Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-41 1. Only port slots are included in this count. For example, there are 99 port slots per MCC EPN c abinet. One slot in the cabinet is already dedicated for the Tone/Clock board. Other service c ircuits may be required which would further reduce the number of p ort slots available. In G3 c arriers, the 21st slot of MCC port carriers may be equip p ed with service boards that do not require tip and ring connections. Table A-2. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1.1 or V2 — continued ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Paging Code Ca ll in g ID s 12 5 12 5 125 125 125 Loudspeaker Zones 9 9 9 9 9 Partitions Atte n d an t P art iti on 1 1 1 1 1 Extension Partition Group 8 8 8 8 8 Extension Partition 8 8 8 8 8 Personal CO Lines (PCOL) PCOL Appearances 4 4 4 4 16 PCOL Li ne s (Tru nk Gro u p s) 40 15 15 200 200 PCOL Trunks Per Trunk Group 1 1 1 1 1 Port Circuit Pack Slots 1 Per Expansion Port Network (EPN) MCC Simplex 99 NA NA 99 99 MCC Duplex 98 NA NA 98 98 SCC Simplex 71 NA NA 71 71 SCC Duplex 70 NA NA 70 70 Small Cabinet Simplex (Upgrade only)39 NA NA 39 39 Small Cabinet Duplex (Upgrade only)38 NA NA 38 38 Per Processor Port Network (PPN) MC C Sim plex 89 NA NA 89 80 MCC Duplex 78 NA NA 78 60 SCC Simplex 64 NA NA 64 NA SCC Duplex 56 NA NA 56 NA ESCC Si m p le x NA 70 70 70 NA ESCC Duplex NA NA NA 68 NA CSCC Simplex NA 10 NA NA NA

System Parameters A-42Issue 3 Marc h 1996 Table A-2. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1.1 or V2 — continued ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Recorded Announcements Analog Queue Slots per Announcement150 50 50 150 1,000 Analog Queue Slots per System 150 50 50 150 1,000 Calls Connec ted per Announcement Integrated Announcement or Auxiliary Trunk55 525255 Ana lo g Port s 5 5 5 25 128 Channels per Integrated Announcement Circuit Pack16 16 16 16 16 Integrated Announcement Circuit Packs11 111 Integrated Announcement Recording Time (Minutes:Sec on ds) 16 KB recording 8:32 8:32 8:32 8:32 8:32 32 KB recording 4:16 4:16 4:16 4:16 4:16 Integrated Queue Slots per System 50 50 50 50 1,000 Re c ord e d An no un c e men ts 128 128 128 128 256 System Administration Administrable History File Entries 250 50 50 250 1,250 Simultaneous Administration Command11 115 Simultaneous Maintenan ce Command11 115 Sim ulta ne ou s SM S ession s 5 3 3 5 8 Prin te r Qu eu e S ize 50 50 50 50 50 Speech Synthesis Circuit Packs66 6640 Channels per Speech Circuit Pack44 444 Terminating Extension Groups (TEG) TEGs 3232 323232 Users That May Share a TEG 4 4 4 4 4

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-43 1. 241 Simultaneous Circuit-Switched Calls per port network, except for G3s, where the maximum is 180. 2. 512 time slots per port network. 3. 483 time slots for Voice and Data per port network. Even though an EPN is supported in G3sV2, giving a total of two port networks, G3sV2 is engineered to support only 180 Simultaneous Circuit-Swit ched Calls. Table A-2. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1.1 or V2 — continued ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Time Slots Simultaneous Circuit Switched Calls 1723 180 180 723 5,302 Total Slots 21536 512 512 1,536 11,264 Time Slots for Voice & Data 31449 483 483 1,449 10,604 Time Slots per Port Network 512 512 512 512 512 Tone Classifiers Call Classifier Boards 10 NA/10 NA/10 10 50 Call Progress/Touch Tone Receivers80 NA/ 80 NA /80 80 400 Tone Detector Boards 20 10 20 20 50 General Purpose Tone Detectors40 20 40 40 100 Touch-Tone Receivers 80 80 80 80 200 Pro m p tin g TT R Qu eu e S ize 80 NA/ 80 NA /80 80 80 TTR Queue Size 4 4 4 4 4

System Parameters A-44Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. Only one PI board is supported in G3vs/G3s (both MCC and SCC), and therefore a total of four physical links, used for BX.2 5 or PRI , a re a vai lab le . In G3i, two PI boards can be supported in the MCC, and therefore a total of eight physical links (used for BX25 or PRI) are availab le. Sinc e the SCC c an only supp ort one PI board, a total of four physical links (used for BX25 or PRI) are available in the SCC 286 an d Me dium config urations. 2. All digital stations can be disp lay stations. 3. G3vs has the same software c apacities for stations and trunks as d oes G3s. However, these software capacities are limited b y the cabinet hardware. A typical switch would p robably have 20 to 50 stations with 10 to 20 trunks. Station capacities can be reached only b y administration without hardware (AWCH). This includes extensions administered without hardware. Table A-2. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1.1 or V2 — continued ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Trunks DS1 Circuit Packs 30 8 8 30 166 Queue Slots for Trunks 198 32/64 32/64 198 1,332 PRI Interfaces via PI 18 NA/4 NA/4 8 NA PRI Interfaces via PKTINT NA NA NA NA 166 PRI Temporary Sig naling Connections TSCs in System 656 NA/164 NA/164 656 4,256 Call Associated TSCs 400 NA/100 NA/100 400 4,000 Non Call Associated TSCs 256 NA/64 NA/64 256 256 Administered TSCs 128 NA/32 NA/32 128 128 Ring b ack Queue Slots 198 32/64 32/64 198 1,332 Total PRI Interfaces 28 NA/4 NA/4 8 166 Trunk Groups Hourly Measurements25 25 25 25 75 Trunk Groups in the System 99 16/32 16/32 99 666 Trunk Memb ers in a Trunk Group 99 50/99 50/99 99 255 Trunks in System (Including Remote Access) 3400 50/100 50/100 400 4,000 With Hospitality Parameter Reduction50 NA/50 NA/50 50 50 Measured Trunks in System 400 50/100 50/100 400 4000

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-45 1. All BRI stations can be disp lay stations. 2. In G3, ‘‘Station Button Capacity (units) ‘replaces’ Maximum Button Modules.’’ The following exam ples show how these units c an b e used. The assumption is that only three c all appearances are assigned to the sets (except analog sets which have no call appearance). — Analog sets (for example, 7104A): G3r, 76 units; all other releases, 62 units. — Digital sets with 10 buttons (for example, 7403D): G3r, 124 units; all other releases, 102 units. — Digital sets with 34 buttons, without display (for example, 7405D): G3r, 412 units; all other releases, 342 units. — Digital sets with 34 buttons, with display (for example, 7405D): G3r, 568 units; all other releases, 472 units. — 7406D Digital sets with display: G3r, 412 units; all other releases, 342 units. — BRI sets with 17 b uttons, with display (for example, 7506D): G3r, 304 units; all other releases, 250 units. The station button c apacity can support all stations equipped as 7406D d igital sets with display. For examp le, a total of 342* 1200 + 410.4K units for the G3iV 1. 1-2 86 . Table A-2. Maximum System Parameters for Hardware and Software Items for G3V1.1 or V2 — continued ITEMG3iV1.1- 286G3vsV2 ABP/PBPG3sV2 ABP/PBPG3iV2- 386 G3rV2 Voice Terminals Associated Data Modules (suc h a s DTDM s)800 75 75 800 7,500 BRI Stations 11,000 NA 50 1,000 7,000 Digital Stations 1,600 200 200 2,400 25,000 Stations 1,600 200 200 2,400 25,000 Station Button Cap acity (K Units) 2410.4 68.4 68.4 547.2 5,260

System Parameters A-46Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. No limit on the maximum number of auto dial buttons (other than the system limit on button capacity). 2. In th e c ase of SCC/ ESCC/CSCC, only four BX.25 physical links are sup p orted in the configuration. Table A-3. Maximum System Parameters for G3V3 ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) AD Lists Per System 200 200 2,400 5,000 AD List Entry Size 24 24 24 24 AD Entries Per System 2,000 2,000 12,000 100,000 Auto Dialing Button 1 Entries per System NA NA NA NA Enhanc ed List (System List) NA/1 NA/1 1 1 Maximum Entries NA/1,000 NA/1,000 1,000 1,000 Group Lists 100 100 100 1,000 Ma xim um E ntr ies 90 90 90 90 Group Lists per Extension 3 3 3 3 System List 1 1 1 1 Ma xim um E ntr ies 90 90 90 90 Personal Lists 200 200 2,400 5,000 Ma xim um E ntr ies 10 10 10 10 Personal Lists/Extension 3 3 3 3 Applications Adjuncts CallVisor ASAI Adjuncts NA NA/4 8 8 Asynchronous Links (RS-232) 5 5 5 10 SMDR Output Devices 2 2 2 2 Journal:System Printer 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 Property Management Systems 1 1 1 1 BX.25 Physical Links 244 816 Application Processors (such as 3B2-MCS)11 17 AUDIX Adjunc ts 1 1 1 8 CMS Adjuncts 1 1 1 1 ICM Adjuncts (ISDN Gateway) NA/1 NA/1 1 1 BX.25 Processor Channels 64 64 64 128 Hop Channels 64 64 64 128

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-47 1. All references to Hospitality Parameter Red uc tion on the Customer Option form have been removed . 2. In the c ase where going from 4 to 3 login maximums, a change to the hunt group form will also be required, which in turn would require all agents to be logged-out. In one extreme c ase, this is p o ten ti all y avo i d e d a n d R2 & R3 CMS wil l ha n d l e the fo ur th lo g i n a s UNST AFFED, a p propriately. 3. R3V 3 CMS wa s ren am e d to R3 V4 CM S t o ma t c h t he DEF INIT Y swi tch n um b e rin g . 4. AAR is not an optional feature in the G3vs/G3s ABP. 5. + up to 7 inter-exchange carrier (IXC) digits. Table A-3. Maximum System Parameters for G3V3 — continued ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Announcements per Split 2 2 2 2 Ann ou n c em ent s p er System 128 128 128 25 6 Splits 112/24 12/24 99 255 ACD Memb ers per Split 150 150 200 999 Split Members per System Measured ACD Agents (Swit ch Limits) Logged-In Splits per Agent 2 No CMS 4 4 4 4 R2 CMS 3 3 3 3 R3 CMS 3 3 3 3 R3V2 CMS 4 4 4 4 R3V4 CMS 344 44 Queue Slots per Group 200 200 200 999 Queue Slots per System 200 200 1,000 10,500 ARS/AAR 4 AAR/ARS Patterns (Shared) 20/40 20/40 254 640 ARS/AAR Table Entries (NPA, NXX, RXX, HNPA, FNPA)2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Choices per RHNPA Table 12 12 12 12 Digit Conversion Entries 400 400 400 400 AAR/ARS Digit Conversion Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 523 23 23 23 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 18 18 18 18 AAR/ARS Sub-Net Trunking Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 23 23 23 23 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 36 36 36 36

System Parameters A-48Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. This is the number of 12 character inserted-digit-strings available for AAR/ARS preferences. 2. The number for G3vs V2/V3 (4) is the recommended number of c onsoles that should be supported due to power limitations. Of the four consoles, one may be used as a night console. The software actually sup ports 6:1 day/night attendant consoles. 3. The numb er of ‘‘Release Link Trunk Groups at Main’’ is the same as the number of trunk groups in the system. Table A-3. Maximum System Parameters for G3V3 — continued ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 ARS/AAR (Continued) Entries in HNPA & RHNPA Ta bles 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 FRL s 8 8 8 8 Inserted Digit Stri n g s 1450 450 1,200 3,000 Patterns for Measurement Shared Patterns for Measurement 20 20 20 25 RHNPA Tab les 32 32 32 32 Routing Plans 8 8 8 8 Toll Tables 32 32 32 32 Entries per Toll Table 800 800 800 800 Trunk Groups in an ARS/AAR Pattern 6 6 6 16 UDP (Entries) NA/240 NA/240 10,000 50,000 TO D C h a r t s 8 8 8 8 Attendant Service Attendant Consoles (day:night) 24:1 6:1 15:1 27:1 Atten dant Console 100s Groups per Attendant20 20 20 20 Attendant Control Restriction Group s 96 96 96 96 Centralized Attendant Service Release Link Trunks at Branch NA/99 NA/99 99 255 Release Link Trunk Group at Branch NA/1 NA/1 1 1 Release Link Trunks at Main NA/100 NA/100 400 4,000 Release Link Trunk Groups at Main 3NA /32 NA/ 32 99 66 6

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-49 1. Referred to as ‘‘emergency access queue length’’ in G3i. Table A-3. Maximum System Parameters for G3V3 — continued ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 Attendant Service (Continued) Other Access Queues Maximum Number of Queues 12 12 12 12 Maximum Number of Queue Slots 130 30 80 80 Size Range of Reserved Queue 2-25 2-25 2-75 2-75 Rese rved Queue Def au lt Size 5 5 5 5 Queue Len gth 30 30 80 300 Switched Loops/Console 6 6 6 6 Authorization Authorization Codes 1,500 1,500 5,000 90,000 Classes of Restriction 96 96 96 96 Classes of Service 16 16 16 16 Length of Authorization Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of Barrier Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of Forced Entry A c count Codes NA/1-15 NA/1-15 1-15 1-15 Restricted Call List 1 1 1 1 Remote Access Barrier Codes 10 10 10 10 SMDR Forced Entry Account Code ListNA/1 NA/1 1 1 Toll Call List 1 1 1 1 Unrestricted/Allowed Call Lists 10 10 10 10 Total Call List Entries 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Automatic Callback Calls20 20 240 1,50 0 Automatic Wakeup Simultaneous Display Requests 10 10 10 30 Wakeup Requests per System 200 200 2,400 15,000 Wakeup Request per Extension 1 1 1 1 Wakeup Requests p er 15-minute Interval 150 150 450 950

System Parameters A-50Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. Only EPNs in G3r can be DS1-remote EPNs. 2. Small systems refer to the 2-carrier cabinet systems that are no longer sold to new customers. 3. MCC includes Medium Cabinet. Table A-3. Maximum System Parameters for G3V3 — continued ITEMG3vsV3 ABP/PBPG3sV3 ABP/PBP G3iV3 G3rV3 Basic CMS Measured Agents or Login IDs 75 75 200 600 Measured Splits 12/24 12/24 99 99 Measured Trunk Groups 16/32 16/32 32 32 Measured VDNs NA/24 NA/24 99 512 Reporting Period s Intervals 25 25 25 25 Days 7 7 7 7 Cabinets Expansion Port Network (EPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC) 1NA NA 2 43 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) 1NA NA 8 164 Small (Upgrades only) 2NA NA 2 41 Int er-P ort Network Connectivity Port Networks 1 1 3 44 Maximum Number of Port Networks per Cabinet11 12 Switch Nodes (Simplex) NA NA NA 3 Switch Nodes (Duplex) NA NA NA 6 DS1 Converter Complex (Simplex) NA NA NA 41 DS1 Converter Complex (Duplex) NA NA NA 82 Processor Port Network (PPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC) 3NA NA 1 1 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) or Enhanced Single-Carrier Cabinet (ESCC)NA 4 4 NA Compact Single-Carrier Cabinet (CSCC)1NA NANA