Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1095 Service Observing User Interface The following table shows the Service Observing condition indicators that the observer will receive. The following tables show the fee d back that the observer can receive during activation or operation of Service Observing. In these tables: nWait State refers to the state where the o bserver is in the Service O bserving mode but there is not a call to observe or the call cannot be observed. Under this state a call ap p earance is not reserved. An idle call appearance must b e available for the user to go to the observing state when a new eligible call arrives. nIneligible Tone is a tone given to the observer when the call being observed becomes ineligible. A call b e comes ineligible when it encounters an ineligible condition as described in Considerations later in this feature description. The ineligible tone is the hold confirmation Table 3-76. General Indications to Observer Condition Button Lamp Tone Not Active Dark None Denied Activation Broken FlutterIntercept/Busy/Reorder Activated Steady/WinkingConfirmation tone followed by silence or connection to call. O bserving (listen only) SteadyHear call O bserving (listen/talk) Winking Hear/talk on call In wait state FlashNone Denied observing of callFlash (wait state) Silence/Ineligible Tone followed by silence.

Feature Descriptions 3-1096Issue 3 March 1996 tone— a rapid series of five short beeps (50 msec on/off) of 440 hz. This tone is not given to the observer if the agent receiving the call (who is ineligible for observing) hears zip tone. 1. Extension COR c annot b e o bserved or COR for observer calling permission does not allow observing the COR of extension to be observed. Table 3-77. Feedback When Activation Denied Condition State Lamp Tone No Such Extension denied broken flutter intercept Extension Not Observable d enied broken flutter intercept Not Allowed COR 1d enied broken flutter intercept Extension Has Data Restriction d enied broken flutter intercept Extension Has Exclusion Active d enied broken flutter b usy Extension Has Data Privac y Active on Call denied broken flutter b usy Extension Already Observed denied broken flutter b usy Extension is an Observer d enied broken flutter b usy Extension Being Busy Verified denied broken flutterreorder Extension Has a 6-Party Conference d enied broken flutterreorder COR Doesn’t Allow SO Activation denied broken flutter intercept O bserve VDN Not Optioned denied broken flutter intercept Logical ID Not Logged In d enied broken flutter b usy Activation to Logical with Physical Observedd enied broken flutter b usy Activation to Physical with Logical ID Observedd enied broken flutter b usy Maximum VDNs Being Observed d enied broken flutterreorder

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1097 Table 3-78. Feedback When Activation Allowed — At Time of Activation Condition State Lamp Tone Active-Eligible Call observing steady/ winking confirmation tone followed b y c onnection to call No Active Call wait state flash c onfirmation tone followed b y silenc e Call Not Eligiblewait state flash c onfirmation tone followed b y silenc e Call Has No O b se rve CORwait state flash c onfirmation tone followed b y silenc e VDN Call Already Being Observedwait state flash silence Table 3-79. Feedback When Activation Allowed — After Observe Activated Condition State Lamp Tone No Active/Eligible Call wait state flash silence Call in 6-Party Conferencewait state flash silence Call Already Being Observedwait state flash silence Call Is Being Busy Verifiedwait state flash silence Call Has Data Privacy Activewait state flash silence Call Has Data Restrictionwait state flash silence Call Has Exclusion Activewait state flash silence Active-Eligible Call (in listen-only mode)SO listen steady hear call Continued on next page

Feature Descriptions 3-1098Issue 3 March 1996 A ctive-Eligible Call (in listen/talk mode)SO listen/talkwinking hear/talk on call Press Button While Observing in Listen-only ModeSO listen/talkwinking hear/talk on call O bserver Presses Releasenot o bservingdarknone Call Has No O bserve CORwait state flash silence VDN Call Already Being Observedwait state flash silence No Active Eligible Call wait state flash silence Elig i ble VDN Call o bserving steady/ winkinghear call Elig i ble VDN Call (in vector processing)SO listen steady hear call Elig i ble VDN Call (out of vector processing in listen-onlySO listen steady hear call Elig i ble VDN Call (out of vector processing in listen/talk)SO listen/talkwinking hear/talk on call Press Button While O bserving in Vector ProcessingSO listen steady no change to mode Press Button While Not in Vector and in listen-onlySO listen/talkwinking hear/talk on call Call Being Observed Becomes Inelig i blewait state flash inelig i ble tone followed by silence A ctive Call Disconnectswait state flash silence Logical Agent Logs Out denied broken flutterbusy O bserver (without button) Hangs Updeactivates observingn/a n/a Table 3-79. Feedback When Activation Allowed — After Observe Activated — Continued Condition State Lamp Tone Continued on next page

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1099 Security The following sections describe the Service Observing security restrictions. General Service Observing Security The following COR restrictions guard against unauthorized observing. nThe observer must have a COR with the “Can Be An Observer” field set to yes. nThe extension to b e observed must have a COR with the “Can Be O bserved” field set to yes. nThe observer must be assigned calling permissions to all CORs to be observed on the Calling Permissions COR Table. In a ddition: nA logical agent must be logged in to be observed. nAn optional warning tone informs the person being observed and the caller that Service Observing is in effect. Vector Initiated Service Observing Security The following COR restrictions guard against unauthorized VDN call observing. nThe VDN extension COR must have an observable COR (“Can Be O bserved” field set to yes). nThe VDN extension must be in the Calling Permissions COR Table of the observer. nEach observer is restricted to observing only those VDN CORs in the Calling Permissions COR table assigned to the observer. nThe VDN d estination must have an observable COR. In a ddition: nWhen the VDN call is connected to its destination, an optional warning tone informs the d estination user and the caller that Service Observing is in effect. Remote/FAC Observing In a ddition to the general Service O bserving restrictions: nSeparate FACs are required for listen-only and listen-talk observing.

Feature Descriptions 3-1100Issue 3 March 1996 Remote Access Feature Access to Service Observing Service Observing is activated remotely by a Service Observing FAC that is entered after hearing the PBX dial tone. Barrier Codes and Authorization Codes limit the use of Remote Access to authorized users. Seethe Remote Ac c ess (with Security Measures) feature for a dditional information a bout these codes and other Remote Ac c ess security measures. To increase security, use different Authorization Codes for different Service Observing permissions. In a ddition: nUse Call Promp ting to create additional access security. nUse Facility Restriction Levels (FRLs) and other restrictions such as the Authorization Code COR to restrict Remote Access service observer access to other destinations (for example, stations or trunks). COR “can be observer” and Calling Permissions can be assigned to the VDN, Barrier Code and Authorization Code. The last COR encountered is used to determine observer permissions. VDN Call Observing Security The following restrictions can be used with vector initiated Service Observing (G3V4 and later releases) to guard against unauthorized use. nCall promp ting commands can be used in Service Observing vectors to provide passcode protection, and to limit access to observing specific destinations or verified caller entered digits. nTime of Day/Day of Week checks can be incorporated in Service O bserving vectors. nA vector can be created to be used exclusively for Service Observing. nFor a VDN to be observed as the result of a route-to command, the VDN must have a COR that allows it to b e observed. nThe calling permissions of the COR assigned to the Service Observing VDN in conjunction with the “can b e observed” settings of the COR assigned to the destination determine what agents, stations, or VDNS can be observed. Considerations With Service Observing, a supervisor can monitor an agent while the agent is active on an ACD call. This allows the supervisor to ensure that calls are being handled properly. The supervisor can also assist the agent with the call if necessary. Although an agent can be a memb er of more than one split or skill, an agent can only be observed by one supervisor at a time.

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1101 Each observer will have only one Service Observe b utton. If the a gent whose calls are to be observed has a COR that does not permit Service Observing, the observer cannot observe that a gent’s calls. In vector initiated Service Observing, the COR assigned to the VDN used to access Service Observing, the COR assigned to the internal caller extension, and the COR assigned to the logical agent or extension to be o bserved are used to determine if Service Observing will be allowed. If Service Observing is denied by the called agent/extension COR, Service Observing is denied regardless of the VDN or caller COR. If Service Observing is denied by the caller extension COR, Service Observing is denied regardless of the VDN or called party COR. When the access call routes through multiple VDNs, the COR of the last VDN is used for calling/observing permissions regardless of VDN Override settings. A maximum of fifty observers can be observing VDNs simultaneously. There is no limit to the numb er of observers observing the same VDN so long as the total number of observers actively observing VDNs does not exceed fifty. A call to an observed VDN or agent/extension is ineligible to be service observed when: nIt is already being service observed nIt is conferenced with a station/call that is already being service observed nIt is being busy verified nIt has Data Privacy active (i.e., the call was placed with Data Privacy) nIt has Data Restriction (conferenced with an extension with Data Restriction or a VDN call that reaches an extension with Data Restriction) nIt has Exc lusion active (conferenced with an extension with Exc lusion active or a VDN call that reaches an extension with Exclusion active) nIt is in a conference or is connected to a station that is in a conference and the addition of the o bserver will result in more than six parties (including caller, extension/agent and observer) nIt is being observed and is added to a conference where the observer remaining bridged on the call will result in more than six parties (including caller, extension/agent and observer) nIt is a VDN o bserved call that reaches an extension or VDN with the can not be observed COR restriction (The COR of the hunt group, sp lit or skill used to d istribute the call to the station/agent will not b e checked. Also the COR of stations/a gents conferenced with the call will not be chec ked.) If two agents with different supervisors are being service observed, and one agent calls the other, the originator’s su pervisor observes the call, and the other supervisor is in the waiting mo de.

Feature Descriptions 3-1102Issue 3 March 1996 An attendant cannot be a service observer. However, an attendant can be observed. While service o bserving the only b uttons that can be pressed are: Interactions The following features interact with the Service Observing feature: nAgent Login/Logout If a Logical Agent b eing observed logs out, service observing of that ID will be deactivated. nASAI A c all to a VDN being service observed will continue to be monitored after adjunct routing. A call can be routed to a Service Observing FAC by the adjunct routing command in the same way that it can be with the route-to command. nAssist A VDN observer follows a call d uring an assist operation. The o bserver monitors the caller while on hold and monitors the agent-supervisor conference after the agent conferences the assist call with the VDN call. nAttendant Access The PBX attendant cannot activate Service Observing by way of the Service Observing FACS. This is because an attendant cannot be a service observer. nBCMS When observing a physical agent (non-EAS), the Re port By Login ID shows the physical extension with the login ID. BCMS does not report on Service Observing. The BCMS reports show the normal measured call and/or agent activity relate d to the Service Observing calls. Neither the activating call or observed call activity is identified as activity for Service Observing. Call Ap pearance Brid ged Appearance Position Busy Auxiliary Work Auto-ckt Assure Queue Status (NQC, OQT, AQC, and AQT) Release (ACD) (This will end Service Observing)System Night Service Service Observing Hold (ignored)

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1103 nBrid ged Appearances Service Observing is set up to observe all calls to an extension, not all calls to the particular station. If the observer is observing agent extension 3082, the observer will only be bridged onto calls to extension 3082. If the agent with extension 3082 also has a bridged ap pearance for extension 3282, the calls to extension 3282 will not be observed. The fact that extensions 3082 and 3282 have a call appearance on the same station does not mean that the observer will b e able to observe both extensions at the same time. nBusy Verification of Terminals and Trunks An observer cannot service observe an agent’s call that is being bridged onto by busy verification. Also, an agent’s call that is being bridged onto by Service Observing c annot be b usy verified. nCall Coverage An observer cannot service observe a call that has been answered by a covering user until the called agent bridges onto the call. A c all to an observed VDN will continue to be monitored if the call is routed to a destination that forwards the call. nCall Forwarding A c all to an observed VDN will continue to be monitored if the call is routed to a destination that forwards the call. nCall Park A split supervisor cannot park a call while service observing the call. The VDN observer monitoring connection will g o with the call. nCall Pickup An observer cannot service observe a call that has been answered by a member of a pickup group until the called agent b rid ges onto the call. The VDN observer monitoring connection will g o with the call. nCall Waiting A call cannot wait on a single-line voice terminal that is being service observed. nCall Work Codes/Integrated Directory The observer will not hear the d ialing with these features because the d i gits are passed to the switch in S-Channel messages. nCMS The system sends an indication to CMS when an observer is bridged on to a VDN call. nConference The observer cannot use this feature when Service Observing is activated.

Feature Descriptions 3-1104Issue 3 March 1996 A call in a conference can be monitored up to the limit of a 6-party conference. If an agent conferences a call while being o bserved and the number of parties in the call is less than six, the observer is put into the waiting mode. The observer is bridged onto any call the agent becomes active on before the conference is complete. When the conference is complete, the o bserver is again brid ged onto that call. If an agent conferences a call while b eing observed and the number of parties in the call is six, including the observer, the conference is denied. A call to an observed VDN cannot be monitored if bridging on the observer along with the caller and other parties to the c all a dds up to more than six parties. If a conference is being service observed as a result of observing an agent who enters the conference, when the agent hangs up the conference will no longer be observed. If a conference is being observed as a result of observing a VDN call, Service Observing continues until the call is transferred to an unobservable destination. All memb ers of a conference are o bserved during the conference regardless of whether they would normally be eligible for Service Observing. If a VDN call that is being observed is conferenced with a call or station that is already being observed, the VDN call becomes ineligible for observing. The o bserver receives ineligible tone and is then put in the wait state or begins observing another call. nConverse Command Converse s plit extension p orts can be observed as physical extensions. A call to an observed VDN continues to be monitored if the call is answered by a VRU through the converse command. nData Restriction/Data Privac y A Data Restricted call or a call placed with Data Privacy to an observed VDN will not be monitored. If an observed VDN call is routed to a destination with Data Restriction, the call b e comes ineligible and is no longer observed. nDialed Number Identification Service Observing by VDN p rovides monitoring b y DNIS since the VDNs represent the DNIS of the service dialed. nDirect Agent Calling A direct agent call (placed by an adjunct over ASAI, a voice terminal, or a route-to command) to a Logical Agent ID is monitored by observing the Logical Agent. nDCS A DCS station extension (on another node) is not a valid Service O bserving extension. However, a user can observe stations on another node by remote observing that node. A DCS station can only service