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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1687 online b ooks,xxii op en system interc onnec t (OSI) mod els,1404op erator assisted c alls,191Op tional Features c ommand s ,1072sc reen,940orig in announc ement, s ee D EFI N I TY EC S Gui d e to ACD Call Centers Outg oing Trunk to Outg oing Trunk Transfer ( OTTO TT),1569 outward restrictions, see Restric tion—Controlled overlap send ing over ISDN,1416overrid ing call restric tions, Automatic Route Selec tion (ARS) ,203 P Pac ket Gateway Board c ommand s ,1068sc reen,859pager, crisis alert,1323 paging,396p arameters, login names,327, 330p artition g roup,204 Partition Route Tab le c ommand s,1068sc reen,860 passwords adding,328ag ing,330 changing,339encryp tion,318PC Console d escrip tion,107 PC Interface,430DCP PC config urations (Group 1),1467description,1466 ISDN-BRI PC c onfiguration,433, 1468security,434, 1469PC OL t r u nk s adding ,358c all d etail rec ording (CDR),360 description,1579restrictions,360Personal CO Line Group sc reen ,861p ersonal lists,1139Per s on al St at i on A c c e ss ( PSA ) description ,1470d etailed information,301setting up,300 telec ommuting,298p ersonalized ringing, see Station screen PGA TE, see Packet Gateway Board screen p hantom extension ,57 phone displays,1511 button assignments,1511c all app earance id entific ation,1513c all p urp ose id entifiers,1514 c alled p arty id entific ation,1514c alling p arty id entific ation,1513enhanced phone d isplays,1515 mapp ing enhanc ed d isp lay c haracters,1540messag e retrieval,1515U .S. Eng l is h t o Eu r op e an,1543 U .S. Eng l is h t o J a p a n es e,1541U .S. Eng l is h t o Ru ss i an,1540U.S. Eng lish to Ukrainian,1545 p hones adding,49alias,54 analog,50, 97associating offic e numb er to home station,309 b usy verification,1200changing,57c ustomizing,56 digital,97d isassociating home stations,309duplicating,53 extension,51feature b utton desc riptions,71inward restric tion overrid es,538 ISDN c all id entific ation d isplays,1408lock functions,1586move using tti,58 multiap p earanc e,1185p ower failure transfer terminals,1337removing,62 swapp ing,57Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI) separation,60 test c alls,1200trunk flash,1574unloc k func tions,1586 upgrading,57using as interc oms,399p hysical security,321 Pic ku p Gr ou p s commands,1068 creating,159sc reen,864p ic kup groups flexible ,162Pic tureTel,249placing c hime p ages on Loud speaker Pag ing ,1427voic e p ages on Loud speaker Pag ing,1426PMS al ar m b u t t on,87 PMS p r i n te r al a r m b ut t o n,87Point-to-Point Protocol data mod ule, see PPP d ata module
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1688 port address,29, 50 p ort network (PN), p referential trunk routing,442posting Bulletin Board messages,13Power Failure Transfer, see emerg ency transfer PPM ,462PPP d at a mo d u l e,420p referential trunk routing , p ort network (PN),442 Prefixed Station Numb ering,1499prefixes, adding,202p reventing toll fraud,319 PRI En d p o in t s ( PE) c ommand s,1069sc reen,865 wid eband switc hing,438p rint messag es button,87p rinting on demand, see phones, feature b utton descriptions Priority Calling p riority c all waiting tones ,1304 types of priority c alling calls,1474priority calling button,88privacy, see Console Parameters sc reen p rivate networks ,1180Proc essor Channel Assig nment for G3r sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connectivity Proc essor Channel Assig nment for G3si sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connectivity p roc essor interface d ata module,420p roc essor/trunk d ata mod ule (P/TDM),420 Prop erty Manag ement System (PMS) Interfac e description,1370Pro s ha r e,249 public networks numb ering p lans,1183signaling administration,1331 Q QSIG Op tional Features sc reen, see System Parameters Customer-Op tions sc reen QSIG, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Net- work Connec tivity q ueue c all b utton,88q ueue time b utton,88q ueues calls ,172hunt groups,1380Rec ord ed Announc ement,1477 warning levels in hunt groups,1380 R R2 multifreq uenc y c omp elled (MFC) sig naling ,1177, 1450Reason Cod e Names sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers rec all rotary d ig it,915Rec orded Announcements,382 b arg e-in c apab ility,387, 1477description,1477q ueues,1477 Rec orded Announcements sc reen, see Announc ements/Audio Sources screen Rec orded Telep hone Dic tation Acc ess, description ,1478redial button,83red irec ting calls ,175c alls to an off-net loc ation,133red irec tion on no answer b utton,87 referral calls,1174release ag ent b utton,88remote off-net call c overag e ,1220p ort security devic es (RPSD),1590Remote Acc ess authorization c od es ,1480barrier codes,1184, 1480commands,1069 description,310, 1479disabling,348disabling permanently,312 enab ling,348extensions,1480nig ht servic e extensions (NSE),1480 sc reen,870security alerts,1479security violation,88 setting up,311Remote Ac c ess Numb ers (RAN),1166 Remote Acc ess Status screen, see Re mo t e Acc ess sc reen remote ad ministration, log ging in ,2 Remote Call Coverag e Tab le commands,1069sc reen,875 removing attend ant console,116log ins,332 trunks g roup s,372trunks to a trunk g roup,371Report Scheduler, see DEFINITY ECS Rep orts
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1689 rep orts ACA Measurements Rep ort ,1175Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR),1223Coverag e Path Measurement Rep ort,1223 Princ ipal Coverag e Measurement Re p or t,1223Security Violations Status,1492 rerouting d enied c alls,39Reset Shift Call,1484restarting temporarily d isabled Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway (ASG) ,335restoring translations, see your maintenance b ook restoring announc ements,385restric ting ac cess to IP trunks,1394 area c od es,193calls,34outgoing calls using Automatic Route Selec- tion (ARS) ,202Restric tion—Controlled , desc ription,1321restric tions on Loud speaker Pag ing ,1428on PCOL trunks,360RHNPA Table c ommand s ,1069sc reen,876ring bac k q ueueing,1171 ring er c utoff,88, 1486ring ing,14883-b urst ringing,1474 alerting,1488assigning,97call appearances,1489 description,1488p referenc es,1446ring typ es,1488 road -warrior ap plication,64, 1130adding,65RONA b utton,87 Route Pattern c ommand s,1070sc reen,877 routing changing,200 incoming DID trunk c alls to attend ant groups,1422incoming FX and CO trunk calls to attend ant groups ,1422Rus si a MF shuttle sig naling,1450 multifreq uency (MF),1177 S saving announc ements ,383translations,16Scheduler, see DEFINITY ECS Rep orts SDDN, see software d efined data networks (SDDN) SDN, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Net- work Connec tivity Second Digit Table commands,1070 sc reen,886sec urity alerts Abbreviated Dialing (AD),92, 1139 Call Detail Rec ord ing (CDR),1232DIOD trunks,357IP trunks,1396 PC Interfac e,1469PC interfac e,434Remote Access,1479 Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI),1561trunks,351Vec tors and VDNs,170, 180 Sec urity Handb ook,1142sec urity violation b utton authorization c od e,73 log in,83remote ac cess,88station sec urity c od e,89 Sec urity Violations Notific ation (SVN),341, 1492description,1491disable login IDs,348 enab le login IDs,348security violation threshold s and notification,1491 Se c ur i t y Vio l at i on s St at u s r e p o r t,1492SVN referral c alls with announcements,1493system rep orting,1492 system security,318sec urity violations, dealing with,348 Sec urity-Related System Parameters commands,1070sc reen,887 seizure sig nals,1582send all c alls button,88servic e c alls, see local information calls servic e marks ,xxiServic e Observing description,1495 ob serving c alls,1496p hone disp lays,1496restric tions,1496 setting up,403trunk calls,1496warning and c onferenc e tones,1497
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1690 servic e observing button,89 Servic e Observing , see observing calls Shared UUI Feature Priorities sc reen, see ISDN Trunk Group sc reen Shortcut d ialing ,210, 1135signal button,89Signaling Group sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connectivity Signaling Group form,224 silent ringing,1488Sing le-Dig it Dialing,1499SIT Treatment for Call Classific ation sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers Site Data c ommand s ,1070sc reen,894slot ad dress, d esc rip tion,29 softp hones,1129software defined d ata networks (SDDN),1144software defined networks (SDN), see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connec tivity Sp a i n Ad ministrab le Lang uag e Displays,1149 Leave Word Calling (LWC),1418MF Esp ana (MFE),1449Multi Frequenc y Esp ana (MFE),1177 p hone disp lays,1511sp eakerp hone p ag ing,396sp ecial c harac ters,407 sp ecial d ial tone,48sp ecial information tones (SIT), see DEFINITY ECS Guide to ACD Call Centers speed dialing, see Abbreviated Dialing (AD) sp lits,1202, 1383stand -alone H.323 ap p lic ation,1131 start-d ial sig nals,1582Sta t io n c ommand s,1071 sc reen,894station hunting,1503, 1506station security codes creating ,302description,1510 violation,89station to station restric tions, see Re st r i c ti o n— Controlled station, add ing ,49stored number button,89stroke b uttons,89 sub sequent c all c overag e red irec tion interval,1213Suite Chec k-in,1377 sup eruser,7supervisor button,73 swap p ing p hones,57 switch c ommunic ation interfac e (SCI) links,1222Synchronization Plan sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connectivity system ad ministration log ging in,1 log ging in remotely,2log ging off,5passwords,1590 system numb er lists,1140System Parameters Call Coverag e / Call For- ward ing commands ,1071sc reen,923System Parameters Country-Op tions commands ,1071sc reen,930System Parameters Crisis Alert commands ,1071sc reen,569System Parameters Customer-Options commands ,1072sc reen,940System Parameters OCM Call Classification sc reen ,960system p arameters, c hang ing,38system p ort d ata module,420 system p rinter alarm b utton,87system p rinter, see DEFINITY ECS Rep ortssystem sec urity,318 aging login passwords,330authorization c od es,1163B C S Pr o d u c t s Se c u r i t y H a n d b o o k,1142 changing login permissions,337changing passwords,339checklist,322 disabling a login ID,348disabling Remote Access,310, 348enabling Remote Access,348 enhanced call transfers (ECT),318History rep ort,318log ins,319 passwords,318p hysic al sec urity,318, 321 securing trunks,318Sec urity Violations Notification (SVN),318, 1491 setting up authorization c od es,344system ad ministration passwords,1590Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI),1561 unauthorized use,1590system-wid e setting s,37
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1691 T T.120 c alls,244 T1 rec ommend ed setting s for DS1 trunks,366TA C , see trunk acc ess c odes TC M , see Traveling Class Marks (TCM) Tec hnical Service Center,317TEG b u t t o n,89 telec ommuter ap p lication,64, 67, 1130telec ommuting,1470Answer Sup ervision,298 Coverag e of Calls Red irec ted Off Net (CCRON),297Personal Station Ac c ess,298 Telecommuting Access c ommand s,1072sc reen,963 telep hone dialing d ata c all p reind ic ation,411DCP data modules,410 one-b utton transfer to d ata,410return-to-voic e,410TEL ESEER,1238, 1240 templates, using to ad d p hones,53temporary bridged appearance,1546Tenant c ommand s ,1072sc reen,964tenant p artitioning,41, 1548 terminal and trunk restrictions,1315Terminal Parameters c ommand s,1072 sc reen,967Terminal Self Ad ministration (TSA) assigning a security code,100 description,100fixing p roblems,102Terminal Translation Initialization (TTI),59, 1558 Terminating Extension Group (TEG) assigning,183 c ommand s,1073description,1563sc reen,971 termination restric tionssee also Restriction—Controlled Tie trunks,361, 1580 time b utton,79time d ivision multip lexing (TDM),1443Time of Day Coverage,1219 c ommand s,1073defining,137sc reen,974 Ti m e o f D a y Ro u t i n g c ommand s,1073description,1565 sc reen,975 time, setting,10 Ti m e - o f - D a y routing,173timer b utton,89 timers, attend ant,1160TOD routing override button,77, 84Toll Analysis commands ,1074sc reen,977toll fraud,317, 1277, 1590 15 tip s to p revent,319potential,1396p revention,1150 Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline,317toll restrictions, see Restric tion—Controlled tones call progress ,1221, 1614c all waiting,1614c onferenc e,1497 p riority c all waiting,1304reset shift d ial tone,1484sp ec ial ring ing,1304 warning,1497total restrictions, see Restric tion—Controlled trac ing calls, see Malic ious Call Trac e (MCT) trac king c alls b y acc ount cod es ,458trad emarks,xxiTransfer,1566 Transfer Up on Hang-up,1566transit network selec tions,1309translations copy protection ,15restoring , see your maintenanc e b ooksaving,14 translations, DEFINITY One saving , DEFINITY One,17transmission and sup ervisory sig naling for trunks and trunk g roup s ,1581Traveling Class Marks (TCM) c all-orig inating fac ilities,1349 c all-terminating fac ilities,1350description,1349ISDN,1415 sec urity measures,1590trunk answer from any station (TAAS),151 trunk flash,81, 1574Trunk Group ad d ing trunks,368 commands,1074malfunc tions,1174nig ht servic e, setting up,155 removing trunk g roups,372removing trunks,371sc reen,980 test c alls,1200
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1692 Trunk Group Ad ministration Call b y Call (CBC) Servic e Selec tion ,1305DS1 Trunk Servic e,1328Facility and Nonfac ility Assoc iated Signaling (FAS and NFAS) ,1342Wi d e b an d Sw it c hi n g,1600trunk g roup nig ht servic e b utton,89 trunk ID b utton,89Trunk to Trunk Transfer,1572trunking facilities,1182 trunks security alert,351turnaround s,1569 trunks and trunk groups,1074, 1576transmission and supervisory signaling,1581 TTI , see Terminal Translation Initialization U uniform c all distrib ution (UCD) b usy verification ,1202test c alls,1200Uniform Dial Plan sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Ad ministration for Network Connectivity Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) assigning shortc ut d ialing ,213United King d om trunk flash,1574universal digital signaling level 1 circuit pack, wideband switching ,438unloc k func tions,1586upgrading phones,57 usag e alloc ation p lans (UAP),1309user defined language displays,1149user-d efined lang uag e Leave Word Calling (LWC) ,1418users nonsup eruser,7 superuser,7 V VDN in a Coverag e Path (VICP), c all coverage,1222Vec tor Direc tory Numb er (VDN),180 Vec tor Routing Tab le sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers Vec tor Routing Tab le, se e D EFI N I TY EC S G ui d e to ACD Call Centers Vec tors and VDNs adding a VDN ,180commands,1056d eleting a step,178 description,180d iagnosing a vec tor p roblem,178inserting a step,177 list of op tions,176manag ing,170messag es,175 p laying an announcement,173q ueueing calls,172red irec ting c alls,175 sc reen,1045sec urity alert,170, 180time-of-d ay routing,173 VDN c ommands,1074viewing VDNs,181VIA S, see Visually Imp aired Attend ant Servic e vid eo conferenc ing ,245view b utton,75visual alerting,1322 Visually Imp aired Attend ant Servic e (VIAS),1162voic e mail sec urity,1590 voic e mailb ox p assword s,1590voic e messag e retrieval, d esc rip tion,1586voic e messag ing systems,1588 voice pag ing over loud sp eakers fixing p roblems,391setting up,389 voice terminals, see phones VuSt at s b u t t on,90VuSt at s D is p l a y For m at sc reen, see DEFINITY ECS Guid e to ACD Call Centers W warning and conferenc e tones,1497WATS trunks adding ,352description,1580whisper paging,91, 398, 1595 Wideband Support Options sc reen,781Wideband Switching ad ministering ,446, 1600ap p lic ations,1600b locking p revention,445, 1612 c hannel alloc ation,436, 1601c hannel servic e unit,439d ata b ackup c onnec tion,440, 1605 d ata servic e unit,439
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1693 Wideband Switching, (continued) description ,435, 1600d irec tion of trunk/hunting within fac ilities,442, 1607 endpoint applications,438, 1602examples,1605fac ility lists,441, 1606 g lare p revention and resolution,445, 1610H0 c hannels,443, 1609H11 channels,1607 H11channels,442H12 channels,443, 1608high-sp eed vid eo c onferencing,1605 ISDN-PRI terminal ad apters,438ISDN-PRI trunk g roup s and channel alloc ation,441 ISDN–PRI trunk g roup s and c hannel alloc ations,1606line-sid e (T1 or E1) fac ility,439 N x DS0 c hannels,444, 1609networking,441nonsig naling c onfig urations,1604 p ort network (PN) p referential trunk routing,1607PRI-endpoints,438 p rimary d ata connec tivity,440scheduled batch processing,440typic al uses,437, 1602 universal d ig ital signaling level 1 c ircuit pack,438wid eband acc ess end point,439 work code button,91world class BRI d ata module,420World Class Tone Detection,1614 X X.25 Ad junc t Data Mod ule sc reen, see Data Mod ule screen X.25 data mod ule ,420
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Index 1694