Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Chapter 1. System Programming (FFI)Section 400-ProgrammingAttendant LED Alarm Indication Software Version:CPC-B Versions 2.09 to 4.0 (requires Attendant Feature Package)Address: FFl 2# l# 29# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this address to allow or disallow the Alarm feature (LED lights to indicate an alarm condition) to be assigned to an FF key on an Attendant phone. By default, the Alarm feature can be assigned. NOTE: The Attendant Feature Package (AFP) was discontinued in CPC-B Version 5.0. Programming I FFI 2# 1# 29# (0 or I)# f O=Alarm feature cannot be assigned to Attendant FF key. I=Alarm feature can be assigned to Attendant FF key. Related ProgrammingAFP Key Assignn tents: FF5 ( 1 W 152)# ( 1-72)# (FF 12 4)# NotesInstaUing AFZ?Installation of the AFP software requires the replacement of EPROM Chip 1 on the CPC-B card with an AFP chip. Make sure the new chip is installed in the proper direction. See Technote 4 (September 1991) for complete infomlation.Page l-36 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Extension (BLF) Delayed Ring Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-6 Version 2.0 or higherAddress: FFI 2# l# 30# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this address to enable or disable Delayed Ringing for intercom calls. By default, Extension (BLF) Delayed Ringing is disabled. Delayed Ringing is a call-forwarding feature for unanswered calls -- if an incoming call is not answered at one extension, the system will send the call to another extension. NOTE: The extension to which the call is forwarded must have a DSS/BLF key. Programming FFl 2# 1# 30# (0 or l)# t O=Extension Delayed Ringing is disabled. l=Extension Delayed Ringing is enabled. Related Programming Extension Delayed Ring Table:FF4 8# (ExtPort)# (ExtPort)# (0 or l)# Extension Delayed Ring Timer (CPC-B 2.0 or higher):FFl 3# 27# (0-15)# Call Forward-No Answer Timer (CPC-B prior to 2.0): FFl 3# 19# (0-lS)# DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-37

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Analog Transfer Ring Pattern Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 2.11 or higher Address: FFl 2# 1# 31# (016)# DescriptionUse this address to choose a distinctive ringing pattern for calls transferred to analog SLT phones. This setting is typically used for calls transferred to a modem, or for SLT phones requiring distinctive ringing for transferred calls, There are 7 different patterns (numbered O-6) to choose from. The pattern for each setting depends on the analog connection -- *an SLT phone connected directly to an AEC card; lan SLT phone connected to an OPX Adapter; or lan SLT phone connected to an SLT-A (6port Adapter). Programming FFl 2# I# 31# (0-6)# Transfer RingPattern setting (see table below) Table 1-2.Analog Transfer Ring Patterns (vary depending on analog connection) IAddressRing Pattern (no. of seconds on/off) for SLT phones connected to . . .II SettingAEC CardOPX AdapterSLT Adapter (SLT-A) 0son/40ff5on135off25onI.25offI25onI3.5off 1lon/.25off/lon/.25off/3onlloff.25onI3.5off 2lon/.25off(lon/3off2onl2off1on 13.5 off 31 onl2off1 on/2 offIon/3 offII 4I lonl3offI 1 on/ 3.5 off I lonl7off 51onl6off1onl5off.50nl7 off 61onl4offllonl7off1onl7off.25 on I .25 off/.25onI7off Related ProgrammingAnalog Transfer Ring Pattern (CPC-A 3.21 or higher): FFI 2# 1# 22# (0-6)# Terminal Type: FF3 (ExtPort)# 2# (Type)# Extension Ring Pattern:FF3 (ExtPort)# 39# (O-9)#Page l-38 DBS Manual - Issued 811195.DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Multiple DID/DNISSoftware Version: CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# l# 32# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this address to enable or disable Multiple DID for analog trunks, or Multiple DID and DNIS for Tl trunks. By default. Multiple DID/DNIS is disabled. With Multiple DID/DNIS enabled, one DID or DNIS number can be assigned to multiple extensions, which will simultaneously ring when an outside caller dials the DID or DNIS number. lDID stands for “Direct Inward Dialing.” DID can be used only in systems using analog trunks exclusively (no other types of trunks are used in the system). Up to 500 DID numbers can be assigned to extension numbers in FFl 8# 3# (0000-9999)# (ExtNo.)#. lDNIS stands for “Dialed Number Identification Service.” DNIS is available only with the Tl Interface. You can use DID and DNIS simultaneously in a Tl system. Up to 500 DNIS numbers can be assigned to extension numbers in FFl 8# 4# 7# (0000-9999)# (lo-69 or lOO-699)#, in addition to the 500 DID numbers allowed. Programming FFl 2# l# 32# (0 or l)# $ O=Disabies Multiple DID/DNIS ringing. l=Enables Multiple DID/DNIS ringing. Related ProgrammingInbound DID Dial Numbers: FFl 8# 3# (0000-9999)# (loo-699)## DID/DNIS (enabling trunks for): FFl 8# 4# 6# (Trunk)# 2# (0-2)# DNIS Number Setting: FFl 8# 4# 7# (0000-9999)# (lo-69 or 100-699)#DID Flexible Ringing Assignments: FFl 8# 5# (DIDNo.)# (ExtNo.)# (000000- 11111 l>#DNIS Flexible Ringing Assignments: FFl 8# 6# (DNISNo.)# (ExtNo.)# (000000-llllll)# Extension Numbers (assigning to ports): FF3 (ExtPort)# l# (ExtNo.)# DES-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-39

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming NotesRestrictiun Far CPC-B Version 3.1. This address is also present in CPC-B Version 3.1; however, it only controls Multiple DID (DMS cannot be used with this version). DID Hardware and Power Requirements.The DID trunk card is required: each card provides 8 ports. The card requires dial-pulse dialing and an external, -48V power supply. See Section 300-Installation for cabling instructions. DZDIDNZS Digit Length Requirement.The DBS only supports 4-digit DID/ DMS numbers. Central Oj’j?ce Requirement.When the CO sends a DID/DMS call to the DBS, it fist receives a wink from the DBS before sending the digits. Once the wink is received, the CO should wait at least 200 ms before sending the digits. Trunk Requirement.Individual trunks must be enabled for DID or DMS (see FP 1 8# 4# 6# Trunk# 2#). Simultaneous Ringing.If Multiple DID/DNIS is enabled, all extensions assigned the same DID/DNTS number will ring for the incoming DlD/DMScall. If you later disable Multiple DID/DNIS, only the extension at the lowest-numbered’port wi!l ring for the DID/DMS call. Call Forwarding Interaction..If Multiple DID/DMS is enabled, and the DID/DXIS extensions are programmed to call-forward to different extensions. the simultaneous ringing will also apply to the call-forward destination extensions. In other words, all call-forward paths will be followed simultaneously for the same DID/DNIS call, until someone picks it up. If you later disable Multiple DlD/DNIS, only the call-forwarding path assigned to the extension at the lowest-numbered port will be followed. Page l-40DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400~ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFI) Page Duration Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 3.1 or higher Address:FFI 2# l# 33# (0 or l)# DescriptionThis address determines whether the DBS system will automatically close the paging circuit 60 seconds after a page is initiated. By default, the paging circuit is left open indefinitely, until the paging person closes the circuit by hanging up. Programming O=The page circuit remains open indefinitely. l=The paging circuit remains open for 60 seconds before the system closes it. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page 1-41

Chapter 1. System Programming (ITI)Section 400-Programming SLT DISA Ring Pattern Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 3.1 or higher Address:FFl 2# l# 34# (0 or l)# DescriptionUse this address to specify a distinctive ring pattern for DISA calls on SLT phones, or follow the Analog Transfer Ring Pattern setting. By default, the pattern is 1 second on / 3 seconds off. Programming FFl 2# 1# 34# (0 or l)# 1 kl second on / 3 seconds off. i=Same as the Analog Transfer Ring Pattern. Related ProgrammingAnalog Transfer Ring Pattern (CPC-AI1 and CPC-B): FFl 2# l# 31# (0-6)# Page 1-42DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

3wau11 4uu-rluylatitiwlgb11dp3 I. 3yaica11 riuyiaii!~iiiiiy [t-r I; AEC Disconnect Signal Duration Software Version:CPC-All (all versions) and CPC-B Version 5.0 or higher Address:FFl 2# 1# 35# (0-15)# DescriptionUse this address to set the duration of a positive disconnect signal sent from analog extension ports (VB-43621A version of the AEC card). Sending this signal allows quick disconnect from third-party voice mail systems. By default, no disconnect signal is sent. This address applies to CPC-AI1 and CPC-B. The AEC Disconnect Signal Duration address for CPC-A (Version 3.3 or higher) is FFl 2# l# 23# (0-15)#. The sending of the AEC disconnect signal can be enabled or disabled on individual extensions using FF3 (ExtPort)# 46#. Programming I FFl 2# l# 35# (O-1 5)# t AEC Disconnect Signal Duration setting Default: 0 (no signal sent) (see table below) Table 1-3.AEC Disconnect Signal Duration values SettingValue 0No disconnect signal sent 1I 100 msI2200ms 3300ms 4400ms 5500ms 6600ms 7700ms I 800 msI 91 900 ms 1 1 second 111.5 seconds 122 seconds 13 2.5 seconds 143 seconds 153.5 seconds DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Page l-43

Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming DIDlDNlS to a Voice Mailbox Software Version:CPC-8 Version 6.0 or higherAddress: FFl 2# l# 36# (O! 1 or 2)# DescriptionThis address determines whether (and how many) final digits of a DlD/DNTS phone number are transmitted to Voice Mail, in cases where the DID/DMS trunk is assigned to ring directly to Voice Mail (not to a DBS extension phone). This address allows DWDNIS calls to be routed to a Voice Mailbox system that is not connected to a physical extension. To implement this feature, assign the DID/DNIS trunks to ring at the Voice Mail system (using FF4 ring assignment addresses). Once Voice Mail answers, the DBS sends a DID/DMS Answer Code that signals the Voice Mail system to open the appropriate mailbox, plus the final DID/DNIS digits (if any) specified in this address. Programming I FFl 2# 1# 36# (0,l or2)# t O=No DID/DNIS digits are transmitted (only the Answer Code). l=Answer Code, then final 4 DID/DMS digits are transmitted. 2=Answer Code, then final 3 DBYDMS digits are transmitted. Related Programming DBXDMS Answer Code: FFl 2# l# 37# (NNNNNN)# DlD/DMS (enabling trunks for): FFl 8# 4## 6# (Trunk)# 2# (0-2)# Inbound DID Dial Numbers: FFl 8# 3# (0000-9999)# (loo-699)# DMS Number Setting:FFl 8# 4# 7# (0000-9999)# (lo-69 or lOO-699)#Terminal Type: FF3 (ExtPort)# 2# (Type)# Ringing Assignments (trunks to extensions):FF4 addresses NotesDIDIDNIS Digit Transmission.The DID/DNTS digits are sent only to ports that are assigned as Voice Mail. Voice Mail Ports and Hunt Groups.The DIDPMS digits can be sent to a specific Voice Mail port or a Voice Mail hunt group. Second Hunt Group.If the DID/DNIS call rings into a hunt group that is programmed to transfer calls to a second hunt group, the DtD/DMS call will not be transferred to the second hunt group. . Page 1-44DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Third-Party Voice Mail.This feature can be used with Panasonic’s Voice Mail system or with third-party Voice Mail systems. If the feature is used with third-party Voice Mail systems, the Voice Mail can be connected through analog extension ports or OPX ports. Call Forward ID Code for DIDfDNIS Calls To An Extension.If a DIDI DNIS call is assigned to ring an extension, and the extension is programmed to forward to Voice Mail, only the Call Forward ID Code will be transmitted to Voice Mail (the DID/DNIS digits will not). DZDfDNZS Data Transmission.The DID/DNIS digits are transmitted over the API link using the existing API key code packet. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95Page l-45