Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Table of ContentsSection 400-ProgrammingList of Tables TableI.DBS programstructure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Intro-6 Table 2. Default program settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Intro-9 TableI-l. SLT HookflashControl Settings...........................................................................I-15 Table I-2. Analog Transfer Ring Patterns............................................................................I-38 Table l-3. AEC Disconnect Signal Duration values.............................................................I-43 TableI-4.RAI ModemCardCompatibility..........................................................................l-62 Table I-5.Class of Service features......................................................................................I-68 Table I-6. Feature codes for Flexible Function Screen soft keys.........................................I-74 TableI-7.Door phoneringtimer values.............................................................................I-88 Table l-8.Attendant Hold Recall Timer values for CO calls...............................................I-93 Table I-9. Extension Hold Recall Timer values for CO calls...............................................I-94 TableI-IO.Attendant Transfer Recall Timer values for COcalls........................................I-95 Table I-11.Extension Transfer Recall Timer values for COcalls........................................I-96 Table I-12. Attendant Hunt Group Recall Timer values for CO calls..................................I-97 Table I-13.Extension Hunt Group Recall Timer values for COcalls..................................I-98 Table I-14.Attendant Park Hold Recall Timer values.........................................................I-99 Table I - 15.Extension Park Hold Recall Timer values.......................................................I-100 Table I-1 6.Attendant Call Reversion Timer values...........................................................I-IOI Table I -I 7.Unsupervised Conference Timer values...........................................................l-102 .TableI-18.Automatic PauseTimer values.........................................................................I-103 TableI -I 9.COFlashTimer values....................................................................................I-l 04 TableI-20.SLT Onhook FlashTimer values......................................................................l-l 06 TableI-2 I.Inbound RingCycle Expansion Timer values..................................................I - IO8 TableI-22.Dial PauseTimer values..................................................................................I-109 Table I-23. PBX Flash Timer values...................................................................................I-110 Table I-24. Ring Control for Call Forward-No Answer Timer............................................l-111 Table I-25. Call Forward-No Answer Timer values............................................................ I-111 Tablel-26.Outbound Ground Start DetectionTimer values..............................................I -II2 Table I-27. Inbound Ground Start Detection Timer values................................................. l-113 Table l-28. Attendant Hold Recall Timer values for intercom calls....................................I-114 Table l-29. Extension Hold Recall Timer values for intercom calls....................................l-11.5 TableI-30. Attendant Transfer Recall Timer values for intercom calls..............................I-116 Table I-3 I.Extension Transfer Recall Timer values for intercom calls..............................l-117 TableI-32.CO Delayed RingTimer values........................................................................l-118 Table l-33.Extension Delayed Ring Timer values.............................................................I-120 Table I-34. Hunt Group No Answer Timer values..............................................................1-122 Table l-35. System Configuration for Tl installation.........................................................l-135 TableI-36.MinimumTlprogramming..............................................................................l-136 Table I-37. TI Disconnect Timer values.............................................................................I-146 Table I-38. TI Guard Timer values....................................................................................I-147 - xiv -DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

secrlon 4uwrrogrammlngI ama OT c;ontenrs TableI-39.Release Acknowledge Timer values.................................................................I-148 Tablel-40.Outpulse Delay Timer values...........................................................................l-149 Tablel-41.Wink Timeout Timervalues...........................;..................................................I-150 TableI-42.IncomingDetectionTimer values....................................................................I-151 TableI-43.Answer Supervision Timer values....................................................................I-152 TableI-44.ImmediateGlare Timer values.........................................................................l-153 Tablel-45.Wink Glare Timervalues..................................................................................I-154 Tablel-46.Digital Pad Settings-circuit types..................................................................l-155 Table I-47.Digital Pad Settings - pad numbers and related dB levels..............................I- 156 Tablel-48. Digital Pad Settings-default values...............................................................I-156 TableI-49.Yellow Alarm Detectiontimer values............................................................... I-167 Tablel-50.YellowAlarm Recoverytimer values...............................................................I - I69 TableI-51.Other Alarms Detectiontimer values...............................................................l-171 TableI-52.Other Alarms Recoverytimer values...............................................................I -I 73 Table I-53.DIDIDNIS Flexible Ring settings in diferent CPC-B versions.......................I-l 98 Table 2 -1.Ring Patterns forinbound trunk calls..................................................................2 -I 4 Table 2-2.Trunk Disconnect DetectionTimer values...........................................................2-15 Table 2 -3.Wink Start Timer settings........:............................................................................2 -22 Table 2-4.DIDDialed Digit Timer values............................................................................2 -23 Table 2 -5. DIDInterdigit Timer values................................................................................-2 -24 Table 2-6.Trunk Port Class-circuit types...........................................................................2-25 Table 3-1. Terminal. Types.......................................................................................................3-5 Table 3-2. Sof key menusduringidle mode.........................................................................3-23 Table 3-3.Soft key menusduringintercomdial tone............................................................3-25 Table 3-4.Soft key menuswhencallingan e.utension...........................................................3-2 7 Table 3-5.Soft key menus when accessing CO dial tone......................................................3-29 Table 3-6.Soft key menusduringatrunk call.......................................................................3-3 I Table 3-7.Soft key menuswhen receivinga page.................................................................3-33 Table 3-8. Sofr key menus after receiving a call waiting tone..............................................3-35 Table 3-9. Soft key menuswhen dialinga busy exten.sion....................................................3-37 Table 3-10. Station Port Class - circuit types.......................................................................3-43 Table3-11.Extensionring patterns......................................................................................3-46 Table 5-I. Feature codes for FF key assignment,...................................................:...............5-5 Table6-1.Preset Absence MessagesO-4................................................................................6-6 Table 6-2. Default call waitinglOHVAtext reply messages..................................................6-10 Table7-I.Toll restrictiontypes...............................................................................................7-2 Table 7-2.NANPchanges7-3....................................................................................................... Table7-3.h4aximum number of dialed digits for TRS types 3-6............................................7-7 Table 7-4. Diferences between. old and new dialing plans..........................................t.......7-10 DBS-70-400 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95- xv -

Table8-1.TimePriority RouteTable format..........................................................................8-3 Table8-2.TimePriorityRouteTable format........................................................................8-10 Table8-3.LCRtable.........................................................................;.....................................8-5 Table 8-4. LCR time periods and positions used...................................................................S-11 Table 8-5. LCR trunk selection.............................................................................................8-13 Table1 O-I.DSS key filnctionsin SystemSpeed Dial programming.....................................I O-4 TableIO-2.QSS key finctions in Personal Speed Dial programming.................................IO-4 Table B-l.Terminal programmingcommands........................................................................B-2 Table B-2.Codes for switching SMDRIBus Monitor modes...................................................B-3 - xvi -DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

,About This Section This Section 400 is intended for use as a technical reference manual for DBS programming via the FF keys on a DBS key phone. (Other programming methods are described in Appendix B of this section.) StructureSection 400 is structured according to FF key numbering. For example, Chapter 1 covers FFl programs; Chapter 2 covers FF2 programs; and so on. The FF keys categorize the programs by subject -- each FF key represents a group of related programs as follows: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 FFl -- System FF2 -- Trunks FF3 -- Extensions FF4 -- Ring Assignments & Hunt/Call Coverage Groups FF5 -- FF Key Features FF6 -- Displayed Names & Messages FF7 -- Toll Restriction FFS -- Least Cost Routing FFP -- Program Copy FFlO -- Speed Dial Numbers FF Key Programming FF key programming is accomplished by entering programming mode, then punching in each program’s address (press the FF key, then enter a string of numbers that are separated by the pound #key). The phone’s LCD display . will show prompts while you are punching in the string, to guide you through the programming. Within each address string (usually at the end of it), you have a choice of numbers to press in order to set the program; the number you press determines the program setting. Once you’ve entered programming mode and punched in an FF key address, you do not have to keep pressing the FF key to go to the next [sequential] address -- the DBS will automatically display the next prompt after you set the fust one (or press # to accept the displayed setting).To jump to an address in another FF key, simply press that FF key while still in programming mode. Program Sequence Although FF key programming separates DBS programs into groups, it is important to note that the numerical sequence of the FF keys and the addresses within them, does not necessarily represent a logical progression for programming a particular feature or application.For example, some DID settings are in FFl (System), while others are in FF2 (Trunks), FF3 (Extensions) and FF6 (Names and Messages). In Section 400, each program explanation includes related information about the feature or application it affects (if any). Also, the forms in Section 450 of the DBS Manual provide a more concise view of programming DBS features. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95- xvii -

Introduction to DBS ProgrammingThis introduction provides an overview of DBS programming from a phone. For descriptions of other DBS programming methods. see Appendix B of this manual.The following table summarizes the topics contained in this introduction. TopicPage Before You BeginIntro-3Preparations for Programming IllUO-3Initializing DBS Systems (RAMCLR)Intro-4 Upgrading CPC-B Software (New Function Reset)Intro-5Understanding FF Key Programming Intro-6Program Structure Intro-6How to Enter the Programming Mode Intro-7Example Programming EntryIntro-9 Default Program Settings Intro-9 DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Intro-l

Section 400~ProgrammingIntroduction to DES Programming Before You Begin This section describes preparations that should be completed before you start programming. If you are familiar with FF key programming for DBS systems, you may begin programming as soon as these preparations have been made. If you are new to DBS programming, be sure to read “Understanding FF Key Programming” on page Intro-5 before you begin. Preparations for Programming Prior to programming the DBS system, make sure you have completed the following steps: 1. Confirm that the DBS features meet customer requirements. See Section 700-Feature Operation for DBS feature descriptions. 2. Confirm that you have the DBS hardware required for the end user. See Section 300-Installation for details. 3. Use Forms and Tables (Section 450) to record the customer’s site data. Use the following guidelines when completing Forms and Tables: lBe sure to record all program entries. lLeave the default values for equipment that is not connected. lPay careful attention to program items that require a power-down to take effect. Be sure to complete the necessary programming in these areas before you make the system operational. 4. To program a new DBS system, you must first initialize the software to default values (see “Initializing DBS Systems”, next page). If you are performing an upgrade and the system is using a CPC-B card, you must first perform the New Function Reset procedure (see “Upgrading CPC-B Softtiare” on page Intro-5). Once these steps are completed, use the site data in Forms and Tables to program the system. D BS-70-400DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95Intro-3

Initializing DBS Systems (RAMCLR) After installing a new DBS system, or when upgrading to Version 7.0, you must initialize the CPC (Central Processing Card) before programming the system. IMPORTANT:This procedure must be performed before you program the DBS system. Failure to initialize the CPC before programming may cause operational problems.Figure 1. The procedure described below re-initializes the entire DBS memory, and resets all programs to their default values. This means that all programs used, as well as features set on individual extensions, must be reprogrammed. If you have PCAS, you can download existing settings (thru CPC Version 4.0) and upload them to the new version. The new features introduced in CPC Versions 5.0 thru 6. lx. as well as the Permanent Call Forwarding feature, must be manually reprogrammed. 1.Power-off the DBS (set power switch to OFF). 2.Slide the CPC’s SW1 switch to “RAMCLR”. 3.Power-on the DBS. Wait until the bottom status LED on the CPC card stops flashing (this takes less than a minute). 4.Slide SW 1 back to “RAMHOLD”. 5.From any display phone, verify the software version by pressingON/OFF. CONF 7777 T memory clear switch STATUS LEDIntro-4 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 400-ProgrammingIntroduction to DBS Programming Upgrading CPC-B Software (New Function Reset) Perform the following procedure when upgrading CPC-B software to a new version. Exception: If upgrading to Version 7.0, the system must be initialized instead: see “‘Initializing DBS Systems (RAMCLR)“. previous page. IMPORTANT:Perform New Function Reset if upgrading to a new release -- from 5.0 to 6.0, for example. It is not necessary for a “point” release (e.g., from 5.0 to 5.2). New Function Reset clears unused registers and adds new programs, but retains all current DBS settings. If you are upgrading from a CPC-B version prior to 3.1, New Function Reset will also clear any existing DID numbers that are extension-based. 1. Power-off the DBS. Remove the CPC-B card. 2. Replace the existing EPROMs l-4 with new EPROMs. 3. Re-install the CPC-B card, then power the system back on. 4. If upgrading to a new release (e.g., from 5.0 to 6.0), perform New Function Reset as shown below: FFl 8# I# (0 or l)# t O=Do not perform New Function Reset. l=Perfonn New Function Reset. NOTE:If you enter “1” (to reset), the following displays: This is to confirm that you want to reset the data before the DBS actually performs the reset. Press one of the following: O=Do not complete the reset. l=Complete the reset. 5. Power-off the system, wait at least 3 seconds, then power it back on. DBS-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95Intro-5

Introduction to DBS Programming Section 400-Programming Understanding FF Key ProgrammingProgram Structure Program entries for the DBS are organized into 10 primary groups, which are listed in Table 1 below. Each group has its own Flexible Function (FF) key on the phone. These keys can be identified by the LED on the left side of the key. On key telephones, the FF keys are numbered left-to-right, starting on the bottom row. After you enter the programming mode (see “How to Enter the Programming Mode”, next page), press the desired programming the entries (“addresses”) of the group. display will prompt you through the addresses.FE key to start The phone’s LCD Tuble 1.JIBS program structure FF Key FFl FF2 FF3 FF4 FF5 Programming Group System settings CO Trunk settings Extension settings Ring Assignments and Hunt Groups FF Key Assignments 1 Names and Messages on LCD DisplayFF6 FF71 Toll Restrictions (TRS) IFF8Least Cost Routing (LCR) FF9Copy Program Settings FFlO1 Speed-Dialing (system and personal) In the programming mode, some of the phone keys can be used to store your settings and move forward or backward through the program addresses. Figure 2 (next page) identifies these keys and what they do in programming mode. intro-6DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95D BS-70-400