Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Introduction 1-16Issue 3 March 1996 Automated Attendant 1. Restrict menu options to internal extensions only, by Outward Restricting the automated attendant ports 2. Restrict calls that transfer off-premises to specific numb ers as defined in the Restricted Call List 3. Force disconnect or route to an attendant any menu option that is not valid NOTE: The a bove values may differ in different switches. Always try to use the maximum value for the feature as defined by the switch documentation. This list is to provide ideas in preventing fraud and does not list all possible ways fraud may occur. AT&T does not g uarantee that the list a bove will stop all fraud. Call Forwarding Use the list call-forwarding command, available with G3V4 and later releases, to identify unauthorized Call Forwarding feature activation. The command c an be used to list: all stations with Call Forwarding Active; a subset of stations with Call Forwarding active; or the Call Forwarding status of a specified station. The list identifies stations with either Call Forward ing All Calls (on-net or off-net) or Call Forwarding Busy/Don’t Answer active. It shows the station extension, the station name and the forwarded-to destination. Call Vectoring Call vectoring allows processing of incoming and internal calls according to a programmed set of commands. Vector commands can direct calls to on-premises or off-premises destinations, to a hunt group or split, or to a specific call treatment such as an announcement, forc ed disconnect or delay treatment. It is possible for the system to collect digits from the user and route calls to a destination specified by those digits, and/or do conditional processing according to the digits dialed (Call Promp ting feature). Calls access vectors using Vector Directory Numbers (VDNs). A VDN is a ‘‘soft’’ switch extension not assigned to a physical equipment location b ut having many of the properties of a normal extension number, including a Class Of Restriction (COR). The VDN, when dialed (or inferred), routes calls to the vector. Calls processed by the vector carry the permissions and restrictions associated with the COR of the Vector Directory Numb er. Putting this all to gether, if a vector in the switch is written to collect digits, and then to route to the digits dialed, the restrictions on what calls can be placed are determined by the COR of the VDN. An incoming caller can access Trunk Access Codes, some Feature A c cess Codes, or most other sets of dialed digits.

Security Measures Issue 3 March 1996 1-17 In order to deny incoming callers access to outgoing facility paths, the COR of the Vector Directory Number must be configured to disallow outgoing access. This should include; lowering the Facility Restriction Level in the COR to the lowest acceptable value (FRL=0 provides the most restricte d access to network routing preferences), assigning a Calling Party Restriction of ‘‘Toll’’ or ‘‘Outward’’, denying Facility Test Call capability, and blocking access to specific COR’s assigned to outgoing Trunk Groups using the Calling Permissions section of the Class Of Restriction Screen. Action Review the Classes of Restriction assigned to your VDNs. If they are not restricted, consider assigning restrictions on the VDN to prevent callers exiting the system via the vector. For assistance, please contact the DEFINITY Helpline at 800 225-7585. Enhanced Call Transfer When using AUDIX, DEFINITY A UDI X, o r I ntuity, remember to activate the Enhanced Call Transfer (ECT) feature as part of your security plan. While this powerful feature limits transfers to valid extensions, there are some extension numbers that should NOT be made available to AUDIX transfers. ECT allows callers to transfer out of AUDIX to valid extension numbers (as determined by the switch’s Dial Plan.) However, there are certain extension numbers, within the Dial Plan, that provide c a pabilities AUDIX transfers should be denied access to. Examp les would include extension numbers used to dial-access system administration c a pabilities within the switch or extension numbers that are associated with features that provide second dial tone (Remote Access Extension). To block AUDIX access to these extension numb ers, they should be placed in special Class(es) of Restriction (COR). Using COR-To-COR calling permissions, the COR of the AUDIX analog ports should be denied access to the CORs containing these special extension numbers. To do this, access the Change - Class Of Restriction screen for the COR assigned to the analog ports that connect to AUDIX. NOTE: AUDIX ports should always reside in a separate COR designed specifically for them. In the COR-To-COR permissions area at the bottom of the screen, enter ‘‘no’’ in each COR field corresponding to the CORs assigned to the extensions you want protected.

Introduction 1-18Issue 3 March 1996 Action Review the Classes of Restriction assigned to your AUDIX analog p orts and your Remote Access/Netcon (G3vs, G3s, G3i) or system p ort (G3r) d ata extensions. If they are not restricte d, consider assigning restrictions that would prevent callers in AUDIX from b eing transferred to these extensions. For assistance, please contact the DEFI NI TY Helpline at 800 225-7585. Remote Access 1. Use maximum Barrier Code Length (7) G3V3 and later releases provide a 7-digit barrier code with Remote Access Barrier Code Aging. Remote Access Barrier Code Aging limits the length of time a barrier code remains valid, and/or the number of times a barrier code can b e used. The ability to d efine the life s pan and numb er of times a barrier code can be used reduces the opportunity for unauthorized use of the Remote Access feature. 2. Activate Authorization Code Required (Y) 3. Assign each barrier code a COR and COS that allow only necessary calls 4. Assign an ap propriate Facility Restriction Level (FRL) and other restrictions for each COR (outward, toll, etc.) 5. Use maximum Authorization Code Length (7) 6. If providing attendant coverage, activate Timeout To Attendant (Y) 7. Change or remove authorization codes when authorized users leave the company 8. If Time of Day Routing is p rovid e d, raise the FRLs on route p atterns during hours that remote access should not be used. 9. Suppress dial tone in the Remote Ac c ess Dial Tone field (Y) 10. If Remote Access is not going to be used, permanently disable the Remote Access feature. This feature is available on RV3, G1, and G3 V1.1 and higher. Use the status remote-access c omma n d in G3V4 to check the status of the remote access feature and barrier codes. The command displays information that can help in determining why and when use of the remote access feature or a particular barrier code was denied. If Remote Access is not p ermanently disabled, but is not administered, set Logoff Notification, available with G3V4 and later releases, to notify the system administrator at logoff when the Remote Access feature is enabled. Logoff Notification is administrable on a login ID basis. For a detailed description of the status remote-access command and Logoff Notification, see the GBCS Products Security Handbook, 555-025-600.

Security Measures Issue 3 March 1996 1-19 Other Features Requiring Security Precautions Follow the specific security measures recommended in this chapter when administering the following features: — AUDIX Interface — Call Vectorin g — Facility Test Calls — Remote Access — Remote Administration — Transfer - Trunk to Trunk — Terminal Translation Initialization (See the index under ‘‘Security Measures’’ for the specific page numbers where the security measures are described for each of these features.) Consult the GBCS Products Security Handbook, 555-025-600, for a dditional steps to secure your system and to find out how to regularly obtain information concerning security developments.

Introduction 1-20Issue 3 March 1996 Organization of Features The next few chapters describe the DEFI NI TY switch features, functions, and services. Chapter 2 presents these capabilities classified into six categories: nVoice Management Overview nData Management nNetwork Services (including World Class Routing) nSystem Management nHospitality Services nCall Center Services NOTE: It is useful to consider the features and functions from the perspective of the following functional views: System View, Call Center View, PBX-to-Host View, Voice Processing View, Network View (including World Class Routing), System Management View, Deskto p View, Hospitality View, and Supp ort View. Some features and functions support several of these views, so the views should not be seen as discrete categories for listing features and functions. For a description of the system organized from a functional perspective, see An Introduction to DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 , 555-230-020. Organization of Each Feature Section In Chapter 3 the features are arranged in alphabetical order. The information for each feature is generally presented under six headings with some differences among the sections: nFeature Availability Defines in which release(s) the feature is available. (Also see the table later in this chapter for a listing of the G3 feature set.) nDescription Defines the feature, tells what it does for the user, or how it serves the system, and briefly desc ribes how it is used. nConsiderations Discusses the applications and benefits of the feature, followed by the feature p arameters and any other factors to be considered when the feature is used. nInteractions Lists and briefly discusses other features that may significantly affect the feature b eing desc ribed. Interacting features are those that:

Organization of Features Issue 3 March 1996 1-21 — Depend on each other — one of the features must be provided if the other one is. — Cannot coexist — one of the features cannot be provided if the other one is. — Affect each other — the normal operation of one feature mo difies, or is modified by, the normal operation of the other feature. — Enhance each other — the features, in combination, provide improved service to the user. nAdministration States whether or not administration is required, how the feature is administered, who administers the feature, and lists items requiring administration. See the DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Version 4 Imp lementation , 555-230-655, for details. nHardware and Software Requirements Lists any a d ditional hardware and/or software requirements needed for the feature. Table 1-6 provides a complete list of the Generic G3 features and, for each feature, indicates whether the feature is standard (always part of the offering) or optional (can be purchased separately) with the Ad vantage Business Package, the Premier Business Package, Generic G3i, and Generic G3r. The following notations indicate feature availability: NOTE: Customers outside of North America should refer to the column marked G3vs PBP for feature availability. Standard features may require ad ditional hardware. LEGEND: S Standard O Optional N/A Not Available V2 Only available with G3V1.1, G3V2 and later releases. Not available with G3V1. Please note that feature availability b etween G3V1.1 is somewhat different. Any feature identified as V2 is NOT available with G3V1.1 except as an upgrade. GD Available with G3i-Global and G3iV2 (and later releases). Not available with G3iV1. V3 Only available with G3V3 and later releases. V4 Only available with G3V4 and later releases.

Introduction 1-22Issue 3 March 1996 1. A b breviated Dialing is a standard feature; however, Enhanced A b breviated Dialing is not available with the Advantage Business Package. 2. A b breviated Dialing is a standard feature; however, Enhanced Abbreviated Dialing is a Premier Business Package, G3i, and G3r op tion. 3. Available when the Basic Call Center Option is ac tive. 4. Available when ACD software is active. Table 1-6. Feature Availability Feature G3vs ABP G3vs PBP G3s ABP G3s PBP G3i G3r AAR/ARS Partitioning S S S S S S AAR/ARS D i g it Co n ve r si on O O O O S S Abandoned Call Search S S S S S S A b breviated Dialing S 1S2S2S2S2S2 A b breviated Dialing (Enhanced ) N/A O N/A O O O A d d /Re mo ve S k i l l s V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 Administrable Language Displays V2 V2 V2 V2 GD V2 Administrable Logins V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 Administered Connections N/A S N/A S S S Administration Without Hardware S S S S S S Advice of Charge V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 Agent Call Handling O 3O4O3O4O4O4 A g e n t Si z i n g V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 Alp ha nu meri c Di al in g S S S S S S Alternate Facility Restriction Levels V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 O Answer Detection by Call Classifier N/A O N/A O O S Attendant Auto-Manual Splitting S S S S S S Attendant Call Waiting S S S S S S Attendant Control of Trunk Group Ac cess S S S S S S Attendant Direct Extension Selection With Busy Lamp FieldSSSSSS Attendant Direct Trunk Group Selection S S S S S S Attendant Display S S S S S S Attendant Intrusion (Call Offer) V2 V2 V2 V2 GD S Attendant Override of Diversion Features V2 V2 V2 V2 GD S Attendant Priority Queue V2 V2 V2 V2 GD S Attendant Recall S S S S S S Attendant Release Loop Operation S S S S S S

Organization of Features Issue 3 March 1996 1-23 1. Available with Private Network A c cess (PNA) software. 2. Available with the Basic Call Center Option. Table 1-6. Feature Availability — Continued Feature G3vs ABP G3vs PBP G3s ABP G3s PBP G3i G3r Attendant Room Status V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 Attendant Serial Calling V2 V2 V2 V2 GD V2 Audi ble Messag e Waiting V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 S Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX) InterfaceSSSSSS Authorization Codes O O O O O O Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) N/A O 1N/A O1O1O1 Automatic Callback S S S S S S Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) O 2OO2OOO ACD Auto-Available Split (AAS) V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 S Automatic Circuit Assurance S S S S S S Automatic Hold V2 V2 V2 V2 GD S Automatic Incoming Call Display S S S S S S Automatic Route Selection (ARS) O O O O O O Automatic Transmission Measurement SystemV2 1V21V21V21V21S Automatic Wakeup S S S S S S Auto-Start/Don’t Split V2 V2 V2 V2 GD V2 Basic Call Management System (BCMS)O 2OO2OOO Bridged Call Appearance — Multi-Appearance Voice TerminalSSSSSS Bridged Call Appearance — Sin g l e-L in e Voi c e T erm in a lSSSSSS Busy Verification of Terminals and Tru nksSSSSSS

Introduction 1-24Issue 3 March 1996 . 1. Available as an option when ISDN-PRI software is purchased for public and private networking . 2. Linked Call Coverage Paths are not standard. However, Linked Call Coverage Paths are available as p art of the Voic e Mail Application Support Option package. 3. CMS is o ptionally available as an ad junct. Table 1-6. Feature Availability — Continued Feature G3vs ABP G3vs PBP G3s ABP G3s PBP G3i G3r Call-By-Call Service Selection N/A O 1N/A O10101 Call Coverage S2SS2SSS Call Detail Recording (CDR) S S S S S S Call Forwarding All Calls S S S S S S Call Forward Busy/Don’t Answer V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 Call Manag ement System (CMS) O 3O3O3O3O3O3 Call Park S S S S S S Call Pickup S S S S S S Call Prompting N/A O N/A O O O Call Vectoring N/A O N/A O O O CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Application Int erf a c e ( ASAI )N/A N/A N/A O O O Call Waiting Termination S S S S S S Centralized Attendant Service (CAS) N/A O N/A O O O Class of Restriction (COR) S S S S S S Class of Service (COS) S S S S S S CDR Ac count Code Dialing S S S S S S Code Calling Ac cess S S S S S S Conference — Attendant S S S S S S Conference — Terminal S S S S S S Constellation Voic e/Data Terminal SupportV3 V3 V3 V3 V3 V3 Consult S S S S S S Coverage Callback S S S S S S Coverage Inc oming Call Identification (ICI)SSSSSS Customer-Provided Equipment (CPE) AlarmSSSSSS

Organization of Features Issue 3 March 1996 1-25 1. Available when DCS software is p urchased. 2. Available when DCS is purchased, but not available with DCS over PRI D-Channel when the PRI D-Channel is connected to the public network. 3. Optional feature with DCS. Table 1-6. Feature Availability — Continued Feature G3vs ABP G3vs PBP G3s ABP G3s PBP G3i G3r Data Call Setup S S S S S S Data Hot Line S S S S S S Data-Only Off-Premises Extensions S S S S S S Data Privacy S S S S S S Data Restriction S S S S S S DCS Alphanumeric Disp lay for TerminalsN/A O 1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Atten dant Control of Trunk Group Ac cessN/A O2N/A O2O2O2 DCS Attendant Direct Trunk Group SelectionN/A O2N/A O2O2O2 DCS Attendant Disp lay N/A O2N/A O1N/A O1 DCS Automatic Callback N/A O2N/A O1O1O1 DCS Automatic Circuit Assurance (ACA)N/A O1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Busy Verification of Terminals and TrunksN/A O2N/A O2O2O2 DCS Call Coverage N/A V4/O3N/A V4/O3V4/ O3V4 / O3 DCS Call Forwarding All Calls N/A O1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Call Waiting N/A O1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Distinctive Ringing N/A O1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Leave Word Calling N/A O1N/A O1O1O1 DCS Multi-Appearance Conference/TransferN/A O1N/A O1O1O1