Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Emergency Access to the Attendant Issue 3 March 1996 3-687 nCOR If the calling voice terminal is assigned Origination Restriction, an emergency call attempt is denied. However, an Emergency Access to the Attendant call overrides any other calling party restrictions, including any controlled restrictions. nIndividual Attendant Access An Emerg ency Call to the Attendant cannot be placed to an individual attendant. An Emergency Call to the Attendant does not have p riority over a c all to an individual attendant (For G3iV1 and G3vsV1/G3sV1). nIntercept Treatment The Intercept With Off-Hook Alert o ption automatically activates Emergency Access to the Attendant. nInter-PBX Attendant Service If the system is a branch location and if Inter-PBX Attendant Service is in effect, an emergency call is reroute d to the local Branch PBX attendant group. If the branch does not have an attendant or if the attendant is not on duty, the call is denied. nNight Service When Night Service is in effect, Emergency Calls to the Attendant route to the night destination. Such calls are included on the Emergency Audit Record, and the call is designated as ‘‘Emergency Night’’ in the audit trail. When an attendant is in night service, either a night station or redirect extension must be assigned. Otherwise emergency access calls to the night atendant hear a busy tone. nPriority Queue The p riority q ueue a dministration can change the priority of an Emergency Access to the Attendant call to an equal or lower priority than other typ es of calls. (For G3r, G3i-Global, G3V2, and later releases) nRemote Access An Emerg ency Call to the Attendant cannot be placed through Remote Access. nRestriction—Controlle d An Emerg ency Access to the Attendant call overrides any Controlled Restriction.

Feature Descriptions 3-688Issue 3 March 1996 Administration The Emergency Access to the Attendant feature is optional on a per-system basis. The following items require administration by the System Manager: nEmergency feature access code nEmergency button and associated lamp (p er attendant console) nEmergency queue length nPermission to activate Emergency Access to the Attendant via off-hook alert (per Class of Service) nExtension numb er where the emergency queue overflow redirects the call. nInterval the intercept tone is ap plied before the emerg ency call is placed In a ddition, the journal printer and the time for the system to print the Scheduled Emergency Access Activity Re port are administered through the “ Feature-Relate d System Parameters” form. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

End-to-End Signalling Issue 3 March 1996 3-689 End-to-End Signalling Feature Availability This feature is available with all G3 releases. Description End-to-end signalling allows a DTMF station to send DTMF digits over a trunk after the far-end has answered. This allows a rotary station user to access equipment, such as AUDIX, that is controlled by DTMF digits. The trunk can be either rotary or tone signalling type. For a rotary signalling type, addressing digits are sent over the trunk as rotary. After a d dressing is complete and the call is connected, any a d ditional digits are sent as DTMF. For most situations the end-to-end signalling DTMF d i gits are generated at the calling DTMF station and passed directly to the outg oing trunk, but switch-generated DTMF end-to-end signalling digits are transmitted if the calling station is a 73nn-series hybrid terminal and/or the calling station user had used either the Ab breviated Dialing or Last Number Dialed feature to dial the end-to-end signalling digits. See the Last Number Dialed or Ab breviated Dialing (AD) features for examples of using end-to-end signalling. Interactions None. Considerations None. Administration None. Hardware and Software Requirements None.

Feature Descriptions 3-690Issue 3 March 1996 Enhanced 84xx Display Feature Availability Enhanced 84xx Display is available with G3V4 Release 3 and later releases. Description The Enhanced 84xx Display feature allows users to administer the switch to display information and soft key labels using the Katakana alphabet and various European characters on 84xx series display terminals. The system accepts entries as Roman characters preceded by a tilde (~), and maps them to corresponding Katakana or European characters. The OPTREX character set that d isplays on 84xx series voice terminals can be divided into two different groups. Group 1 of the OPTREX character set contains the Roman alphabet, numerals and special characters, found on the standard US English keyboard. Group 2 contains Katakana characters, as well as some European characters and other symbols. The enhanced display feature allows users to administer the system to display either group. End User Operation Users activate the feature b y setting the value of the Enhanced 84xx Display field on the System-Parameters Country-Options form to “y”. Once this value is set, the administrator can enter the Roman characters that produce the corresponding Group 2 characters on the terminal display. In order for Group 2 characters to display, the administrator must make the proper entries at the form level and submit the form. Users can administer name fields and soft key labels to display in the character set of choice. Security Measures This feature does not require any additional security measures. Considerations After the feature is turned on at the system parameter level, the user must still enter the display field values on the a ppropriate forms and submit those forms before the enhanced character set will display. The reverse is also true, in that if the feature is turned off at the system level after Group 2 display has b een administered, the user must change the display field values to the appropriate Group 1 characters.

Enhanced 84xx Display Issue 3 March 1996 3-691 Interactions Internal Feature interactions Directory . The Enhanced 84xx Display feature will interact with the Directory feature to include names administered with OPTREX characters in the Directory. Terminal users can select directory entries displayed in the Group 2 character set by using the “Directory” and “Next” buttons on their display terminals. However, they cannot input directory entries using the voice terminal because of the special characters used. ISDN. OPTREX characters are supported for ISDN calls, and if administered properly, will display correctly for calls between two DEFI NI TY PB Xs. Data Call Setup Dialing. Not supported. Message Retreival - Print Messages (Demand Print). Not supported. Leave Word Calling - Adjunct. Not supported. OSSI. Does not malfunction, but displays the literal value of the display field, not the Group 2 characters. Features with Display Interactions. All features that display administered data are supported for OPTREX, provided the terminal hardware is compatible. External Feature Interfaces AT&T Adjunct Switch Interface. The information sent from the terminal to any adjunct is useless because the adjunct receives the literal value of the display field, not the OPTREX display format. The tilde is not a recognized character, so the resulting display appears as a string of random characters, for example, as “ 2

Feature Descriptions 3-692Issue 3 March 1996 nEmb e dd ed DCIU Audix nEmb e dd ed DCP Audix (R3.2 or greater) AUDIX Voice Power/Audix Voice Power Lodging. Not supported. Property Management System. Not applicable. Cost Mangement (CDR). Not a pplicable. Miscellaneous Adjuncts. Not applicable. Message Manager. Not an issue, since Message Manager receives its information from AUDIX. System Management (G3-MA). Not applicable. Passageway Direct Connect. Not supported. Novell Telephony Services. Not sup p orte d. Look Ahead Interflow. Supported. VUStats. If this feature is used with non-84xx terminals, OPTREX may cause screens to be cleared or display false information. DCS Interworking. OPTREX is sup p orte d in a DCS environment. All switches in the network must have the enhanced character set enabled and the same software load must b e installed on each switch. The software versions do not have to be the same. For examp le, V2 could have a b u gfix load installed and function properly. Conversant. Not applicable. Monitor 1 and OneVision. Not supported. Trouble Tracker. Not applicable. ECMA QSIG Networking. Not sup ported between a DEFINITY a n d non-DEFINITY switch. If two DEFINITY swi t c h e s are administered for OPTREX, this feature is suppproted. Administration This feature is activated on a system-wide basis using the System-Parameters County-Options form. Once activated, the administrator must u pdate those forms that determine the contents of d isp lay fields.

Enhanced 84xx Display Issue 3 March 1996 3-693 The following forms contain fields that will accept the enhanced display characters: naccess-endpoint nagent-loginID nannouncements nattendant nb c ms-vustats loginIDs nconsole-p arameters ndata-module ndisplay-messages ndisplay-messages auto-wakeup-dn-dst ndisplay-messages call-identifiers ndisplay-messages date-time ndisplay-messages leave-word-calling ndisplay-messages malicious-call-trace ndisplay-messages miscellaneous-features ndisplay-messages property-management ndisplay-messages softkey-labels ndisplay-messages time-of-day-routing ndisplay-messages vustats nhunt-group nlisted-directory-numbers npaging loudspeaker npersonal-CO-line npri-endpoint nstation nsystem-p arameters-hosp itality nterm-ext-group ntrunk-group nvdn nvustats-display-format

Feature Descriptions 3-694Issue 3 March 1996 Hardware and Software Requirements The Enhanced 84xx Display feature requires one of the following voice terminals: n8400 Series DCP Terminals (8410D, 8411D, 8434D) n603E1 Callmaster III n9400 Series DCP Terminals (9410, 9434); used only in Europe NOTE: Aliased 84xx series terminals are not supported with this feature.

Enhanced Ab breviated Dialing (EAD) Issue 3 March 1996 3-695 Enhanced Abbreviated Dialing (EAD) Feature Availability Enhanced Ab breviated Dialing is optional with all releases except G3vs/G3s ABP. Enhanced Abbreviated Dialing is not available with G3vs/G3s ABP. NOTE: Ab breviated Dialing is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Enhanced Ab breviated Dialing (EAD) option supplements the standard Abbreviated Dialing feature and provides the Enhanced Number List. Provides an upgraded version of Ab breviated Dialing via inclusion of the Enhanced Number List o ption. One Enhanced Number List is allowed per system in a d dition to the System Numb er List. The Enhanced Numb er List can contain any number or dial a c cess c o de. The System Manager programs the Enhanced Number List and determines which users can access the list. List entries for the Enhanced Number list are numbered 000 through 999 in G3V3 and earlier releases. With G3V4 and later releases, the system can be administered to have list entry numb ers of either 000 through 999 or 0000 through 9999. An Enhanced Number List can be designated as Privileged by the System Manager. Calls automatically dialed from a Privileged List are completed without Class of Restriction or FRL checking. (FRLs are associated with the Automatic Route Selection and Automatic Alternate Routing features.) This allows access to selected numbers from which certain voice terminal users might otherwise not be a ble to dial manually. For example, a voice terminal user may be restricted from making long-distance calls. However, the number of another office location may be long-distance, and it could be entered in a list designated as Privileged. The user could then call the office location using Abbreviated Dialing while still being restricte d from making other long-distance calls. For details, see the Ab breviated Dialing (AD) feature d esc ription earlier in this chapter. Considerations See the Ab breviated Dialin g (AD) feature. Interactions See theA bbreviated Dialing (AD) feature.

Feature Descriptions 3-696Issue 3 March 1996 Administration See the Ab breviated Dialin g (AD) feature. Hardware and Software Requirements O ptional software is required to receive this feature.