Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Section 300~installationChapter 7. Specifications Tone NameDial tone Ringing Busy Voice mail ringing Frequency 400 Hz 400 Hz 400 Hz 5501400 Hz at 16 Hz Timing (seconds) Continuous 1 on/3 off 0.5 on/O.5 off 2 on/2 off Table 7-18. DTMF frequencies Digit 1 Frequency (Hz) 697 + 1209 2697+1336 3697+1477 770 + 1209I I5770 + 1336 770 + 1477t 7852 + 1209t 852 + 1336, 9852 + 1477 941+ 1209 0941+ 1336 #941 + 1477DBS-70-300DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/957-17

Index A Analog extensions 4-37 guidelines 4-37 installation 4-37 see also SLTAB’ Background music see Peripheral equipment, BGM Battery backup capacities 7-3 guidelines 3-9 installation 3-9 DBS 40 3-10 DBS 72 and 96 3- 11 part numbers 3-9 specifications 7-3 BGM see Peripheral equipment, BGM C Cabinet description 2-3 Cabinet installation 3- 1 batteries 3-9 guidelines 3-9 installation DBS 40 3-10 DBS 72 and 96 3-l 1 circuit cards 3-6guidelines 3-6 installation 3-8 DSLT wall mounting 3-15 desk stand attachment 3-16 desk stand removal 3- 15 grounding 3-5 guidelines 3-5 installation 3-5 initialization 3- 17 key phone wall mounting 3-13 mount adaptor removal 3-13 guidelines 3- 18 installation 3- 18 wall mounting 3-3 cover removal 3-3 guidelines 3-3 installation 3-3 mounting brackets 3-4 mounting illustration 3-4 Cabling distances 7- 13 specifications 7- 13Cards see Circuit cards Channel service unit 4-12 Circuit cards CPC description 2-9 strap S 1 3-7 SW1 3-17 installation 3-6,3-g guidelines 3-6 MDF card 4-23 MFR slcts 2-8 SCC-B switch 4 3-6 slot locations 2-8 Cleaning 1-6 Clock sync cable 4-29 Communications parameters 7- 14 Configuration 2-5 extension capacities 2-5 trunk capacities 2-5 Connector panel 2-3 Connectors pinouts for trunks 4-4 trunks 4-3 Cover removal 3-3 CPC description 2-9 RAM clear 3- 17 RAM hold 3- 17 strap S 13-7 mountadaptorreplacement 3-14SW1 3-17 testphone3- 18CSU 4-12 DES-70-300DES Manual-Issued 8/l/95I-1

Index Section 300~Installation D Data communications ports 7- 14 DBS cabinet description 2-3 configurations 2-5 model numbers l-3 requirements 1- 1 DID trunks 4-9 guide1 ines 4-9 installation 4- 10 Digital extension see DSLT Dimensions of system 7-4 Door j-27,5-31 Door box 5-3 1 Door box adaptor 5-3 1 Door box adaptor (extension port) 5-3 1 Door box adaptor (trunk port) see Peripheral equipment, door box adaptor (Trunk Port) Door phone 5-31 see Peripheral equipment, door box adaptor (trunk port) Double-cabinet systems 6- 1 guidelines 6-3 DBS 40 + DBS 40 6-4 DBS 72 + DBS 40 6-5 DBS 72 + DBS 72 6-6 DBS 96 + DBS 40 6-7 DBS 96 + DBS 72 6-8 DBS 96 + DBS 96 6-9 maximum capacities 6-3 installation 6- 10 MFR cards 6-4 strap S3 6-10 DSLT installation 4-40 DSS/72 4-41 guidelines 4-40 EM/24 4-42 guidelines 4-42 wall mounting 3- 15 desk stand attachment 3-16 desk stand removal 3-15 DSS/72 4-40 DTMF frequencies 7- 17 E Electrical characteristics 7-3 noise l-5 EM/24 4-42 EM1 filter 4-39 Environmental requirements l-5,7-4 electrical noise l-5 gas and airborne particles l-5 humidity l-5,7-4 lightening protection/grounding l-6 lighting l-6 temperature l-5,7-4 ventilation l-5 vibration l-5 water exposure l-6 Extensions analog guidelines 4-37 installation 4-37 analog -- See also SLTA connectors 4-3 1 pinouts 4-32 digital 4-40 DSS/72 4-40 guidelines 4-40 installation 4-41 EM/24 4-42 guidelines 4-42 installation 4-42 EM1 filter 4-39 maximum capacities 2-5 pinouts 4-32 Ex temal ringer see Peripheral equipment, external ringer F FCC information network address signaling code l-3 registration number l-3 ringer equivalence l-3 Feature-related capacities 7-5 Fractional T14-13l-2 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 300~installation Index GGas and airborne particles l-5 Grounding 1-6, 3-5 guidelines 3-5 installation 3-5 Tl 4-26 Ground-start trunks 4-9 guide1 ines 4-9installation 4- 10 HHardware maximums double-cabinet systems 7-9 single-cabinet systems 7-7 Heat generation 7-3 Humidity l-5,7-4 I initialization of system 3- 17 Input power 7-3 Installation analog extensions 4-37 background music 5-8 cabinet 3-l batteries 3-9 DBS 40 3-10 DBS 72 and 96 3-l 1 guidelines 3-9 grounding 3-5 guidelines 3-5 installation 3-5circuit cards 3-6,3-8 CPC strap S 1 3-7guidelines 3-6 SCC-B switch 4 3-6 DID trunks 4- 10door box adaptor 5-28 double-cabinet systems 6- 1,6-10 extensionsanalog 4-37 digital 4-40 DSSf72 4-40 EM/24 4-42 external ringer 5- 18 ground-start trunks 4- 10initialization of system 3- 17 line expansion 4-43loop-start trunks 4-7 OPX adaptor 5- 11 with central office 5- 12 without central office 5-I 1 paging S- 14PCAS terminal 5-4 power failure unit 5- 19remote administration interface 5-6 SMDR device 5-4 Tl interface 4-20 double cabinet Tl in both cabinets 4-29 Tl in slave 4-27 single cabinet 4-2 1 test phone 3-18 guidelines 3- 18trunk expansion 4-43 voice announce unit 5-22 wall mounting cabinet cover removal 3-3 illustration 3-4 mounting brackets 3-4 wall mounting DSLT 3- 15 desk stand attachment 3- 16desk stand removal 3-15 wall mounting key phone 3- 13 mount adaptor removal 3- 13mount adaptor replacement 3-14 wall-mounting cabinet 3-3 guidelines 3-3Introduction to system 2-l K KTEL- to-DB S voice path 7- 14 LLighting l-6 Lightning protection l-6. Lines 4- 1.4-3 1expansion 4-43 guidelines 4-43installation 4-43 extensions DBS-70-400DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95l-3

IndexSection 300~Installation see Extensions maximums 7-5 Local Terminal see Peripheral equipment, local terminal Loop-start trunks 4-7 guidelines 4-7 installation 4-7 M Maximums cabling distances 7- 13 double-cabinet systems 6-3 feature-related 7-5 hardware double-cabinet systems 7-9 single-cabinet systems 7-7 lines 7-5 MFR cards in double-cabinet system 6-4, 6-5,6-6,6-7,6-g, 6-9 OPX adaptor distances 5- 11 OPX direct connect distances 5- 10 system resources 7-5 Tl 4-12 Tl trunk assignments 4-14,4-15 trunk connections 4-3 trunks 7-5 MDF card 4-23 MFR cards in double cabinet systems 6-4. 6-5, 6-6, 6- 7,6-8,6-g slot locations 2-8 strap S3 6-10 Model numbers for DBS l-3 Mounting brackets 3-4 Music on hold see Peripheral equipment, BGM N Network address signaling code l-30 Off-premises adaptor see Peripheral equipment, OPX OPX see Peripheral equipment, OPX Overview of system 2-l P Paging see Peripheral equipment, Paging Part numbers VA-43703 5- 19 VB-2450A-2P 3-9 VB-2650-2P 3-9 V-B-43030 l-3 VB-43110 4-12VB-43120 4-43 VB-43121 4-43 VB-43 130 3-9 VB -435 11 4-7 VB-43561 4-l 1,4-12 VB-43562 4-l 1,4-12 VB-43563 4-l 1,4-12,4-21VB-43564 4-12,4-27 VB-43701 5-27,5-3 1 V-B-43702 5- 10 VB -43705 5-3 1 VB -43706 5-6 VB-43707 5-6 VB-43708 5-27,5-3 1 VB-437 11 5-3 1 VB-5353 1 4-9 Peripheral equipment 5- 1 BGM guidelines 5-8 installation 5-8 SCC variable resistors 5-9 door box adaptor guidelines 5-27 installation 5-28 door box adaptor (trunk port) external ringer guidelines 5-17 installation 5- 18 Local terminal OPX guidelines 5- 10 installation 5-11 with central office 5-12 without central office 5- 11 fl-4 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400

Section 300~Installation Index see ,Peripheral equipment, voice announce unit Voice path from KTEL to DBS 7- 14 W Wall mounting cabinets 3-3 cover removal 3-3 guidelines 3-3 installation 3-3 mounting brackets 3-4 mounting illustration 3-4 DSLT 3-153-16 key phones 3- 13 mount adaptor removal 3- 13 mount adaptor replacement 3- 14 Water exposure l-6 Weight of system 7-4 DES-70-400DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95.l-7

A. Warning: This service information is designed for experienced repair techni- cians only and is not designed for use by the general public. it does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electricity should be ser- viced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt with in this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment on the part of Panasonic Communications & Systems Company (PCSC). Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, Panasonic cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed ,material after the date of publication nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Panasonic will update and revise this document as needed. The software and hardware described in this document may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware. Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof, in any manner, mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the Panasonic Communications 8z Systems Company (PCSC). @Copyright 1995 by Panasonic Communications & Systems Company All rights reserved.

Table of Contents Introduction..................................................................................................................................1 Guidelines....................................................................................................................................1 Installation...................................................................................................................................6 DBS-70-320DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95. . .III

Section 320 - DBS 824 to DBS Interconnection SupplementIntroduction Introduction A DBS 824 cabinet can be connected to a DBS 40,72 or 96 cabinet in order to increase capacity. This document includes connection procedures, as well as capacities for these two-cabinet systems. This chapter covers the following topics: I Page I 1 GuidelinesI 1 I / InstallationI 6 I Guidelines lThe DBS is always the master and the DBS 824 is always the slave. lThe DBS requires the CPC-B version 6.1 or later and the SCC-B. lSince the CPC-B card is the controlling card, follow the programming instructions in the DBS Section 400 and the operating instructions in DBS Section 700. lSince both DBS and DBS 824 items are used, refer to the installation instructions in both the DBS Section 300 and the DBS 824 Section 300. lIf an MFR card is used, it must be installed in the DBS 824 CPC slot. The MFRU card cannot be used. lTl can only be used with the DBS 96 in a DBS 96 to DBS 824 Dual Cabinet System. No other combination supports Tl. lThe SMDR, Bus Monitor, etc. are provided from the DBS cabinet. lThe DBS 824 cabinet only supports loop start trunks. lThe DBS 824 cabinet does not support AECs. An SLT-A or OPX adaptor must be used to connect analog devices. lFigures 1 through 3 shows slot usage for two-cabinet combinations. lTable 2 on page 3 shows possible two cabinet configurations and maximums. lThe DBS 824 may have most options connected including Caller ID, OPX, VAU. Exceptions or considerations include the following: DBS-70-320DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/951