Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Primary Rate Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-807 On calls incoming to a DEFINITY system, the connected party’s name is provided if the incoming ISDN-PRI trunk g roup is administered to send the name to the network. NOTE: The connected party may or may not be the party actually called in the event that the call is transferred before the connected party answers the call. The display fields that may be used for the ISDN-PRI are as follows: nName — Maximum of 15 characters nNumber — Maximum of 15 characters nMisc ellaneous Call Identification — Maximum of eight characters nReason for Call Redirection — Maximum of two characters The display information varies, depending on the type of call, how the call is handled (for example, whether it is redirected or not), and what information is available on the call. The display information for basic calls (those with just a calling and called party) and for redirected calls is given in the following paragraphs. ISDN-PRI Basic Call A basic ISDN-PR I cal l has both a calling and a called party, and the called party answers the call. When the calling party goes off-hook, a= ap p ears on the display. The digits then appear as they are dialed. These digits may be overwritten by the trunk group name if the “Outgoing Display” field of the “Trunk Group Ad ministration” form is a dministered as yes. Once the call is answered by the called party (or b y a user with a bridged appearance for the called party), the displays for the calling and called parties are described below. nIf both the name and numb er information are available, the displays are as follows. The “ MISCID (Miscellaneous Identification)” field may be blank if that information is not provided. — Calling Party Disp lay a= CALLED NAME CALLED NUMBER MISCID — Called Party Display a= CALLING NAME CALLING NUMBER MISCID nIf only the name information is available, the displays are as follows: — Calling Party Disp lay a= CALLED NAME MISCID — Called Party Display a= CALLING NAME MISCID

Feature Descriptions 3-808Issue 3 March 1996 nIf only the number information is available, the displays are as follows: — Calling Party Disp lay a= ANSWERED BY CALLED NUMBER MISCID — Called Party Display a= CALL FROM CALLING NUMBER MISCID nIf neither the name nor the number information is available, the displays are as follows: — Calling Party Display (shows one of the following, depending on administration) a= DIALED NUMBER MISCID a= TRUNK NAME MISCID — Called Party Display a= TRUNK NAME MISCID Redirected ISDN-PRI Call A redirected ISDN-PRI call is a call that has been redirected from the called party’s extension by a feature such as Call Coverage, Call Forwarding All Calls, Brid g ed Call Ap pearance, or Call Pickup. Once the call is connected, the displays for the calling, called, and connected parties are as follows. — Calling Party Disp lay a= CONNECTE D N A M E C O NNECTE D NU M M IS CID — Called Party Display The following information appears on the display if the called party bridges onto the redirected call after it has been answered. In this situation, the connected party’s display (given later) shows the same information. The calling party’s display is also u pdated if the calling and called parties are on the same switch. a= CONFERENCE 2 — Connected Party Display The connected p arty is the party who answers the redirected call. The ‘‘R’’ indicates the reason for redirection. a= CALLING ID to CALLED ID R The CALLING ID and the CALLED ID may be the name or the number, depending on what has b een received from the far end. CPN/BN to Host Call Identification The CPN/BN to Host feature enables CPN/BN information to be passed from the switch to the ISDN Gateway, so that the ISDN Gateway can forward the information to a host for data screen delivery to agents in an ACD split.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Primary Rate Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-809 By delivering call identification information such as CPN/BN and switch information such as the answering agent’s extension to an adjunct network (ISDN Gateway), the adjunct can automatically deliver data screens to agents for new call arrivals and call transfers. Figure 3-22 shows a simplified diagram of a CPN/BN to host arrangement. The ISDN Gateway is a 3B2 or 6386 computer connected to the switch on one side and to a host computer on the other side. The connection to the switch is over a synchronous interface with BX.25 protocol. Figure 3-22. CPN/BN to Host Configuration Private Network Services In a ddition to providing access to switched public networks, the ISDN-PRI can provide private network services by connecting DEFINITY Generic 1, 2.1, 3, System 85 R2V4, or G2.2 systems in an Electronic Tandem Network (ETN) or Distributed Communications System (DCS) configuration. This gives customers more efficient private networks that support new integrated voice and data services. ETN and DCS services are provided as follows: nETN Se rv i c e s DEFI NI TY Com munications Systems that function as tandem nodes in an ETN can b e interconnected using DS1 trunking facilities and an ISDN-PRI. All signaling between the tandem switches is done with the ISDN-PRI D-channel and normal ISDN procedures. The ISDN-PRI can also be used to connect ETN tandem and main switches. In this case, the main switch ISDN-PRI SID/ANIG1 SWITCHBX.253B2 OR 6386 ISDN GATEWAYEXISTING INTERFACEHOST VOICE TERMINALDATA TERMINAL ACD AGENT POSITION

Feature Descriptions 3-810Issue 3 March 1996 collects all of the a d dress digits from local users as well as users at other satellite and tributary switches, and originates a call over the ISDN-PRI to the tandem switch. Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR) and Automatic Route Selection (ARS) are used with the ISDN-PRI and D S1 trunking facilities to access ETN facilities. The AAR and ARS features are used to collect the dialing information for the call that is originated from the main switch. nDCS Services ISDN-PRI facilities can be used in a DCS arrangement whenever tie trunks are used to connect the DCS nodes. Most DCS features are not affected by the ISDN-PRI. Howeve r, the ISDN-PRI does have a minor impact on a few of the DCS features, as far as the functions that the local and remote switches must perform. Even though a DCS feature may be slightly affected in this manner, the use of the feature is still the same. If there is a conflict between a DCS message and an ISDN-PR I message on a call (for example, the calling extension number in the DCS message and the calling party’s number in the ISDN-PRI message) the DCS message is used. Wideband Switching The primary function of the Wi deband Switc h ing feature is to provide support for services that require large bandwidth, such as high speed video conferencing. These services have traditionally been handled by dedicated facilities. With the Wideband Switching feature, d e dicated facilities are no longer a requirement for these large bandwidth services. The Wideband Switching feature supports end-to-end connectivity b etween customer endpoints at data rates ranging from 128 to 1536 k bps over T1 facilities and 128 to 1984 kb ps over E1 facilities. Standard data services for use by Wideband Switching are HO (384 k bps), H11 (1536 k b ps), H12 (1920 k b ps), and NxDS0. See DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Wideband Technical Reference, 555-230-230, for more d etail. Call-by-Call Service Selection Call-by-Call Service Selection allows the same ISDN-PRI trunk group to carry calls to a variety of services or facilities (such as a SDN, MEGACOM telecommunications service, MEGACOM 800 service, and so on) and/or carry calls using different inter-exchange carriers. This feature is described in detail under the Call-by-Call Service Selection feature d escription elsewhere in this manual.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Primary Rate Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-811 Access to Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) With ISDN-PRI, the Software Defined Data Network (SDDN) service may be accessed. SDDN provides virtual private line connectivity via the AT&T switched network (4ESS switch). The services provided b y SDDN include voice, d ata, and video applications. SDDN services complement the Software Defined Network (SDN) voice services. Access to Switched Digital International (SDI) SDI provides 64 kbps unrestricted connectivity to international locations via the AT&T switched network. It is also the backbone for the AT&T International ISDN network. SDI complements the ACCUNET d igital service already available to United States locations. This service can be accessed using the Call-by-Call Service Selection feature. SDI can provide economical high sp eed data transfer to international locations. ISDN-PRI Interworking ISDN-PRI Interworking is the combination of b oth ISDN-PRI trunking facilities and non-ISDN-PRI trunking facilities on a call. A non-ISDN-PRI trunking facility is any trunk facility supported by the system that does not use the ITU-T recommended Q.931 message set for signaling. Non-ISDN-PRI trunking facilities include facilities such as Analog trunks, AVD DS1 trunks, and DS1 trunks with bit-oriente d signaling (rob b ed-bit or common channel). The system supports the conversion of ISDN-PRI signaling to non-ISDN-PRI in-band signaling and the conversion of non-ISDN-PR I in-band signaling to ISDN-PRI signaling for Interworking purposes. A mixture of ISDN-PRI and non-ISDN-PRI signaling is required in ord er to provide end-to-end signaling when different types of trunk facilities are used on a call. See Figure 3-23 for an example of Interworking. In this example, a call for someone at Switch B comes into Switch A. Interworking allows the ISDN-PRI signaling of the call to be converted at Switch A to non-ISDN-PRI in-band signaling before the call forwards to Switch B. Even though the call comes into Switch A on an ISDN-PRI trunk, Switch A can send the call to Switch B over a non-ISDN-PRI trunk by converting the signaling information. The system provides accurate CDR billing information on calls that are not Interworked. Accuracy of CDR billing information on Interworked calls is equivalent to the accuracy provided by the public network. The system does not support the conversion of DCS feature transparency me ss a g i n g in to ISDN-PR I messaging. Therefore, DCS-provided feature transparency is lost when the call leaves the DCS network. The basic call, however, still g oes through.

Feature Descriptions 3-812Issue 3 March 1996 Figure 3-23. Interworking Example National ISDN-2 Services G3V3 and later releases support National ISDN-2 (NI-2), which is desc ribed in the TR1268 and TR1270 ISDN-PRI pro t o col sta n dards defined by Bell Communications Research (Bellcore). Bellcore TR1268 and TR1270 are a superset of the NIU-302 standard and are p art of the National ISDN-2 plan defined by the North American ISDN Users Forum. NI-2 offers many of the same services as the AT&T 4ESS protocol, which was the default in G1, G3i, and G3r, and was the protocol for Country 1 (USA) in G3i-g lobal and G3V2 and later releases. G3V3 a n d later releases support both the 4ESS and the NI-2 protocols and allows you to a dminister which one you wish to use. You must administer the p rotocol on the “ DS1 Circuit Pack” form. Refer to the “DS1 Circuit Pack” form in the DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Version 4 Imp lementation , 555-230-655, or DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 V2/V3 Implementation , 555-230-653, for more information on administering ISDN-PRI protocols. NI-2 provides users with the following services: nCalling Line Identification nNon-Facility Associated Signaling nD-Channel Backup nWideband Switching nCall-by-Call Service Selection Calling Line Identification Calling Line Identification for NI-2 is essentially Calling Party Number (CPN) Identification, as previously described in this section. CALL FROM NETWORK TO SWITCH BISDN-PRI TRUNKNON-ISDN-PRI TRUNK SWITCH B SWITCH A

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Primary Rate Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-813 Non-Facility Associated Signaling Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS) allows an ISDN-PRI T1/E1 Interface D-channel (signaling channel) to convey signaling information for B-c hannels (voice and data channels) on ISDN-PRI T1/E1 f a cilities other than the one containing the D-channel. Please refer to the section on Facility and Non-Facility Associated Signaling elsewhere in this manual. D-Channel Backup D-Channel Backup is p rovided to improve reliability in the event of a signaling link failure. D-Channel Backup is discussed in detail in the section on Facility and Non-Facility Associated Signaling elsewhere in this manual. Wideband Switching Wideband Switching for NI-2 is essentially the same as that of the AT&T 4ESS ISDN-PRI protocol, previously discussed in this section. Call-by-Call Service Selection Call-by-Call Service Selection for NI-2 is essentially the same as that for the AT&T 4ESS ISDN-PRI protocol, previously discussed in this section. Global ISDN-PRI The DEFI NI TY s yst em al s o provides ISDN-PRI for the g lobal market, based on different countries’ requirements. For exam ple, the DEFI NI TY s yst em G3V3 includes two separate protocols for connecting to the ISDN-PR I network in Germany: nNational ISDN-PRI Layer 3 protocol defined by FTZ 1 TR 6, based on the 1983 version of ITU-T R e c omm e n d ations Q.930 and Q.931. nETS I ISDN (E-DSS1), comp atible with the standards established by the European Telecommunications Standard s Institute (ETSI). Ad d itionally, the DEFINITY system includes QSIG Global Networking — a platform that meets the requirements for the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Private Network Generic Functional Procedures for Call-Related supp lementary services. Please refer to the QSIG Networking section elsewhere in this manual. Considerations With the ISDN-PRI, system users have access to a variety of services that are only available through the ISDN. ISDN-PRI Call Identification Disp lay is provided on a call only if that call is routed through all ISDN-PRI facilities. Non-ISDN-PRI fa c ilities do not carry the necessary display information. If the called party is at a non-ISDN-PRI facility, the system

Feature Descriptions 3-814Issue 3 March 1996 displays either the dialed d i gits or the trunk group name (depending on administration) on the calling party’s display. ISDN-PRI facilities support equal access to inter-exchange carriers. Interactions The following features interact with the Integrated Services Digital Network — Primary Rate Interface feature. nAttendant Display The information provided by ISDN-PRI Call Identification Display is in a d dition to the display features already provided. When an ISDN-PRI call is redirected to the attendant, and both name and number display information is available, the name is displayed on the console for the calling and called party identification. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance ISDN-PRI Call Id entification Display information is provided at both the primary extension numb er and the extension number with the bridged call appearance. Both displays show the same called party information, whether the call is made from the primary extension number or the bridged call a p pearance. On a call to a primary extension number, the calling party’s display shows the identification of the called primary extension number, even if the call is answered by the bridged call appearance. nCall Forwarding All Calls When an ISDN-PRI call is forwarded, no ISDN-PRI Call I dentification Display information is shown on the display of the forwarding extension. The forward e d-to extension’s display shows information on the calling party, called party (if the forwarded-to station is on the same switch), and the reason for redirection. nCall Pickup When an ISDN-PRI call is answered via Call Pickup, the calling party’s display identifies the answering party, the called party’s display identifies the calling party, and the answering party’s display identifies both the calling and called parties. nConference — Attendant A conference call is identified as a conference call with ‘‘n’’ number of conferees. This display information is generated locally and does not change the disp lay of a user on another switch.

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Primary Rate Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-815 nConference — Terminal A conference call is identified as a conference call with ‘‘n’’ number of conferees. This display information is generated locally and does not change the d isplay of a user on another switch. nDCS If both DCS and ISDN-PRI features are provided over the same facility with a DEFINITY system Generic 3, the ISDN-PRI d isplay information is displayed in DCS format. nFRL and TCM The TCM used to pass on the originating facility’s FRL is sent by ISDN facilities in the SETUP message. nHold When an ISDN-PRI call is placed on Hold, the display of the party who activates Hold goes blank and then identifies the newly calling or connected party if there is one. The held party’s display remains unchanged. When the held party is reconnected to the holding party, the holding party’s display is updated to indicate the current status of the call. nHunting On ISDN-PRI c alls to a hunt group extension, the calling party’s display identifies either the group or the group member who answers the call, depending on administration. nTEG On I SDN-PR I calls to a TEG, the calling party’s display identifies either the group or the group member who answers the call, depending on administration. nTransfer When an ISDN call is transferred, the display of the party who transfers the call goes blank. The transferred party’s display does not change. The display of the transferred-to party identifies the party who transferred the call. When an ISDN call is transferred to a party on the same switch as the party who transfers the c all, the information on the display of the party who transfers the call is shown on the transferred-to p arty’s display. Administration ISDN-PRI is administered on a per-system basis by the System Manager. The following items require administration. nCommunication — Interface Link (G3vs/G3s, G3i, and G3i-global) nCommunication — Interface Processor (G3vs/G3s, G3i, and G3i-global)

Feature Descriptions 3-816Issue 3 March 1996 nDS1 Circuit Pack (for DS1 and E1) nDS1 Synchronization Plan (for DS1 and E1) nProcessor Interface Circuit Pack (G3vsV1/G3sV1, and G3iV1) nISDN-PRI Trunk Group nGRS Routing Patterns nSignaling Group (see the Facility and Non-Facility Associated Signaling feature d esc ription elsewhere in this document). The following administration items are required for ISDN-PRI Call Identification Display: nA Direct Distance Dialing CPN Prefix Table which includes the following items: — Extension Length — From 1 through 5 — Extension Code — Defines a set of extensions with the same leading digits as the extension code — CPN Prefix — Used to create a 10 (for G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3rV1) or 0 to 15 (for G3i-Global, G3V2, and later releases) digit DDD number for an ISDN-PRI CPN. The CPN prefix can be 10 (for G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3rV1) or 0 to 15 (for G3i-Global and G3V2) digits in length. For G3vsV1/G3sV1, G3iV1, and G3rV1, the sum of the number of DDD prefix digits and extension d i gits must be g reater than or equal to 10. If the sum is g reater than 10, then the p refix d igits takes precedence over the extension digits. The system does not send call identification information on calls from extensions that have an extension code with the DDD prefix left blank or that have no CPN prefix administered. For G3i-Global, G3V2, and later releases, the sum must be greater than or e qual to the administered number of digits to send out. — Whether to send the calling/connected party number and/or name “ (Send Calling Numb er?” , “Send Connected Number?”, and “Send Name?” fields of the “ ISDN-PRI Trunk Group” form). Setting these fields to y (yes), enables the sending of number and/or name, respectively, to the other side of the interface for display purposes. nWhether the group name or member name is displayed on the calling party’s display (per Hunt Group and TEG). The following administration is required for CPN/BN to Host Call Identification: nSome administration may be required so that the switch receives CPN/BN from the originating interface to pass to the ISDN Gateway. If the originating switch is another DEFINITY system, the trunk group administration on that switch needs to be administered (Send Calling/Connected Number? is y) so that CPN info is sent. If the originating