Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-327 nCalls returned to a vector directory number (VDN) via the VDN Return Destination feature associated with Call Vectoring and Call Coverage features. nInternal, direct calls that are originated by an extension optioned for intraswitch CDR, or that have a dialed number which is optioned for intraswitch CDR (the Intra-switch o ption on the ‘‘Change System Parameters CDR’’ form must also be turned on). NOTE: If an extension optioned for intraswitch CDR is neither the originator of the call nor the d ialed numb er of the call, no CDR record is output even though the extension might be a party on the call (via Call Pickup, Call Forwarding, etc.). You have the option of turning off CDR generation for incoming calls, specific trunk group(s), intra-switch calls, Non-Call Associated Temporary Signaling Connection (NCA-TSCs), Call Associated Temporary Signaling Connection (CA-TSCs), and ineffective call attemp ts with the change sys cdr command. Intra-Switch CDR Intra-Switch CDR is an a dministrable op tion that allows CDR records to be generated for some internal calls. An Intra-Switch call is one that originates and terminates on the same switch. The maximum number of extensions you can administer for Intra-Switch CDR varies from switch to switch. If your system can record more than 100 stations, the system only displays two p a ges of extensions (112 per page) at one time. When you enter the add intra-switch-cdr command to a dd extensions, the system automatically begins after the last extensions. For example, if you add 575 extensions, the first field on the first of the two p ages is field 576. If you enter the change intra-switch-cdr command, the system d isplay b egins with the first extension administered. If you enter the change command with an extension number, the system b egins the display with that extension. Splitting of CDR Records Where long-distance calls are expensive and difficult to set up, the call transfer feature is commonly used among different parties (that is, call splitting) to optimize the use of the connections. It is, therefore, important to provide accurate cost allocation data for each leg of the call. For outgoing calls only, an administrable option is provided in G3i-Global, G3V2, and later releases that creates a separate call record for each leg of calls that are transferred, attendant handled, or conferenced.

Feature Descriptions 3-328Issue 3 March 1996 CDR Privacy To ensure the privacy of calls, an administrable option is provid e d that allows up to seven digits of the ‘‘Dialed Number’’ to b e blanked from right to left from the CDR record . This blanks the least significant digits. Certain countries have requirements that specify a certain number of digits must be blanked from every call. NOTE: When an adjunct originated call is made on behalf of a hunt group and the CDR system parameter record hunt group or member extension option is set to group, then CDR p rivacy d oes not a p ply. If this field is set to member, privacy does apply. NOTE: Certain report processors do not support this option. VDN Return Destination VDN Return Destination is an administrable option that allows users to re-route calls to an administrable VDN when all parties on the call drop, except for the originator. When the call re-routes to a return destination VDN, it goes back into the vector p rocessing specified b y the return destination VDN. The originator c an then be re-routed to other destinations without having to hang up and redial or enter an identification number. Refer to the Interactions section for details of how CDR interacts with VDN Return Destination. Resource Limitation Call Record Handling Options G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases p rovide G2-like capabilities for handling of calls when CDR resource limits are exceeded. If new calls come in when the CDR link is down and the buffer is filled, G3r provides the following call record handling options: — Calls overwrite records (default) - warning — Calls are blocked with a reorder tone - reorder — Calls are rerouted to an attendant as non-CDR calls b ut are not recorded - attendant NOTE: Rerouting calls to an attendant allows the attendant to manually track calls. This option is only available in MIPS, G3r. For G3i, G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3i-Global, record s are always overwritten.

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-329 Set Time and Date The system clock must be set for daylight savings time when the time changes. Changing the time and date ensures that CDR record s have the correct time and date for the record s being kept. The time and date can be changed using the Management Terminal. If the time is changed while calls are in progress, the actual call durations for these calls are not reflected in the CDR record. A ‘‘9999’’ outputs in the “ CDR Duration” field. CDR Data Formats This part covers two types of formats sent to the CDR output device, date record and call detail formats. Date Record Format Several formats are available for date records: one for CDRUs, one for the printer, and one for the TELESEER. CDR unit. The record s sent to the TELESEER CDR and printer contain the date only while the records sent to the CDRU contain time. See Table 3-20, Table 3-21, and Table 3-22. NOTE: The d ate format for G3V2 and later releases can either be in month/day or day/month format, as selected on the ‘‘System Parameters CDR’’ form. For G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3rV1, the month/day format is used . G3i-Global uses the day/month format.

Feature Descriptions 3-330Issue 3 March 1996 For G3V2 and later releases there is an option on the ‘‘System Parameters CDR’’ form that is used to administer the CDR date record format. It can be in day/month or month/d ay format. Table 3-20. Date Record Format to LSU, LSU-Expand, Unformatted, and Customized ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 01-02 Hour (Leading Zero Ad ded if Need e d) 03 Colon (:) 04-05 Minute (Leading Zero Ad d e d if Needed) 06 Blank 07-08 Month (Leading Zero Ad ded if Needed) 09 Sla sh (/ ) 10-11 Day (Leading Zero Ad d e d if Needed) 12 Carriage Return 13 Line Feed 14-16 Null Table 3-21. Date Record Format for Printer and Expanded ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 01-02 Month (Leading Zero Ad d e d if Needed) 03 Space 04-05 Day (Leading Zero Ad d e d if Needed) 06 Carriage Return 07 Line Feed 08-10 Null

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-331 . NOTE: The d ate/time may also be reversed for international standards. Call Detail Record Format The call detail record format provides detailed information concerning an incoming call, an outgoing call, or an intraswitch call. Call detail records are generated during call processing and are sent to the CDR outp ut device in ASCI I. G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3i-Global support a variety of standard fixed record formats. G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases support a variety of standard fixed record formats and a variable (customized) format. Customized Format (G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases) The Variable Record Format (VRF) capability, first introduced in System 85 V4, provides a flexible means to incorporate new data elements in the call record. The VRF method allows a record to be defined in terms of its content (from a set of available data elements) and the position of the data elements in the record. This method can be used to construct the 24-word standard formats (described in the next section), and custom formats. Even though the DEFINITY switches output the record in ASCII character representation, the terminology ‘‘word’’ is retained here to be compatible with the G2 defined record s. G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases have the same VRF c a pability as G2 in that it provides the flexibility to define the d ata presentation of the call record, along with its contents and layouts. That is, the record content, the spacing between the data items and the carriage return, line feed, and nulls can be defined. This does not require enforcing predefined data presentations on customer devices, but allows new devices to handle AT&T’s call detail records. This allows sup p ort Table 3-22. Date Record Format for TELESEER 59 Character, Int-Proc, Int-Direct, and Int-ISDN ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 01-02 Month (Leading Zero Ad d e d if Needed) 03-04 Day 05 Carriage Return 06 Line Feed 07-09 Null

Feature Descriptions 3-332Issue 3 March 1996 of any data presentation, currently provided in G2, that is different from G1, thus allowing support of em be d ded base devices that handle the data presentation. Standard Record Formats Table 3-23 lists the standard record formats and indicates which switch/version supports each format, followed by a description of the formats. Specific field definitions are provided in the next section, Call Detail Record Fields. Table 3-23. Standard Fixed CDR Formats CDR Record Fixed Formats Supported Format NameG3vs/ G3sV1/G1 G3iV1 G3rV1G3i- GlobalG3V2 and later releases Older Formats for Early Vintage Switches and Adjuncts: 18-word TELESEER, non-ISDN X X X X X 18-word TELESEER, ISDN X X X X X 18-word 59-Character, non-ISDN X X X X X 18-wordPrin te r, n on -IS DN X X X X X 18-wordPrin te r, I SDN X X X X X Standard Domestic Formats: 18-word LSU, non-ISDN X X X X X 18-word LSU, ISDN X X X X X 18-wordLSU- Expand X 24-word Expanded X X X X X 24-word Unformatted X X X X X Standard International Formats: Int’l Processing Device X X Int’l Direct Output Device X X Int’l 24-wor d ISDN Expanded X X Enhanced Formats: Enhan ce d ISDN LSU X Enhan ce d ISDN TELESEER X En ha n c e d ISDN Prin te r X Enhanced Expanded X Enhanced Unformatted X

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-333 NOTE: The TELESEER and 94A LSU adjuncts are no longer available. So, although DEFINITY switches support the formats originally designed for the TELESEER and 94A LSU adjuncts, DEFI NIT Y swi t c h es d o not s u p p o rt u si n g these adjuncts. The following p a ges present a table for each CDR format presented in Table 3-23.

Feature Descriptions 3-334Issue 3 March 1996 1.Data is right justified and pa d ded with blanks (spaces). 2.Data is right justified and pa d ded with zeros. Table 3-24. CDR Data Format — TELESEER ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 01-03 Sp a ce 04 Time Hour- (tens) 05 Time Hour- (units) 06 Time Minute (tens) 07 Time Minute (units) 08 Duration Hour 09 Duration Minute (tens) 10 Duration Minute (units) 11 Duration Minute (tenths) 12 Condition Code 13-15 Ac c ess Code Dialed 1 16-18 Ac c ess Code Used1 19-33 Dialed Number1 34-38 Calling Number1 39-53 Ac c ount Code1 54 FRL 55 IXC 56-58 Incoming Circuit ID 2(tens, units, hundreds) 59-61 Outgoing Circuit ID 2(tens, units, hundreds) 62 Feature Fla g 63-69 Authorization Code 70-76 Sp a ce 77 Carriage Return 78 Line Feed 79-81 Null

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-335 NOTE: TELESEER CDR Units are no longer available. 1. Data is right justified and padded with blanks (spaces). 2. Data is right justified and padded with zeros. Table 3-25. CDR Data Format — ISDN TELESEER ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 01-03 Space 04 Time Hour- (tens) 05 Time Hour- (units) 06 Time Minute (tens) 07 Time Minute (units) 08 Duration Hour 09 Duration Minute (tens) 10 Duration Minute (units) 11 Duration Minute (tenths) 12 Condition Code 13-15 IXC 1 16-18 Access Code Used1 19-33 Dialed Number1 34-38 Calling Number1 39-53 Account Code1 54 INS (units d igit) 55 FRL 56-58 Incoming Circuit ID 2(tens, units, hundreds) 59-61 Outgoing Circuit ID 2(tens, units, hundreds) 62 Feature Flag 63-69 Authorization Cod e 70-71 INS (hundreds, tens) 1 72-76 Space 77 Line Feed 78-80 Null

Feature Descriptions 3-336Issue 3 March 1996 1. Data is right justified and padded with blanks (spaces). 2. Data is right justified and padded with zeros. Table 3-26. CDR Data Format — Enhanced TELESEER ASCII Character Position Data Field Description 1-3 Spac e 4-5 Time of Day-hours 6-7 Time of Day-minutes 8 Duration-hours 9-10 Duration-minutes 11 Duration-tenths of minutes 12 Condition Code 13-16 IXC Code 1 17-19 Trunk Ac cess Code Used1 20-34 Dialed Numb er1 35-39 Calling Number1 40-54 Ac c ount Code1 55 ISDN NSV (3rd d i git) 56 FRL 57-59 Incoming Circuit ID 2 (tens, units, hundreds) 60-62 Outgoing Circuit ID 2 (tens, units, hundreds) 63 Feature Flags 64-70 Authorization Code 71-72 ISDN NSV (1st and 2nd digits) 73-76 Sp a ce 77 Carria ge return 78 Line feed 79 3 null characters (indicates end of record)