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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Instructions Manual
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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1267 Call Detail Recording 20 6 (E) Identifies calls that are not recorded because of resource exhaustion. A record with this condition code is generated for calls that are routed to the attendant or calls that require CDR to overwrite records. This also includes ISDN calls that did not complete at the far end, for which the Q.931 message included a cause value. It does not include ISDN calls that receive inband tones. The record includes the time and duration of the outage. 7 (G) Identifies calls served by the AAR or ARS Selection feature. 8 (H) Identifies calls which have been served on a delayed basis via the Ringback Queuing feature. 9 (I) Identifies an incoming or tandem call, or an incoming or tandem NCA-TSC. A Identifies an outgoing call. B Identifies an adjunct-placed outgoing call. C (L) Identifies a conference call. For trunk CDR, a separate call record with this condition code is produced for each incoming or outgoing trunk serving the conference connection. The only extension recorded for a conference call is the conference call originator, provided ITCS and OTCS are disabled. For intraswitch CDR, if the originator is optioned for intraswitch, each time the originator dials a non-trunk party a separate call record is produced with this condition code, provided ITCS is disabled. If the originator is not optioned for intraswitch CDR, a separate record with this condition code is produced for each intraswitch party dialed. E (N) An ineffective call attempt due to facilities not being available, such as all trunks are busy and either no queuing exists or the queue is full on an outgoing call, or the called extension is busy or unassigned for an incoming call attempt. This also means an ISDN Call By Call Service Selection call was unsuccessful because of an administered trunk usage allocation plan. Incoming trunk calls to a busy terminal do not generate a CDR record. F Identifies an ineffective call attempt because of either insufficient calling privileges of the originator (assigned per FRL), ISDN calls rejected by the switch due to an NSF mismatch, or an authorization mismatch which prevents the completion of a data call. G Indicates a call terminating to a ringing station. Table 45. Condition Codes — Continued Condition Codes Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1268 Call Detail Recording 20 If the trunk-group CDR Reports field is set to ring, CDR records the ring time to answer or abandon for incoming calls originated by the trunk group. In addition, CDR indicates if the incoming destination is busy. This record is separate from the normal call duration record printed for an answered call. This information is indicated by the condition code. When an incoming call originated by a trunk group with this option set is terminated to an internal destination, the call is tracked from the time ringing feedback is given to the originator. If the call is answered, a CDR record is printed with the condition code “G” and the duration reflects the time between the start of ringing and the answer of the call. If the call is abandoned before being answered, the system prints a record with the condition code “H” and the duration reflects the time between the start of ringing and the time the call was abandoned. If the destination is busy, a CDR record is printed with the condition code “I” and a duration of 0. nCondition Code overrides If two condition codes apply to the same call, one code overrides the other. The matrix below, Ta b l e 4 6 , defines the overrides. To use this matrix, assume that condition codes 7 and A apply to the same call. To find the condition code that overrides, look at the point of where row 7 intersects column A (or where row A intersects column 7). In this case, condition code 7 overrides. H Indicates that a ringing call has been abandoned. I Indicates a call terminated to a busy station. J Indicates an incoming trunk call that is a new connection using ANF-PR (Additional Network Feature–Path Replacement, see QSIG) or DCS with Rerouting. K Indicates an outgoing trunk call that is a new connection using ANF-PR (Additional Network Feature–Path Replacement, see QSIG) or DCS with Rerouting. Table 45. Condition Codes — Continued Condition Codes Description Continued on next page

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1269 Call Detail Recording 20 Table 46. Condition Code Override Matrix CONDITION CODE 0146789ABCEFJK 0N A0460N AN AN ABCN AN AN AN A 10 N A461N A91BCEN AJK 444N A6444444N AN AJK 6666N A6666666666 70146N A797BCEFJ K 8N AN A467N AN A8BCEN AN AK 9N A9469N AN AN AN ACE F N AN A AN A14678N AN ABCE F N AN A BBB4 6 BBN ABN ABE F N AK CCC4 6 CCCCBN AN AN AJK EN AEN A6 EEEEEN AN AN AEE FN AN AN A6FN AFFFN AN AN AFF JN AJJ6JN AN AN AN AJEFN AN A KN AKK6 KKN AN AN AKE F N AN A

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1270 Call Detail Recording 20 nDate You can include the date in customized records only. The format is based on the value of the CDR Date Format field on the CDR System Parameters form. nDialed Number (dialed-num) — up to 23 digits This field contains the number dialed. If it is an outgoing call, the field contains the number dialed by a system user. If it is an incoming call, the field contains the extension that was dialed (or implied, as in Dialed Number Identification System). If more than 18 digits are dialed, the least significant digits (starting from the right) are truncated. If CDR Privacy is active for the calling number and this is an outgoing call, the trailing digits of the dialed number are blank in the call record. If more than 18 digits are dialed, the system truncates the dialed number to 18 digits, then blanks the administered number of digits. For an outgoing (or originating) NCA-TSC or tandem NCA-TSC, this field contains the dialed digits used to establish a route to a far-end switch. It contains the extension of the local extension used as the NCA-TSC endpoint when it is for a terminating NCA-TSC. For an unsuccessful NCA-TSC, this field is blank. The # sign (or E for some formats) may appear in this field in the following cases for both ARS and TAC calls. — When the user dials # at the end of digit dialing — If an outgoing call experiences an interdigit-timeout interaction with the ARS Analysis table — When a user dials a TAC for a Look Ahead Interflow (LAI). For example: A successful LAI to 1001 where 1001 is the remote VDN extension will yield 1001E or 1001# in the Dialed Number field. The # or E is used by the vector processing software to indicate the end of dialing. You can eliminate the # or E as the last digit of the CDR record using the CDR System Parameters form. nDuration (duration or sec-dur) — 4 digits This is the duration of the call, recorded in hours (0–9), minutes (00–59), and to tenths of minutes (0–9). Calls are rounded down in 6-second increments. Therefore, a call of 5-second duration will be indicated as 0 duration. If 9999 appears in this field, this call was in progress when a time change was made in the switch. You can use the customized record format to have the duration reported in hours/minutes/seconds. This field is called sec_dur.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1271 Call Detail Recording 20 nFeature Flag (feat-flag) — 1 digit The feature flag indicates whether a call received network answer supervision, and if the call was interworked in the network. The call duration starts at the point of receiving the network answer. You can administer the feature flag (on the CDR System Parameters form) to reflect whether an outgoing ISDN call was reported as interworked by the network. — A 0 in this field indicates a voice call without network answer supervision, or NCA-TSC not established. — A 1 in this field indicates a data call without network answer supervision. — A 2 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer supervision, but interworked. — A 3 in this field indicates a data call with network answer supervision, but interworked. — A 4 in this field indicates a voice call with network answer supervision. — A 5 in this field indicates a data call with network answer supervision. If the feature flag indicates that the call received network answer supervision, then the time of answer is accurate, and the recorded duration is also accurate. If a call does not receive network answer supervision, or receives answer supervision but is interworked with non-ISDN trunks, the time of answer is not necessarily accurate. Therefore the recorded duration for these calls may also not be entirely accurate. Calls are considered data calls if they use a conversion resource (such as a modem) and/or originate or terminate on a data module. nFormat Code — 2 digits This field contains 2 values: 00 is no PPM; 03 denotes a PPM count in the digits record. nFRL — 1 digit FRLs, numbered 0–7, are associated with the AAR and ARS features and define calling privileges. The information contained in this field is as follows: — If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is not used to make the call, this field contains the originating telephone user’s FRL.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1272 Call Detail Recording 20 — If the call is an outgoing call and an authorization code is used to make the call, this field contains the FRL associated with the dialed authorization code. — If the call is an incoming or tandem call, this field contains the FRL assigned to the incoming trunk group. — If the call is an incoming tandem tie trunk call, this field contains either the FRL assigned to the tandem tie trunk or the raveling class mark (TCM) sent with the tandem tie trunk call, depending on which was used to complete the call. On ISDN calls, this field always contains the TCM, if it was received. You can administer CDR so that disconnect information appears in this field in place of the FRL. If you do this, for trunk CDR, the following disconnect information appears: For intraswitch CDR, the following call disconnect data appears in this field in place of the FRL data: nIncoming Circuit Identification (in-crt-id) — 3 digits This field contains the member number of a trunk within a trunk group used for an incoming call. For outgoing calls, this field is blank. Tandem calls contain both incoming and outgoing circuit id-numbers. The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer and 59-character formats, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For example, the circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you want to change this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the Modified Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters form. nIncoming TAC (in-trk-code) — 4 digits This field contains the access code of the incoming trunk group. Data Meaning 0 Cannot determine who dropped first 1 Switch party dropped first 2 CO dropped first 3 Maintenance seized the trunk Data Meaning 0 Cannot determine who dropped first 1 Calling number dropped first 2 Dialed number dropped first

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1273 Call Detail Recording 20 nINS (3 digits) This field specifies the ISDN Network Service requested for a call. This field applies only to ISDN calls. Each Network Specific Facility has a corresponding INS value, shown in Table 47 . This field also appears as ISDN NSV (Network Service Value). nISDN CC The call charge supplied by the ISDN advice of charge function (see ‘‘ Receiving call-charge information’’ on page 460). nISDN NSV See INS. nIXC Code — Non-ISDN Formats — 1 digit hexadecimal Interexchange Carrier (IXC) codes,1–F hexadecimal, indicate the carrier used on the call. This information is sent to the CDR output device in ASCII code as a hexadecimal representation (for example, ASCII “F” equals “15”). Table 47. Network Specific Facility to INS Mapping Network Specific Facility INS Value OUTWATS Band 0 OUTWATS Band 1–25533 34–288 Network Operator 324 Presubscribed Common Carrier Operator 325 Software Defined Network (SDN) 352 MEGACOM 800 353 MEGACOM 354 INWATS 355 Maximum Banded WATS 356 ACCUNET Digital Service 357 AT&T Long Distance Service 358 International 800 359 Multiquest 367

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1274 Call Detail Recording 20 Users must dial an IXC access number to access a specific common carrier for a call. In the US, this number is in the form 10XXX, 950 — 1XXX, or any 8–11 digit number. The IXC access numbers applicable at a given location are associated with an IXC code on the Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes form. When ARS is used, and a route pattern inserts one of the administered IXC codes, the report contains the associated IXC code. If no IXC access number is used, or the carrier is selected at the CO, the report contains a 0. — ISDN formats — 3 or 4 digits With an ISDN record format, this field is a 3 or 4-digit field that identifies the actual IXC used on an ISDN call. This information is determined from the route pattern administration. For AAR and ARS calls, the 3-digit IXC value is administered in the route pattern for all ISDN calls. If a user dials an IXC code with a 10XXX format as administered on the Inter-Exchange Carrier Codes form, the CDR record contains only the last 3 digits (4 for Enhanced). If a user dials a 7-digit IXC code, this field contains a 0. nLine Feed — 1 character The ASCII line feed character follows a carriage return to terminate CDR records. nMA-UUI — 1 digit Message Associated User-to-User Signaling shows the number of ISDN messages containing user data sent on an outgoing call. Data in this field can range from 0 to 9. nNode Number (node-num) — 2 digits This field identifies the DCS node number of a switch within a DCS arrangement. The number output is the same as the node number on the Dial Plan form (the local id). nNull — 1 character The NULL is used to terminate and divide CDR Records (usually in triplets) when needed by the receiving adjunct. nOutgoing Circuit Identification (out-crt-id) — 3 digits For outgoing calls, this field contains the member number of the trunk within a trunk group used. This field is blank for incoming calls. Tandem calls include both incoming and outgoing circuit id numbers. For outgoing and tandem NCA-TSCs, this field contains the signaling group used to carry the NCA-TSC.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1275 Call Detail Recording 20 The format of this field varies from record to record. For printer, Teleseer and 59-character formats, and the ISDN and enhanced forms of those records, the numbers appear inverted on the record. For example, the circuit ID 123 appears as 231 (tens, units, hundreds). If you want to change this to appear in hundreds, tens, units format (123), use the Modified Circuit ID Display field on the CDR System Parameters form. nPacket Count (tsc_ct) — 4 digits For ISDN TSCs, this field contains the number of ISDN-PRI USER INFO messages sent, received, or (for tandem TSCs) passing through the switch. nPPM Periodic Pulse Metering (PPM) contains pulse counts transmitted over the trunk line from the serving CO. These are used to determine call charges. nResource Flag (res_flag) — 1 digit Indicates whether the call was circuit switched or packet switched, whether a conversion resource was used, or if the call involved a MASI terminal or trunk. — 0 — circuit switched, no conversion device used — 1 — packet switched, no conversion device used — 2 — circuit switched, conversion device used — 3 — packet switched, conversion device used —8 — MASI call nSec-dur For customized records only, this field allows you to set the duration field to display seconds instead of tenths of minutes. nSpace — up to 40 characters The ASCII space character separates other CDR fields or fills unused record locations. nTSC-Count (tsc_ct) This is the customized name for Packet Count. See Packet Count. nTSC Flag (tsc_flag) — 1 digit This field describes call records that pertain to temporary signalling connections. When not equal to 0, this field will indicate the status of the TSC. Ta b l e 4 8 presents the TSC Flag encoding.

DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 Administrator’s Guide 555-233-506 Issue 1.1 June 2000 Features and technical reference 1276 Call Detail Recording 20 Table 48. Encoding for TSC Flag Encoding Meaning 0 Circuit-switched call without TSC requests 1–3 Reserved 4 Call Associated TSC requested and accepted in response to SETUP, no congestion control (applicable to originating node). Call Associated TSC received and accepted via SETUP, no congestion control (applicable to terminating node). 5 Call Associated TSC received and accepted via SETUP, congestion control (applicable to terminating node). 6 Call Associated TSC requested, accepted after SETUP, no congestion control (applicable to originating node). Call Associated TSC received and accepted after SETUP, no congestion control (applicable to terminating node). 7 Call Associated TSC received and accepted after SETUP, congestion control (applicable to terminating node). 8 Call Associated TSC requested, rejected (rejection came from outside the local switch). 9 Call Associated TSC requested, rejected (rejection came from the local switch, that is, lack of resource). A Non Call Associated TSC received, accepted, no congestion control (applicable to terminating node). Non Call Associated TSC received, accepted, no congestion control (applicable to terminating node). B Non Call Associated TSC requested, accepted, congestion control (applicable to originating node). Non Call Associated TSC received, accepted, congestion control (applicable to terminating node). C Non Call Associated TSC requested, rejected (rejection came from outside the local switch). D Non Call Associated TSC requested, rejected (rejection came from the local switch, that is, lack of resource). E Reserved for future use. F Reserved for future use. Continued on next page