Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Chapter 1. system rrogrammlng (I-Fl)Section 400-ProgrammingDoor Opener Access Code Software Version: CPC-Ail and CPC-B, Version 7.0 or higher Address: FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 3# (OOOO-9999)# DescriptionUse this address to establish a 4-digit door opener access code that can be entered on any extension phone to unlock the door. This applies to door phones connected to digital extension ports only (not trunk ports). NOTE:To require the use of the access code to unlock the door, address FF12# l# 40# must be enabled. ProgrammingI FFl 2# 9# (114)# 3f (OOOO-9999)# ft Door Phone NumberDoor Opener Access Code (l-4)Default: 9999 Related ProgrammingDoor Opener Access Code Required: FFl 2# l# 40# (0 or l)#Door Phone Ring Assignments: FFl 2# 9# (l-4)# 2# (ExtPort)# (0 or l)# Door Opener Relay Timer:FFl 2# 9# (l-4)# 7# (O-5)# NotesUnlocking the D.oor With the Access Code.If Access Code NNNN is established in this address, and “Door Opener Access Code Required” is enabled, the extension user receiving the door phone call can press #3 NNNN l (while still engaged in the call) to unlock the door. Or, from any other extension not engaged in a door phone call, press ON/OFF #3 XXX NNNN * (where “XXX” is the extension number assigned to the door phone port). Unlocking the Door Without the Access Code.If an access code is not established (and its use is not required), extension users can still unlock the door by pressing #3* (if engaged in a door phone call) -- or, ON/OFF #3 XXX l (from another extension). Setting the Amount of Time the Door Will Remain UnlockedUse the “Door Opener Relay Timer” address (FF12# 9# l-4# 7#) to set the number of seconds the door will remain open after it is unlocked. Page 1-86DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

---..-.. .-- -~ .-........,v.,y .“. . . -,-.-... ..-=.- . . . . . . . . .. Door Phone Tone Type Software Version:CPC-All and CPC-B, Version 7.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# M (0 or l)# DescriptionThis address specifies the type of tone heard by the cal,led extension when a visitor presses the door phone button. This appiies to door phones connected to digital extension ports only (not trunk ports). Prdgramming 1 FFI 2# 9# (I-4)# 4# (0 or I)# f 4 I Door Phone Number (l-4) Tone Type: (heard by extension) O=Slow chime l=Fast chime Related Programming Door Phone Ring Assignments:FFI 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 2# (Extl?ort)# (0 or l)# Door Phone Ring Timer:FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 5# (C- 15)# Door Phone Ring Pattern:FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 6# (0-W NotesReset Requirement. Jf changing the Tone Type setting, activate the change by unplugging the door phone from its port and plugging it back in. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-87

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-ProgrammingDoor Phone Ring Timeout Timer Software Version:CPChl and CPC-6, Version 7.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 5# (O-15)# DescriptionThis address sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a door phone will ring an extension before it goes on-hook (extension stops ringing). This applies to door phones connected to digital extension ports only (not trunk ports). If the door phone caller re-initiates the call before this Timer is up, the Timer will automatically reset and the extension will begin ringing again. Programming I FFl 2# ,,%,, 5# (Oi15p . Door Phone Number U-4)Ring Timer Default: 3 (20 seconds) (see table below) Table l-7.Door phone ring timer values Setting1ValueSettingValue 015 seconds845. seconds 110seconds 215seconds 320seconds 9150seconds 1055seconds 1160seconds 425seconds1265secondsI 530seconds1370seconds I635seconds1475seconds Related Programming Door Phone Ring Pattern:FFl 217 9# (DoorPhone)# 6# (0-5)# NotesReset Requirement. If changing the Ring Timer setting, activate the change by unplugging the door phone from its port and plugging it back in. Page 1-88DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFI) Door Phone Ring Pattern Software Version:CPC-AlI and CPC-8, Version 7.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 6# (O-5)# DescriptionThis address specifies the ring pattern heard at the extension receiving a door phone call. This applies to door phones connected to digital extension ports only (not trunk ports). This address specifies the number of seconds between rings (4 seconds by ’default). The ring itself has a fixed duration of approximately 3 seconds. Programming I FFl 2#74)# 6# (Of)# Door Phone Number Number of Seconds Between Rings:(l-4) O=Rings one time only (no repeat ringing) 1=4 seconds between rings 2=6 seconds between rings 3=8 seconds between rings 4=10 seconds between rings 5=12 seconds between rings Related Programming Door Phone Ring Timer:FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 5# (0-15)# NotesReset Requirement.If changing the Ring Pattern setting, activate the change by unplugging the door phone from its port and plugging it back in. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95Page 1 -a9

Door Opener Relay Timer Sofhnfare V&ion:CPC-Alland CPC-B, Version 7.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# 9# (DoorPhone)# 7# (*5)# DescriptionUse this address to determine the number of seconds a “buzzing” (unlocked) door will remain unlocked for the visitor to enter the building (4 seconds by default). This applies to door phones connected to digital extension ports only (not trunk ports). This Relay Timer begins immediately after an extension enters the appropriate codes (#3*, #3 NNNN *, #3 XXX *, or #3 Xxx NNNN *) to unlock the door. Programming I FFl2#!3#/ -4)#3#/5)# Door Phone Number U-4) Number of Seconds Door Will Remain Open 0=2 seconds 1=4 seconds (default) 2=6 seconds 3=8 seconds 4=10 seconds 5=12 seconds . Related ProgrammingDoor Opener Access Code Required: FFl 2# l# 40## (0 or l>#Door Opener Access Code: FFl 2# 9# (l-4)# 3# (0000-9999)# Page I-90DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400~ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFi j System Timers Automatic Night Mode Start Time Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3# 1# (OOOO-2359)# DescriptionSet the time when the DBS will automatically switch from Day to Night mode. Use the 24-hour military time format (e.g.. enter “1700” for 5:00 pmj. You can program trunks to ring incoming calls at different extensions when the system is in Night mode (see FF4 addresses). And different TRS types can be programmed to be used during Night mode (see FF8 addresses). NOTE:Starting with Version 7.0 of the CPC-AII and CPC-B cards, a second Night mode is also available -- see FFl 3# 30# for more information. Programming To set the Automatic Night Mode start time . . . FFI 3# I# (OOOO-2359)# t Night Mode Start Time (in 24-hour military format) To clear the start time (disable Automatic Night Mode) . . . I---FFl 3# 1# CONF ON/OFF Related ProgrammingTime Setting: FFl I# 2# HHMM# Automatic Day Mode Start Time: FFl 3# 29# HHMM# Automatic Night 2 Mode Start Time: FFl 3# 30# HHMM# CO Ring Assignments: FF4 addresses Toll Restriction: FF8 addresses NotesSystem Clock.The Automatic Night Mode start time depends on the DBS system clock being set correctly. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-91

bnaprer I. 3ystw11 rrogrammlrly (rr I 13ec11on 4uu-rrogrammlng NIGHT Key Operation.If only one of the Auto Mode Start Times is set, the Attendant NIGHT key can be used to manually switch to another mode. For instance, if Night mode has been activated automatically, the Attendant can press the NIGHT key to go into Day mode. (However, the Attendant must wait at least 3 minutes after the mode is automatically activated, before using the NIGHT key to switch the mode again.) In CPC-AU/B versions prior to 7.0, if both Auto Day and Auto Night Mode Start Times are set, the Attendant NIGHT key cannot be used to manually switch modes. (However, it will work in Version 7.0 or higher; or press #520 to toggle between Day, Night and Night 2 modes.) SUGGESTION (for versions prior to 7.0): Set only the Auto Night Mode Start Time, so that the DBS will automatically switch to Night mode each night -- and each morning the Attendant phone user can press the NIGHT key to manually switch to Day mode. Required Intervak Between Auto Day and Night Modes.If you set both Auto Mode Start Times, it is recommended that the start times differ by at least 1 hour.Page l-92 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Attendant Hold Recall Timer for CO Calls Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3# 2# (O-12)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long a trunk call can be held by an Attendant phone before it will recall (20 seconds by default). Programming I FFl 3# 2# (0112)# t Attendant Hold Recall Timer setting for CO calls Default: 1 (20 seconds) (see table below) Table l-8.Attendant Hold Recall Timer values for CO calls 7.SettingValue 0No recalli 20 seconds I 40seconds2 3 1 60 seconds 1 80 seconds 5100 seconds 6120 secondstI 71 140 seconds1 I I 81 160 seconds1 I I 91 180 seconds1 1 200 seconds t I 111 220 seconds 12240 seconds Related Programming Attendant Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls:F’Fl 3# 22# (0-12)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-93

Chapter I. System Programming (FFi)Section 400-Programming Extension Hold Recall Timer for CO CallsSoftware Version: All Versions Address: FFl W 3#! (O-12)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long a trunk call remains on hold at an extension before it recalls (starts ringing the extension again; 140 seconds by default). Programming FFl 3# 3# (092)# Extension Hold Recall Timer setting for CO calls Default: 7 (140 seconds) (see table below) Table l-9.Extension Hold Recall Timer values for CO calls Related Programming Attendant Call Reversion Timer for c.0 Calls: FFl 3# lO# (0-12)# NotesRecall Treatment for CO Calls.If a trunk recall is unanswered, it will revert to the Attendant phone after ringing for the amount of time set in the Attendant Call Reversion Timer.Page 1-94DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Attendant Transfer Recall Timer for CO Calls Sofhrvare Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3## 4# (0112)# DescriptionWhen an Attendant phone transfers a trunk call to an extension or hunt group, the transferred call will recall to the Attendant if it is not answered. This timer determines how long a transferred trunk call will go unanswered before it recalls (20 seconds by default). Programming I1 FFl 3# 4# (0112)# t Attendant Transfer Recall Timer setting for CO calls Default: 1 (20 seconds) (see table below) Table I-10.Attendant Transfer Recall Timer values for CO calls Setting 0ValueNo recall / 20 seconds I I 21 40 seconds1I 31 60 seconds 51 100 seconds 6120 seconds 7140 seconds / 160seconds 1 180 seconds I200secondsI 1 220 seconds 12 I 1 240 seconds Related Programming Attendant Transfer Recall Timer for Intercom Calls: FFl 3# 24f# (0-l2)#DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-95