Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Call Promp ting Issue 3 March 1996 3-417 nCollect Digits nGoto ste p nGoto vector nMessaging Split nRoute-to Digits nRoute-to Number nSt o p nWait-time See the DEFI NIT Y Com munications System Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Exp ert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide, 555-230-520, for a complete description of each of these commands. The following paragraphs describe how the following vector commands are used with the Call Promp ting feature: nCollect Digits nGoto Ste p nGoto Vector nRoute-to Digits nRoute-to Number... if digits nSt o p Collect digits after announcement In this command, is an administered number of digits from one through 16, and is an administered announcement extension or none (digits are collected without a prompt). With this command, the switch can collect up to 24 touch-tone d i gits from the calling party. Up to 16 of these digits can be used immediately, while any remaining digits are stored as dial-ahead digits (exp lained later). An optional announcement (promp t) may be used to request the calling party to enter these d i gits. In a ddition, the announcement can instruct the user to enter an asterisk ( *) if incorrect data is entered. When the calling party enters an asterisk ( *), the digits collected for the current collect command are delete d, d i git collection is restarted, and the announcement is not replayed. When programming this command, the maximum numb er of digits requested of the calling party must be specified in the administration of the command. If the calling party can enter less d i gits than the maximum specified, the announcement should instruct the calling party to terminate the entry with a pound ( #) sign digit as an end-of-dialing indicator. If less digits than the maximum specified are entered and the calling party does not complete the entry with a pound ( #) sign, an inter-digit timeout occurs. The timeout terminates the command and any digits collected prior to the timeout are available for subsequent vector processing.

Feature Descriptions 3-418Issue 3 March 1996 When d i git collection for the current collect command comp letes, vector processing continues at the next vector command. However, the switch continues to collect any subsequently dialed digits. These ‘‘dialed-ahead’’ d igits are to be saved for use by subsequent collect commands and provide the calling party with a means to bypass subsequent unwanted announcement prompts. For example, a frequent caller to a service may not want to listen to all of the announcements in full. When the dial-ahead digits are provided by ASAI, the collect command collects these first. The sum of the d i gits collected for the current collect command plus the dial-ahead digits must not exceed the switch storage limit. Any additional digits dialed are discard ed until storage is freed up by a subsequent collect command. These additional d i gits are only available for use by subsequent collect commands and are never used by other vector commands that operate on digits (such as route-to digits, goto...if digits, and so on). In addition, these d i gits are not displayed as part of the ‘Caller Information’ button o peration. This command functions as follows: 1. A DTMF receiver (TTR) is required for the collection of digits (unless the digits are available from ASAI). A TTR may already be connected to the call (due to the p rocessing of a previous collect command). If answer supervision has not been previously returned to the calling party as a result of a previous vector step, then answer supervision is returned at this point. Also, if a TTR is required for the collection of digits, the call (with inter-digit timing disabled) is connected to a TTR. Incoming rotary trunks and internal hybrid and rotary station sets, for example, d o not require connection of a TTR. Note that external users with rotary sets cannot use the Call Promptin g feature. nIf a TTR is not available and the TTR queue is not full, the call is queued for the next available TTR. Processing of this command does not continue until a TTR becomes available and is connected. Answer supervision is not returned at this time. The caller typically hears whatever feedback has previously been provided by the vector. Therefore, it is a good idea to begin each prompting vector with a wait hearing ringback step. nIf a TTR is not available and the TTR queue is full, then vector processing continues at the next vector command (the collect command is unsuccessful). 2. If dial-ahead d igits are available, the system reacts as follows: nThe connection of the announcement prompt (if administered) is skip ped. nIf no TTR is connected, no action is taken to connect one. nIf a TTR is connected, the inter-digit timer is started. nThe dial-ahead digits are analyzed up to the maximum numb er specified for this collect c ommand or up to the first pound ( #) digit. If an asterisk ( *) is found, the d i gits u p to and including the * are

Call Promp ting Issue 3 March 1996 3-419 deleted and any a d ditional digits are a gain analyzed. Any remaining dial-ahead digits are to be saved for use by a subsequent collect command. 3. Once a TTR has been connected to a call, and a valid announcement extension has been administered for the collect command, the system reacts as follows: nIf the announcement to be connected is busy (there are no available announcement ports) and the queue for the announcement is full or there is no queue, the calling party continues to hear the current feedback. The system then waits five seconds and tries again to connect the call to the announcement. This process continues until the call is successfully queued or connected to the announcement, or the calling party disc onnects from the call. nIf the announcement to be connected is busy (there are no available announcement ports) and the queue for the announcement is not full, the call is queued for the announcement. nIf an announcement port is available (either initially or after system retry), or if the queued request for the announcement has been fulfilled, any previous calling party feedback is removed from the call, and the calling party is connected to the announcement. 4. If no announcement extension is a dministered for the collect command or if the announcement extension is not administered or recorded within the system; the calling party receives silence (the system attempts to collect d i gits without the p rom pt), and the inter-digit timer is started and answer supervision is returned. 5. If an announcement was connected in one of the previous steps, the system reacts as follows: nIf the calling party enters a touch-tone digit prior to the completion of the announcement, the call is disc onnected from the announcement, the inter-digit timer starts, and the collected digit is analyzed. nIf the announcement completes before the calling party enters a touch-tone digit, the system starts the inter-digit timer. 6. At this p oint the system is doing digit collection and analysis. In a ddition the inter-digit timer is activated. The system continues digit collection for this command until one of the following occurs: nThe maximum number of digits sp ecified has been collected nA pound (#) digit is collected (signifying end of dialing) nThe inter-digit timer expires. The system then analyzes the collected digits and reacts as follows:

Feature Descriptions 3-420Issue 3 March 1996 nIf the digit is an * (signifying an error was ma de while entering digits), the system d eletes all digits c ollected for the current collect command and restarts the inter-digit timer. The announcement is not replayed. nIf the calling party has entered the maximum number of digits specified, if the digit is a p ound ( #), or if the inter-digit timer expires, then the inter-digit timer is disabled, and vector processing continues at the next vector command (the collect command is successful). However, the switch continues to collect any subsequent dialed digits (including # and * d igits) to allow for the dial-ahead capability. These a dditional ‘‘dialed ahead’’ digits are saved for use by subsequent collect commands. nWhen the TTR is disconnected due to a route-to number, route-to digits, or an adjunct routing step, all dial-ahead digits are discarded. This means that, following a failed route-to or adjunct routing step, a subsequent collect digits step always requires the caller to enter digits (unless digits are provided by ASAI when routing the call). Dial-ahead digits are available for use only by subsequent collect digits c ommands. The d igits are never used by other vector commands that operate on digits (for example, route-to digits, goto...if digits, etc). In addition, these digits are not displayed as part of the CALLR-INFO b utton o peration until they are collected via a collect digits command. nThe TTR required by the touch-tone phone user to collect digits is disconnected. This occurs under the following conditions: — Successful or unsuccessful route-to number step is encountered during vector processing exc ept where the route-to num ber is a VDN extension. — Successful or unsuccessful route-to digits step is encountered during vector processing exc ept where the route-to num ber is a VDN extension. — Successful or unsuccessful adjunct routing step is encountered during vector processing. — Successful or unsuccessful converse-on step is encountered during vector processing. — Timeout occurs, during which time the caller does not dial any digits, asterisks ( *) or pound signs (#). Goto step if digits or if unconditionally In this command, is an assigned step number. Digits (in the if digits p art of the command) refers to the digits entered by the calling party (via the last collect digits command), and is a digit string from one through 16 digits in length.

Call Promp ting Issue 3 March 1996 3-421 The if digits part of this command is optional. The unconditional form of the command causes vector processing to continue at the specified step (command). With the if digits part, this command causes vector processing to continue at the specified step (command) if the digits entered by the calling party for the last collect digits command meet the conditions d esc ribed by the comparator in reference to the d i gits a dministered in the digit string of this c ommand. This command is used for both skipping vector commands and looping through vector commands. If the digits entered by the calling party for the last collect digits command do not meet the conditions described by the comparator in reference to the digits in the administered digit string, then vector processing continues at the next vector step. Goto vector if digits or if unconditionally In this command, is an assigned vector number. Digits (in the if digits part of the command) refers to the digits entered by the calling party (via the last collect digits command), and is a digit string from 1 through 16 digits in length. This command allows for the chaining of vectors in such a way that queuing or feedback treatment applied in the initial vector continues as vector p rocessing proceeds in the subsequent vector. The if digits part of this command is optional. The unconditional form of the command causes vector processing to continue at the specified vector. With the if digits part, this command causes vector processing to continue at the s pecified vector, if the d igits entered by the calling party for the last collect digits command meet the conditions described by the comparator in reference the digits administered in the digit string of this command. If the digits entered by the calling party for the last collect digits command do not meet the conditions described by the comparator in reference to the digits in the administered digit string, then vector processing continues at the next vector step. Route-to number with cov if digit In this command, is the numb er to route to if the digit comparison succeeds, with cov refers to whether coverage should apply when routing, (in the if digit part of the command) refers to the digit entered by the calling party (via the last collect digits command), and is a single administered digit from 0 through 9 or #. This command is simp ly a conditional route-to number c ommand. It allows a call to be conditionally routed to a specified destination based on a single digit entered by the calling party. In other words, if the digit entered by the calling party in the last collect digits command is the same as the administered digit,

Feature Descriptions 3-422Issue 3 March 1996 then the command attempts to route the c all to the specified destination. If more than one digit was collected when this command is encountered, it fails and vector processing continues at the next command. Everything that applies to the route-to number c ommand also applies to this command. This command can only be used for routing based on single-digit comparisons. If a customer application requires comp arisons based on more digits, then the appropriate combination of a goto and route-to number command must be used. If coverage applies and the digits are a system extension, vector processing terminates as soon as this command is encountered. Route-to digits with coverage In this command, with coverage refers to whether coverage should apply when routing, and digits refers to the digits entered by the calling party (via the last collect digits command). These digits represent a destination which may be any of the following: nAn internal extension (such as a split/hunt group, voice terminal, announcement, and so on) nA VDN extension nAn attendant nA remote extension nAn external number such as a TAC or AAR/ARS FAC followed by a p u blic or private network number (however, routing to just such a TAC or to the AAR/ARS Partitioning feature access to return dial tone is never allowed ) This c ommand allows a call to b e routed to the d estination specified by the digits entered by the calling party as a result of the last collect digits command. This command can be used to implement an automated attendant function. The optional coverage p arameter determines whether coverage should apply when routing. If coverage a p plies and the digits are a system extension, vector processing terminates as soon as this command is encountered. Stop This command is used to stop processing of any subsequent vector commands in the vector. In ad dition, if a TTR is allocated to the call when the stop command is encountered, the TTR is disconnected since there is no purpose in allowing digits to be entered when subsequent commands (such as collect digits) are no longer processed. The calling party continues to hear the current feedback that was on the call when the stop was encountered. In addition, the stop command does not affect the queued status of a call (for example, if the call was in a split’s queue when the stop was encountered, it remains in the split’s queue after the stop has been processed). An implicit stop command is processed, if necessary, following the last a dministered command in a vector. If a stop command or an implicit stop command is executed when the call is not queued, the call is dropped.

Call Promp ting Issue 3 March 1996 3-423 Vector Processing and Calling Party Feedback Vector processing starts when a call routes to a VDN. The called VDN then passes control of the call to its assigned vector. Processing b e gins at Step 1 in the vector and proceeds sequentially through the vector unless a goto command is encountered. Unadministered steps are skipp ed and an implicit stop command is processed after the last administered command within a vector. Calling party feedback is provided by the vector. However, incoming CO, FX, and WATS calls hear CO ringback until answer supervision is supplied (at which point vector feedback is applied). The initial calling party feed b ack for non-CO/ FX/WATS (DID typ e) calls is silence. This silence continues until the vector processes a command which alters this feedback. Some commands that change feed back are announcement commands, which apply a recorded announcement, wait-time, and messaging and route-to commands which apply ringback. More details on calling party feedback for vectoring are found in the DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide, 555-230-520. Agent Set Caller Display Information The customer may choose to include the CALLR-INFO button at agents’ d isp lay stations to help process calls that are serviced by the Call Prompting feature. However, in G3V2 and later releases, if the agent has a two-line d isplay set, such as a 7407 or Callmaster, the collected digits are automatically displayed on the second line. These digits remain on this line until they are overwritten, even after the c all is released by the agent. For other display sets, the agent must press the CALLR-INFO button to display the collected digits. The CALLR-INFO button d isplays information in the following format: ‘‘x=Info:1234567890’’ where x is a call appearance letter (a, b , c, and so on) and 1234567890 are the digits collected for the last collect digits command. Any d i gits that were ‘’dialed ahead,’’ and not asked for explicitly by the most recently executed collect digits command, are not displayed as a result of a CALLR-INFO button d epression. When digits have b een collected via the Call Prompting feature, and an attendant or display-equipped voice terminal user presses the CALLR-INFO button, the display is update d with the information described in the previous paragraph. This information remains displayed for 10 seconds, unless an incoming call is received, or the active call changes status (for example, another p arty is add e d to a conference). In this case, the display changes to show the new call identification information. If the answering agent needs to display the collected digits again, the CALLR-INFO button can be depressed again to repeat the above operation as long as the agent is active on the call, the call is still alerting (for display-equipped voice terminals except CALLMASTER), or if the agent attempts to transfer or conference the call. If the call is on hold, or if the agent attempts to

Feature Descriptions 3-424Issue 3 March 1996 conference the call, the CALLR-INFO button cannot b e used to display information for an alerting call until the call is answered. The CALLR-INFO button works when a call is alerting a voice terminal or attendant console and after a voice terminal user or attendant has answered a call. If no digits were collected, the attempt is denied. Call Prompting Applications Automated Attendant The Automated Attendant application allows customers, particularly those who do not have DID trunks, to route incoming calls to a desired location without the use of an attendant. This allows the customer to reduce costs by reducing the need to employ live attendants. A sample promp ting vector that imp lements the Automated Attendant application is shown in Screen 3-27. In the following sample vector, the calling party is prompted to enter the destination extension (up to five d i gits) of the party he/she would like to reach. For examp le, the announcement at extension 300 might say, ‘‘Enter the five-d i git extension of the p arty you wish to reach.’’ The illustrate d vector collects the digits and then routes to the destination. If the route-to digits command fails (for example, the calling party is an outside rotary user, the calling party does not enter any digits, etc.), the route-to number command executes and routes the call to the attendant (default). On the other hand, as long as the destination is a valid system extension, the route-to digits with coverage y succeeds, c overage a p plies, and vector processing terminates. (Even if the destination is busy, vector processing terminates since call coverage processing takes effect.) If an invalid extension number is entered, Step 3 fails and Step 4 is executed. Screen 3-27. Call Vector/Automated Attendant Application Data In/Voice Answer (DIVA) The Data In/Voice Answer (DIVA) a pplication allows a calling party to receive information on a topic selected at a prompt. In addition, DIVA provides a means to p artition different groups of users so that their calls may be handled more efficiently. A sample prompting vector that imp lements the DIVA application is shown in Screen 3-28. In the following examp le, the calling party is promp ted, by announcement extension 310 , to enter a 1 or 2 to receive information on two different su bjects. Then one of the following occurs: 1. collect 5 digits after announcement 300 2. route-to digits with coverage y 3. route-to number 0 with cov n if unconditionally 4. stop

Call Promp ting Issue 3 March 1996 3-425 nIf the c alling p arty fails to enter a 1 or 2, an announcement (extension 320) is connected (with an exp lanation of options) and the calling party is routed to the attendant. nIf a 2 is entered, the calling party receives the chosen information (announcement ext. 313) and vector processing terminates. nIf a 1 is entered, the calling party is again prompted by announcement extension 315 to enter a 1 or 2 to further identify the type of information that is being requested. At this prompt, if either a 1 or 2 is entered, the calling party receives an announcement on the chosen topic. If anything else is entered, the calling p arty is routed to an agent to receive additional information or assistance. (Extension 50000 is a split extension.) In a ddition, the calling party may utilize the Dial-Ahead capability and enter the digit string 1 1 or 1 2 at the initial prompt. This allows the calling party to bypass the secondary prompt and get to the information he or she desires more q uickly. Screen 3-28. Prompting Vector/DIVA Application Data Collection The Data Collection application provides the system with a method to collect d i gits from a calling party which can be used by an adjunct to assist in the handling of the call. For exam ple, the calling party could b e prompted to enter an account number which could be used by an adjunct to retrieve calling party account information. This information could then be displayed on a data terminal screen to be used by an agent. This capability can be fully automated using an integrated adjunct via the CallVisor ASAI, Inbound Call Management (ICM) feature. Alternatively, the Caller Information CALLR-INFO button is available, which allows the prompted information to b e displayed on the answering party’s voice terminal. The answering party can then use this information to manually retrieve calling party account information via an external adjunct or host computer. A samp le prompting vector that implements the Data Collection application is shown in Screen 3-29. 1. collect 1 digits after announcement 310 2. goto step 6 if digits = 1 3. goto step 15 if digits = 2 4. announcement 320 5. route-to number 0 with cov y if unconditionally 6. collect 1 digits after announcement 315 7. goto step 11 if digits = 1 8. goto step 13 if digits = 2 9. route-to number 50000 with cov y if unconditionally 10. stop 11. announcement 311 12. stop 13. announcement 312 14. stop 15. announcement 313

Feature Descriptions 3-426Issue 3 March 1996 In the following examp le, the calling party is promp ted to enter a 10-digit account number representing his or her customer account. The vector then routes the call to a split to be answered by an agent. Using the CALLR-INFO button, the answering agent can display this account number and use it to retrieve calling party account information from the customer’s host computer. Screen 3-29. Prompting Vector/Data Collection Application Message Collection The Mess a ge Collection application g ives the calling party the option of not waiting to be serviced by an agent, but instead leaving a message for the agent or the agent’s associated split. For exam ple, a customer with both the Call Promp ting an d Call Vectoring features enabled can let a calling party waiting in a split queue be given a choice (via a prompt) of remaining in queue or leaving a message for that split (or agent). Message collection allows a calling party who d oes not have time to wait to b e serviced to leave a message (name, phone number, reason for calling, and so on) so that an available agent may return the call at a later time. If the customer prompt requested that certain information be left in the message, a return call may not even be necessary. A sample prompting vector that imp lements the Message Collection application is shown in Screen 3-30. In the following examp le, the calling party is promp ted to enter a 1 to leave a message, or enter a 2 to speak with an agent for more information about the company. If anything other than a 1 or 2 is entered, an announcement is connected (‘‘You have not selected a valid o ption’’ or ‘‘Operator will be with you momentarily to handle your c all.’’) The caller is then sent to the attendant via Step 5. If a 1 is entered, the calling party is connected to AUDIX so that he or she may leave the pertinent information and be placed on the company mailing list. If the switch cannot connect to AUDIX (for example, if the AUDIX link is down), an announcement is played informing the caller to try and call back later. If a 2 is entered, the call is routed to a split to b e answered by an agent to receive a d ditional information about the company. 1. collect 10 digits after announcement 300 2. queue-to main split 3 pri m 3. stop