Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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PC Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-947 1 and 2 can b e used b y administering them as an alias. Use terminal type BCT 510D for Release 2, Versions 2 and 3. Use 7405D with display module for Release 2, Version 1 switches. Wit h DE FI NITY system Generic 3, the feature name is changed to PC Interface to avoid confusion with the PC/PBX Connection software package which is part of the overall offering. PC Interface Group 3, the ISDN-BRI version of this feature, is first available on DEFINITY system Generic 2.1. The PC/ISDN Platform (Group 3) cannot be used with System 85 switches. User Operations User operations d e pend on the software used with the PC. For specific user operations, refer to the a p propriate PC Interface documentation set as follows: n555-016-715, PC/PBX Connection Documentation Set for the DCP versions (Groups 1 and 2) using the PC/PBX Connection software package. n555-016-101, PC/PBX Platforms Installation and Reference manual for PC/PBX Platforms. n555-016-102, PC/ISDN Platform Installation and Reference Manual for the PC/ISDN Platform (Group 3). Considerations nUse of Speakerphones Mo st DEFI NIT Y syst em Generic 3 sp eakerphones can be used with the PC Interface. nFunction Key Mo dule The Function Key Mo dule of the 7405D can be used with the PC Interface feature. nSPID (Service Profile Id entifier) On the DEFINITY switch Generic 3, BRI terminals are normally ‘‘initializing terminals’’ and require that a SPID be assigned ( see the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) — Basic Rate Interfac e (BRI) feature). The PC/ISDN Platform (Group 3), in a stand alone configuration (no associated voice terminal), is a ‘‘non-initializing BRI terminal.’’ A non-initializing terminal does not require a SPID. When the PC/ISDN Platform is assigned as a stand alone non-initializing terminal, it is administered using a locally defined terminal type with General Terminal Administration, Procedure 50, Word 1 (see the Administration Procedures Manual , 555-105-506). When this is done, the terminal type is defined as a non-initializing terminal that does not supp ort MIMs (Management

Feature Descriptions 3-948Issue 3 March 1996 Information Messages). This requires a value of ‘‘0’’ in field 6 of Procedure 50, Word 1. Other specific characteristics of the locally defined terminal type will depend on the telephone manager applications software used with the PC. The PC/ISDN Platform can also be assigned with an associated (initializing) ISDN-BRI voice terminal (such as an ISDN 7505) that uses a SPID. In this case, the station should also be assigned using a locally defined terminal type to take full advantage of the capabilities of the PC Interface. This terminal type should also be non-initializing with no support of MIMs. nInternal Features Specific internal features available depend on the application package used. The PC/PBX Connection p roduct provides extensive local directory capability (up to 32,000 entries). They also provide a Last Number Dialed capability that is separate from the Last Numb er Dialed feature on the DEFI NI TY s yst em Generic 3. nData Mo dules Voice terminals with data mo dules are not recommended for use with the PC Interface feature (except for 3270 Data Modules when 3270 emulation is used). If a DCP data module (such as a DTDM) or ISDN data module (such as an ADM-T) is attached to the voice terminal used in conjunction with the PC Interface card (either DCP or ISDN-BRI), the d ata module will be bypassed (not used). All interface functions are performed by the interface card even if a data mo dule is present. nDisplay Modules and Terminals Display modules can be used. See ‘‘Feature History’’ for administration limitation. nCall Ap pearances The PC/PBX Connection package supports five a p pearances, one of which must b e dedicated to data use. This configuration limit may not be optimal for some users (such as attendants) who need many call appearances. The PC/PBX Platforms can support the maximum allowed by switch administration (52). The PC/ISDN Platform sup p orts many more call appearances. On the DEFINITY system Generic 3, the PC/ISDN Platform is limited by switch administration to a maximum of 208 call appearances (52 call appearances per interface card X a maximum of four interface cards = 208 a p pearances). Note that each extension number is limited to 12 appearances. This means that each interface card can accommodate four and one third extension numbers (without any bridged appearances). Special applications software must be installed on the PC to provide access to all these appearances.

PC Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-949 n7404D Voice Terminal The 7404D voice terminal with messaging cartridge cannot be used with the PC Interface. The 7404D is manufacture discontinued and may no longer be ordered. The 7404D with PC cartrid ge is used only with Group 1. Interactions With Other Features The PC Interface feature interacts with most other features in the same way as other DCP and ISDN-BRI voice and data terminals. nData Communications Ac c ess The PC Interface feature uses a digital interface (either DCP or ISDN-BRI) and is not directly compatible with the Data Communications Access feature which uses an analog interface. Modem Pooling like conversion must be applied if these two features are to be used together. nData Protection The PC Interface feature is used for data communications, therefore Data Protection—Permanent should be assigned. nHost Computer Access Both the PC Interface feature and the Host Computer Ac c ess feature use digital interfaces. These features are directly comp atible (no Modem Pooling conversion needed). nISDN-BRI (Basic Rate Interface) The ISDN-BRI feature must be active on the switch to use the PC/ISDN Platform (Group 3). With ISDN—BRI configurations, up to four PC/ISDN interface cards can be installed in one PC. When multiple cards are used, each card is assigned to a separate and distinct interface on the switch. Separate interface cards cannot share the same ELL (Equipment Line Location). Each separate interface card can have its own separate voice terminal or voice-calling device. When a voice terminal is used, special applications software is not required on the PC. However, to use a handset or headset alone, special applications software is needed. nModem Poolin g Modem Pooling is need e d if the PC Interface feature is used to p lace calls to, or receive calls from, off-premises stations over analog trunks. Restricting Feature Use The voice and data appearances used by the PC Interface are subject to the same general restrictions as other like appearances. These can be applied either as fixed restrictions through the extension c lass of service, or as temporary restrictions through the Attendant Control of Voice Terminals feature. Other

Feature Descriptions 3-950Issue 3 March 1996 restrictive measures, such as the FRL (Facilities Restriction Level) and Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access features also a p ply to stations using the PC Interface feature. Hardware Requirements The specific hardware required by the PC Interface varies depending on the configuration group used. Group 1 Configuration Group 1 consists of those configurations that use the DCP PC interface cartridge in the 7404D voice terminal. n7404D VDS (Voice Data Station)-Manufacture Discontinued n31815 PC cartridge nStandard, EIA RS232C connecting cables nOne of the following Personal Comp uters: — AT&T PC 6300 and compatibles, with MS-DOS TM* Version 2.11 or later — AT&T PC 6300 Plus, with MS-DOS Version 3.1 or later — IBM PC and PC/XT TM, with PC-DOSTM Version 2.0 or later existing versions —IBM PC/AT TM, with PC-DOS Version 3.1 or later nPC Accessories: — Serial asynchronous communications port (standard on AT&T PC 6300 and 6300 Plus) — 256K RAM minimum (PC/PBX Connection application package) or 384K RAM recommended minimum for integrated software applications such as concurrent Lotus 1-2-3. TM. Group 2 Configuration Group 2 consists of those DCP configurations that use the PC Interface card in the PC itself. nMo st DEFI NIT Y syst em Generic 3 7400-series (DCP) digital voice terminals can be used nPC/PBX Interface Card nOne of the following Personal Comp uters:

PC Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-951 — AT&T PC 6300 series and compatibles, including PC 6300, 6300 WGS, 6300 Plus, 6310, 6312 WGS, 6286 WGS, and 6386 WGS, with MS-DOS Versions up to 4.X (except 3.0) DOS releases b e ginning with 1 (for example 1.XX) cannot be used. — IBM PC, PC/AT, PC/XT, and Personal System/2 Model 30 and Model 30/286 with PC-DOS Versions up to 4.X (except 3.0) — IBM Personal System/2 models 50, 60, 70, 80, or 100% compatible — Memory Configurations (depending on application being run): 320K RAM minimum or 448K RAM recommended for large integrated software applications such as concurrent Lotus 1-2-3. Group 3 Configuration Group 3 consists of BRI configurations that use a PC expansion card in the PC itself (there is no BRI cartridge option). nVoice Terminal or Voice Calling Devices — Any DEFINITY system Generic 3 ISDN-BRI Voice Terminal (7500 Series) can be used with the Group 3 configurations. or — With appropriate ap p lications software, an AT&T R-Typ e replacement Handset (PEC X10150) can be plugg e d into the ISDN-BRI PC expansion card instead of a BRI voice terminal. or — With appropriate software, a headset can be used instead of either a BRI voice terminal or the R-Type Handset. The following Plantronics headsets can be used: StarSet. Series Communications Headset model StarMate. MH0228-3 Supra. Series Communications Headset model MH0528-3 Supra Series Communications Headset model MH0529-3 nPC/ISDN Expansion Card (up to four per PC) nOne of the following personal computers: — AT&T Personal Computers AT&T PC 6300 (and compatibles) AT&T PC 6300 Plus AT&T 6300 WGS AT&T PC 6310 AT&T PC 6312 WGS

Feature Descriptions 3-952Issue 3 March 1996 AT&T PC 6286 WGS AT&T PC 6386 WGS — IBM Personal Computers IBM PC IBM PC/XT IBM PC/AT PS / 2 TM Model 30 PS/2 Model 30-286 — Comp a q TM Personal Comp uters Comp a q DeskPro286 Comp a q DeskPro386 nPC Accessories: — For AT&T, Comp a q, and comp atible PCs, 2.0 and all later releases (except 3.0) of MS-DOS — For IBM PCs, 2.0 and all later releases (except 3.0) of PC-DOS System Connections G roup 1 nThe RS232C port of the 7404D voice/data set is connected via an EIA RS232C c a ble to the RS232C port of the PC. nThe 7404D voice/data set has a modular d igital port connection to the DEFI NI TY s yst em Generic 3. nStandard operating distance of the 7404D from the PBX is 5,000 feet maximum for 24-gauge wire or 4,000 feet for 26-gauge wire. G roup 2 nThe PC Interface card plugs into an expansion slot on the PC. The card has two standard, 8-pin modular jacks (line and phone). nThe d i gital phone plugs into the phone jack on the PC Interface card . nThe line jack on the card provides a digital port connection to DEFINITY system Generic 3. nStandard operating distance of the PC Interface card from the PBX is 5,000 feet maximum for 24-gauge wire or 4,000 feet for 26-gauge wire.

PC Interface Issue 3 March 1996 3-953 G roup 3 nThe PC/ISDN Interface card (from one to four cards) p lugs into an expansion slot on the PC. The card provides two standard 8-pin modular jack connections for both a line connection (to the switch) and a phone connection. A standard 4-pin mo dular jack is also available for use with a hand-set or head-set rather than a voice terminal. nEach expansion card provides separate and distinct line and phone connections. nStandard and maximum operating distances for ISDN-BRI terminals are a function of a number of factors including loop signal loss and power. The factors affecting operating distance limits are discussed in detail under Distance Specifications in the DEFI NIT Y Com munications System Generic 3 System Description and Specifications , 555-230-206. Feature Administration Administration guidelines in this section pertain to the DEFINITY switches Generic 3. For a d ditional information and for information on administering the PC itself, refer to the PC/PBX Connection Installation and Reference (part of documentation set 555-016-715), PC/PBX Platform Installation and Reference, 555-016-101, or PC/ISDN Platform Installation and Referenc e, 555-016-102. The PC Interface feature is administered on a per-station basis. On DEFINITY switches Generic 3, this feature is assigned using the DEFINITY system Manager II. This feature can also b e administered using the Manager IV. Table 3-72 shows the ap p licable administration procedures. Table 3-72. PC Interface Administration Procedures Procedure Words Purpose SMT 050 1 & 2 Used for General Terminal Administration to locally define new terminal types (PC/ISDN Platform).N/A 051 1 Assigns and removes terminal types. Yes 051 2 Assigns the SPID (Service Profile Identifier) used with the voice terminal p ortion of the PC/ISDN interface.Yes Continued on next page

Feature Descriptions 3-954Issue 3 March 1996 052 1 Assigns extension numbers and images to an ELL and to specific buttons.Yes 052 2 Assigns additional extension and appearance (image) characteristics to ELL and buttons.Yes 054 1 Assigns miscellaneous feature buttons, including the Wait For Principal b utton to a multiappearance voice terminal. The Wait For Principal button is used only with the PC Interface feature in a Message Center role.Yes 054 2 Assigns and removes Custom Calling feature b uttons.Yes 054 4 Assigns and removes Display feature buttons. Yes 055 1 Assigns and removes Terminal Busy feature b uttons.Yes 055 2 Assigns and removes One Button Transfer feature buttons.Yes 056 1 Assigns and removes Interc om b uttons. Yes 057 1-3 Assigns and removes CO line buttons. Yes 058 1 Performs a station swap between two equipment locations.Yes 059 1-5 Assigns and removes Ab breviated Dialing b uttons.Yes 063 1 Assigns and removes Automatic Message Waiting buttons.Yes 070 4 Displays information about the terminal equipment assigned to an equipment location.Yes Table 3-72. PC Interface Administration Procedures — Continued Procedure Words Purpose SMT Continued on next page

PC/PBX Connection Issue 3 March 1996 3-955 PC/PBX Connection Feature Availability This feature is available with all current Generic 3 releases exc ept new installations. Description PC/PBX Connection is a PC application that runs on the PC/PBX platform. Refer to the se ction PC Interface in this manual for more details. This feature brings the voice terminal and PC together into an integrated voice and data workstation. The PC can be any IBM-compatible PC. AT&T provides the hardware for this connection. The hardware consists of a PC expansion card and a 7-foot modular cord. The software includes a variety of packages available from different vendors. Contact your AT&T representative for more information. For information on the UNIX PC, see the section entitled PC Interface in this manual. Security Measures There are two areas where unauthorized use may develop with this feature. The first involves unauthorized users who come to a PC and attempt to make calls from it. The software in the PC installed by the feature has a security setting. A user can place the PC in Security Mode when it is to be left unattended. Automatic Security can also be o ptioned by the administration program on the PC. With Automatic Security enabled, when the software is executed, it brings up the program in security mode. This mode is password-protected on the PC. The password should be changed often, and record s of it should be secured. The second area involves remote access to the PC over its data extension. Files stored in the PC can be deleted or copied with this feature. This can also b e password-protected, and this password should be changed frequently and protected. Consult the GBCS Product Security Handbook, 555-025-600, for a d ditional steps to secure your system and to find out about o btaining information regularly about security developments. Considerations By providing PC users with the voice and data capabilities of a fully integrated voice/data workstation, the PC/PBX Connection feature makes communications more efficient. Also, PC users with the PC/PBX Connection feature are linked for easy access to other PCs, mo dem pooling, and on- and off-site comp uters.

Feature Descriptions 3-956Issue 3 March 1996 Interactions When a station is optioned for PC/PBX on the station form, and if the set is a display set, the call display is slightly altered. The ap p earance identifier (a= , b =, c=, d=) is omitted. If the Call Log feature is enabled in the PC/PBX Connection software, the display information is captured to disk. The log can be searched. The searc h criteria b egins at the left of the displayed information. By omitting the appearance designator, a user c an enter a search string without contending with the appearance identifiers in the displayed information. Administration The PC/PBX Connection feature is administered on a per extension basis by the System Manager. A PC is assigned to the system just as any other station would be with the station typ e administered as ‘‘pc.’’ An additional field is then specified for the type of digital voice terminal to be connected to the PC. Hardware and Software Requirements A port on a TN754 Digital Line Circ uit Pack (TN413, TN754B) is required for each PC to be connected.