Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-71 1. The Last Number Dialed Entries = Stations + Digital Data Endpoints + Attendant Consoles. 2. Leave Word Calling is available in the ABP only if the Voice Mail Option is purchased. Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 Intercom Translation Table (ICOM) Automatic/Manual and Dial ICOM groups per system 10 10 32 256 Auto/ Ma nu al 10 10 32 25 6 Dia l 10 10 32 25 6 Members per ICOM group Auto 32 32 32 32 Dia l 32 32 32 32 Members per System 320 320 1,024 8,192 Last Number Dialed Entries/System 1282 282 3,216 32,528 Number of Digits 24 24 24 24 Leave Word Calling (Switch-Based) 2 Messages Stored 450 450 2,000 6,000 Messages per User 125 125 125 125 Remote Message Waiting Indicators Per Extension 80 80 80 80 Per System 240 240 240 1,250 Simultaneous Message Retrievers 60 60 60 400 System-Wide Message Retrievers 10 10 10 10 Malicious Call Trace Maximum Simultaneous Traces 16 16 16 16 MLDN Via DID 8 8 8 20 Via CO 50 50 50 50 Modem Pool Groups Mod e 2/Analog Group Members per System 64 64 160 2,016 Number of Groups 2 2 5 63 Members per Group 32 32 32 32

System Parameters A-72Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. The actual limit in the software is 63, but due to performance c onsiderations, the recommended number of DCS Nodes is 20. 2. The numbers here are node number addresses. 3. G3V2 AND G3V3 do not support Tenant Partitioning. 4. Only port slots are included in this count. For example, there are 100 p ort slots p er MCC EPN cabinet. One slot in the cabinet is already dedicated for the Tone/Clock b oard. Other service c ircuits may be required which would further reduce the number of port slots available. In G3r and G3si, the service slot may be equipped with service boards that do not require tip and ring connections Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 Networking CAS Nodes NA/99 NA/99 99 99 DCS Nodes 1 BX.25 NA/20 NA/20 20 20 ISDN PRI NA/20 NA/20 20 20 Hyb rid NA/20 NA/20 20 20 ENP N o d es 2N A/9 99 NA/ 99 9 999 99 9 Paging Code Calling IDs 125 125 125 125 Loudspeaker Zones 9 9 9 9 Partitions 3 Atte n d an t Gro u p 15 15 15 27 Extension Partition Group 8 8 8 8 Extension Partition 8 8 8 8 Tenant Partition 20 20 20 100 Personal CO Lines (PCOL) PCOL Appearances 4 4 4 16 PCOL Li ne s (Tru nk Gro u p s) 15 15 200 20 0 PCOL Trunks Per Trunk Group 1 1 1 1 Port Circuit Pack Slots 4 Per Expansion Port Network (EPN) MCC Standard Reliability NA NA 99 99 SCC S ta nda rd Rel ia b i lit y NA NA 71 71 Small Cabinet Standard Reliability (Upgrade only)NA NA 39 39

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-73 1. This c apacity for the G3vs and G3s was reduc ed to make the capacity proportional to that provided in the larger sizes (about 25% of the maximum number of system trunks for one board). G3i integrated queue slots should b e increased to 100 for one b oard (200 for 5 boards) but c an not b e d one in this release due to memory limitation (each q ueue slot requires 18 bytes). The G3r has been resized to 4000 q ueue slots for the 10 boards maximum (only 1,000 would have b een needed for one b oard), since the common pool architecture requires a greater number of total queue slots. Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 Port Circuit Pack Slots (Continued) Per Processor Port Network (PPN) MCC Standard Reliability NA NA 89 80 SCC S ta nda rd Rel ia b i lit y NA NA 64 NA ESCC Sta n d a r d Re li a b i li ty NA 70 70 NA CSCC Stan dard Reliab ility 10 NA NA NA Recorded Announcements Analog an d Aux. Trunk Announcements Analog and Auxiliary Trunk Queue Slots per Announcement50 50 150 1,00 0 Analog and Auxiliary Trunk Queue Slots per System50 50 150 1,00 0 Calls Connected per Announcement Auxiliary Trunk 50 50 150 1,000 An al og Po rt 50 50 150 1,00 0 Integrated Announcements Integrated Announcement Circuit Packs11 510 Channels Connected per Integrated Announcement Circuit Pa c k16 16 16 16 Calls Connected per Integrated Announcement25 25 50 1,00 0 Integrated Announcement Recording Time (Minutes:Sec on ds) 16 KB recording 8:32 8:32 8:32 8:32 32 KB recording 4:16 4:16 4:16 4:16 64 KB recording 2:8 2:8 2:8 2:8 Integrated Queue Slots per System 125 25 50 4,00 0 Total Recorded Announcements 128 128 128 256

System Parameters A-74Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. 241 Simultaneous Circuit-Swit ched Calls p er port network, except for G3vs and G3s with 180 and G3r with f 7,712 (limited by the number of call records supported). 2. There are 483 time slots for Voice and Data per port network. 3. G3V3 Release 3.0 or later, or G3V4 , use TN7 44 Ca ll Cla ssifier for basic TTR usage as well as call prompting/call c lassification/MFC. Also, the TN2182 Tone/Clock/Detector is used for multiple tone detection functions. The number of TN748, TN420, or TN744 boards is limited only by the number of available slots. There is a single limit on the total number of tone receiver (classifier) ports for the system. For G3V3 Release 3.0 or later, or G3V4: TN748/TN4 20 ha ve 4 p ort s fo r TT R use, TN7 48 /T N42 0 have 2 p orts for GPTD use, TN744 has 8 p orts for c all prompting/call classification/MFC/TTR/GPTD use, and TN2182 has 8 ports for call prompting /call classification/MFC/TTR/GPTD use. Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 System Administration Num b e r o f L o g ins 15 15 15 15 Administrable History File Entries 50 50 500 1,250 Simultaneous Administration Command 1 1 1 5 Simultaneous Maintenan ce Command 1 1 1 5 Simultaneous SM Sessions 3 3 5 8 Printer Queue Size 50 50 50 50 Speech Synthesis Circuit Packs66 640 Channels per Speech Circuit Pack 4 4 4 4 Terminating Extension Groups (TEG) TEGs 32 32 32 32 Users That May Share a TEG 4 4 4 4 Time Slots Simultaneous Circuit Switched Calls 1180 180 723 7,712 Total Slots 512 512 1,536 22,528 Time Slots for Voice & Data 2483 483 1,449 21,208 Time Slots per Port Network 512 512 512 512 Tone Classifiers Tone Receivers (General) 380 200 200 84 0 Call Classifier Boards NA NA NA NA Classifiers / Prompting TTRs NA NA NA NA Tone Detector Boards NA NA NA NA General Purpose Tone Detectors NA NA NA NA Touch-Tone Receivers NA NA NA NA

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-75 1. Only one Processor Interface (PI) is sup ported in G3vs (CSCC) and G3s (ESC C) c on f i g ura tio n s, therefore a total of 4 physical links (used for BX.25 or PRI) are available. PRI interface via the PI is not available in Germany. PRI interface via the Packet Control must be used. 2. PRI interface via the Packet Control is not available on G3vs. PRI is not available on G3vs in Germany. Other Countries must use the PI when they have the G3vs configuration. 3. In the 286 or the G3i c onfiguration, 2 PI boards c an be supported in the MCC, a total of 8 physical links (used for BX.25 or PRI) is ava ila b l e. Sin c e th e SCC/ ESCC/CSCC c an only sup p ort 1 PI b oard, a total of 4 p hysical links (used for BX.25 or PRI) is available in the G3vs and the G3s configurations. When using the Packet Control, the G3s and G3i limit is bounded by the DS1 CP limit. 4. G3vs has the same software c apacities for stations and trunks as does G3s. However, these software capacities are limited by the c abinet hardware. A typ ical switch would have 20 to 50 stations with 10 to 20 trunks. Station capacities can be reached only by administration without hardware (AWOH). This includes extensions administered without hardware. Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 Tone Classifiers (Continued) TTR Queue Size 4 4 4 4 Prompting TTR Queue Size NA/80 NA/80 80 80 Trunks DS1 Circuit Packs 8 8 30 166 Queue Slots for Trunks 32/64 32/64 198 1,332 PRI Interfaces via PI 1NA/4 NA/4 8 NA PRI Int erf a c es via Pa c k e t Control 2NA NA/8 30 NA PRI Interfaces via PKTINT NA NA NA 166 PRI Temporary Sig naling Connections TSCs in System NA/164 NA/164 656 4,256 Call Associated TSCs NA/100 NA/100 400 4,000 Non Call Associated TSCs NA/64 NA/64 256 256 Administered TSCs NA/64 NA/64 128 128 Ring b ack Queue Slots 32/64 32/64 198 1,332 Total PRI Interfaces 3NA/4 NA/8 30 166 Trunk Groups Hourly Measurements 25 25 25 75 Trunk Groups in the System 16/32 16/32 99 666 Trunk Memb ers in a Trunk Group 50 50/99 99 255 Trunks in System (Including Remote Access) 450/100 50/100 400 4,000 Measured Trunks in System 50 50/100 400 4,000

System Parameters A-76Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. The following items detract from the total number of available “Stations” on a given switch: — Analog Music-On-Hold — Attendants — Modem Pool Conversion Resources — TAA S P ort — Stations (Digital, Display, BRI, etc.) — Analog Announcements — Analog External Alarm Port — Agent Login IDs — ACD Agents 2. All BRI stations can be disp lay stations (G3vs does not sup port BRI). 3. The software limit for digital stations in G3vs is 200 stations, b ut due to power limitations the recommended limit is 80 digital stations. 4. Including extensions administered without associated hardware (for the G3s, G3i and G3r Configurations). The Station Capacity for G3vs (200) is a software limit. The physical capacity of the CSCC (10 port slots) limits the G3vs configuration from reaching the software limit. Table A-4. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 1.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBPG3sV4 ABP/PBP G3iV4 G3rV4 Voice Terminals 1 Associated Data Modules (DTDMs) 75 75 800 7,500 BRI Stations 2NA 50 1,000 7,000 Digital Stations 380 200 2,400 25,000 Display Stations 200 200 2,400 10,000 Sta tio ns 4200 200 2,400 25,000 Station Button Cap acity (K Units) 68.4 68.4 700.8 5,260 VuStats Measured Agents or Login IDs 75 75 400 2,000 Measured Splits 12/24 12/24 99 255 Measured Trunk Groups 16/32 16/32 32 32 Measured VDNs 12/24 12/24 99 512 Reporting Period s Intervals 25 25 25 25 Days 1 1 1 1 Display Formats 25 25 25 25 Simultaneous Updating Displays 100 100 100 500

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-77 1. No limit on maximum number of auto dial buttons (other than system limit on button capac ity). 2. In th e c ase of SCC/ ESCC/CSCC, only four BX.25 physical links are sup p orted in the configuration. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) AD Lists Per System 400 400 2,400 5,000 AD List Entry Size 24 24 24 24 AD Entries Per System 2,000 2,000 12,000 100,000 Auto Dialing Button 1 Entries per System1NA N/A N/A N/A Enhanc ed List (System List) NA/1 1 1 1 Maximum Entries NA/2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 Group Lists 100 100 100 1,000 Ma xim um E ntr ie s 10 0 10 0 100 100 Group Lists per Extension 3 3 3 3 System List 1 1 1 1 Ma xim um E ntr ie s 10 0 10 0 100 100 Personal Lists 400 400 2,400 5,000 Ma xim um E ntr ie s 10 0 10 0 100 100 Personal Lists per Extension 3 3 3 3 Applications Adjuncts CallVisor ASAI Adjuncts N/A 4 8 8 Asynchronous Links (RS-232) 5 5 5 10 CDR Output Devices 2 2 2 2 Journal: System Printer 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 Property Management Systems 1 1 1 1 BX.2 5 Ph ys i c al Links 244 816 Application Processors (such as 3B2-MCS) 1 1 1 7 AUDIX Adjunc ts 1 1 1 8 CMS Adjuncts 1 1 1 1 ICM Adjuncts (ISDN Gateway) NA/1 1 1 1 BX.2 5 Pro c e sso r Ch an ne ls 64 64 64 128 Hop Channels 64 64 64 128

System Parameters A-78Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. All references to Hospitality Parameter Reduction on the Customer O ption form have b een removed from the Cap acities Tab les. 2. When going from 4 to 3 login maximums, a c hange to the hunt group form is required. This mean all agents must be logged-out. In one extreme case, this is potentially avoided and R2 & R3 CMS handles the fourth login as UNST AFF ED, a p p r o p r i ate ly. 3. R3V 3 CMS wa s ren am e d to R3 V4 CM S t o m at c h t he DEF INIT Y swi tch n um b e rin g . 4. AAR is not an optional feature in the G3vs ABP. 5. Plus up to seven inter-exc hange carrier (IXC) digits. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Announcements per Split 2 2 2 2 Announcements per System 128 128 128 256 Splits 112/242499255 ACD Memb ers per Split 150 150 200 999 Split Members per System Measured ACD Agents (Switc h Limits) Logged-In Splits per Agent 2 No CMS 4 4 4 4 R2 CMS 3 3 3 3 R3 CMS 3 3 3 3 R3V2 CMS 4 4 4 4 R3V4 CMS 3444 4 Queue Slots per Group 200 200 200 999 Queue Slots per System 200 200 1,000 10,500 ARS/AAR 4 AAR/ARS Patterns (Shared) 20/40 40 254 640 ARS/AAR Analysis Tables 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Choices per RHNPA Table 12 12 12 12 Digit Conversion Entries 400 400 400 400 AAR/ARS Digit Conversion Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 528 28 28 28 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 18 18 18 18 AAR/ARS Sub-Net Trunking Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 28 28 28 28 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 36 36 36 36 Digits Sent for ARS/AAR 40 56 31 68

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-79 1. Number of available 12 character inserted-digit-strings available for AAR/ARS preferences. 2. Recommended number of c onsoles supported due to power limitations. Of the four consoles, one may be used as a night console. The software actually supports 6:1 day/night attendant consoles. 3. This is the same as the number of trunk groups in the system. 4. Referred to as ‘‘emergency access queue length’’ in G3s. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 ARS/AAR (Continued) Entries in each RHNPA Table 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 FRL s 8 8 8 8 Inserted Digit Stri n g s 1450 450 1,200 3,000 Patterns for Measurement Shared Patterns for Measurement 20 20 20 25 RHNPA Ta b l es 32 32 32 32 Rou tin g Pla ns 8 8 8 8 ARS To ll Ta b l es 32 32 32 3 2 Entries per Toll Table 800 800 800 800 Trunk Groups in an ARS/AAR Pattern 6 6 6 16 UDP (Entries) NA/240 240 10,000 50,000 TOD Ch ar ts 8 8 8 8 Toll Analysis Tab le Entries 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Attendant Service Attendant Consoles (day:night) 24 6:1 15:1 27:1 Attendant Console 100s Groups per Attendant 20 20 20 20 Attendant Control Restriction Group s 96 96 96 96 Centralized Attendant Service Release Link Trunks at Branch NA/99 99 99 255 Release Link Trunk Group at Branch NA/1 1 1 1 Release Link Trunks at Main NA/100 100 400 4,000 Rel ea se L in k Tru nk Gro u p s at Ma in 3NA /32 32 99 66 6 Other Access Queues Maximum Number of Queues 12 12 12 12 Maximum Number of Queue Slots 430 30 80 80 Size Ra n g e o f Reserved Queue 2-25 2-25 2-75 2-75 Rese rved Queue Def au lt Size 5 5 5 5 Queue Len gth 30 30 80 300 Swit c h e d Lo o p s p e r Con sol e 6 6 6 6

System Parameters A-80Issue 3 Marc h 1996 Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Authorization Authorization Codes 1,500 1,500 5,000 90,000 Station Security Code Length 4 4 4 4 Classes of Restriction 96 96 96 96 Classes of Service 16 16 16 16 Length of Authorization Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of Barrier Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of A c count Codes NA/1-15 1-15 1-15 1-15 Restricted Call List 1 1 1 1 Remote Access Barrier Codes 10 10 10 10 CDR Account Code List NA/1 1 1 1 Toll Call List 1 1 1 1 Unrestricted/Allowed Call Lists 10 10 10 10 Total Call List Entries 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Automatic Callback Calls20 20 240 1,500 Automatic Wakeup Simultaneous Display Requests 10 10 10 30 Wakeup Requests per System 400 400 2,400 15,000 Wakeup Request per Extension 1 1 1 1 Wakeup Requests per 15-minute Interval 150 150 450 950 Basic CMS Measured Agents or Login IDs 75 75 400 2,000 Measured Splits 12/24 24 99 255 Measured Trunk Groups 16/32 32 32 32 Measured VDNs NA/24 24 99 512 Reporting Period s Intervals 25 25 25 25 Days 7 7 7 7