Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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IndexSection 700 - Operation SLT 6-17 Call waiting/OHVA text reply 4-3 1 Callback request DSLT 5-29 key telephone 4-67 Caller ID 2-14.2-15 Camp-on DSLT 5-2 1 key telephone 4-36 SLT 6-19 Centrex/PBX compatibility 2- 16 Circular hunting 2-47 Class of service, station 2-45 CO line key trunk access 4-37 Conference calls DSLT 5-22 key telephone 4-38 SLT 6-20 Coverage groups 4-8 D Date, system 3-22 Day mode, auto 2-7 Delayed ringing DID 2-18 key telephone 4-41 Dial “0” for attendant DSLT 5-23 key telephone 4-41 SLT 6-2 1 Dial tone disable 3- 12,4-43,5-24,6-22 Dialing, onhook 5-32 DID 2-16 delayed ringing 2- 18 night ringing assignment 2-17 text name assignment 2-19 Digital single line telephone see “DSLT features” 5- 1 Digital telephone fiatures see “Key telephone features” 4-lDirect call pickup .DSLT 5- 14 key telephone 4-2 1 SLT 6-12 Direct inward dialing see “DID” 2- 16 Direct inward system access see “DISA” 2-20 Direct line appearances 4-59,4-61 Direct trunk access DSL.T 5-24 key telephone 2-24 SLT 6-23 DISA 2-20 Distinctive ringing 2-24 Distributed hunting 2-49 DND attendant control 3-7 DSLT 5-25 key telephone 4-44 SLT 6-23 DNIS text name assignment 2- 19 Do-not-disturb see “DND” 5-25 Door box 2-27 DP to DTMF signal conversion 2-29 DP/DTMF stations 2-29 DSLT features 5- 1 absence message 5-4 blind transfer 5- 16 busy override 5-6 call forwarding 5-7 call hold 5-l 1 call park 5- 12 call pickup 5- 14 call transfer 5- 16 call waiting 5- 19 camp-on 5-2 1 conference calls 5-22 dial “0” for attendant 5-23 direct call pickup 5-14 direct trunk access 5-24 DND 5-25 group call pickup 5- 15 illustration 5-3 intercom calling 5-26 last number redial5-27 meet-me answer 5-28 message waiting/callback request 5-29 OHVA 5-30 onhook dialing 5-32 personal speed dialing 5-35l-2 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-700

pooled trunk access 5-32key telephone 4- 16reminder call 5-33 SLT 6- 10saved number redial5-34system 4- 17 screened transfer 5- 17Hunt groups speed dialing 5-35all versions 2-46 system speed dial 5-37,6-33CPC-B 2.0 and higher 2-49 DSS/72 3-13distributed 2-49 DSS/BLF line appearances 4-59,4-60longest idle 2-49 DTMF to DP signal conversion 2-29terminal 2-47 DTMF/DP stations 2-29terminal (CPC-B 2.0 and higher) 2-49 Duration display 4-9Hunting priority for VAUs 2-30 EIEM/24 console 4-46 Exclusive hold 4- 16Extension relocation 2-9 FFF key extender 4-46 FF keys see “Key telephone features” 4-46 .Flexible function keys see “FF keys” 4-46 Forwarding DSLT 5-7 key telephone 4- 10SLT 6-6Independent timers call forwarding-no answer 2-32 CO delayed ring 2-32 extension delayed ring 2-32 hunt group-no answer 2-32 Intercom calling DSLT 5-26 key telephone 4-55 SLT 6-25 K GGroup call pickup DSLT 5-15 key telephone 4-23 SLT 6-13 HHandsfree answerback 4-53 operation 4-54 Headset operation attendant 3- 17key telephone 4-54’Hold DSLT 5-l 1 exclusive 4- 16Key telephone features 4- 1absence message 4-3 Auto Redial 4-6 blind transfer 4-24 call coverage groups 4-8 call duration display 4-9 call forwarding 4- 10 call hold 4- 16call park 4-20 call pickup 4-2 1call transfer 4-24 call waiting 4-28 call waiting/OHVA text reply 4-3 1camp-on 4-36 CO line key trunk access 4-37 conference calls 4-38 delayed ringing 4-41 dial “0” for attendant 4-4 1direct call pickup 4-21 direct line appearances 4-61 direct trunk access 2-24 DES-70-700DBS Manual - Issued 9/l/95l-3

DND 4-44DSS/BLF appearances 4-60 EM/24 console 4-46 exclusive hold 4- 16FF keys 4-46 group call pickup 4-23 handsfree answerback 4-53 handsfree operation 4-54 headset operation 4-54 illustration 4-3intercom calling 4-55 last number redial4-58line 4-59appearances meet-me answer 4-66 message waiting/callback request 4-67 ML/MC0 separation 4-65 multi-CO (MCO) appearances 4-62 multi-line (ML) appearances 4-64 .non-appearing outside 1 ines 4-69 :offhook signaling 4-70 rjOHVA 4-7 1one-touch keys 4-73 one-touch voice mail access 4-77 ‘onhook dialing 4-80 personal speed dialing 4-87 pooled trunk access 4-80 prime line preference 4-82 private line 4-83 reminder call 4-84 ringing line preference 4-86 saved number redial4-86screened transfer 4-26 speed dial linking 4-93 speed dialing 4-87 station lockout 4-95 system hold 4- 17 system speed dialing 4-9 1 trunk- to-trunk transfer 4-96 LLast number redial DSLT 5-27key telephone 4-58 SLT 6-26 LCR 2-33Least cost routing IndexSection 700 - Operation see “LCR” 2-33Line appearances direct 4-6 1direct line 4-59 DSS/BLF 4-59 key telephone 4-59 multi-CO 4-59 mu.l ti-CO (MCO) 4-62 multi-line (ML) 4-59,4-64non-appearing outside line 4-69 List of features l-l Lockout for extension 4-95 Longest idle hunting 2-49 M Maintenance remote 2-42remote programming mode 2-42 remote programming using PCAS 2-44 Meet-me answerDSLT 5-28 key telephone 4-66 SLT 6-27Message waiting/callback request DSLT 5-29 key telephone 4-67 SLT 6-28Messages playing 2-66 recording 2-66 using two 2-66 ML/MC0 separation 4-65 Mul &CO (MCO) appearances 4-59,4-62’Multi-line (ML) appearances 4-59,4-64 Music background 2- 11on hold 2-34 NNaming trunks 2-62 Night mode 2-35ringing assignment, DID 2-17 service 2-35 Non-appearing outside lines 4-69 l-4DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-700

aecuon /vu - WU~I~UUIIII IUBX Non-verified account codes 2-30 Offhook signaling 4-70 Offhook voice announce see “OHVA” 6-29 Off-premises extension adaptor see “OPX adaptor” 2-39 OHVA DSLT 5-30 key telephone 4-7 1 SLT 6-29 OHVA/call waiting text reply 4-3 1 One-touch keys 4-73 voice mail access 4-77 voice mail transfer 3- 18 Onhook dialing DSLT 5-32 key telephone 4-80 OPX adaptor 2-39 Override busy line 6-5 P Paging 2-39 meet-me answer 4-66,5-28,6-27 Park attendant 3-5 DSLT 5- 12key telephone 4-20 SLT 6-11 PBX/centrex compatibility 2- 16Personal speed dialing ’ DSLT 5-35 key telephone 4-87 SLT 6-3 1 Pickup direct 4-21,6-12 DSLT 5-I4 group 6-13 key telephone 4-2 1,4-23SLT 6-12 . Playing messages 2-66 Pooled trunk access DSLT 5-32key telephone 4-80 SLT 6-30 Port assignment, VAU 2-67 Power failure transfer 2-4 1 unit 2-41 Prime line preference 4-82 Private line 4-83 R Recording messages 2-66 Redial Auto 4-6 DSLT 5-27 key telephone 4-58 saved number 4-86.5-34 SLT 6-26 Relocating extensions 2-9 Reminder call DSLT 5-33 key telephone 4-84 Remote maintenance 2-42 programming mode 2-42 programming using PCAS 2-44 Ringing delayed 4-4 I distinctive 2-24 line preference 4-86 S Saved number redial DSLT 5-34 key telephone 4-86 Screened transfer DSLT 5- 17 key telephone 4-26 SLT 6-15 Sensor 2-28 Signal conversion, DP to DTMF 2-29 Single line telephone see “SLT features” 6- 1 SLT features 6- 1 absence message 6-3 blind transfer 6-14DES-70-700 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95t-5

busy override 6-5 call forwarding 6-6 call hold 6-10 call park 6- 11 call pickup 6- 12 call transfer 6- 14 call waiting 6- 17 camp-on 6- 19 conference calls 6-20 dial “0” for attendant 6-21 direct call pickup 6- 12 direct trunk access 6-23 DND 6-23 group call pickup 6- 13 intercom calling 6-25 last number redia16-26 meet-me answer 6-27 message waiting/callback request 6-28 OHVA 6-29 personal speed dialing 6-3 1pooled trunk access 6-30 screened transfer 6- 15 speed dialing 6-3 1 system speed dialing 6-32 SMDR 2-51 Speed dialing attendant assignment of 3-3 DSLT 5-35 key telephone 4-87 linking numbers 4-93 personal 4-87,6-3 1 SLT 6-3 1 system 4-9 1,6-32 Station class of service 2-45 Station hunting all versions 2-46 circular 2-47 CPC-B 2.0 and higher 2-49 distributed 2-49 longest idle 2-49 terminal (CPC-A and CPC-B below 2.0) 2- 47 terminal (CPC-B 2.0 and higher) 2-49 Station lockout 4-95 code assignment 3-2 1,4-95 Station message detail recordingsee “SMDR” 2-5 1 System hold 4-17 speed dialing DSLT 5-37,6-33 key telephone 4-91 SLT 6-32 time and date control 3-22 System features 2- 1 account codes 2-3 answer supervision for voice mail 2-6 auto day mode 2-7 auto set relocation 2-9 background music 2-l 1 battery backup 2- 12 call forward ID code for voice mail 2- 13 Caller ID 2-14,2-15 centrex/PBX compatibility 2-16 circular hunting 2-47 DID 2-16 DID delayed ringing 2- 18 DID night ringing assignment 2-17 DID/DNIS text name assignment 2-19 DISA 2-20 distinctive ringing 2-24 distributed hunting 2-49 door box 2-27 DP to DTMF signal conversion 2-29 DP/DTMF stations 2-29 hunting priority for VAUs 2-30 independent timers 2-32 LCR 2-33 longest idle hunting 2-49 music-on-hold 2-34 night service 2-35 non-verified account codes 2-3 OPX adaptor 2-39 paging 2-39 power failure transfer 2-41 remote maintenance 2-42 remote programming mode 2-42 remote programming using PCAS 2-44 sensor 2-28 SMDR 2-5 1 station class of service 2-45 station hunting (all versions) 2-46 l-6DBS Manual - Issued 6/l/95DBS-70-700

station hunting (CPC-B 2.0 and higher) 2- 49 Tl interface 2-54 terminal hunting (CPC-A and CPC-B be- low 2.0) 2-47 terminal hunting (CPC-B 2.0 and higher) 2- 49 toll restriction 2-58 trunk 1groups trunk name assignment 2-62 trunk queuing 2-63 universal night answer 2-64 VAU 2-66 VAU port assignment 2-67 verified account codes 2-4 voice mail ringing 2-65 walking TRS class of service 2-69 T Tl interface 2-54 Terminal hunting (CPC-A and CPC-B below 2.0) 2-47 (CPC-B 2.0 and higher) 2-49 Text assignment, attendant control 3-8 Text name assignment DID 2-19 DNIS 2-19 Time, system 3-22 Toll restriction 2-58 walking class of service 2-69 Traffic measurement 3-24 Transfer blind 4-24,5-16,6-14 DSLT 5- 16 key telephone 4-24 screened 4-26,5-17,6-15 SLT 6- 14 trunk- to-trunk 4-96 Transfer Key Voice Mail 4-97 Trunk access CO line key 4-37 direct 2-24,5-24,6-23 pooled 4-80,5-32,6-30 groups 2-6 1 name assignment 2-62 queuing 2-63 Trunk-to-trunk transfer 4-96 U UNA 2-64 Universal night answer 2-64 Using two messages 2-66 VAU playing messages 2-66 recording messages 2-66 V VAU 2-66 hunting priority 2-30 port assignment 2-67 Verified account codes 2-4 Voice announce unit see “VAU” 2-66 Voice mail answer supervision 2-6 call forward ID 2- I3 ringing 2-65 Voice Mail Transfer Key 4-97 W Walking COS confirmation 3-25 TRS class of service 2-69 DBS-70-700 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95l-7