :                (ISDN PORT ID)
         Translation: ******** :           ******************* 
    							DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
    Administrator’s Guide  555-233-506  Issue 1.1
    June 2000
    Screen reference 
    806 Language Translations 
    Screen 141. Language Translations — Miscellaneous-Features 
    Screen 142. Language Translations — Miscellaneous Features 
    change display-messages miscellaneous features  Page  1 of 6
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS                             
         English                                 Translation              
      1. ALL MADE BUSY                        1: ***************
      2. BRIDGED                              2: ***************
      3. DENIED                               3: ***************
      4. INVALID                              4: ***************
      5. NO MEMBER                            5: ***************
      6. OUT OF SERVICE                       6: ***************
      7. RESTRICTED                           7: ***************
      8. TERMINATED                           8: ***************
      9. TRUNK SEIZED                         9: ***************
     10. VERIFIED                            10: ***************
     11. CDR OVERLOAD                        11: ***************
     12. ANSWERED BY                         12: ***************
     13. CALL FROM                           13: ***************
     14. Skills                              14: ***************
    change display-messages miscellaneous features Page  2 of 6
                                  LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS
         English               Meaning of English term             Translated       
         Term                                                      Term             
     15. TOLL          Toll                                    15: ****
     16. FULL          Full                                    16: ****
     17. NONE          None                                    17: ****
     18. ORIG          Origination                             18: ****
     19. OTWD          Outward                                 19: ****
     20. CALL           This Number                      20: ****
     21. INTL          International                           21: ****
     22. Info          Information                             22: *****
     23. p             Primary                                 23: *
     24. s             Secondary                               24: *
     25. m             Mark                                    25: *
     26. p             Pause                                   26: *
     27. s             Suppress                                27: *
     28. w             Wait For A Specified Time               28: *
     29. W             Wait For Off-Premise Dial Tone          29: * 
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