Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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SLT Onhook Flash Timer Software Version: All VersionsAddress: Ffl 3# 14## (0-6)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long an SLT user must hold down the switchhook before the DBS recognizes a hookflash (200 ms by default). This address also includes a setting that prevents hookflashes from being performed on SLTs. If you change ,this setting, you must turn the system off, then back on to activate the change. Programming I FFl 3# 14# (0-6)# t SLT Onhook Flash Timer setting Default: 4 (valid flash=200 to 1500 ms) (see table below) Table l-20. SLT Onhook Flash Timer values AddressFlash Treatment Setting No DetectionV&d FlashDisconnect 0Less than 200 ms200 to 500 msGreater than 500 ms Notes 1Lessthan200ms200to700 msGreaterthan700 ms 2Lessthan200ms200to1000 msGreaterthan1000 msI 3 1 Less than 200 ms 1 200 to 1200 ms 1 Greater than 1200 msIIII 4Less than 200 ms200 to 1500 msGreater than 1500 msI 5 I LCSS than 200 ms I NoneI Greater than 200 msI I III 6Less than 200 ms200-500 msGreater than 500 ms Power-Cycling Requirement.In order for changes to this program to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on. Page l-106DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-Programming Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl j CO Ring Cycle Detection TimerSoftware Version: All Versions Address: FFl 3# 15# (0-3)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long the DBS attempts to detect an incoming CO ring cycle (6 seconds by default). To ensure that the DBS can recognize incoming trunk calls, set this timer to equal the duration of the ring cycle -- including the first “on” period and the first “off’ period. For example, if the ring cycle for an incoming trunk is 2 seconds on/ 4 seconds off, this parameter should be set to at least 6 seconds to detect the full cycle. If this timer is set too short, the DBS will not recognize valid CO ring signals. See Figure 1-2 below for an example of proper CO ring cycle detection timing for an incoming pattern of 2 seconds on/4 seconds off. Figure 1-2. Example of a CO Rinn Cycle and its Detection Timer 2 seconds on2 saconcis on Lisecondsoff n. IncomingRing Cycle I CO Ring- CycleDetectionTimer Programming FFI 3# 15# (O-3)# A I CO Ring Cycle Detection Timer setting: Od seconds I=6 seconds 2=8 seconds 3=10 seconds Related ProgrammingInbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer: FFl 3# 16# (0-15)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-l 07

Chapter 1. system rrogrammlng (t-k1 )section 400~Programming Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3## 16# (0-15)# DescriptionIf the incoming ring pattern for an extension (FF3 ExtPort# 39#) is set to emulate CO ringing, an extension may sometimes receive a very short ring burst when a trunk call begins ringing. This short ring burst occurs because the DBS received only part of the first “on” burst (see Figure l-2, previous page) from the trunk. To eliminate these short rings, this timer can be used to expand initial ring bursts.For example, if the timer is set to 350 ms and the first ring burst only lasts 50 ms, the fist ring burst sent to the extension will be 350 ms. If the first ring burst is over 350 ms, the timer is ignored and the DBS emulates the initial CO ring. Programming FFl 3# 16# (0115)# 4 Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer settingDefault: 7 (350 ms) (see table below). Table l-21. Inbound Ring Cycle Expansion Timer valaesSettingValue 0Synchronizes to the incoming call signal I--- fi 50 ms 2iiOOms 3150 ms 4200 ms 51250 ms 6I300 ms 7350 ms 8400 ms 9450 ms 10500 ms 11550 ms 12600 ms 13650 ms 14700 ms 15750 ms Page I-108DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS -70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Dial Pause Timer Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3# 17# (O-15)# DescriptionUse this address to insert a pause (1.5 seconds by default) before outpulsing dialed digits, once a CO trunk is accessed. The pause is used in speed-dialing (SSD and PSD) and in Least Cost Routing uw. Programming I FFl 3#I 17# (045)# Dial Pause Timer setting Default: 1 (1.5 seconds) (see table below) Tdle I-22. Dial Pause Timer values SettingValue 1 1.2 seconds 11.5 seconds 22 seconds 3 4 1 3 seconds I! 4 seconds 1 5 1 5 secondsI t .77 seconds .88 secondsI 9 I9seconds 1010 seconds 1111 seconds 1212 seconds 1313 seconds 1414 seconds 1515 seconds DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-109

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming PBX Flash TimerSoftware Version: All Versions Address: FFl 3#I 18# (0-lO)# DescriptionWhen a DBS trunk is defined as a PBX trunk, the FLASH key can be used to place a call on hold. This timer determines how long the flash signal will last if the FLASH key is pressed then immediately released (.8 seconds by default). If the FLASH key is pressed and held down, the flash signal will last as long as the key is pressed. Programming I FFl 3# 18# (0-lO)# f PBX Flash Timer setting Default: 7 (.8 seconds) (see table below) Table l-23. PBX Flash Timer values SettingValue 0No flash 1.2 seconds 1 2 1 .3 seconds 1 3 1 .4 seconds 4.5seconds 5.6seconds 6.7seconds 1 7 1 .8 seconds 1 8 1 .9 seconds I 9I 1secondI 101.1 seconds Related ProgrammingAuto Flash Redial: FFl 2# l# 6# (0 or l)#Trunk Port Type: FF2 (Trunk)# lO# (1 or 2)# Page l-110DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Call Forward-No Answer Timer Software Version: All VersionsAddress: FFl 3# 19# (O-15)# DescriptionThe Call Forward-No Answer Timer determines how long an unanswered call will ring at an extension before it is sent to a secondary destination (12 seconds by default). NOTE: Although this address is present in all CPC versions, it controls different ringing features in different versions (see table below): Table I-24.King control for Call Forward-No Answer Timer ’ CPC-ACPCAllCPC-B CPC-BAddressRing Feature(aI4WV(prior to 3.1)(3.1 or higher) FFl 3# 19# CallForward-No AnswerYESYESYES YES ] FFl 3# 28# 1 Hunt Group-No Answer1YESINOIYESINOI 1 FFl 3# 26#1 CO Delaved Rim1 (not available) 1NO1YES i NO I FFi 3# 27#Extension Delayed Ring1 (not available) 1NO YESNO iYES = The Call Forward-No Answer Tier controls this ring feature. NO = The Call Forward-No Answer Timer does nrit control this feature -- it has its own address (see “Address” column). (not available) = Contml of this ring feature is not available in this CPC version. Programming . 1 FFI 3# 19# (0-15)# t Call Forward-No Answer Timer setting Default: 2 (After 12 seconds) (see table below) Table l-25. CaU Forward-No Answer Timer valuesSetting 1ValueSettingValue 0After4seconds9After40seconds 1After8seconds10After44seconds 2I After 12 secondsII 11I After 48 seconds 3 II,I 1After16seconds121After52secondsI 4After20seconds13After56seconds 5After24seconds14After60seconds 6After28seconds15After64seconds 7After32seconds 8After36seconds DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-111

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Outbound Ground Start Detection TimerSoftware Version: @PC-B Version 1.0 or higher Address: FFl 3## 20# (1-8)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long the DBS waits for the CO to ground the Tip side of a trunk (4 seconds by default). before establishing a connection between the extension and the CO. When an extension attempts to place an outgoing call on a ground-start trunk, the DBS grounds the Ring side of the trunk. in response, the CO grounds the Tip side of the trunk. When the DBS detects the Tip ground, it will establish the connection (the extension user will hear dial tone). If the Tip ground is not received within the time set in this address, the DBS will treat the trunk as unavailable (the extension user will hear busy signal). Programming II FFi 3# 20# (108)# f Outbound Ground Start Detection Timer setting Default: 4 (4 seconds) (see table below)I Table l-26. Outbound Ground Start Detection Timer values Setting 1 Value 1 second 21 2 seconds 1 3 seconds34 1 4 seconds I 5 secondsI 1 6 seconds 7I 7 seconds I I 81 8 seconds Related ProgrammingInbound Ground Start Detection Timer: FFl 3# 21# (l-8)# Trunk Circuit Type:FF2 (Trunk)# 21# (0-4)# Page l-112DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Inbound Ground Start Detection Timer Software Version:CPC-B Version 1 .O or higherAddress: FFl 3## 21# (l-8)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long a CO Tip ground signal must be present before the DBS recognizes it as a valid incoming call (4 seconds by default). When the CO sends a call to a ground-start DBS trunk, it signals the incoming call by grounding the Tip side of the trunk. In most cases, this timer should be set to 3 seconds or longer.Otherwise, the DBS may generate false ringing when Tip ground is not quickly removed at the end of a call. Programming FFl 3# 21# (118)# f Inbound Ground Start Detection Timer setting Default: 4 (4 seconds) (see table below) Table l-27. Inbound Ground Start Detecfion Tinier values Setting 1 Value 1 second 1 61 6 secondsI 77 seconds 88 seconds Related Programming Outbound Ground Start Detection Timer: FFl 3# 20# (l-8)#Trunk Circuit Type: FF2 (Trunk)# 21# (0-4)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95.Page 1-113

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Attendant Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Software Version:CPC-Ail (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FFl 3## 22# (0-12)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long an intercom call will remain on hold at an Attendant phone before it recalls (20 seconds by default). Programming II FFl 3# 22# (0;12)# Attendant Hold Recall Timer setting for Intercom Calls Default: 1 (20 seconds) (see table below)I Table l-28. Attendant Hold Recall Timer values for intercom tails SettingVaiue 0No recall 120 seconds 240 seconds t 360 seconds 4 80 seconds 1 100seconds 1 120seconds 1 140seconds 1 160 seconds 1 180seconds 1 200 seconds 11220 seconds 12240 seconds Related Programming Attendant Hold Recall Timer for CO Calls: FFl 3# 2# (0-12)# Page 1-114DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1 System Programming (FFl)Extension Hold Recall Timer for Intercom Calls Software Version:CPC-All (ail versions) and CPC-B Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FFl 3# 23# (0-12)# DescriptionThis timer determines how long an intercom call will remain on hold at an extension phone before it recalls (140 seconds by default). Programming FFl 3# 23# (0-12)# f Extension Hold Recall Timer setting for intercom calls Default: 7 (140 seconds) (see table below) Table l-29. Extension Hold Recall Timer values for intercom calls ISettingIValue 1 No recall I 20seconds t I i1 40 secondsI 31 60 secondstI4 .I.80 seconds1 51 100secondsI 6 III 120 seconds 1 140seconds I I 8I 160 secondsI 1 180 secondstI 101 200 seconds 1 220seconds I 1 121 240 seconds NotesRecall Treatment for Intercom Calls.Unanswered recalls for intercom calls will ring indefinitely at the extension. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-115