Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Disconnect Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4# 2# 2# (0112)# DescriptionDetermines how long the DBS waits before sending a disconnect signal from the Tl to the CO (200 ms by default). NOTE: The CO Disconnect Timer (FF2 Trunks 18# O-l%) determines how long the system waits to receive a disconnect signal from the CO. Programming FFl 8# 4# 2# 2# (0112)# ;I Disconnect Timer setting Default: 1 (200 ms) (see table below) Table l-37. TI Disconnect Timer values Setting 0 Value 150 ms I 200 ms2 250 ms 3300 ms I4400 ms I 5500 ms 1 6 1000 ms 71500 ms 82000ms 92500ms 103000ms 11 12 3500 ms Off (DBS does not automatically send a disconnect signal) NotesPower-Cycling Requirement.For changes to this parameter to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on. Page 1-146 DBS Manual - Issued 811195DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFi) Guard Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4# 2# 3# (0-15)# DescriptionDetermines how long the system guards a Tl circuit (1200 ms by default). When the DBS “guards” a circuit, it holds the circuit after it has been released to make sure the previous call is properly disconnected. This means the channel cannot be used for another call until the Guard Timer has expired. Programming I FFI 8# 4# 2# 3# (O-15)# Guard Timersetting Default: 6 (1200 rns) (see table below) Table l-38. Tl Guard Timer values NotesPower-Cycling Requirement.For changes to this parameter to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on. DBS-70-400 DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95Page 1-147

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Release Acknowledge Timer Software Version:CPC-6 Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4## 2# 4# (0-15)# DescriptionDetermines how long the DBS waits for the CO to acknowledge a disconnect signal (240 seconds by default). Once this timer expires, the DBS will abandon the call even if the CO has not acknowledged the disconnect. This allows the DBS to disconnect idle Tl trunks if the CO is not signaling properly. Programming FFl 8# 4# 2# 4# (0-15)# f Release Acknowledge Timer setting Default: 9 (240 seconds) (see table below)I Table l-39. Release Acknowledge Timer values Setting 0 Value 1 second 12 seconds 25 seconds 31 10 secondsI 420 seconds 530 seconds 660 seconds 790 seconds8 120 seconds 9240 seconds 1 480 seconds I1 I111 960 seconds 1 1,080secondstI 131 1,420 seconds 141,920 seconds 15An infinite number of seconds Page 1-148DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 4uo-rrogrammtngc;napter 1. system rrogrammlng (FFI) Outpulse Delay Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8## 4# 2# 5# (0-S)## DescriptionDetermines how long the system waits before outpuising dialed digits to the network (500 ms by default). Programming FFl 8## 4# 2# 5# (018)# f Outpulse Delay Timer setting Default: 2 (500 ms) (see table below) Table l-40. Outpulse Delay Timer values DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-149

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Wink Timeout Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4# 2# 6# (O-15)# DescriptionWhen wink-start signaling is used, the DBS waits for a wink signal from the CO when an extension user goes off-hook. Once a wink signal is received, the DBS sends CO dial tone to the extension. This timer determines how long the DBS waits for a wink signal once an extension user goes off-hook (5500 ms by default). If the DBS does not receive a wink signal before the timer expires, the DBS disconnects the Tl channel and returns busy tone to the user. Programming I FFl 8# 4# 2# 6# (0115)# f Wink Timeout Timer settingDefault: 15 (5500 ms) (see table below) Table 1-41. Wink Timeout Timer valuesPage l-l 50 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Incoming Detection Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4## 2# 7# (0-15)# DescriptionOnce an incoming call seizes a DBS Tl trunk, this timer determines how long the DBS waits before recognizing the seizure as an incoming call (90 ms by default). The purpose of this timer is to prevent false incoming ringing. This parameter only applies when E&M signaling is used. Programming 1 1 FFl 8# 4# 2# 7# (0-15)# f Incoming Detection Timer setting Default: 7 (90 ms) (see table below) Table l-42. Incoming Detection Timer values Setting 0 Value 20 ms 130 ms 240 ms !350 ms! 460 ms 570 ms 680 ms 790 ms 8100 ms 9110 ms 10120 ms 11130ms 12140ms 13150msr ~~14160 ms 15170 ms D&-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-151

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Answer Supervision Timer Sofhvare Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4## 2# 8# (0-8)# DescriptionWhen the DBS generates a call over the Tl. answer supervision is provided to determine if the call is actually answered. This timer determines how long the offhook signal from the called party must last before the DBS treats the offhook signal as an answer. Programming I FFl 8# 4# 2# 8# (018)# f Answer Supervision Timer setting Default: 3 (600 ms) (see table below) Table l-43. Answer Supervision Timer values SettingValue 050 ms 1100 ms 2200 ms . 1 1000 ms ] 2000 ms I3000 ms 74000 ms 810,000 ms Page l-152DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-TO-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Immediate Glare Timer Software Version: CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4## 2# 9# (0115)# Description Programming“Glare” occurs when both ends of the same trunk are seized simultaneously, resulting in connection between an incoming call and a DBS phone user attempting to access an outside line. Use this address to prevent glare when immediate-start signaling is used. This timer determines how long the DBS will search for an incoming call on a trunk channel before connecting a DBS extension user to it (60 ms by default). The timer begins when the extension goes off-hook. FFI 8# 4# 2# 9# (O-15)# f Immediate Glare Timer settingDefault: 3 (60 ms) fsee table below) Table l-44.Immediate Glare Timer values DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95. Page 1-153

Chapter I. System Programming (FF’l)Section 400-Programming Wink Glare Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4# 2# 10# (0-15)# Description“Glare” occurs when both ends of the same trunk are seized simultaneously, resulting in connection between an incoming call and a DBS phone user attempting to access an outside line. Use this address to prevent glare from occurring when wink-start signaling is used. This timer determines how long the DBS will search for an incoming call on a trunk channel before connecting a DBS extension user to it (60 ms by default). The timer begins when a wink is received. Programming FFl 8# 4# 2# lO# (O-15)# t Wink Glare Timer setting Default: 3 (60 ms) (see table below) Table l-45. Wink Glare Timer values Setting 0Value .The DBS does not check for glare 120 ms 240 ms 36Oms 480 ms 5100 ms 6120ms 7140 ms8 160 ms 9180 ms 10200 ms 11250 ms 12300 ms 13350 ms 14400 ms 151 450 msI Page l-1 54DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70400

Section 400~ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Digital Pad Settings Software Version: CPC-Bversion 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 8# 4## 3# (l-12)# (l-12)# (0-30)# DescriptionAdjusts the volurne of connections made via the Tl. Default volume levels are included for connections between different types of terminals or circuits. For example, a KTel-to-T1 connection may use one volume setting, while an SLT-to-T1 connection may use another. The volume settings are controlled by changing a pad number, which in turn changes the loss or gain of the connection. In most cases, the default pad settings do not need to be changed. If the volume level of a connection is unsatisfactory, include the Receiving and Sending circuit types in this program, and then adjust the volume by assigning a new pad number. Programming FFl 8# 4# 3# (l-12)# (I-12)# (0130)# f f t ReceivingSendingPad No. Circuit TypeCircuit Type(see table, . (“To” Side)(“From” Side) next page) (see table below) Table l-46. Digital Pad Settings - circuit types Circuit Type SettingValueNotes 1K-Tel 2SLT 3Data 4Analog CO TrunkReserved for future use. 8Option2 9 DTMF 10CON-F(SCC) 11Tone 1(MFR1) 12Tone 2(MFR2) .~I pad levels to circuits that require Reserved for future use. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-155