Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4)Use the FF4 program addresses in this chapter to set up trunk-to-extension ringing, hunt groups and call coverage groups. lThe DBS supports up to 8 hunt groups and 16 call coverage groups (all versions). lEach hunt group can have up to 8 extensions (all CPC-A versions; CPC- All/B prior to 6.0) or 16 extensions (CPC-AII/B 6.0 or higher). lEach call coverage group can have up to 8 extensions (all versions). This chapter covers the following addresses: FF4 AddressFF4 l# (ExtPort)# (Trk)# (O/l)#FF4 I# (HuntGrp)# (Trk)# (O/l)#FF4 2# (ExtPort)# (Trk)# (O/M IFF4 2# (HuntGrp)# (Trk)# (O/l)#FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# l# (ExtNo.)#FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# l# (O/l)#FF4 3# (Hunffirp)# 2# (O-2)#FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 2# (HuntGrp)# IFF4 3# (Hu~Q)# (520)# (ExtNo.)#FF4 3# (Hunffirp)# (3-lO)# (ExtNo.)# Topic CO Day Ring Assignments Page 4-3 CO Day Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups4-4 CO Night Ring Assignments4-S- CO Night Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups I 14-6 Hunt Group Pilot Numbers (CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher)4-7 %%nal/CircuIar Hunt Groups(CPC-A; CPCB prior to 2.0)4-9 Hunt ‘Group Type(CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher)4-11 Call Next Hunt Group(CFC-A; CPC-B prior to 2.0) Hunt Group Members(CPC-A; CPC-B prior to 2.0) Transfer Extension(CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher) 4-13 4-14 4-15 Hunt Group Transfer Timer Hunt Group Members(CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher) (CFC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher) I4- 16 14-17 FF4 4# (COVGQ)# (I-8)# (ExtNo.)# Call Coverage Group Members14-18 IFF4 5# (ExtPort)# (Trk)# (O/I)# IFF4 5# (HuntGrp)# (Trk)# (O/l)# IFF4 6# (ExtPort)# (Trk)N (O/l)#FF4 6# (HuntGrp)# (Trk)# (O/l)# CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments (CPC-AII; CPC-B 1.074-20 or higher) CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups 4-21 (CPC-Au; CPC-B 2.0 or higha) CO Delayed Night Ring Assignments(CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.04-22 or higher) CO Delayed Night Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups (CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher) 4-23 FF4 7# (ExtFoW (ExtFoW (Wl)#Extension Ring Table(CPC-AU; WC-B 2.0 or higher)4-25 FF4 8# (ExtForW (ExtPorW (o/l)#Extension Delayed Ring Table (CPC-AII; CPC-B 2.0 or higher) 4-26FF4 9# I# (ExtForW (TW WYCO Night 2 Ring Assignments(CPC-AIM3 7.0 or higher)4-27FF4 9# I# (HuntGQ)# (Trk)d (O/W CO Night 2 Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups(CPC-AIlf 4-28 B 7.0 or higher) IFF4 9# 2# (ExtPort)# (Trk)# (OA)# IFF4 9# 2# (HuntGrp)# (Trk)# (O/l)# CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments (CPC-AWB 7.0 or4-29 higher) CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups4-30 ICPC-AWB 7.0 or hisher DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued W/95Page 4-l

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) CO Day Ring Assignments Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FF4 I# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# (0 or I)# DescriptionThis program determines which extension(s) will receive incoming calls on a particular trunk when the DBS system is in “Day” mode. Programming IFF4 I# (I-73 or l-14!5)# (1-64)# (0 or I)# ff t Extension PortTrunk NumberO=Thnk does not ring. l=Trunk rings. NOTE:Use port 73 (in single-cabinet systems) or port 145 (in double- cabinet systems) to assign ringing to an external paging or Universal Night Answer (UNA) device. NotesDefault Ring Assi@ments to Attendznt Phone.All trunks are set by default to ring on ports 1 and 2 (the Primary and Second Attendants). Routing of Trunks Wh No Ring Assignments.If a trunk is not assigned to ring a specific extension, it will still ring the Attendant phone. DES-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 4-3

Chapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4)Section 400-Programming _’ . CO Day Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups Software Version:CPC-All (all versions); CPC-B Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FF4 I# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or I)# DescriptionThis program determines which hunt group will receive incoming calls on a particular trunk when the DBS system is in “Day” mode. Programming IFF4 I# (79-86 or 151~158)# (1-64)# (0 or I)# ff t Hunt Groups 1 thru 8:Trunk No.O=Trunk does not ring. l=Trunk rings.CPC-AI1 or CPC-B 79-or-15 1forHuntGroup1 80-or-152forHuntGroup2 81-or-153forHuntGroup3 82-or-154forHuntGroup4 83-or-155forHuntGroup5 84-or-156forHuntGroup6 85-or-157forHuntGroup7 86-or-158forHuntGroun8 Related ProgrammingHunt Group No Answer Timer: FFl 3# 28# (O-l 5)# Hunt Group Pilot Numbers:FF4 3# (l-8)# l# (1 l-69 or lOl-699)#Hunt Group Type: FF4 3# (l-8)## 2# (0-2)#Transfer Extension: FF4 3# (l-8)# 3# (lo-69 or lOO-699)#Hunt Group Transfer Timer: FF4 3# (l-8)# 4## (0-32)#Hunt Group Members: FF4 3# (l-8)# (5-12/20)# (100-699)##Page 4-4 :-DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) CO Night Ring Assignments Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FF4 2# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which extension(s) will receive incoming calls on a particular trunk when the DBS system is in “Night” mode. ProgrammingFF4 2# (l-73 or l-145)# (l-64)# (0 or l)# 7f+ Extension Port Trunk NumberO=Trunk does not ring. l=Trunk rings. Note: Use port 73 (for single-cabinet systems) or 145 (for double- cabinet systems) to assign ringing to an external paging or Universal Night Answer (UNA) device. NotesDefault Attendant Ring Assignments.All trunks are set to ring on ports 1 and 2 (the Primary and Second Attendants) by default. Routing of Tninks With No Ring Assignments.If a trunk is not assigned to ring a specific extension, it will still ring the -4ttendant phone. Night Mode.Beginning with CPC-AH/B Version 7.0, there are two separate Night modes --“Night” and “Night 2”.This address controls “Night” ring assignments (see FF4 9# l# for “Night 2” ring assignments). DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 4-5

Chapter 4. Ringing and Hunt tiroups (FF4)Section 400-Programming CO Night Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups SoftwareVersion:CPC-AII (all versions); CPC-8 Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FF4 2# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis program determines which hunt group will receive incoming calls on a particular trunk when the DBS system is in “Night” mode. Program.mingIFF4 2# (79-86 or 151~158)# (l-64)# (0 or I)# ff f Hunt Groups 1 thru 8:Trunk No.&Trunk does not ring. CIPC-ATTorCPC3-Bl=Trunk rings. 79-or-151forHuntGroup1 80-or-152forHuntGroup2 8 1-or-153forHuntGroup3 82-or-154forHuntGroup4 83-or-155forHuntGroup5 84-or-156forHuntGroup6 85 -or-157forHuntGroup7 86-or-158forHuntGroun8 Related Programming Hunt Group No Answer Timer:FF 1 3# 28# (0- 15)# Hunt Group Pilot Numbers:FF4 3# (l-8)# l# (ll-690r lOl-699)##Hunt Group Type: FF4’3# (l-8)# 2# (0-2)#Transfer Extension: FF4 3# (l-8)++ 3# (lo-69 or lOO-699)#Hunt Group Transfer Timer: FF4 3# (l-8)# 4# (0-32)## Hunt Group Members:FF4 3# (l-8)# (5-12/20)# (lo-69 or lOO-699)# NotesNight Mode.In CPC-AII/B Version 7.0 and higher, two separate Night modes are available -- “Night” and “Night 2”. This address controls Night ring assignments (see FF4 9# l# for “Night 2” ring assignments). Page 4-6 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) Hunt Group Pilot Numbers Software Version:CPC-All (all versions); CPC-B Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 1# (11-69 or lOl-699)# DescriptionUse this program to assign a “pilot” extension number to a hunt group. This “pilot” number can be dialed from any intercom phone to reach the hunt group. An example is dialing “500” to reach a Voice Mail hunt group. Each hunt group must have a pilot number assigned to it in order for the hunt group application to work --including ring assignments to hunt groups, call transfers to hunt groups, etc. Note: This address requires an extension numbed entry, rather than an extension port entry.In fact, the hunt group pilot number cannot also be assigned to an extension port (double-check the Extension Numbers address F’F3 ExtPort# l# ExtNumber#). Programming To assign a Hunt Group Pilot Number . . .FF4 3# (198)# I# (11-69 or 10%699)# $+ Hunt Group No.Pilot Extension Number (can’t be Primary Attendant extension number 10 or 100) To clear a Pilot Number . . .FF4 3# (l-8)# l# CONF ON/OFF + Hunt Group No. Related ProgrammingHunt Group No Answer Timer: FFl 3# 28# (0-15)#Extension Numbers: FF3 (ExtRort)# l# (ExtNo.)# CO Day Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 l# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# CO Night Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 2# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/?/95Page 4-7

Chapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4)Section 400-Programming Hunt Group Type:FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 2# (0-2)#Transfer Extension: FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 3#. (ExtNo.)# Hunt Group Members: FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# (Position)# (ExtNo.)## CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 5# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# CO Delayed Night Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 6# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l)# CO Night 2 Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 9# l# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# (0 or l># CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments For Hunt Groups:FF4 9# 2# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)++ (0 or l)# Page 4-8 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4) Terminal/Circular Hunt Groups Software Version:CPC-A; CPC-B Versions prior to 2.0Address: FF4 3## (HuntGrp)# 1# (0 or l)# DescriptionA maximum of 8 extensions can be put in each of 8 hunt groups. Each hunt group can be designated as a “terminal type” or “circular type”. Terminal Hunt Group Operation The call must be transferred or a trunk set to ring at the first extension in the group in order for the Terminal Hunt feature to work. If the first extension in the hunt group is busy, an incoming call will automatically access the next extension of the group. If all the extensions in the group are busy, an internal caller (from another extension -- either intercom or transferred trunk call) will hear busy tone. A direct (non- transferred) trunk caller will hear ring tone. If additional feature options are chosen, the search will continue with an additional hunt group(s). To use the first extension position (analog) as a pilot position, place a 2-watt, 450-Ohm resistor across Tip and Ring. This will make the port busy, and ’ allow it to be used as a pilot number for the remaining extensions in the group. However, direct calls to other members in the hunt group (if busy) will not hunt within the group; instead, the caller will hear a busy signal. Circular Hunt Group Operation Circular Hunting is performed when a called extension in the group is busy. (Unanswered calls will not hunt, but will instead ring the extension until the Call Forward-No Answer Timer expires. The call will then revert to the Attendant phone.) The call can be either direct or transferred. No pilot number is provided for this type of hunting. The hunting will follow the next available (idle) member in the hunt group, skipping over busy extensions, until the last member of the hunt group is reached. The call will then go to the first member, then to the first extension position that was busy in the first go-around. This circular hunting will continue until the call has been presented at all extensions in the hunt group. If the call still hasn’t been answered, it will overflow into the next assigned hunt group (or the caller will get a busy signal, if no Transfer Extension is assigned to the hunt group). During Circular Hunting in a hunt group, if all the member extensions are busy, an internal caller (from another extension -- either intercom or transferred trunk call) will hear busy tone. A direct (non-transferred) trunk caller will hear ring tone. If additional feature options are chosen, the search will continue with an additional hunt group(s). DES-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95 .Page 4-9

Chapter 4. Ringing and Hunt Groups (FF4)Section 400-Programming Programming IFF4 3# (198)# I# (0 or l)# ++ Hunt Group No.O=Terminal Hunting l=Circular Hunting Related Programming Offhook Signal: FF3 (ExtPort)## 7# (0 or l)# NotesSetting Hunt Group Types in Later CPC Versions.Set hunt group types for CPC-AIT versions, and for CPC-B Version 2.0 or higher, in FF4 3# (HuntGrp)# 2# (0-2)#. Hunt Group Membership Restriction. An extension can be a member of only one hunt group. Hunt group extensions cannot also belong to call coverage groups. . Absence Message, Call Forwarding, and DND Interaction.If a call enters a hunt group in which all extensionsare busy, the hunt feature will wait for the first available extension. If an extension within the hunt group (except for the first extension) is set for Call Forwarding, Absence Message, or DND, the hunt feature will skip that extension and proceed to the next position in the hunt group. If the first extension is set for Call Forwarding, Absence LMessage or DND, the hunting feature will not work. Call Routing When All Hunt Groups Are Busy.If all members of all searched hunt groups are busy, the call will be parked for only the first group searched. SLT Call Hold Restriction.If an SLT hunt group member takes a trunk call, puts it on hold, and replaces the handset, additional trunk calls will not hunt to idle extensions. Offook Signal Setting for Hunt Group Members.Offhook signaling should be disabled on extensions that are hunt group members. Page 4-l 0DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400