Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Privacy — Attendant Lockout Issue 3 March 1996 3-967 Privacy — Attendant Lockout Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Prevents an attendant from reentering a multiple-party connection held on the console unless recalled by a voice terminal user. Considerations Privacy — Attendant Loc kout provides privacy for parties on a multiparty call held on the console. The held parties can hold a private conversation without being interrupted by the attendant. Interactions The following features interact with the Privacy — Attendant Lockout feature. nTrunk-to-Trunk Transfer Privacy — Attendant Loc kout d oes not function when a call using the Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer feature is held on the console. nIndividual Attendant Access Privacy — Attendant Loc kout a pplies only to attendant group calls. Individual attendant calls are not affecte d. nAttendant Recall Use Attendant Recall to recall the attendant to a call that is originally extend e d by the attendant. Administration Privacy — Attendant Loc kout is administered on a per-system basis by the System Manager. The only administration required is to administer whether or not attendant lockout is active. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Feature Descriptions 3-968Issue 3 March 1996 Privacy — Manual Exclusion Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Allows multiappearance voice terminal users to keep other users with appearances of the same extension numb er from bridging onto an existing call. Exclusion is activated b y pressing the Exclusion b utton on a per-call basis. If the Exclusion button is pressed while other users are brid g ed onto the call, the other users are dropped from the call. The Privacy — Manual Exc lusion feature is automatically deactivated when the Exclusion button is p ressed a second time or when the party who activate d Privacy — Manual Exclusion is dropped from the call. Privacy — Manual Exc lusion is used with the PCOL, TEG, and Bridged Call Appearance features. Considerations Privacy — Manual Exclusion p revents users who have an appearance of another terminal’s extension from brid ging onto that extension. Interactions The following features interact with the Privacy — Manual Exclusion feature. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance When Privacy — Manual Exclusion is activated, all other users are prevented from brid g ing onto the active call. Administration Privacy — Manual Exc lusion is administered on a p er-voice terminal basis by the System Manager. The only administration required is the assignment of the Exclusion button to the d esired voice terminals. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Property Management System (PMS) Interfac e Issue 3 March 1996 3-969 Property Management System (PMS) Interface Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Provides a communications link between the System and a customer-owned PMS. The PMS allows a customer to control certain features used in both a hospital-type and a hotel/motel-type environment. The communications link allows the PMS to interrogate the system and allows information to be passed between the system and the PMS. Routine operations related to the following features are simp lified through this message exchange capability: nMessage Waiting Notification nControlled Restriction nHousekeeping Status nCheck-In/Check-Out nRoom Change/Room Swap. nNames Re gistration nGuest Information Input/Change nSupport of five-Digit Extension Numbers Message Waiting Notification, Controlled Restriction, and Housekeeping Status are optional features. A customer may elect to operate each of these features from the system only or to operate each of these features from either the system or a PMS. Check-In/Check-Out, Room Change/Room Swap, Names Registration, and Guest Information Input/Change are controlled from the PMS as long as the communications link between the system and the PMS is operational. If the link is not operational (the link is down), these features are affected as follows: nControl of Check-In/Check-Out transfers to the system. With the system in control, Check-In/Check-Out operations are performed via feature buttons. nControl of Guest Information In put/Change transfers to the system. With the system in control, Guest Information Input/Change operations are performed by the System Manager via system administration commands.

Feature Descriptions 3-970Issue 3 March 1996 nThe system does not support Room Change/Room Swap as such. However, the equivalent of Room Change/Room Swap is executed through the system by activating Check-Out followed by Check-In. nNames Re gistration information which is normally sent automatically from the PMS to the switch, can be entered manually at the switch by the System Manager. The PMS Interface provides the following: nA communications protocol for controlling message exchange between the system and a PMS nAn application module for controlling the operation of the PMS features nStatus d ata on all g uest/patient rooms for selected features The protocol is full-duplex, asynchronous and provides the mechanisms for setting up a data session with the PMS, message exchange control, error identification, and recovery. The interface supports standard data rates (1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 b ps in G3i). Two protocol modes are provided; the normal protocol mode as described above, and the transparent protocol mode. The transparent protocol mode supports ASCII character transmission and is required for PMS features such as Names Re gistration and Guest Information In put/Change. Systems may b e administered to use either the normal or transp arent protocol mode. The application module of the PMS Interface im plements requested features and provides backup procedures if the communications link between the PMS and the system is down. Whether or not the communications link with the PMS is operational, the system always maintains the following data for each room: nWhether the room is vacant or occupied nWhether the voice terminal’s Message lamp is on or off nWhether a Controlled Restriction is active at the voice terminal and, if so, which one nThe guest’s name and coverage path When the link to the PMS is down, the system automatically activates Check-In/Check-Out for the attendant console and front d esk terminal with display c a pa bility, and c ontinues to support PMS features that are activated from guest/patient room voice terminals. When the link is a gain operational, the system sends one of the following messages to the PMS: nNo room status changes occurred during loss of communications. nRoom status changes d id occur d uring loss of communications; therefore, a status data exchange is needed to synchronize the system and the PMS data bases.

Property Management System (PMS) Interfac e Issue 3 March 1996 3-971 nThe system failed momentarily, destroying its record of room status; therefore, a room status data exchange (full transfer of data from the PMS to the system) is needed to synchronize the system and the PMS databases. Also, when the PMS link is down or if a PMS is not used, the system maintains a log, called an audit trail report, of all events that would normally b e sent to the PM S. The audit trail data (accessed via the Management Terminal) is a sequential listing of all PMS transactions executed by the system when the PMS data link was down. Also included in the audit trail are some error events that may have occurred when the link was either up or d own. If a printer is configured in the system, c o pies of the audit trail d ata will help the administrative staff to restore the room status of system and the PMS. In a d dition to the PMS audit trail report, if the system has an operational PMS log printer and the PMS link is down, Housekeeping Status changes will b e printed as they occur. The Housekeeping Status report will contain the following information: nRoom numb er nFAC dialed nAny a dditional information digits that were dialed nReason for the entry (error message) nTime the error occurred In a ddition to the PMS log printer, a PMS Journal/Schedule printer is also available. The PMS Journal/Schedule printer p rints reports on Automatic Wakeup activity, Emergency Access to the Attendant activity, and scheduled reports. A supporting function called Room Data Image synchronizes the switch and PMS databases after a PMS link g oes d own and c omes back up. The information included in the Room Data Image is as follows: nRoom extension nWhether the room is occupied or vacant nMessage Waiting lamp status nControlled Restriction status nGuest’s name nCall Coverage path

Feature Descriptions 3-972Issue 3 March 1996 Message Waiting Notification Message Waiting Notification requests are originate d from attendant consoles, front desk terminals, or PMS terminals. When a request is entered, the PMS sends a Message to the system to change the state of the Message lamp associated with a certain extension numb er. If the Message lamp has been turned on by the AUDIX or Leave Word Calling (LWC), the PMS cannot be used to turn the lamp off. However, in the transparent mo de, certain events may cause the switch to inform the PMS that the Message lamp has been turned on by AUDIX or LWC. Any console or terminal used to activate and deactivate Message Waiting Notification must be assigned a Console Permissions Class of Service (COS). The affecte d extension must have a Client Room COS. Controlled Restriction When the Controlled Restriction feature is activated through the PMS, the PMS sends a message to the system to assign one of the following restrictions to the voice terminal in a guest/p atient room: nNo restriction nOutward restriction nTotal restriction nStation-to-station restriction nTermination restriction nCombined outward and termination restriction nCombined Outward and Station-to-Station restriction nCombined Termination and Station-to-Station restriction If a PMS is not used or if the communications link is down, the attendant or front desk user can still set the Controlled Restriction for a voice terminal, because activation of this feature is inde pendent of the PMS. When the communications link is again operational (if a PMS is used), the system asks for a data base exchange and all status changes are sent to the PMS. At this time, controlled restrictions can still be assigned. If user controlled restrictions are activated or deactivated from the switch, the PMS receives a message with this information.

Property Management System (PMS) Interfac e Issue 3 March 1996 3-973 Housekeeping Status The housekeeping staff can enter status information using voice terminals located in guest/p atient rooms or using d esignated terminals. Up to 10 Housekeeping Status Access Codes can be assigned in the system. nRoom Voice Terminal Access Code After the Access Code is dialed, the system accepts up to six additional information digits. These information digits can be used for items such as maid identification. nDesignated Voice Terminal A c cess Code After the Access Code is dialed, the system waits for the room extension to be entered and then will accept up to six a d ditional information d i gits. If a PMS is used, the system notifies the PMS when Housekeeping Status information is entered. If a PMS is not used, if the communications link is down, or if a PMS is connected, but housekeeper information is not sent (the “Housekeeper Information Configuration” field on the Hospitality-Related System Parameters screen is administered as act-nopms), then Housekeeping Status information is written to a log, can be accessed through the Management Terminal, and can be sent to a printer to obtain a hard copy. If the system has a PMS log printer and the PMS link is d own, each entered event will be p rinted as it occurs. If a PMS is used, but goes down, and a PMS log printer is not operational, the Housekeeping Status access codes cannot be used. Check-In/Check-Out A Check-In request deactivates the Outward Controlled Restriction level on the terminal in a guest/patient room. A Check-Out request deactivates any Controlled Restrictions and changes the Controlled Restriction level to Outward Restriction, checks for any messages, clears the wakeup request (if there is one), and deactivates Do Not Disturb (if activated). If a PMS is not used or if the communications link is down, Check-In and Check-Out can be activated from an attendant console or a front desk terminal with display capability and console permission. Two buttons are required, Check-In and Check-Out. Pressing either button places the display in the respective mode and allows the touch-tone or DTMF buttons to be used for entering data (rather than for placing calls). The user exits the Check-In or Check-Out mode by pressing another button associated with the display (such as the Normal Mode button). This restores the display and the touch-tone or DTMF b uttons to normal operation. A Check-In/Check-Out request also sends information for the Names Registration feature to the switch. This information includes the guest’s name (up to 15 characters), room extension, and Call Coverage path. The switch must be

Feature Descriptions 3-974Issue 3 March 1996 assigned the transparent communications protocol mode for this information to be transferred between the switch and the PMS. If the PMS link is d own, and Check-In is done from an attendant console or display-equip ped front desk terminal, the guest’s name and coverage path information is not automatically updated at Check-In. If a guest/p atient room has b oth a voice and a data extension, the Check-Out request ap plies only to the voice extension. Room Change/Room Swap These features are provided only through a PMS and must be activated from a PMS terminal. When either Room Change or Room Swap is activated, the PMS sends a message to the system. When Room Change is activated, data pertaining to the old room, including a pending wakeup request, the guest’s name (transparent mode), and the guest’s Call Coverage path (transparent mode), is moved to the new room. When Room Swap is activated, the data pertaining to the two rooms are swapped. When either feature is activated, if the occupancy status is inconsistent, the system sends an error message to the PM S. Names Registration Automatically sends a guest’s name and room extension from the PMS to the switch at Check-In, and automatically removes this information at Check-Out. In a d dition, the guest’s call coverage path (for example, voice mail or hotel operator) will also be sent from the PMS to the Switch during Check-In. The guest’s call coverage arrangement is set to the administered ‘‘Default Call Coverage Path for Client Rooms’’ at checkout. The Names Registration feature is described in detail elsewhere in this document. Guest Information Input/Change Guest Information Input/Change, allows g uest information (name or coverage path) to be entered or altered subsequent to the check-in message. Hotel personnel can change this information at the PMS and it is automatically sent to the switch. The Guest Information In put/Change function is used in those situations when the guest’s name associated with an extension must be changed, input of a guest’s name must b e ma de after the checking sequence has taken place, or a change in call coverage arrangement must be made.

Property Management System (PMS) Interfac e Issue 3 March 1996 3-975 Considerations The PMS Interface feature provides a collection of features needed in a hosp ital or hotel/motel environment: Message Waiting Notification, Controlled Restriction, Housekeeping Status, Check-In/Check-Out, Room Change/Room Swap, Names Registration, and Guest Information Input/Change. All these features, except Room Change/Swap and Check-In/Check-Out, can operate through the system with or without a PMS. When these features are entered through a PMS, the system provides the necessary communications interface. A customer may elect to use LWC or Integrated Message Center Service for the hospital or hotel/motel staff and Message Waiting Notification for g uests/p atients. However, if Message Waiting Notification is not used, Integrated Message Center Service can be used for both. A PMS extension cannot b e removed while the PMS link is active. PMS link parameter changes do not take effect until the PMS link is reset. The normal protocol mode allows extensions of up to four digits in length. The transparent protocol mode allows extensions of up to five digits in length. When a ‘‘save translations’’ is done on a system with the transp arent protocol mode active, station names with Client Room COS are saved as ‘‘blank’’ and coverage paths are saved as the ‘‘Default Coverage Path for Client Rooms.’’ The PMS interface may not work correctly when there are p-extensions with the same leading digit and adjacent lengths. For examp le 3 and 4 p-extensions with the same leading digit may cause problems. The same applies to 4 and 5, and 5 and 6. If the lengths differ by 2, the PMS interface works correctly. For example, lengths of 3 and 5, or lengths 4 and 6. A room extension may be gin with “0” only if the PMS sends a prefix digit or if the PMS sends a fixed number of digits. Refer to the “Ad ministration” section for system parameters. Interactions The following features interact with the PMS Interface feature. nAttendant Console or Front Desk Terminal The Controlled Restriction, Check-In/Check-Out, and Message Waiting Notification features can be activated at an attendant console or a front desk terminal with console permission. Also, the attendant console can receive visual notification of the status of the communications link b etween the system and the PMS. nAUDIX Interface

Feature Descriptions 3-976Issue 3 March 1996 Message lamps activated by this feature cannot be deactivated b y feature buttons or by feature messages from the PMS. nAutomatic Wakeup An Automatic Wakeup request for a guest/p atient room is set or canceled as a result of Room Change/Room Swap or Check-Out. nDo Not Disturb A Do Not Disturb request for a guest/patient room is set or canceled as a result of a different Controlled Restriction, Room Change/Room Swap, or Check-Out. nLeave Word Calling (LWC) Message lamps activated by this feature cannot be deactivated by Manual Message Waiting feature buttons. With a system using the transparent protocol mode, any LWC messages that are present when a check-In request is processed are delete d. If Room Change is activated, LWC messages for the old room will not be moved to the new room. If Room Swap is activated, LWC messages for the two rooms will not be swapped. Therefore, use of the LWC feature, should not be encouraged in guest/p atient rooms. nRestriction — Controlled Controlled Restriction for a group of users extensions, when activate d from the switch, is not conveyed to the PMS. Also, the PMS is not able to remove such restrictions by sending feature messages. Administration The following Hospitality System Parameters may be administered: nNumber of Digits from PMS—specifies the number of digits the switch expects from the PMS. A blank (the default) indicates that a variable number of digits are expected. If the protocol mode is normal, then the range is 1-4; if the protocol mode is transparent, then the range is 1-5. If the field is blank and the “PMS Sends Prefix” field is no, then the switch will not sup p ort extensions with a leading digit of 0 as PMS rooms. n“PMS Sends Prefix?” field—specifies whether the switch should consider the first digit (if it is designated as a prefix digit in the Dial Plan) as a prefix and strip it off before trying to find a PMS record for the extension. Values are y or n. If the field is n and the “Number of Digits from PMS” field is blank, then the switch will not sup p ort extensions with a leading digit set to 0 as PMS rooms. nMessage Waiting Notification—one of two choices must be administered: — Active with no PMS message exchange (act-nopms)