Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-37 Table 3-6 lists the months of the year format. Do Not Disturb (Hotel/Motel feature) The following displays are associate d with the Do Not Disturb (DND) feature. n‘‘DO NOT DIST - Group: xx Time: --:-- xM’’ (English) — French - ‘‘NE PAS DERANGER GROUPE: xx HEURE: --:--’’ — Italian - ‘‘NON DISTURBARE - Grp: xx Ora: --:--’’ — Spanish - ‘‘NO MOLESTAR - GRUPO: xx HORA: --:--’’ n‘‘DO NOT DIST - Ext: xxxxx Time: --:-- xM’’ (En glish) — French - ‘‘NE PAS DERANGER POSTE:xxxxx HEUR E: - -:--’’ — Italian - ‘‘NON DISTURBARE - Tel: xxxxx Ora: --:--’’ — Spanish - ‘‘NO MOLESTAR - EXT: xxxxx HORA: --:--’’ n‘‘DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED - INTERVAL FULL’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DEMANDE EST REFUSEE - INTERVALLE PLEIN’’ — Italian - ‘‘SERVIZIO NON ATTIVATO - ORARIO OCCUP’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ ENTR A D A DE NEG A DA - I NTE RV A L O C O M PL ETO ’’ n‘‘DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED - NO PERMISSION’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DEMANDE EST REFUSEE - SANS AUTOR ISA TIO N’’ Table 3-6. Months of the Year Format ‘‘English Display’’ ‘‘French Display’’ ‘‘Italian Display’’ ‘‘Spanish Display’’ ‘‘JANUARY’’ ‘‘JANVIER’’ ‘‘GENNAIO’’ ‘‘ENERO’’ ‘‘FEBRUARY’’ ‘‘FEVRIER’’ ‘‘ FEBBRAIO’’ ‘‘FEBRERO’ ’ ‘‘MARCH’’ ‘‘MARS’’ ‘‘MARZO’’ ‘‘MARZO’’ ‘‘APRIL’’ ‘‘AVRIL’’ ‘‘APRILE’’ ‘‘ABRIL’’ ‘‘MAY’’ ‘‘MAI’’ ‘‘MAGGIO’’ ‘‘MAYO’’ ‘‘JUNE’’ ‘‘JUIN’’ ‘‘GIUGNO’’ ‘‘JUNIO’’ ‘‘JULY’’ ‘‘JUILLET’’ ‘‘LUGLIO’’ ‘‘JULIO’’ ‘‘AUGUST’’ ‘‘AOUT’’ ‘‘AGOSTO’’ ‘‘AGOSTO’’ ‘‘SEPTEMBER’’ ‘‘SEPTEMBRE’’ ‘‘ SETTEMBRE’’ ‘‘ SEPTIEM BRE’ ’ ‘‘OCTOBER’’ ‘‘OCTOBRE’’ ‘‘OTTOBRE’’ ‘‘OCTUBRE’’ ‘‘NOVEMBER’’ ‘‘NOVEMBRE’’ ‘‘NOVEMBRE’’ ‘‘NOVIEMBRE’’ ‘‘DECEMBER’’ ‘‘DECEMBRE’’ ‘‘DICEMBRE’’ ‘‘DICIEMBRE’’

Feature Descriptions 3-38Issue 3 March 1996 — Italian - ‘‘SERVIZIO NON ATTIVATO - NON PERMESSO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ ENTR A D A DE NEG A DA - S IN PE RMI SO ’’ n‘‘DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED - SYSTEM FULL’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DEMANDE EST REFUSEE - ENCOMBREMENT’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘SERVIZIO NON ATTIVATO - CONGESTIONE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ ENTR A D A DE NEG A D A - S IS TEM A C O M PLE TO’ ’ n‘‘DO NOT DIST ENTRY DENIED - TOO SOON’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DEMANDE EST REFUSEE - TROP TOT’’ — Italian - ‘‘SERVIZIO NON ATTIVATO - TROPPO PRESTO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ ENTR A D A DE NEG A DA - M UY P RONTO’’ n‘‘INVALID GROUP - TRY AGAIN’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘GR OU PE ER RONE - REE SSA YER ’’ — Italian - ‘‘G RUPPO N ON VA LI DO - RIP ETE RE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘GRUPO NO VALIDO - INTENTE DE N U EVO ’’ n‘‘THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST ENTR Y C ONFIR M ED’ ’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘M ER CI - D EM AN DE EST CO NFIR M EE ’’ — Italian - ‘‘NON DISTURBARE - RICHIESTA CONFERMATA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ N O M O LES TA R - ENTR A D A C ONFIR M A DA ’’ n‘‘THANK YOU - DO NOT DIST REQUEST CANCELED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘MERCI - DEMANDE EST ANNULEE’’ — Italian - ‘‘NON DISTURBARE - RICHIESTA CANENTR YAT A’ ’ — Spanish - ‘‘MUCHAS GRACIAS - SOLICITUD CANCELADA’’ Expert Agent Selection The following displays are associate d with the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature. n‘‘Skills:’’ (English) — French - ‘‘Capacites:’’ — Italian - ‘‘Capacita:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘Capacidades:’’ n‘‘p’’ (English for Primary) — French (for Principale) - ‘‘p’’ — Italian (for Primaria) - ‘‘p’’ — Spanish (for Primaria) - ‘‘p’’

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-39 n‘‘s’’ (English for Secondary) — French (for Secondaire) - ‘‘s’’ — Italian (for Secondaria) - ‘‘s’’ — Spanish (for Secundaria) - ‘‘s’’ Field Separator The following displays show field separation. n< c alling party> ‘‘to’’ (English) — French - < calling party> ‘‘a’’ — Italian - < calling party> ‘‘a’’ — Spanish - ‘‘a’’ Integrated Directory Display Mode The following displays are associate d with the Integrated Directory feature. n‘‘DIRECTO RY - PL EA SE ENTER N A ME ’’ (English) — French - ‘‘ANNUAIRE - ENTRER LE NOM’’ — Italian - ‘‘ELENCO UTENTI - INTRODURRE NOME’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ GUI A TE LEFO NIC A - I NTRODUZCA NOMBRE’’ n‘‘DIRECTO RY UNAVAILABLE - TRY LATER’’ (English) — French - ‘‘ANNUAIRE INDISPONIBLE - REESSAYER’’ — Italian - ‘‘ELENCO UTENTI TEM P. N ON DIS PO NIB ILE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ GUI A TE L I NDI SP ONI BL E - INTENT E DESP UES ’’ n‘‘NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ I N T R O U V A B L E - RE ES SA YE R ’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘NESSUNA CORRISPONDENZA - RIPETERE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ NO COR RES PON DE - I NTENT E DE NUEV O’’ ISDN The following displays are associate d with the ‘ISDN’ feature. n‘‘ANSWERED BY’’ (English) — French - ‘‘REPONDU PAR’’ — Italian - ‘‘R ISP OST A DA ’’ — Spanish - ‘‘RESPONDIDO POR’’ n‘‘CALL FROM’’ (English)

Feature Descriptions 3-40Issue 3 March 1996 — French - ‘‘APPEL DE’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHIAMATA DA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘LLAMADA DE’’ n‘‘INTL’’ (English) - ‘‘International’’ — French - ‘‘INTL’’ — Italian - ‘‘INTL’’ — Spanish - ‘‘INTL’’ Leave Word Calling The following sc reens list displays associated with the Leave Word Callin gfeature. The format of the English Leave Word Calling message is listed in Screen 3-3: nEnglish - Screen 3-3. Leave Word Calling — English NOTE: If nine or more identical messages accumulate, the count remains at nine but the date and time are up d ated. CALL The calling identifier, up to 15 characters / 1-12 (month of year, no leading zeroes) 1-31 (day of month, no leading zeroes) : 1-12 (hour of day, no leading zeroes) 00-59 (minute of hour) ‘‘a’’ or ‘‘p’’ Number of calls received, 1 digit * Calling extension number, up to 5 digits blank

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-41 The format of the French Leave Word Calling message is listed in Screen 3-4: nFrench - Screen 3-4. Leave Word Calling — French NOTE: If nine or more identical messages accumulate, the count remains at nine but the date and time are up d ated. The format of the Italian Leave Word Calling message is listed in Screen 3-5: nItalian - Screen 3-5. Leave Word Calling — Italian NOTE: If nine or more identical messages accumulate, the count remains at nine but the date and time are up d ated. APPL The calling identifier, up to 15 characters / 1-31 (day of month, no leading zeroes) 1-12 (month of year, no leading zeroes) : 0-23 (hour of day, no leading zeroes) 00-59 (minute of hour) Number of calls received, 1 digit * Calling extension number, up to 5 digits TEL The calling identifier, up to 15 characters / 1-31 (day of month, no leading zeroes) 1-12 (month of year, no leading zeroes) : 0-23 (hour of day, no leading zeroes) 00-59 (minute of hour) Number of calls received, 1 digit * Calling extension number, up to 5 digits

Feature Descriptions 3-42Issue 3 March 1996 The format of the Spanish Leave Word Calling message is listed in Screen 3-6: nSpanish - Screen 3-6. Leave Word Calling — Spanish NOTE: If nine or more identical messages accumulate, the count remains at nine but the date and time are up d ated. The format of the user-defined Leave Word Calling message is listed in Screen 3-7: nuser-defined - Screen 3-7. Leave Word Calling — User-Defined Following are the list of Leave Word Calling messages and their respective translations. Messages can be a maximum of 40 characters. n‘‘CANNOT BE DELETE D - C A L L ME SS AG E CENT ER ’’ (English) — French - ‘‘NE PEUT ETRE SUPP. / AP PE LER RE CEP . M ES S. ’’ — Italian - ‘‘NON CANENTRYATO. CHIAMARE CENTR O M ES SA GG I’’ — Spanish - ‘‘NO ELIMINADO-LLAMA CENTR O DE M ENS AJE S’’ LLAM The calling identifier, up to 15 characters / 1-31 (day of month, no leading zeroes) 1-12 (month of year, no leading zeroes) : 0-23 (hour of day, no leading zeroes) 00-59 (minute of hour) Number of calls received, 1 digit * Calling extension number, up to 5 digits The calling identifier, up to 15 characters / 1-31 (day of month, no leading zeroes) 1-12 (month of year, no leading zeroes) : 0-23 (hour of day, no leading zeroes) 00-59 (minute of hour) Number of calls received, 1 digit * < The user-defined language string for the English string ‘‘CALL’’ Calling extension number, up to 5 digits

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-43 n‘‘DELETE D ’ ’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘SUP PR I ME ’’ — Italian - ‘‘MESSAGGIO CANENTRYATO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ ELI M INA DO’ ’ n‘‘END OF MESSAGES (NEXT TO REPEAT)’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘FI N DE S ME SS AGES (S UIV ANT P OUR REPE TER )’’ — Italian - ‘‘FINE MESSAGGI. PER RIPETERE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘FIN DE MENSAJES (SIGUIENTE P A RA REP ITI R)’ ’ n‘‘GET DIAL TONE, PUSH Cover Msg Retrieval’’ (English) — French - ‘‘TONALITE D’ENVO I - < LECT. MESS. COUV.> ’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘ DOPO IL TONO DI CENTR’’ — Spanish - ‘‘OBTENGA TONO OPRIMA ’’ n‘‘I N P ROGR ESS ’’ (English) — French - ‘‘EN COURS’’ — Italian - ‘‘A TTE NDER E.. .’ ’ — Spanish - ‘‘EN CURSO’’ n‘‘MESSAGE RETRIEVAL DENIED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘LECTURE DE MESSAGES INTERDITE’’ — Italian - ‘ ‘ L ETTUR A M ESSA G GI O NON PERMESSA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ RE CUPE RAC IO N DE M ENS A JES DEN EGA DA ’’ n‘‘MESSAGE RETRIEVAL LOCKED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘LECTURE DE MESSAGES BLOQUEE’’ — Italian - ‘ ‘ L ETTUR A M ESSA G GI O BLOCCATA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ RE CUPE RAC IO N DE M ENS A JES B LOQ UEA DA ’’ n‘‘MESSAGES FOR’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘M ESS A GE S POUR ’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘MESSAGGI PER’’ — Spanish - ‘‘MENSAJES PARA’’ n‘‘MESSAGES UNAVAILABLE - TRY LATER’’ (English) — French - ‘‘MESSAGES INDISPONIBLES - REESSAYER’’ — Italian - ‘‘M ES SA G GI TE MP OR A NEA M ENTE N O N DIS PO NIB I LI’ ’ — Spanish - ‘‘MENSAJES NO DISPONIBLES, INTENTE D ESP UES ’’

Feature Descriptions 3-44Issue 3 March 1996 n‘‘Message Center (AUDIX) CALL’’ (English) — French - ‘‘APPEL DE LA RECEPTION DE MESS. (AUDIX)’’ — Italian - ‘‘Chiamata dal Centro Messaggi (AUDIX)’’ — Spanish - ‘‘LLAMADA DEL CENT RO DE M ENSA JES (AUDIX)’’ n‘‘NO MESSAGES’’ (English) — French - ‘‘PAS DE MESSAGES’’ — Italian - ‘‘NESSUN MESSAGGIO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘NINGUN MENSAJE’’ n‘‘WHOSE MESSAGES? (DIAL EXTENS IO N N U M B ER ) ’ ’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘M ESS A GE S DE QUE L NO .? (ENTR ER NO. P OSTE)’’ — Italian - ‘ ‘ L ETTUR A M ESSA G GI . INT RO DUR RE N UME RO TEL. ’’ — Spanish - ‘‘MENSAJES DE QUIEN? (MARCAR EXTENS ION)’’ Malicious Call Trace The following displays are associate d with the Malicious Call Trace (MCT) feature: n‘‘MALICIOUS CALL TRACE REQUEST’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DEPISTAGE D’APPELS MALVEILLANTS’’ — Italian - ‘‘RICHIESTA RINTR A CCI O CHIAMATE MALEVOLE’’ — Spanish - ‘‘RASTREO DE LLAMADA MALINTENCIONADA’’ n‘‘MCT activated by: for:’’ (English) — French - ‘‘DAM ACTIVE par: pour:’’ — Italian - ‘‘RCM attivato da: per:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘RLM activada por: para:’’ n‘‘original call redirected from:’’ (English) — French - ‘‘redirection a ppel initial de: (EXTENSION)’’ — Italian - ‘‘chiamata iniziale rinviata da:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘llama da orig. transferida de:’’ n‘‘party: (EXTENS ION)’’ (English) — French - ‘‘demandeur: (EXTENSION)’’ — Italian - ‘‘utente: (INTERNO)’’ — Spanish - ‘‘usuario: (EXTENS ION)’’ n‘‘party: (ISDN SID/CNI)’’ (English) — French - ‘‘demandeur: (NIP/INA ISDN)’’

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-45 — Italian - ‘‘utente: (NIC/INC ISDN)’’ — Spanish - ‘‘usuario: (ISDN NIE/INU)’’ n‘‘party: (PORT ID)’’ (En glish) — French - ‘‘demandeur: (REF. PORT ISDN)’’ — Italian - ‘‘utente: (ID DELLA PORTA ISDN)’’ — Spanish - ‘‘usuario: (ID DEL PUERTO ISDN)’’ n‘‘party: (ISDN PORT ID)’’ (English) — French - ‘‘demandeur: (REF. PORT)’’ — Italian - ‘‘utente: (ID DELLA PORTA)’’ — Spanish - ‘‘usuario: (ID DEL PUERTO)’’ n‘‘END OF TRACE INFORMATION’’ (English) — French - ‘‘F IN DES I NFO DE DE PI STA G E’’ — Italian - ‘‘INFORMAZIONI FINALI SUL RINTRACCIO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘FIN DE INFOR M ACIO N DE R AST RE O’’ n‘‘voice recorder port:’’ (English) — French - ‘‘port enregistreur vocal:’’ — Italian - ‘‘porta del registratore:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘puerto de grabado de voz:’’ Miscellaneous Attendant Features The following displays are associate d with miscellaneous attendant features. Caller Information n‘‘Info:’’ (English) — French - ‘‘INFO.:’’ — Italian - ‘‘Info:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘INFORM:’’ Emergency Access to Attendant n‘‘a=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ext xxxxx xx in EMRG Q’’ (English) — French - ‘‘a=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POSTE xxxxx xx FIL URG’’ — Italian - ‘‘a=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Der xxxxx xx in C EMRG’’ — Spanish - ‘‘a=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXT xxxxx xx EN C EMRG’’

Feature Descriptions 3-46Issue 3 March 1996 Queue Status n‘‘HUNT GROUP < x > NOT ADMINISTERED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘G ROUP E DE DIS T. < x> N ON ADM INIS TR E’’ — Italian - ‘‘G RUPPO < x > NON AMMINISTRATO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘GRUPO BUSQUEDA < x > NO ADMINISTRADO’’ Queue Status Indication n‘‘ Q-time xx:xx calls xx’’ (English) — French - ‘‘ TEMPS-F x x: xx A PP ELS xx’’ — Italian - ‘‘ T-coda xx:xx chiam xx’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ HORA-C xx:xx LLAMADAS xx’’ Miscellaneous Call Identifier Table 3-7 lists displays associated with Miscellaneous Call Identifiers. Table 3-7. Miscellaneous Call Identifiers ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) ‘‘sa’’ (ACD Supervisor Assistance) ‘‘AS’’ (Assistance surveillant) ‘‘as’’ (Assistenza Supervisoree) ‘ ‘A S’’ (Ayuda del supervisor) ‘‘ac’’ (Attd Assistance Call) ‘‘AA’’ (Appel assistance) ‘‘ao’’ (Assistenza Operatore) ‘‘AO’’ (Ayuda de operadora) ‘‘tc’’ (Attd Control Of A Trunk Group) ‘‘CF’’ (Command e faisceau) ‘‘fc’’ (Fasc io Controllato) ‘‘CE’’ (Control enlaces) ‘‘an’’ (Attd No Answer) ‘‘TR ’’ (Telephoniste sans reponse) ‘‘on’’ (Operatore Non Risponde) ‘‘ON’’ (Operadora no responde) ‘‘pc’’ (Attd Personal Call) ‘‘AP’’ (Appel personnel) ‘‘cp’’ (Chiamata Personale) ‘‘LP ’’ (Llamada p ersonal) ‘‘rc’’ (Attd Recall Call) ‘‘R A’’ (Rap p el) ‘‘rc’’ (Richiamata) ‘‘RL’’ (Rellamada) ‘‘rt’’ (Attd Return Call) ‘‘R E’ ’ (Retour) ‘‘rt’’ (Ritornata) ‘‘R T’’ (Retorno) Continued on next page