Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Redirection On No Answer (RONA) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1017 is recorded. Since BCMS does not support exception reporting, a RONA event is not reported by BCMS. Call Centers with only BCMS can use the RONA split lamp indicator for RONA event indication. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance A brid ged terminal cannot pick up a ACD split call or a direct agent ACD call. Therefore, brid ged call appearances do not interact with RONA. nCall Coverage Features Direct agent non-covered RONA timed-out calls are redirected to the agent’s coverage path. A temporary bridged appearance is not maintained for a call directed to an ACD hunt g roup or VDN, or for a direct agent call. Therefore, a tem porary bridged appearance does not interact with RONA. Whenever a covered call is redirected to an ACD split or to a direct agent logical ID (as a point in the coverage path) via Expert Agent Selection (EAS), a system parameter coverage—subsequent redirection no answer timer (also called covering point don’t answer) is started on the call. Covered calls d o not cover to the covering point’s c overage p ath. Instead, they g o to the next point in the principal’s coverage path. If no other point is available to accept the call, the call remains q ueued, or it continues to ring the current coverage point. When RONA times out at the coverage point, a variation of the procedures in this paragraph along with the changed condition of the covering point (ma de unavailable by RONA) must be considered. The interaction requirements of covered calls with RONA are included in the following list. — If the coverage point is either a split with RONA or a logical agent ID whose associate d split has RONA (as is possible in EAS Direct Agent Calling), RONA timing is started on the call when the call rings an agent without resetting the subsequent redirection no answer timer. If the subsequent redirection no answer timer times out first, the RONA timer is canceled when the call is successfully redirected to the next coverage point of the principal’s coverage path according to the existing subsequent redirection operation. If RONA times out first, the subsequent redirection no answer timer is canceled and RONA redirection treatment is a p plied. This treatment includes notification, making the agent unavailable, and redirecting the call. — If the coverage point for a covered call is a direct agent logical agent ID whose associate split has RONA, and if RONA times out first, the call is sent to the next point in the principal’s coverage path (if available) and not to the agent’s coverage path. The subsequent redirection no answer timer is reset upon redirection to the next coverage point. — If the ACD split call to which RONA applied was a previously redirected coverage call (that is, the RONA split was a point in the coverage path), RONA is used to attempt to requeue the call as specified for a non-covered call. However, the call is not designed

Feature Descriptions 3-1018Issue 3 March 1996 to go to sp lit coverage or forwarding. The system parameter coverage—subsequent redirection no answer timer is reset if RONA requeues the call to the RONA split. Both the RONA timer and subsequent redirection no answer timer are reapplied. — If the ACD call to which RONA applied was a previously redirected coverage call (that is, the RONA split was a p oint in the coverage path), the call is redirected to the next coverage point (if any) of the principal’s coverage path if the call cannot be requeued to the RONA split. The subsequent redirection no answer timer is reset upon redirection to the next coverage point. — If there is no other p oint in the coverage path, or if the remaining points are unavailable, either the RONA timed-out s plit covered call that cannot be requeued or the RONA time d out d irect agent covered call is given the RONA call-cannot-be-redirected treatment, that is, the caller continue to hear the previously provided feedback. nCall Detail Recording (CDR) Whenever the answering a gent is administered to be recorded on the CDR record as the ‘‘called number,’’ the RONA ‘‘redirected-to’’ answering destination is recorded as the final ‘‘called’’ number. CDR can be administered to record either the VDN, the hunt group or the answering agent as the ‘‘called’’ number. nCall Forwarding All If Call Forwarding is a ctivate d for the agent before a non-EAS direct agent call (that is, an adjunct direct agent call is made to the agent’s physical extension) is redirected due to a RONA timeout, forwarding does not take precedence over agent coverage. Therefore, the RONA timed-out non-EAS direct agent call follows the coverage path. A call that is forward ed via Call Forward ing to a RONA split or logical agent ID whose associated split has RONA is sent to the forwarding extension’s coverage path instead of going to the split’s coverage path (if the call cannot be requeued) or to the a gent’s coverage path (for a direct agent call) on RONA time out redirection. nCall Management System Interface CMS interacts with RONA and R3V2 and later releases CMS requires changes to sup port the RONA exception reporting. nCall Pickup An ACD call being timed for RONA can be picked-up by a member of the agent’s pickup group via the Call Pic kup feature. RONA is to be canceled upon call pickup. nCall Vectorin g — RONA app lies to vector-controlled ACD sp lits when calls are queued via the queue-to m ain split, or converse-on split, or check-backup split Basic Call Vectoring command. Also, RONA

Redirection On No Answer (RONA) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1019 a p plies to non-vector-controlled or vector-controlled ACD splits when calls are routed to the sp lit via a route-to or a messaging split Basic Call Vectoring command. Basic Call Vectoring treats an AAS split with all a gents logg e d out as an unavailable split (failed attempt), and it skips the relevant ste p (in the same manner as it does for a split with all queue slots busy). This requirement a p plies to vector-controlled splits referenced in a queue-to m ain split, check-backup split, or converse-on split command. In add ition, this requirement is relevant in the case where a (vector-controlled or non-vector-controlled) split is the destination of a messaging split, adjunct routing, route-to without coverage c ommand. With an adjunct routing or route-to with coverage ste p that routes to a vector-controlled split with all agents logged out, the call is given a busy tone in the same manner as when the call cannot queue to a non-vector controlled split according to the existing operation. For a call that RONA times out on the last VRU p ort in an AAS split, the call is not requeued to the ‘‘converse’’ split. Instead, it is processed by the next vector step. If an AAS split is involved, it is possible that all a gent p orts experience RONA timeout. Under this condition, it d oes not make sense to queue the call to the sp lit because the agents (or the VRU) are not available to answer the call. In addition, no one will know about the call because the logg e d out ports cannot receive ACD calls. Moreover, the logged-out state can be changed only via the administration terminal. The a d ditional interaction with Call Prompting capabilities is the route-to digits interaction described previously in this section. Three events have b een ad d ed to the error trace log for calls processed by Call Vectoring. A vector event is generated for a RONA timeout in a split whenever the call is processed by a Call Vectoring converse-on vector command. Another vector event is generated when a Call Vectoring step is skipped because all agents of an AAS split are logg ed out. A third vector event is included for a RONA redirection failure and is also only applicable for the converse-on vector command. When EAS is active, ACD skill groups are used instead of sp lit hunt groups. RONA can be activated for an ACD skill group. After a RONA timeout on the call, the call is put back into the queue at the highest priority for the skill from which the call was distributed (after an attempt is made to deliver the call to another agent) without regard to any previous multiple skills queuing. RONA timed-out ACD split calls in a vector-controlled split are requeued at the highest priority. As a result, RONA calls are distributed before any other split calls.

Feature Descriptions 3-1020Issue 3 March 1996 Since a call subject to RONA is already removed from vector processing by the time the call is delivered to the agent, the RONA timed-out call is requeued only to the split from which the call was distributed without regard to previous multiple split queuing. RONA can be applied to both non-vector-controlled splits and vector-controlled s plits. Vector-controlled sp lits cannot be assigned split coverage, split forwarding, or split night service since such functions are p rovid e d via Call Vectoring. Therefore, split coverage/forwarding/night service does not apply to RONA-redirected calls that involve vector-controlled splits. nCalling/Called Number Display A RONA-redirected call acts like a direct call to the s plit. If the call goes to coverage, the destination station display a p pears as it does for a normal covered call. An internal or DCS caller (originator) to an ACD hunt group or VDN sees a display of the hunt group or Vector Directory Number (VDN) name and extension whenever the ACD call is placed to the hunt group or VDN. The display does not change when the call is ringing an agent. A voice terminal-initiated direct agent call (with EAS) displays the a gent name and logical ID when the call is ringing the agent’s terminal. If the ACD split or direct agent c all goes to coverage, the name remains, b ut the extension or logical ID portion changes to ‘‘cover.’’ The operation just described continues when RONA redirects the call. nDirect Agent Calling Direct Agent Calls can be placed by an adjunct using ASAI and/or voice terminals using logical agent IDs with the EAS feature. When the agent is not immediately available, the direct agent call is queued to the agent through an ACD split called the associated split. Without EAS active, the direct agent call q ueues to the sp lit s pecified b y the adjunct via ASAI. The agent must be logged into that split. With EAS active, the direct agent call (initiated by either an adjunct or by a voice terminal) queues to the first primary skill hunt group to which the agent is logged. A RONA timeout applies to direct agent calls that are initiated by an adjunct or voice terminal if the associated split has RONA assigned. RONA timing app lies only after the direct agent call is delivered to an available agent with manual answering assigned and while the call is ringing the agent terminal. The sequence of operation (provide notification, make agent unavailable, and redirect call) is the same as specified for ACD split calls. Also, the agent is to be put into AUX-Work or logg e d out (AAS splits) even if this is the last agent in the split and if there are ACD split calls in queue. Direct a gent calls already in queue for the agent are to remain in queue. Such calls are not delivered to an a gent that has RONA timed out since the agent has been made unavailable. Don’t answer coverage continues to ap ply to the these calls.

Redirection On No Answer (RONA) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1021 If don’t answer (DA) coverage is assigned to the agent extension, the DA timing also to a pplies to the call. If DA coverage times out first, the RONA timing is canceled when the call successfully routes to coverage, and agent DA coverage is applied p er existing operation. If RONA times out first, the coverage DA timing is canceled, and RONA notification is provided, the agent is made unavailable, and call redirection is provided. Typically, the agent coverage don’t answer interval is set for a much longer interval than the RONA time-out interval because the coverage DA timing a p plies initially while the call is in queue and continues when the call rings the agent. The DA interval is normally set for a long enough time to allow the call to remain in queue for a reasonable period of time and to ring the agent two or three times. After the agent is taken out of service for a RONA time-out on a non-covered direct agent call, and if a coverage path is assigned to the agent, the call is sent down the a gent extension d on’t answer coverage path in the same manner as the coverage don’t answer time-out o peration. When EAS is not assigned, the coverage p ath used is the agent’s physical extension coverage path. When EAS is in effect, the coverage path used is the agent’s logical extension coverage path for direct agent calls that are initiated by an adjunct or a voice terminal. If a don’t answer coverage path is not assigned to the agent, or if the path is unavailable, the call is given the RONA call-can-not-be-redirected treatment, that is, the caller continues to hear the previously provided feed back. If the split associated with the direct agent call has split forwarding or night service active, the call is imme diately forwarded, precluding RONA timing. If the agent has Call Forwarding or send-all-calls activated, the direct agent call is immediately forwarded (for non-EAS applications only), or it goes to coverage, precluding RONA timing. The Direct Ag ent Announcement (DAA) capability is available for Direct Agent calls that are in queue for an agent. RONA does not interact with DAA since the latter capability a p plies while the Direct Agent call is in-queue for the agent. RONA, on the other hand, applies while the call is ringing the agent. Also, there is no interaction with the forced-first Direct Agent Announcement option since the DAA announcement is played to completion before the call is placed in-queue for the a gent. nDID/CO Trunk No Answer Time Out The DID NATO feature begins timing at the original routing of DID/CO trunk calls and continues timing through call forwarding or coverage without being reset. The timer ceases if the call is answered. If the timer expires, the call is routed to the attendant or recorded announcement. NATO, when activated, applies to calls to ACD splits or VDNs. If a call with NATO timing is ringing an agent in a sp lit with RONA active, both timers a p ply to the call, and whichever timer expires first takes precedence and is applied. If the NATO timer expires first, the RONA timer is canceled. If the RONA timer expires first, the NATO timer

Feature Descriptions 3-1022Issue 3 March 1996 continues and is canceled when the call is answered. NATO applies to a call that is given the call-can-not-be-requeued treatment. The assigned NATO treatment is given and RONA processing is terminated if the NATO timer expires at any time during or after RONA redirection of the call. nDirect Department Calling RONA applies to DDC ACD typ e hunt group ACD calls. nDisplay - Agent Terminal Connected p arty display does not c ome into play since the call has not as yet been terminated. (Also, see the explanation for ‘‘Calling/Called Number Display’’ in this section.) nDelay Announcements Split assigned delay announcements for non-vector-controlled sp lits are applied for requeued RONA calls per normal split redirect call operation. nHome Ag ent RONA applies to home agent lines that terminate on the Conversant home agent system as a means to detect port failures. The Home Agent split agent lines are not present in AAS and use manual answer operation. Once the RONA notification is made, service can be restored manually on the Conversant system after the failure is corrected. nHybrid Stations RONA app lies to an ACD split or to d irect a gent ACD calls ringing at a hybrid station in an ACD hunt group with manual answering assigned to the agent extension. nInbound Call Management (ICM) with Host RONA applies to ICM-managed calls ringing an agent in an ACD split with RONA assigned. (See the CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Applications Interface (ASAI) feature interactions for details.) nManual Answering with Ringing RONA will only a p ply to ACD split or direct agent ACD calls ringing an agent line/extension with manual answering operation. nMessage Center/Server Servic e RONA can be assigned to Message Center/Server ACD splits and, as a result, it can apply to calls ringing a Message Center/Server sp lit port in an ACD split. nMost Idle Agent Distribution See the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) feature. nMulti-Function Station Sets RONA app lies to ACD split or direct agent ACD calls ringing at a multifunction station in an ACD hunt group with manual answering assigned to the agent extension.

Redirection On No Answer (RONA) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1023 nMusic-on-Hold Access— Music on Transferred Trunk Call When assigned to the system, all trunk callers that are transferred to another destination continue to hear music (or silence, if so administered) instead of ringback while the call rings at the transferred destination. This a p plies while the transferred call is queued to a split or is ringing an agent. If the trunk call (either as an ACD split call or a direct agent call) is transferred to a split with RONA active, timeout a p plies to the call in the same manner as to any other call to the split. However, the caller continues to hear the previous feedback instead of rin g back when the call either is redirected or ‘‘rings in limbo’’ b e cause the call could not be redirected. nMusic-on-Delay Non-vector-controlled split assigned music-on-delay will a pply after a delay announcement to requeued RONA timed-out ACD calls per normal operation. nOff-Premises Station (Terminals) RONA app lies to Off-Premises Station (OPS) lines in an ACD split. nPriority Calling Priority calling can b e activated on ACD split calls or on direct agent calls. With priority calling, ACD split calls or direct agent calls do not g o to coverage. Instead, these calls continue to ring the agent. If RONA times out a Priority Calling split call or direct agent call, the call is given the call-can-not-be-redirected treatment instead of being sent to the split’s or agent’s coverage path. nPriority Queuin g RONA timed-out ACD split calls in a non-vector-controlled split are requeued at the highest priority. As a result, such RONA calls are distributed before any other split calls but after all direct agent calls. nQueue Size Limiter When all assigned queue slots for the ACD split with RONA are taken, RONA timed-out calls cannot be requeued. Instead, the RONA c all is sent to split coverage if assigned/active or the call is to be g iven the RONA call-can-not-be-redirected treatment. nQueue Status Display/Indications/Warning Indication A call that is requeued via RONA is counted in the ‘‘calls queued to the split total’’ as a new call to the queue. The call wait time of the call is reset when the c all is requeued. Therefore, the oldest call waiting (OCW) time is not affected by RONA. nSplit/Group Overflow-Forwarding If RONA is active for a non-vector-controlled split with sp lit don’t answer (DA) coverage assigned, RONA timing is applied at the same time as the DA timing on ACD calls that ring the agent. When coverage times out, the

Feature Descriptions 3-1024Issue 3 March 1996 RONA timer is canceled only after the call successfully covers to the coverage point. When RONA times out, the coverage timer is canceled. This requirement applies even if RONA cannot redirect the call. Split DA coverage still applies per existing operation when the call is redirected by RONA back to the split while the call is in queue, and it continues when the RONA-redirected call is distributed to an agent. Split busy coverage a p plies to the RONA-redirected call when there are no queue slots remaining and when no agents are available. Under these circumstances, the requeue attempt redirects to the split coverage path (unless the call was previously covered). If no coverage point is available, the caller is given the RONA call-can-not-be-redirected treatment, that is, the caller continues to hear the previously p rovided feed back. Split don’t answer coverage times the call while it is in queue for the assigned number of rings, and it redirects the call to the split coverage path. If no coverage point is available, the call remains in queue. Split forwarding (interflow) immediately forwards an ACD split call or a direct agent call, precluding RONA operation. If split forwarding is activated for the split before the ACD call is requeued due to a RONA timeout, the call is forwarded. nSplit Night Service Hunt group night service is activated by using the hunt group night service feature button. When the feature is activated, all calls for the hunt group are redirected to the assigned night station extension. If night service is activated b efore the RONA timed-out call is requeued to the split, night service redirection a p plies. If the night service sp lit has RONA assigned, RONA timing is reapplied to the redirected call. nUniform Call Distribution (UCD) UCD assigned to a hunt group provides most idle agent call distribution to calls to that hunt group. RONA applies to ACD calls to UCD ACD type hunt groups. nVoice Response Integration RONA can be assigned to converse-on command splits. Upon such an assignment, RONA timing applies to calls that are q ueued and delivered by a converse-on command. RONA timing is canceled if the call is delivered to an agent in another split to which a previous queuing attempt was ma de. The converse-on split is a vector-controlled sp lit, and it could also be an auto-available split (AAS). In cases where a converse-on split is involved, a call that is processed by the converse-on command remains in vector processing. Such a call could also be queued to other sp lits as a result of previous vector commands (for example, queue-to main split or check-backup split). In a ddition, the caller continues to hear the previous feed back from vector processing while the call queues to the converse

Redirection On No Answer (RONA) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1025 split or while the call rings the converse split agent port (that is, the caller does not hear rin g back d uring ringing if the caller is already hearing music or silence from a previous vector command). If the converse-on split is an AAS, RONA timed out agent lines/ports are logg e d out. If all agent ports of an AAS split are log g ed out, new calls are not put into queue but are processed by the next vector step (see the Auto-Available Split (AAS) and Vector Controlled Splits feature interactions). IF RONA times out on a call while ringing a converse split agent port, and if the call cannot be requeued due to a queue full or all AAS agents logged out condition, the call is processed by the next vector step while the caller continues to hear the previous vector feedback. nWait-Answer Supervision Timer—Administrable The wait-answer supervision timer (WAST) p revents stations on the switch from ringing more than 50 seconds. WAST can be turned on or off for the system. WAST a p plies to all calls ringing stations except for calls ringing at the attendant console or calls for which the DID or CO trunk no answer timer a p plies. On calls to hunt groups (completed directly or via Call Vectoring), WAST does not start timing until the call is distributed from the queue and rings an agent. Agent answer cancels the timer. After WAST expires, the call is given intercept treatment. If a split/direct agent ACD call is ringing an agent in a sp lit with RONA active in a system that is equipp e d with wait-answer timing, both timers apply to the call. Whichever timer expires first takes precedence and is applied. If the WAST timer expires first, the RONA timer is canceled. If the RONA timer exp ires first, the WAST timer is canceled. WAST is reset and applied to a RONA-redirected call that rings the redirected call to a destination. Also, the WAST timer is reset if RONA fails to redirect the call. Administration RONA requires administration for the assignment of the feature to an ACD split, the per split don’t answer time out interval, and the notification lamp s. A field on the “Hunt Group” form is provided to assign RONA to an ACD split. The split must be the ACD type, and it cannot be an adjunct-controlled or AUDIX split. The assignment of RONA to an adjunct-controlled or AUDIX split (or vice-versa) is blocked. Also, the ACD sp lit with RONA may have one or more of the following split typ e assignments: — ASAI-Monitored — Auto-Available (AAS) — Skill Hunt Group — Message Center/Server — Vector controlled

Feature Descriptions 3-1026Issue 3 March 1996 Once ACD is optioned for the system and the ‘‘ACD?’’ field on the Hunt Group form is set to ‘‘y,’’ a new ‘‘Redirect On No Answer (rings)’’ field appears on the Hunt Group form. This form is used to administer a don’t answer timeout period (ring cycles) from 1 to 20 rings. A blank value d eactivates the feature, and a value between ‘‘1’’ and ‘‘20,’’ inclusive, activates the feature. Upon submittal of the “Hunt Group” form, and if RONA is administered, end validation checks that the split is not an adjunct-controlled or AUDIX split. If the split is one or the other or both, the form cannot be submitte d, and the cursor is placed in the ‘‘Redirect On No Answer’’ field, and the following error message is provided: Entry must be blank if Controlling Adj not ‘none’ or Message Center ‘audix’ . The “Basic Station Administration” form is used to assign the RONA notification lamp feature b utton. This button is administered by using the name noans-alrt (that is, no answer alert). The noans-alrt b utton can be assigned to a feature button on any station set, and it is administered on a per sp lit/skill basis. The system wide maximum is one button p er split/skill. The auxiliary data for this button consists of the desired split/skill numb er. A lit noans-alrt button indicates that a RONA timeout has occurred for the split. The sp lit does not need to be administered before the noans-alrt button. If the split is administered, RONA need not be enabled on the sp lit before the noans-alrt button is administered. Hardware and Software Requirements ACD hunt groups are required. If vector-controlled split applications are involved, Call Vectoring and/or Call Prompting is/are required. RONA exception reporting/notification to CMS requires that an R3V2 CMS is assigned and operational. On hybrid, DCP, or BRI multifunction sets, a normal feature b utton lamp is assigned as a RONA notification lamp for a split. An activated split RONA notification lamp is cleared via o peration of the associated feature button. The existing CMS interface is utilized for RONA notification to CMS. VRUs are connected to (typically Auto-Available) ACD s plits via (typically analog) line ports with manual answering operation. Other a djuncts, such as Home Agent, are connected via non-Auto-Available ACD splits with analog lines assigned for manual answering operation.