Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Abbreviations Issue 3 March 1996ABB-5 G3-MA Generic 3 Management Applications G3-MT Generic 3 Management Terminal G3i Generic 3, Intel G3i-G Generic 3, global G3r Generic 3, RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) GM Group Manager GPTR General-Purpose Tone Receiver GRS Generalized Route Selection H HNPA Home Numbering Plan Area Code Hz Hertz I IAS Inter-PBX Attendant Servic e IC Inter-Cabinet ICC Intercarrier Cable ICD Inbound Call Dire ctor ICDOS International Customer Dialed Operator Serviced ICHT Incoming Call-Hand ling TableICI Incoming Call Identifier ICM Inbound Call Management IDDD International Direc t Distance Dialing IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame IE Information Element IMT Intermachine Trunk in Inc h INADS Initialization and Administration System INS ISDN Network Service INWATS Inward Wid e Area Telephone Service IO Information Outlet ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network ISN Information Systems Network ISO International Standard s Organization ISV Independent Software Vendor ITP Installation Test Procedures ITU International Tele communications Union IXC Interexchange Carrier Code

Abbreviations ABB-6Issue 3 March 1996 K kHz Kilohertz kbps Kilobits Per Second kbyte Kilobyte kg Kilogram L LAN Local Area Network LAP-D Link Access Procedure on the D-c hannel LAPD Link Access Procedure Data LATA Local Access and Transport Area lb Pound LDN Listed Directory Number LDS Long-Distance Service LEC Local Exchange Carrier LED Light-Emitting Diode LINL Local Indirect Neig hbor Link LMM Low Level Maintenance Monitor LSU Local Storage Unit LWC Leave Word Calling M M-Bus Memory Bus MA-UUI Message Associated User-to-User Signaling MADU Modular Asynchronous Data Unit MAP Maintenance Action Process Mbps Megabits Per Second Mbyte Megabytes MCC Multi-Carrier Cab inet MCS Message Center Service MDF Main Distribution Frame MDM Modular Data Mo dule MDR Message Detail Record MEM Memory MET Multibutton Electronic Tele phone MFC Multifrequency Compelle d Signaling MHz Megahertz MIM Management Information Message MIS Management Information System MISCID Miscellaneous Identification MMS Material Management Services

Abbreviations Issue 3 March 1996ABB-7 MOS Message-Oriented Signaling MPDM Modular Processor Data Module MS Message Server ms Millisecond MS/T Main Satellite/Tributary MSA Message Servicing Adjunct MSG Message Service MSM Modular System Management MSS Mass Storage System MSSNET Mass Storage/Network Control MT Management Terminal MTDM Modular Trunk Data Module MTP Maintenance Tape Processor MTT Multi-Tasking Terminal MWL Message Waitin g Lamp N NANP North American Numbering Plan NAU Network Access Unit NCA/TSC Non-Call Associate/Temporary Sig naling Connec tionNCOSS Network Control Operations Support Center NCSO National Customer Support Organization NEC National Engineering Center NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer’s Association NFAS Non-Facility Associated Signaling NID Network Inward Dialing NM Network Management NN National Number NPA Numbering Plan Area NPE Network Processing Element NQC Number of Queued Calls NSE Night Service Extension NSU Network Sharing Unit NXX Public Network Offic e Code O OA Operator Assisted OCM Outb ound Call Management ONS On-Premises Station OPS Off-Premises Station

Abbreviations ABB-8Issue 3 March 1996 OQT Old est Queued Time OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act OSI Open Systems Interconnect OSS Operations Support System OSSI Operations Support System Interface OTQ Outgoing Trunk Queuin g P PACCON Packet Control PAD Packet Assembly/Disassembly PBX Private Branch Exchange PC Personal Computer PCM Pulse Code Modulated PCOL Personal Central Office Line PCOLG Personal Central Office Line Grou p PCS Permanent Switched Calls PDM Processor Data Module PDS Premises Distribution System PE Processing Element PEC Price Element CodesPEI Processor Element Interc hange PGATE Packet Gateway PGN Partitioned Group Number PI Processor Interfac e PIB Processor Interface Board PIDB Product Image Database PKTINT Packet Interface PL Private Line PLS Premises Lig htwave System PMS Property Management System PN Port Network PNA Private Network A c cess POP Point Of Presenc e PPN Processor Port Network PRI Primary Rate Interface PROCR Processor PSC Premises Service Consultant PSDN Packet Switc h Public Data Network PT Personal Terminal PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient

Abbreviations Issue 3 March 1996ABB-9 PTT Postal Telephone and Telegraph R R2-MFC R2 Multifrequency Compelled Signaling RAM Random Access Memory RBS Robbed-Bit Signaling RCL Restricted Call List RHNPA Remote Home Numbering Plan Area RINL Remote Indirect Neighbor Link RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer RLT Release Link Trunk RMATS Remote Maintenance, Administration, and Traffic Sys- tem RNX Route Number Index (Private Network Office Code) ROM Read-Only Memory RPN Routing Plan Number RS232C Recommended Standard 232C RS449 Recommended Standard 449 RSC Regional Support Center S SABM Set Asynchronous Balance Mod e SAKI Sanity and Control Interface SAT System Access Terminal SCC Single Carrier Cab inet SCD Switch-Control Driver SCI Switch Communications Interfac e SCO System Control Offic e SCOTCH Switch Conferencing for TDM Bus in Concentration Highway SCSI Small Computer System Interfac e SDDN Software Defined Data Network SDI Switc h ed Digital International SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control SDN Software Defined Network SID Station Identification Number SIT Special Information Tones SMDR Station Message Detail Recordin g SMM Standby Maintenance Monitor SN Switch Node

Abbreviations ABB-10Issue 3 March 1996 SNA Systems Network Architecture SNC Switc h Node Clock SNI Switc h Node Interface SPE Switc h Processing Element SPID Service Profile Identifier SSI Standard Serial Interface SSM Single Site Management SSV Station Service ST3 Stratum 3 Clock Board STARLAN Star-Based Local Area Network SVN Security Violation Notification SXS Step-b y-Step SYSAM System Access and A dministration T TAAS Trunk Answer from Any Station TAC Trunk Access Cod e TC Technical Consultant TCM Traveling Class Mark TDM Time-Division Multiplex(ing)TDR Time of Day Routin g TEG Terminating Extension Group TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier TOD Time of Day TOP Task Oriente d Protocol TSC Technical Service Center TTR Touch-Tone Receiver TTT Terminating Trunk Transmission TTTN Tandem Tie Trunk Network TTY Teletypewriter U UAP Usage Allocation Plan UART Universal Asynchronous Transmitter UCD Uniform Call Distribution UCL Unrestricted Call List UDP Uniform Dial Plan UL Underwriter Laboratories UM User Manager UNMA Unified Network Management Archite cture

Abbreviations Issue 3 March 1996ABB-11 UNP Uniform Numbering Plan UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply USOP User Service Order Profile UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Communic ations Protocol UUI User-to-user information V VDN Vector Direc tory Number VIS Voice Information System VLSI Very Larg e Scale Integration VM Voltmeter VNI Virtual Nodepoint Identifier W WATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service WCC World Class Core WSA Waiting Session Accept Z ZCS Zero Code Suppression

Issue 3 March 1996GL-1 GL Numerics 3B2 Message Server An AT&T software application that combines voice and data messaging services for voice termi- nal users whose extensions are connected to a G3 switch. 800 service A service in the USA, which allows incoming calls from a certain area or areas to an assig ned number for a flat-rate charge based on usage. A AAR See Automatic Alternate Routin g on page GL-5. ARS See Automatic Route Selection on page GL-5. abandoned call An in comin g c all, where the c aller hangs up before being answered. access code A 1-, 2-, or 3-digit dial code used to activate or cancel a feature, or access an outgoing trunk. The star (*) and pound (#) c an be used as the first digit of an access code. access endpoint Either a nonsignalin g channel on a DS1 interfa ce or a nonsignaling port on an analog tie trunk cir- cuit pack that is assigned a unique extension. access tie trunk A trunk that connects a main communications system with a tandem communications system in an electronic tandem network (ETN). An access tie trunk c an also be used to connect a system or tandem to a serving office or service node. Also called ‘‘access trunk.’’ ACCUNET A trademarked name for a family of digital services offere d b y AT&T in the USA. ACD See Automatic Call Distribution. ACD also refers to the ‘‘Work State’’ indicating that the agent is on an ACD c all. ACD split (or split) A group of extensions that are staffed by agents trained to handle a certain type of incoming call. Valid s plit numbers range from 1~ through 99. Each number identifies a unique grouping of ACD agent positions. ACD split is also referred to as an ACD hunt group or hunt group. ACD work modes See work modes. Glossary

Glossary GL-2Issue 3 March 1996 active-notification association A ‘‘link’’ that is initiated by the adjunct allowin g it to receive Event Reports for a specific switc h entity, for example, an outgoing call. This association is initiated by the adjunct via the Event Noti- fication Request capability. active-notification call A call for which Event Reports are b eing sent over an active-notification assoc iation (communica- tion channel) to the adjunct. Sometimes referred to as a monitored call. active notification domains Domains are VDNs and ACD split extensions for which Event Notification has been requested. adjunct-control association A relationship initiated by an application via the Third Party Make Call, the Third Party Take Con- trol or Domain (Station) Control capabilities to set up c alls and control calls already in progress. adjunct-controlled calls Include all the calls that can be controlle d using an adjunct-c ontrol assoc iation. These c alls must have been originated via the Third Party Make Call or Domain (Station) Control capabilities or must have been taken control of via the Third Party Take Control or Domain (Station) Control capabilities. adjunct-controlled splits ACD sp lits administered to be under adjunct c ontrol. Agents logged into such splits must d o all telephony and ACD login and/or logout and change work mode functions through the adjunct (except for auto-available adjunct controlled splits, whose agents may not be logged in and/or logged out or have their work modes changed). adjunct-monitored calls Inc lude all the adjunct-controlled calls and the active-notification calls. In addition it in clu des calls which provid e event reporting over domain-c ontrol associations. application An application refers to an adjunct entity that requests and receives ASAI services or capabilities. One or more a pplications can reside on a single adjunct. However, the switch cannot distinguish among several applications residing on the same ad junct and treats the adjunct, and all resident applications, as a single application. The terms application and a djunct are used interchangeably throughout this document. after call work (ACW) mode In this mode, agents are unavailab le to receive ACD calls. Agents should enter the ACW mode to perform ACD-related activities such as filling out a form after an ACD call. If agents are in the Manual-In mode and disconnect from an ACD c all, they automatically enter the ACW mode. Agents who normally use Auto-In mode can enter the ACW state b y d ep ressing the ACW b utton while on a call. adjunct A pro cessor that does one or more tasks for another processor and that is optional in the configu- ration of the other processor. adjunct-switch application interface (ASAI) An AT&T recommendation for interfa cing adjuncts and communications systems, based on the CCITT Q.932 specification for layer 3. administer To access and change p arameters associated with the servic es or features of a system.