Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Recent Change History Issue 3 March 1996 3-997 nPort — The port, or group of ports, the user was connected to. The users are defined as: G3i, G3s, and G3vs Port Types —G3-MT — INADS —EPN — NET G3r Port Typ es — SYSAM-LCL — SYSAM-RMT —MAINT — SY S-PO RT

Feature Descriptions 3-998Issue 3 March 1996 Table 3-73 shows the way the software correlates the port number to the user that is displayed under Port on the report. nLogin — The system login of the user entering the data command; for example, cust. nAction — The first command word entered; specifies the operation to be performed; for example, add, change, remove. Also indicates when a user has logg e d into or off of the system. Table 3-73. Software Port Correlations for G3i, s, vs, and r Port No. Access Method Intended Use Displayed G3r (Only) 0 MB (EPN) G3-MT EPN SYSAM-LCL 1 MB (EPN) (not used) EPN SYSAM-RMT 2 MB (EPN) (not used) EPN MAINT 3 Net c o n NET SY S-PO RT 4 Netcon NET 5 Netcon NET 6 Netcon NET 7 MTP SAT G3-MT 8 MTP INADS INAD 9 MTP CDR CDR Table Legend: EPN — Expansion Port Network INADS — Initialization and Administration System MB — Maintenance Board MTP — Maintenance Tape Processor Netcon — Network Controller G3-MT — Management Terminal CDR — Call Detail Recording SAT — System Ad ministration Terminal SYSAM-LCL— System Ad ministration — Local SYSAM-RMT — System Ad ministration — Remote MAINT — Maintenance Port SY S-PO RT — System Port

Recent Change History Issue 3 March 1996 3-999 nObject — The second command word or words entered; specifies the specific object to be acted on; for example station, trunk group. (If the object is multiple words, only the first word will be displayed. All succeeding words will be treate d as qualifiers.) nQualifier — The third command word or words entered; one or more words or digits used to further identify or comp lete the object; for exam ple, 1120 (the station number). Some commands do not have a qualifier, such as dialplan. Considerations Any login IDs that have the “Display Admin” and “ Maint Data” fields set to y on the “ Command Permissions Categories” form have permission to access the list history log. Interactions The following features interact with the Recent Change History feature. nCall Processin g There are no interactions with any call processing features. nOther Users When a user requests a Recent Change History report, it takes a little time to read all the pages of the report. If during this time other users are entering data commands and altering the transaction log, the oldest entries in the transaction log may have been overwritten by the data commands entered by these other users. nSet Time Command The use of the maintenance Set Time command to change the system clock could make the ‘Recent Change History’ report look as if it were not in true last-in, first-out order. Administration None. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Feature Descriptions 3-1000Issue 3 March 1996 Recorded Announcement Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Barge-in announcements are available with G3V3 and later releases. The c a pability to install multi ple Integrated Announcement b oards is available with G3V4 and later releases. Also, the capa bility to install external lineside T1 (DS1) connected announcements is available with G3V4 and later releases. Description Provides a recorded announcement to callers under a variety of circumstances. For exam ple, announcements can be used to let callers know that a call cannot be completed as dialed, that their call is in queue, or that all lines are busy. By letting announcements p erform these tasks, attendants and other users are free to p erform other operations. Announcements may be required under any of the following circumstances: nDID calls c annot be completed as diale d nIncoming Private Network Access calls c annot be completed as dialed nCalls enter a split or skill (first announcement) nDDC, UCD or Direct Agent calls have been in queue for an assigned interval nACD calls have been in queue for an assigned interval nA call’s destination is a Recorded Announcement extension nA call routes to a vector that contains an ‘‘announcement,’’ ‘‘disconnect with announcement,’’ or ‘‘collect after announcement,’’ step. When a vector “wait-time” step is programme d with an alternative audio/music source. Or when a “route-to” step routes to an announcement extension. nAn announcement extension is specified as a coverage point nAn announcement is specified as the incoming destination of a trunk group nVDN of Origin Announcement nSecurity Violation Notification nThe Hospitality Automatic Wakeup feature is in use The following are types of recorded announcements: nAnalog line An analog announcement requires an external announcement machine connected by way of an analog line port.

Recorded Announcement Issue 3 March 1996 3-1001 nDS1 (DS1FD, DS1SA or DS1OPS) An analog-type announcement connected by way of a DS1 line port. This announcement type is used with Conversant VIS equip ped with lineside T1 circuit packs providing standard announcements for the DEFINITY switch. nAuxiliary Trunk An auxiliary trunk announcement requires an external announcement machine connected by way of an auxiliary trunk. nIntegrated An Integrated Announcement is stored internally on the switch on an Integrated Announcement board (TN750). Each circuit pack has 16 ports available for playing announcements. With all announcement types, multiple callers can be c onnected to the b eginning of an announcement. In addition, auxiliary trunk and Integrated Announcements can be administered to allow callers to “ b arge-in” to announcements. The following paragraphs describe announcement operation when barge-in is not administered. Barge-in operation is described later in this section. If an announcement port is available when a call arrives, the call is connected to the announcement. If an announcement port is not available, and the announcement is administered with “n” for the queue option, then the caller hears busy or other feedback depending upon how the announcement was accessed. If an announcement port is not available, and the announcement is administered with a queue, a call enters the announcement queue. When a port becomes available, the switch takes the oldest call waiting in queue for the announcement as well as any other calls in queue for that announcement up to the maximum number that can b e connected. All these calls are connected to the beginning of the announcement. The announcement queue length is predetermined for Integrated Announcements and is administered for analog or aux-trunk announcements. With barge-in announcements, only one p ort plays the announcement at any time. Calls routed to that announcement connect immediately to the port and hear the announcement from whatever point it was playing when the call connected. Barge-in announcements are generally a dministered to repeat continually while any callers are connected to the port. In this way, a caller that connects to the middle of an announcement can continue listening until the whole announcement is heard .

Feature Descriptions 3-1002Issue 3 March 1996 Integrated Announcements An Integrated Announcement is stored on the DEFI NIT Y swi t c h on a TN750 Integrated Announcement circuit pack. Multiple announcements can be stored on each b oard up to the system capacity. (See Ap pendix A, System Parameters for Integrated Announcement board system capacities.) Each Integrated Announcement board has 16 ports, and can play up to 16 simultaneous announcements. Multiple users can be connected to each of these announcements. Any announcement stored on a board can play through any port on the board. And, any announcement (not administered for barge-in) can play simultaneously through multiple ports. All 16 ports could play the same announcement at the same time. Integrated Announcements stored on a TN750(A) are stored at a compression rate of 32 Kb ps. With the TN750B and TN750C, Integrated Announcements are stored at one of three compressions rates. The compression rate is a dministered individually for each announcement extension. In this way, announcements with different compression rates can be stored on the same board. During playback, the switch sets the port to the correct comp ression rate for the announcement that is being played. n64 Kbps compression rate allows for 128 seconds of recorded announcement per board. n32 Kbps compression rate allows for 256 seconds of recorded announcement per board. This is the default compression rate. n16 Kbps compression rate allows for 512 seconds of recorded announcement per board. The 16 Kb ps rate does not provide a high quality recording. It is not recommended for customer announcements b ut is ad e quate for VDN of Origin Announcements. Single Integrated Announcement Boards With releases prior to G3V4, only one Integrated Announcement board can be installed in any DEFINITY switch. This board can be a TN750, TN750B, or TN750C. With a TN750 or TN750B when a board is removed from the switch, or when power is lost to the switch, any announcements stored on the board are lost. Therefore, announcements stored on the TN750 and TN750B b oards must be backed up to the Mass Storage System (MSS). W h en a board is inserted, reset, or during system powerup, the switch determines if announcements are present on the board. If announcements are not present, they are automatically restored from the MSS. See the DEFI NIT Y Com munications System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation, 555-230-655, or DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 V2/ V3 Im p lem ent ati on , 555-230-653, for detailed Save and Restore procedures.

Recorded Announcement Issue 3 March 1996 3-1003 The TN750C board has on-board FLASH memory backup. When the board is removed from the switch or power is lost, the announcements are retained on the board. Therefore, the TN750C does not require the Save and Restore procedure. However, the Save and Restore procedure c an still be used to copy the contents of a TN750C to another board. The TN750C substantially reduces the time required for power-up restore and eliminates the need for a manual save of the board contents. However, a manual save can also be performed if additional backup is desired. Multiple Integrated Announcement Boards With G3V4 and later releases, multiple Integrated Announcement boards can be installed in G3i and G3r switches. Only one of these boards can be a TN750 or TN750B. Be cause the switch will Save and Restore only one board, all additional boards must b e TN750C. The use of multi ple Integrated Announcement boards greatly increases the announcement capacity of the switch. !CAUTION: Do not c o py announcements from a TN750C to a TN750 or TN750B, as it may corrupt the announcement data. End User Operation Integrated Announcements can be recorded, played back, or deleted by initiating an announcement session. Announcement sessions can be accessed only by users with console p ermissions assigned to the Class of Service (COS) for the internal station or Remote Ac cess b arrier code. Announcement sessions always use port 0 on the Integrated Announcement board. To begin an announcement session, the user must dial the administered Feature Access Code (FAC) followed by the announcement extension. If an announcement session is already in progress, or if a save or restore command is in progress, the caller hears reorder tone (fast b usy) and is dropped from the call. If port 0 is in use, the user hears reorder tone followed by silence. This indicates that the port has been reserved for an announcement session. The user should repeatedly redial the FAC and extension to gain access. Once an announcement session is accessed, the user can dial “1” to record an announcement, “2” to play an announcement, or “ 3” to delete the announcement. If the user gains access to an announcement session and hears stutter dial tone, it indicates the board memory is more than 90% full. The user should still begin speaking to record the announcement. If “1” is dialed, the switch attempts to start a recording session for the extension. If the announcement is protected (designated as protect=y), the user hears

Feature Descriptions 3-1004Issue 3 March 1996 intercept tone. If the announcement is currently being played to callers, the user hears reorder tone. If the record ing session is started, the user hears record tone and can begin recording. When the record ing is complete, dial # if using a hybrid telephone or hang up if using an analog or digital telephone. When using an analog or digital telephone, ending with a “#” puts a tone in the message. After hanging up, the user may record another announcement session operation for this extension. If the board memory becomes full during recording, the user hears reorder tone and is dropped. Upon comp letion of the recording session (drop), a 15 second timer is set. During this time, announcements can be recorded but playback is restricted for the just recorded message. To listen to the record ed announcement, dial the FAC, the extension, and p ress 2 (playback). This allows the user to listen to the announcement before it is available for general playback. The announcement is not available by directly dialing the announcement extension or by other call processing features using the announcement extension until the 15 second time period expires. During the 15 seconds, the announcement can be heard by dialing the announcement FAC, the announcement extension, and pressing 2 (playback). If “2” is dialed, the user hears the announcement recorded for that extension followed by dial tone. Once dial tone is heard, the user can perform another operation, such as record ing a new announcement. If “3” is dialed, the announcement is deleted and the user hears confirmation tone. If the announcement is protected, or is currently being played, it is not deleted and the user hears reorder tone. Considerations In G3V3 and later releases, the Recorded Announcements feature enhances the Automatic Wakeup feature by allowing Automatic Wakeup to use the built-in TN750B or later suffix announcement board in place of the more expensive Audichron adjunct. Interactions Recorded Announcement is used in conjunction with ACD, Automatic Wakeup, Call Vectoring, VDN of Origin Announcement, Call Promp ting, Intercept Treatment, DDC, and UCD features.

Recorded Announcement Issue 3 March 1996 3-1005 Administration Recorded Announcement is administered by the System Manager. Announcements can be recorded by any user with console permissions. See the DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation, 555-230-655, or DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 V2/V3 Implementation , 555-230-653, for instructions for a dministering Recorded Announcements. Hardware and Software Requirements Hardware requirements may include any of the following: nFor Integrated Announcements, one or more Inte grated Announcement boards (TN750, TN750B, or TN750C) nFor analog announcements, either AT&T (KS-23395 L4) or other external announcement hardware for connection to an analog port on either a TN742 or TN746. nFor auxiliary Trunk announcements, auxiliary trunk hard ware (AT&T 13A or 15A, or Cook Electric Announcer), requires 4-wire E&M connection to a port on an auxiliary trunk circuit pack TN763B/C/D

Feature Descriptions 3-1006Issue 3 March 1996 Recorded Telephone Dictation Access Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Permits voice terminal users, including Remote Access and incoming tie trunk users, to access dictation equipment. The d i ctation e quipment is accessed by dialing an access code or extension number (depending on how the feature is a dministered). After the dictation equipment is accessed, the start/stop function can be voice- or dial-controlled. Other functions such as initial activation and playback are controlled by a d ditional dial c o des. The specific dial codes depend on the dictation equipment selected. Considerations This feature provides dictation equipment which users can access at their own convenience. Dictation can be recorded, corrected, and played back by the user. Interactions The Recorded Telephone Dictation Access feature cannot be used with the following features: nAutomatic Route Selection nConference — Attendant nConference — Terminal Administration Recorded Telephone Dictation Ac c ess is administered on a p er-system b asis by the System Manager. The following items require administration: nOne p ort on an Analog Line circ uit pack (per dictation machine) and an extension number or nOne p ort on an Auxiliary Trunk circuit pack and a trunk access code