Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Chapter 1. System Programming (FF1)Section 400-Programming Voice Mail Busy Tone Software Version: All-VersionsAddress: FFl 2# 1# 21# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis address determines what is sent to a voice-mail uort at the conclusion ofL a call -- either silence or a busy tone. By default, the DBS sends silence. Programming I FFl 2# l# 21# (0 or l)# O=Silence. 1 =B usy tone. Related Programming API/AEC Slot Assignment: FF1 2# l# 20# (2-18)# Page l-26DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400 .

Section 400-Programming Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Analog Transfer Ring Pattern Software Version:CPC-A Only (Version 3.21 or higher)Address: FFl 2# l# 22# (O-6)# DescriptionThis address determines which ringing pattern is used for transferred calls to devices connected to analog extension ports. By default, the ringing pattern is .4 seconds on 13.6 seconds off. This setting is typically used to assign specific ringing patterns for calls transferred to a modem, or for SLTs that require distinctive ringing for transferred calls. Programming FFl 2# l# 22# (O-6)# fSetting (in seconds): O=.4on/ 3.6 off l=.8onI .2 off /.8 on /.2 off / .8on/.2off/1off 2=.8on/ .2 off /.8 on /2.2 off 3=.8on12.2 off 4=.8on13.2 off 5=.8on/ 5.2 off 6=.8on13.2 off/ .8 on/ 7.2 off NotesAnalog Transfer Ring Pattern Setting for CPC-AN and CPC-B.TheAnalog Transfer Ping Pattern for CPC-AI1 (all versions) and CPC-B (Version 2.11 orhigher)issetinFFl 2# 1#31#. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95.Page l-27

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Attendant Overflow for Primary Attendant Software Version:CPC-B Version 1 .O onlyAddress: FFl 2# l# 22# (l-15)# DescriptionThis address determines the maximum number of trunk calls that can be stacked at the Primary Attendant phone. By default, up to 8 calls can be stacked at a time. Calls exceeding the set limit are automatically transferred to other extensions. To determine which extensions receive ovefflow trunk calls, use the Day and Night Delayed Ring tables (FF4 5#, FF4 6#, and FF4 9# 2#). The following types of calls can be stacked at the Primary Attendant: l Incoming trunk calls. l Hold recalls. l Transferred recalls. l Hunt group recalls. l Call reversions. Programming FFl 2# I# 22# (l-15)# f Number of Calls That Can Be Stacked (default: 8) Related ProgrammingAttendant Hold Recall Timer: FFl 3# 2# (0-12)# Extension Hold Recall Timer: FFl 3# 3# (0-12)# Attendant Transfer Recall Timer: FFl 3# 4# (0-12)# Extension Transfer Recall Timer: FFl 3# 5# (0-12)# Attendant Hunt Group Recall Timer: FFl 3# 6# (0- 12)#Extension Hunt Group Recall Timer: FFl 3# 7# (0-12)#Attendant Call Reversion Timer: FFl 3# lO# (0-12)# NotesOverflow Intercom Calls. Intercom calls will automatically ovefflow to the Alternate Attendant, if enabled in FFl 2# I# 13#. Page 1-28DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Delayed Ring Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.0 or higher Address:FFl 2# l# 23# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis address determines if delayed ringing is allowed for CO trunks. By default, delayed ringing is disabled. Delayed ringing is an automatic transfer of unanswered calls -- if an incoming call is not answered at one extension, the system will send the call to another extension (the first extension will cease ringing). Programming O=Delayed ringing is disabled. l=Delayed ringing is enabled. Related Programming CO Delayed Ring Timer (CPC-AI1 and CPC-B Ver 3.1 or higher):FFl 3# 26# (O-15)# CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments: FF4 5# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# CO Delayed Day Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups:FF4 5# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)# CO Delayed Night 1 Ring Assignments : FF4 6# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# CO Delayed Night 1 Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups:FF4 6# (HuntGrp)# (Trunk)#CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments: FF4 9# 2# (ExtPort)# (Trunk)# CO Delayed Night 2 Ring Assignments for Hunt Groups: FF4 9# 2# (Hun tGrp)# (Trunk)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-29

Chapter I. System Programming (FFI)Section 400-Programming AEC Disconnect Signal Duration Software Version:CPC-A Version 3.3 or higherAddress: FFl 2# l# 23# (0115)# DescriptionUse this address to set the AEC card (VB-43621A) to provide a positive disconnect signal, and determine the duration of the signal. By default, the disconnect signal is not sent. If set, analog extension ports will provide a disconnect signal (open loop) upon hangup. Sending this signal allows quick disconnect from third-party voice mail systems. Programming FFI 2# l# 23# (0-15)# t O=No disconnect signal. l=lOO ms signal will be sent. 2=200 ms signal will be sent. 3=300 ms signal will be sent. 4=400 ms signal will be sent. 5=500 ms signal will be sent. 6=600 ms signal will be sent. 7=700 ms signal will be sent. 8=800 ms signal will be sent. 9=900 ms signal will be sent. lO=l-second signal will be sent. 1 l=lS-second signal will be sent. 12=2-second signal will be sent. 13=2.5-second signal will be sent. 14=3-second signal will be sent. 15=3.5-second signal will be sent. Related Programming AEC Disconnect (CPC-A 3.3 or higher): FF3 (ExtPort)# 35# (0 or l)# AEC Disconnect (CPC-AIIB 5.0 or higher): FF3 (ExtPort)# 46# (0 or l)# NotesAEC Disconnect Signal Duration for CPC-B Versions.For CPC-B Version 5.0 and higher, the AEC Disconnect Signal Duration is set in FF12# l# 35#.Page l-30 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-Programming Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Second Attendant Position Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.0 or higher Address:FFI 2# I# 24# (11-69 or 10%699)#Description This address assigns an extension number as the Second Attendant position. By default, the Second Attendant position is extension 101. When all line appearances at the Primary Attendant are busy, calls will transfer in sequence to the Second. Third, and Fourth Attendants. If all line appearances are busy on all Attendants, calls will transfer to the Attendant Transfer Extension (if assigned).Programming To assign a Second Attendant position . . . FFl 2# 1# 24# (11-69 or 101 to699)# +Extension Number (default: 11 or 101) To clear the Second Attendant position . . . FFl 2# 1# 24# CONF ON/OFF Related Programming Extension Number Digits:FFl 2# I# 12# (0 or l).##Third Attendant Position: FFl 2# 1# 2% (11-69 or lOl-699)#Fourth Attendant Position: FFl 2# l# 26# (1 l-69 or IO 1-699)#Attendant Transfer Extension: FFl 2# l# 27# (1 l-69 or lOl-699)# Extension Numbers (assigning to ports): FF3 (ExtPortj# l# (ExtNo.)# NotesProgramming Restrictions.A telephone must be plugged into the Second Attendant port before its extension number can be programmed or cleared. Also, use another phone to program or clear its extension number (e.g., you can’t use ext. 101’s phone to program ext. 101 as the Second Attendant position). Limitations on Assigning Attendant Phones.It is recommended that you leave the Second Attendant at the default assignment (extension 11 or lOl>, so that a DSS/BLF console can be used. System default for the Primary Attendant phone is extension 10 or 100, assigned to port 1 -- and Primary Attendant assignments cannot be changed. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-31

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Third Attendant Position Sofhuare Version:CPC-Ail (all versions) and CPC-8 Version 2.0 or higher Address:FFl 2# l# 25# (11-69 or 101-699)# DescriptionThis address assigns an extension number as the Third Attendant position. By default, no extension is assigned as the Third Attendant. When all line appearances at the Primary Attendant are busy, calls will transfer in sequence to the Second, Third, and Fourth attendants. If all line appearances are busy on all Attendants, calls will transfer to the Attendant Transfer Extension (if assigned). Programming To assign a Third Attendant position . . . FFl 2# 1# 25# (11-69 or 101 to 699)# t Extension Number (default: no Third Attendant assigned) To clear the Third Attendant position . . . FFl 2# l# 25# CONF ON/OFF Related Programming Extension Number Digits:FFl 2# l# 12# (0 or l)## Second Attendant Position: FF 1 2# l# 24# (1 l-69 or lOl-699)# Fourth Attendant Position: FFl 2#, l# 26# (11-69 or lOl-699)#Attendant Transfer Extension: FFI 2# l# 27# (11-69 or lOl-699)# Extension Numbers (assigning to ports): FF3 (ExtPort)# l# (ExtNo.)# NotesProgramming Restrictions.A telephone must be plugged into the Third Attendant port before its extension number can be programmed or cleared. Also, use another phone to program or clear its extension number (e.g., you can’t use ext. 102’s phone to program ext. 102 as the Third Attendant I position). Limitation on Assigning the Third Attendant.The DBS system wili not allow you to assign extension 10 or 100 as the Third Attendant position. This is the system default for the Primary Attendant phone, which cannot be changed. Page 1-32DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Fourth Attendant Position Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.0 or higher Address:FFl 2# 1# 26# (11-69 or 10%699)# DescriptionThis address assigns an extension number as the Fourth Attendant position. By default, no extension is assigned as the Fourth Attendant. When all line appearances at the Primary Attendant are busy, calls will transfer in sequence to the Second, Third, and Fourth Attendants. If all line appearances are busy on all Attendants, calls will transfer to the Attendant Transfer Extension (if assigned). Programming To assign a Fourth Attendant position . . . FFl 2# I# 26# (11-69 or 101 to 699)# fExtension Number (default: no Fourth Attendant assigned) To clear the Fourth Attendant position . . . FFl 2# l# 26# CONF ON/OFF Related Programming Extension Number Digits:FFl 2# l# 12# (0 or l)#Second Attendant Position: FFl 2# 1# 24## (1 l-69 or lOl-699)#Third Attendant Position: FFl 2# l# 25# (11-69 or 101-699)#Attendant Transfer Extension: FFl 2# l# 27# (11-69 or lOl-699)# Extension Numbers (assigning to ports): FF3 (ExtPort)# l# (ExtNo.)# NotesProgramming Restrictions.A telephone must be plugged into the Fourth Attendant port before its extension number can be programmed or cleared. Also, use another phone to program or clear its extension number (e.g., you can’t use ext. 103’s phone to program ext. 103 as the Fourth Attendant position). Limitation on Assigning the Fourth Attendant.The DBS system will not allow you to assign extension 10 or 100 as the Fourth Attendant position. This is the system default for the Primary Attendant phone, which cannot be changed. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-33

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFI)Section 400-Programming Attendant Transfer Extension Sofhnrare Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.09 or higher Address:FFl 2# 1# 27# (11-69 or lOl-699)# DescriptionIf all line appearances are busy on all Attendants (Primary, Second, Third and Fourth), calls will transfer to the extension assigned in this address. Programming To assign an Attendant Transfer Extension . . . FFl 2# l# 27# (11-69 or 10%699)# t Extension Number (default: no Transfer Extension assigned) To clear the Attendant Tra.nsfer Extension . . . IFFl 2# I# 27# CONF ON/OFFI NotesPilot Number Restriction. The overflow position must be an installed extension --it cannot be a hunt group pilot number. Page 1-34DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFi jAttendant Override Software Version:CPC-Ail (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.09 or higher Address:FFl 2# l# 28# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this address to enable or disable the Attendant Override feature. which allows an Attendant phone to “barge into” a trunk or intercom call in progress on any extension -- even if the extension has been programmed to block barge-ins. By default, Attendant Override is enabled. When a barge-in occurs, all three parties can hear and talk to each other. Programming FFl 2# l# 28# (0 or l)# O=Disables Attendant Override. l=Enables Attendant Override. Related Programmingklert Tone for Busy Override & OHVA: FFl 2# l# 178 (0 or l)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-35 .