Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Administration Without Hardware (AWOH) Issue 3 March 1996 3-67 nSerial Calling In a serial call, the attendant is not in a busy state after releasing a call. In this situation, the attendant is allowed to perform disassociation. If the attendant is disassociated upon return from a c all that has been extended to a station, the call is reclassified as an attendant group call and is route d to the group. nAttendant Return Call If the attendant is disassociated upon return from a call that has been extended to a station, the call is reclassified as an attendant group call and is routed to the group. Data Modules This section describes association/disassociation of data terminals. Data modules can be associated/disassociated by: — Data Terminal Dialing — Voice Terminal Dialin g — Other Devices - this includes using a default set type to make the association, and then removing the d efault set typ e and replacing it with the proper data endpoint. Since DTDM’s reside on certain station types, the port is automatically inherited from the host station. The DTDM receives its port identification when the station is associated/disassociated. nHunt Group (UCD/DDC) See ‘‘Hunt Groups’’ section. nIncoming Destination See ‘‘Incoming Destination’’ section. nAdministered Connections If an administered connection is administered without hard ware translation the system attempts to establish a connection only when both endpoints are associated with hardware translation. AC can be disassociated by changing the port for the data module to an X, either b y a dministration or via TTI. nTerminal to Data Module Call See ‘‘Station-to-Station Call’’ section. nTransfer See ‘‘Transfer’’ section.

Feature Descriptions 3-68Issue 3 March 1996 Administration AWOH is administered on a per-voice terminal basis by the System Manager. Normal station administration is required with the exc eption of entering an X in the “Port” field to indicate that there is no hardware associated with the station. Four maintenance commands can be executed on terminals administered without hard ware translation: nBusy-out extension object nRelease extension object nStatus extension object nTest extension object In all cases, the message: hardware not administered is displayed on the G3-MT. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Advice of Charg e Issue 3 March 1996 3-69 Advice of Charge Feature Availability Advice of Charg e (AOC) is available with G3V4 and later releases. It is only available in France, Germany, Australia, and countries with public networks running European Telecommunication Standard s Institute (ETS I) c o m p atible ISDN-PRI. It is not available in the United States. Description AOC collects charge advice information from the public network for each outgoing call and enters the information in that call’s Call Detail Re cord (CDR). Charge advice is a number representing the c ost of a c all; it is recorded as either a charging or currency unit. AOC is the ISDN equivalent of Periodic Pulse Metering (PPM). AOC is only available for outgoing calls placed on an ISDN-PRI trunk. It is not available for incoming calls. The system administrator can use AOC information to account accurately for the cost of outgoing calls without waiting for the next bill from the local telecommunications provider. This is especially important in countries where telephone bills are not itemized, but contain only the total number of units used. AOC information can also be used to let employees know the cost of their phone calls, thereby encouraging employees to manage the company’s telecommunications expenses. Note, however, that AOC information cannot necessarily be relied upon to dispute telephone bills with the network service provider. The type of AOC information that is received, the way in which the information is received, and the switch administration required to receive AOC information, all vary from country to country. For exam ple: n In some countries AOC is only received at the end of a call. In others it can accumulate during a call as well. nIn some countries, users must subsc ribe to AOC from the public network. In others it is available simply by administering the switch to receive AOC information. nIn some countries once su bscribed to, AOC information will be received automatically for each call. In others, the system must request AOC information for each call. See the country application notes or your AT&T representative for country-specific parameter settings for the Advice of Charge feature.

Feature Descriptions 3-70Issue 3 March 1996 When Information Is Received Depending upon what is available in any given country, and how the DEFINITY switch is administered, AOC information c an b e received either during and at the end of a call, or only at the end of a call. The following sections describe these options. During and End With this option, the public network provides AOC information periodically throughout a call and at the end of the call. Cumulative charge values are stored and the final value received is reported on the call CDR. For the ‘CDR Call Splitting ’ feature to work properly, updates during a call are required. However, periodic updates increase message activity on the signaling channel and may reduce the maximum call capacity of the DEFINITY Communications System. This is especially true in countries su ch as Germany and France where the network sends charg ing information u p dates as often as every 3 to 10 seconds for each active international call. See CDR Call Splitting later in this description for more information about AOC with the ‘CDR Call Splittin g’ feature. End Only With this option, the public network provides AOC information for a call when the call is dropped. The value is reported on the c all CDR. AOC only at the end of the call eliminates the performance cost due to extra ISDN-PRI messaging on the signaling channel associated with periodic updates. However, if the ‘CDR Call Splitting ’ feature is enabled, the CDR record associated with the final p arty on the call will contain the AOC for the entire call. This is true b ecause no charge advice data is available until the final party drops off the call. The charge advice in all earlier CDR records will b e zero. See the CDR Call Sp litting feature for more information about the Ad vice of Charge with the ‘CDR Call Splitting’ feature. AOC in CDR Reports Because AOC information is cumulative, it is assumed that each succeeding value will be larger than the previous value. If a charg e update is received that is smaller than the previous value, the new smaller value is ignored. If an ISDN-PRI trunk group has CDR enabled, and has been administered to expect AOC information, and if the selected CDR output format contains an “ ISDN Call Charge (ISDN CC)” field, then the “ ISDN Call Charge” field will contain the following information: nIf the Call Splitting or Attendant Call Recording feature is enabled with AOC being received during the call, and if a CDR record is generated because a call has been transferred for the first time, the “ISDN Call Charge” field contains the cumulative charge most recently received from the network. For all subsequent transfers, the “ ISDN Call Charge” field contains the difference between the cumulative charge most recently received and the value generated in the previous CDR record for the same call.

Advice of Charg e Issue 3 March 1996 3-71 nWhen a CDR record is generated because a call is dropping, the “ISDN Call Charge” field contains the last cumulative charge received from the network. Four CDR report formats support AOC: nEnhanced 24-word Standard ASCII unformatted record (unformatted ) nEnhanced 24-word Standard ASCII expanded record (expanded) nInternational ISDN Exp anded record (int_isdn) nCustomized record (customized) A zero a p pears in the “ Call Charg e” field when: no AOC information is received; a value of zero is the last charge information received; or the outgoing trunk group is not administered for AOC. Reported Units The p u blic network may send AOC information either as charging units or currency value. This charging unit or currency encoding is country dependent. The DEFI NI TY Com munications System d oes not differentiate the stored charg e as currency or charging unit. Considerations The DEFI NI TY Com munications System d oes not tandem AOC information via ISDN-PRI messages through a private network to other DEFI NI TY switches. Therefore, the CDR adjunct that records AOC information must receive its input from the DEFINITY system directly connected to the public network. Interactions nCall Forwarding — Off Net AOC for a call to a station whose calls are forwarded over a public-network PRI trunk is charged to the forwarding station, not the calling station. nCall Transfer If a transferred call is routed over a p u blic-network ISDN-PRI tru nk gro up, AOC administration for the outgoing trunk group controls whether AOC information is requested or recorded for the call. If two or more outgoing trunks are connected together via trunk-to-trunk transfer, the DEFI NI TY Communications System may receive AOC information from the network for each outgoing trunk involved in the call.

Feature Descriptions 3-72Issue 3 March 1996 nCDR Call Splitting If Call Splitting is enabled, when an outgoing call is transferred, a CDR record is issued for the initial p ortion of the call and the “ ISDN Call Charge” field reports the AOC information received thus far. Subsequent AOC information received from the network for the outg oing call is charged to the party remaining on the call until the call is dropped or transferred again. Attendant Call Recording, a form of Call Sp litting, generates a CDR record when an attendant drops from a call. Users who rely on Call Splitting or Attendant Call Recording should subscribe to or request AOC information during the call in order to have correct AOC information recorded for each party that participated in the call. However, this increases message activity on the signaling channel and reduces Busy Hour Call Capacity of the DEFI NI TY s yst em . In some countries, or with specific protocols, AOC information during a call is not available. However, the Elapsed Time in the CDR records can be used to allocate the AOC among the parties on the call. For more information about Call Splitting and its interactions see the Call Detail Recording (CDR) feature. Administration Administration of AOC is dependent upon the country where the feature is being used. See DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation, 555-230-655, or DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 V2/ V3 Im p lem ent ati on , 555-230-653, for general instructions for administering AOC. See the country ap p lication notes or AT&T representative for country-specific instructions for administering AOC. Hardware and Software Requirements A CDR adjunct or printer is required to record AOC information. No ad d itional software or hard ware is necessary.

Agent Call Handling Issue 3 March 1996 3-73 Agent Call Handling Feature Availability Agent Call Handling available with all Generic 3 releases. ACD software is required. Description Provides ACD agents with the c apabilities required to answer and process ACD calls. The agent c a pabilities provided by this feature are: nAgent Log-In and Log-Out nAgent Answering Options — Automatic Answer (zip tone) — Manual Answer nACD Work Modes — Auxiliary Work Mode — After Call Work — Auto-In — Manual-In nAgent Request for Supervisor Assistance nACD Call Disconnecting (Release button) nStroke Counts nCall Work Codes nForced Entry of Stroke Counts and Call Work Codes This feature d escription also explains Ag ent Sizing. NOTE: All of the agent capabilities listed above are also supported through the CallVisor ASAI. For information on CallVisor ASAI, consult the CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) feature. Agent Log-in and Log-out The information below applies generally to traditional ACD. See the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature for add itional EAS procedures.

Feature Descriptions 3-74Issue 3 March 1996 To receive ACD calls, the agent must log into the system. An a gent logging into a split automatically enters the Auxiliary Work mode (described later) for that sp lit. An agent can be logged into multiple splits. An agent will be required to enter a log-in identification numb er when log ging in if the hunt group is measured via CMS or BCMS. If the hunt group is not measured, entry of a login ID is optional. Entry of a login is also optional with BCMS. To log in, an agent must go off-hook and dial the log-in feature access code, followed by the two-digit split group number (three-digit sp lit group number for G3r) and the log-in identification number (if required). If the log-in procedure is successful, the agent enters the Auxiliary Work mode and the lamp associated with that split’s Auxiliary Work button, if provided, lights steadily on the agent’s terminal and the agent hears confirmation tone. At the same time, the system sends two messages to the CMS or BCMS (if it is a measured sp lit): a message that the agent has lo g ged in (including the identification number) and a message that the agent has entered the Auxiliary Work mode. If, during the log-in p rocess, any of the following situations occur, the log-in attempt is canceled and the agent receives Interc ept Treatment. nThe agent d ials an invalid log-in feature access code. nThe agent d ials an invalid split group number (that is, the agent dials the number of a split that does not exist or of one to which the agent is not assigned). nThe agent is already logged into the maximum number of splits. In this case, Interc ept Treatment is received after dialing the sp lit group numb er. nThe agent d ials a split group number for a sp lit that he or she is already logged into. nThe agent d ials the wrong numb er of digits. The agent should log out when he or she leaves his or her position for an extend e d period of time (such as the end of a shift or when changing voice terminals) and is therefore unavailable for ACD calls. If an agent logs out and is administered for measurement by CMS or BCMS, a message is sent to the BCMS/CMS so that it no longer measures the agent’s status. If an agent is logg e d into more than one split, he or she should log out of each split. AUX work mode is typically used for temporary situations when BCMS/CMS tracking of the Aux-Work time is desired. Otherwise, log out. To log out of a sp lit, the user goes off-hook and dials the log-out feature access code followed by the sp lit group number. If the log-out attempt is successful, the agent hears confirmation tone and all lamps associated with work mode buttons (described later) go dark. If the agent is logged into more than one split, logging out of one sp lit does not affect the state of the other split. If, during the log-out process, any of the following situations occur, the log-out attempt is canceled, and the agent receives Intercept Treatment. nThe agent d ials an invalid log-out feature access code.

Agent Call Handling Issue 3 March 1996 3-75 nThe agent d ials an invalid split group number. nThe a gent dials a sp lit group number for a split that he or she is not logg e d into. If an agent is in the Automatic Answer mode (described later) and is using a handset, the agent can log out simply by hanging up. (This does not mean pressing the release button on a Call Master voice terminal.) If an agent in the Automatic Answer mo de is using a headset instead of a handset, the agent can log out b y turning off the headset. This does not a pply to q uick-disconnect. If this method is used to log out, the agent is automatically logged out of all sp lits that he or she has logged into. If calls are in the split queue, the last available agent in a non-vector controlled split can still log out of the split by d ialing the log-out feature access code. Agent Answering Options An agent can answer ACD calls by using either a headset, handset, or speakerphone. An agent can be assigned one of two answering options: Automatic Answer or Manual Answer. Automatic Answer The following procedure a p plies to traditional ACD and EAS environments. An agent assigned to Automatic Answer is connected directly to incoming calls without ringing. Instead of the usual process where an agent receives ringing and then goes off-hook and answers the call, the agent hears zip tone through the headset, handset, or speakerphone and is automatically connected to the incoming ACD call. It is recommended that Automatic Answer be used with a headset. In this case, the agent hears zip tone through the headset and is then automatically connected to the call. (If the incoming trunk group is data restricted, the zip tone is not heard. If the a gent’s extension is data restricted, the zip tone is not heard. A headset user should not be assigned data restriction.) Although possible, it is not recommended that a handset or speakerphone be used with Automatic Answer. In order for an agent with Automatic Answer and a handset or speakerphone to answer an ACD call, the handset or speakerphone must be off-hook (handset lifted or speakerphone turned on) at all times. While off-hook, the agent hears zip tone through the handset or speakerphone. NOTE: Automatic Answer c an be administered to ap ply only to ACD calls or to a p ply to all calls terminating to the a gent’s set. If all calls terminating to the set are automatic answer and if the agent receives direct extension calls, he or she should always activate Call Coverage, Call Forwarding or Send All Calls when leaving his or her p osition and make himself or herself

Feature Descriptions 3-76Issue 3 March 1996 unavailable for ACD calls (by logging out or entering AUX work mo de) so calls will not terminate to an unmanned station. Manual Answer An agent is assigned to Manual Answer hears ringing, and then goes off-hook to answer the incoming call. If the agent does not go off-hook, the call will continue ringing. The agent can use either a headset, handset, or sp eakerphone to answer the call. ACD Work Modes This information generally applies to a traditional ACD environment. See the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) feature for more specific EAS procedures. If the Multi ple Call Handling feature is enabled, it will affect when agents can enter different work modes and when calls will be delivered to agents in Manual-In or Auto-In work modes. See the Multiple Call Handling feature for d etailed information. At any given time, an agent can be in one of four work modes. An agent can change work modes at any time. If an agent is not active on a call or does not have a call on hold, the mode change is immediate. However, if an agent tries to change modes while he or she is active on a call or has a call on hold, the mode is not changed until the agent is disconnected from the calls. An agent can change modes by using either button or dial access. The four work modes are described in the following paragraphs. nAuxiliary Work nAuto-In nManual-In nAfter Call Work Auxiliary Work Mode: An agent should enter the Auxiliary Work mode for a particular split whenever he or she is d oing non-ACD activities such as taking a break or going to lunch. This makes the agent unavailable for ACD calls to that split (and the agent is not in the most idle agent [MIA] queue), b ut BCMS/CMS tracking of the agent continues. When an agent logs into a sp lit, he or she automatically enters this mode for that split. To change to the Auxiliary Work mo de while in another mode, the agent can dial the feature a c cess c o de for the Auxiliary Work mo de followed by the split group number or can press the Auxiliary Work button for that split. If the attempt to change modes is successful and the agent has no active or held calls, the lamp associated with the Auxiliary Work button lights steadily and the BCMS/CMS is informed of the mo de change for that agent. If the attempt to change modes is successful, but the agent has any active or held calls, the lamp flashes until all calls are dropped, at which point the AUX lamp lights steadily and the BCMS/CMS is informed of the agent’s state change. The attempt is canceled and the agent receives intercept treatment if the agent: