Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-387 If the originator is not optioned for intraswitch CDR, but one or more parties brought into the c onference are, one record with Condition Code C is generated for each dialed intraswitch party. For example, Station A calls Station B, which is optioned for intraswitch CDR. Station A conferences Station C. Station A d rops from the c all. Station B or C drops from the call. One CDR record is output with condition code C for the A to B call. Intra-switch conference call CDR records are output when both the calling number (originator) and dialed number (terminator) of the call drop. The duration of the call will be from the time the terminator answers until both the originator and terminator drop from the call. If the attendant originates the conference, only the dialed numbers corresponding to intraswitch optioned extensions will stimulate the creation of CDR records. nDCS If the calling numb er is on a different switch within the DCS network, the actual calling number will be recorded in the “Calling Numb er” field, and the TAC of the trunk bringing in the call will be recorded in the “Incoming Trunk Ac cess Code” field. DCS signaling messages d o not generate CDR records. nDDC and UCD Either the hunt group extension number or individual hunt group member extension number (depending on administration) is record ed as the called number. nDID All incoming calls on the DID trunk group will be recorded if administered to record incoming CDR and if CDR is administered for this trunk group. nEmergency Access to the Attendant No intraswitch CDR records will b e generated for Emergency Access calls. nFX Trunks NOTE: All calls made on an FX trunk group are recorded if administered to record CDR and if CDR is administered for this trunk group. nExpert Agent Selection (EAS) A logical extension can be assigned to an agent who can log into a p hone using that extension numb er. You c an chose to record logical agent’s extension rather than the hunt group extension or hunt group member extension.

Feature Descriptions 3-388Issue 3 March 1996 nHot Line Service The stored number used on an outgoing or intraswitch Hot Line call is recorded by CDR the same as if it was manually dialed. nIntercept Treatment If an outgoing or tandem call is route d to Intercept Treatment, the numb er dialed by the calling party is recorded as the dialed number, and Condition Code F is record ed. nIntercom — Automatic Intercom calls can generate intraswitch CDR record s. nIntercom — Dial Intercom calls can generate intraswitch CDR record s. nInter-PBX Attendant Calls If a user calls an Inter-PBX attendant and the trunk group used has CDR assigned, CDR records the following information: — Condition Code — A — Access Code Dialed — blank — Access Code Used — trunk a c cess c o de of trunk used — Dialed Digits — Inter-PBX attendant access code nISDN When specific answer supervision is received from the network, an indication is sent to the CDR device to this effect. If an ISDN call has been interworked, the CDR record will not record the call as having answer supervision. nLoudspeaker Paging When loudspeaker or chime paging is used, CDR may not correctly record the length of time a station was connected to an AUX trunk. nManual Originating Line Service If an attendant establishes an outgoing call for a voice terminal, designated as a Manual Originating Line, the CDR record for the call is the same as for any attendant-assisted outgoing call. The calling voice terminal extension number is recorded as the calling number, and Condition Code 1 applies. nMultiple LDNs If incoming call information is recorded, the called number recorded for LDN calls is the extension number or trunk group access code to which the attendant completes the call. If the call terminates at the attendant console only, the called numb er recorded is 0, which is used to identify the attendants.

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-389 LDNs cannot be administered for intraswitch CDR. However, a call from an intraswitch optioned extension to a LDN will produce an intraswitch CDR. nNight Service — Night Station The extension number assigned to the attendants is record ed as the dialed number. For G3vsV1/G3sV1 and G3iv1, the attendant extension number is always 0. For G3i-Global, G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases, the attendant extension numb er is administrable (the default is 0). nNight Service — Trunk Answer From Any Station The extension number assigned to the attendants (0) is recorded as the dialed number. nOff-Premises Station CDR data is recorded if the voice terminal is involve d in an outgoing/incoming trunk call or it (or the other terminal involved in the call) has been o ptioned for intraswitch CDR. nPCOL An outgoing PCOL call shows the dialed number in the “ Dialed Number” field of the CDR record rather than a TAC. An outgoing PCOL call is recorded as a call from the originating extension number via the trunk group associated with the PCOL. On incoming PCOL calls the answering voice terminal’s primary extension is record ed as the called numb er if incoming calls are recorded. nPlanned Interchange on Duplicated G3r When a planned interchange occurs (either demand or scheduled), it is possible for the CDR records on calls ending within 10-20 seconds after the interchange to report as “invalid long duration calls” (9:59:9 liste d as call duration with Condition Code other than 4). This is caused by deviations in the clocks between the two processors and the short duration of the calls. These records should be considered invalid. nPrivate Network Access Private Network Access calls will b e recorded if CDR is administered for this trunk group. Private Network calls will be recorded if either an incoming and/or outgoing tie trunk is assigned CDR. nRemote Access Remote Access calls will be recorded if Remote Access is provided on a per trunk group basis. nRingback Queuing Condition Code 8 is record ed for an outg oing call which is queued for a trunk before completion. The length of time the call is queued will not be recorded.

Feature Descriptions 3-390Issue 3 March 1996 When an outgoing call is queued for a trunk and is unsuccessful (the queue times out or the calling party d oes not answer the callback) an CDR record is not g enerated for the call. nSecurity Violations Notification (SVN) SVN calls will generate intraswitch CDR if the terminating extension is monitored. The originating extension for SVN c alls cannot be administered for intraswitch monitoring. nService Observing No CDR records will be generated for Service Observing calls. nTandem Tie Trunk Switching The calling party on an incoming trunk can dial the CDR account code. The “ C alling Numb er” field in CDR is the trunk access code for the incoming trunk group, the called number is the number dialed. nTemporary Bridged Appearance A CDR record is not affected by any second or subsequent voice terminal bridging a call. nTemporary Signaling Connections (TSC) TSCs and TSC requests associated with recorded calls will be recorded in the CDR record of the associated call, provided the switch is administered to use the ISDN version of CDR format layouts, which contain the necessary fields. Non-call-associated TSCs and TSC requests sent or received b y the switch will generate their own CDR records if the switch is administered to record them. In either case, the “ TSC Flag” field and the “Packet Count” field of the CDR record will be used to record TSC data. nTie Trunk Access Tie trunk calls will be recorded if CDR is administered for this trunk group. Tie trunk groups will be recorded if either incoming and/or outgoing tie trunks are assigned CDR. nTransfer If a user originates a call on an outgoing trunk and then transfers the call to another voice terminal, the originating voice terminal will b e record ed as the calling party. If a voice terminal user receives a call on an incoming trunk and then transfers the call to another extension, the extension that originally received the call is recorded as the dialed number. If a voice terminal user receives an intraswitch call and then transfers it to another extension, the extension that originally received the call is recorded as the dialed number. With the CDR c all splitting option (available with G3i-Global V1 and V2 and later releases), if a user originates a call on an outgoing trunk and then transfers the call to another voice terminal, two CDR records are

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-391 generated, one for each ‘leg’ of the call. For example, station 1 to outgoing number and station 2 to the same outgoing number. The call duration is appropriately assigned for each ‘leg’. Intra-switch CDR records are generated for each call to or from an intraswitch optioned extension. For example, Station A, which is intraswitch optioned, calls Station B. Station A then transfers the call to Station C. When either Station B or C drops, two CDR records with Condition Code 0 are output: one for the A to B call, and the second for the A to C call. Intra-switch CDR transfer records are output when both the calling number (originator) and dialed number (terminator) drop from the call. The duration of the call is from the time the terminator answers until both the originator and terminator have dropped from the call. nTrunk-to-Trunk Transfer Although they are not really conference calls, Trunk-to-Trunk Transfer connections are treated as such for CDR purposes. A separate CDR record is generated for each trunk in the connection. Unanswered Trunk Calls may or may not be recorded depending on administration. Each trunk group can be administered so that unanswered calls will be recorded if they remain unanswered for a specified period of time. nUDP If one user calls another user via a Uniform Dial Plan extension number, and the trunk group used has CDR assigned, CDR records the following information: — Condition Code — 7 — Access Code Dialed — blank — Access Code Used — trunk a c cess c o de of trunk used — Dialed Digits — Uniform Dial Plan extension nVDN Return Destination An incoming call does not g enerate a CDR record until the originator drops from the call. CDR creates a record when a call goes to the return destination VDN, the originator has not dropped, and vector processing — that is, the return destination VDN — has route d the call to an outgoing trunk. CDR d oes not c reate a record if vector processing routes a call from the return destination VDN to an internal call. If an incoming VDN call is routed to a station, CDR includes the station in the record . If an incoming VDN call is routed to an outgoing trunk, CDR includes the VDN in the record.

Feature Descriptions 3-392Issue 3 March 1996 nWATS and 800 Service Calls made on a WATS or 800 Service trunk g roup will be recorded, if CDR is administered for the trunk group. Administration CDR is administered by the System Manager. The command is change system-parameters CDR for G3V2 a n d later releases. The following items can be administered. System Parameters nType of CDR output format to be used. The type of output format must be assigned for both the primary and secondary output formats, if both the primary and secondary ports are used. nExtension number assigned to the output format. The extension numb er must be assigned for both the primary and secondary output d evice. Before the extension number is assigned, the System Manager should check to make sure that it is not already assigned as a Property Management System (PMS) extension or a Permanent Switched Call (PSC) extension. nWhether standard or ISDN formats are used. nWhether enhanced formats are used. nCDR account code length (from one to 15), the system defaults to two digits. nThe speed at which the CDR device connected to the d irect RS-232C interface on the processor circuit pack will operate (300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600 baud rate). This a p plies to G3s/vs/i only. nWhether the reason for disconnect is recorded instead of the FRL. nWhether an account code is required on a toll call. nWhether the hunt group extension or the hunt group member extension is recorded by CDR. nWhether or not the called VDN is recorded instead of the hunt group extension or hunt group member extension. nWhether or not the called logical agent is recorded instead of the hunt group extension or hunt group member extension. nCDR can be suppressed for Ineffective Call Attemp ts or for All Calls Excluding Outgoing Calls; system defaults to no. Ineffective call attempts are calls originated by a voice terminal user that are blocked because the user did not have sufficient calling privileges or because all outgoing trunks were busy. Ineffective call attemp ts include calls to incoming or

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-393 outgoing trunks that are unavailable d ue to trunk usage allocation for ISDN Call-By-Call Service Selection trunks and incoming calls rejected by the switch due to NSF mismatch. nThe number of trailing d i gits in the “ CDR Dialed Number” field to be blanked on output for an outgoing call originating from a station with CDR Privacy enabled. nWhether intraswitch CDR records will b e generated for internal calls. nWhether call splitting is activated. nWhether attendant call recording is activated. nWhether to record non-call associated and/or call associated TSC data. Defaults for both is ‘‘no.’’ nFor G3r, what to d o when record handling resources are exhauste d (when 1900 archived records are full and a new one arrives). The options are: overwrite oldest record (warning), give reorder tone (reorder), redirect to attendant (attendant). A warning is the default value on the administration screen. nWhether to record dialed or outpulsed (translated digits) for outgoing calls on the ‘‘Dialed Number’’ field. Date and Time The date and time should always be u p dated for events such as a leap year, daylight savings time, or a system restart after a power failure. If a time of day is not administered, CDR records will not be generated. If the time is changed while a call is in progress, the actual d uration for that call is not reflected in the CDR record. Instead, a special sequence of 9999 is recorded in the CDR record to indicate that the call was in progress during a time change. Trunks, Loudspeaker Paging, and Code Calling Access CDR can be assigned to all trunk groups, Loudspeaker Paging Access trunks, and PCOL trunks. The system defaults to yes for CDR. The System Manager must determine which typ es of trunks will b e assigned CDR. COR Specify if CDR account code entry is forced. Feature Access Codes Assign CDR a c count code access code.

Feature Descriptions 3-394Issue 3 March 1996 IXC Codes nIXC access numbers nName of IXC (optional) Data Modules and Modems One or both of the CDR output devices can be connected to a PDM, Trunk Data Module, or a Modem. The following items must be administered: nFor G3vs/s/i, a netcon channel must be assigned using a ‘Data Module’ form and entering data-channel or netcon channel for the type. This channel provides a path for CDR data from the Switch Processing Element to the time-division bus. If the EIA port on the Processor circuit pack is used by the output device, the CDR output device extension should be administered as ‘‘eia’’ for G3s/vs or G3i. The SMDR/CDR EIA p ort is on the TN773 Processor. nFor G3r, a system port must be assigned using the Dat a Module form and entering system port for the type. The port is on a TN726B Data line and Associated PDATA Port is on a TN553 Packet Data Line, these two parts must b e hardwired together at the “Cross-Connect” field. This provides a path for CDR data from the SPE to the packet-bus through the hardwired connection to the time-division bus. Ten system ports can be administered. The TN553 has 12 p orts of which 10 can be used for system port applications. The TN726B has eight ports and would require two circuit p acks to get the full 10 system ports. System ports are used by other applications as well (remote administration, system printer, PMS-link, etc.) nFor both G3r and G3i/s/vs, a TN726 Data Line circ uit pack can also be used in conjunction with an ADU to connect to an output device. If the CDR output device is connected to a TN726 Data Line circuit pack via an ADU, administer a Data Line Type Data Module. If the CDR output device is connected to a PDM, administer a PDM Type Data Module. If the CDR output device is connected to a Trunk Data Module, a dminister a YDM Type Data Mo dule. If the CDR output device is connected to a 212A-typ e modem, a 2500 Voice Terminal a Pooled Modem must be administered. This allows circuit switched data connections between digital data communications equipment (data modules) and analog data communications e quipment (modems).

Call Detail Recording (CDR) Issue 3 March 1996 3-395 Security Call d etail records should be monitored daily for unusual calling patterns, long calls, international calls, calls outside of normal business hours, and other indications of toll fraud. Call accounting systems such as the AT&T Hacker Tracker provide automatic monitoring for fraudulent calling patterns.

Feature Descriptions 3-396Issue 3 March 1996 Call Forwarding All Calls Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Call Forwarding Override and the List Call Forwarding command are only available with G3V4 and later releases. Description Allows all calls to an extension numb er to be forwarded to a selected internal extension number, external (off-premises) number, the attendant group, or a specific attendant. This feature is activated or d eactivated by dial a c cess c o de or by a Call Forward ing button. Call Forwarding All Calls can be activated or deactivated by voice terminal users and data terminal users. Also, an attendant or voice terminal user with console permission can activate or d eactivate the feature for a particular extension number, TEG, DDC, UCD group, or ACD split (but not vector-controlled splits; see Call Vectoring for more information). Voice terminal users activate Call Forward ing All Calls by dialing a feature access code or pressing a Call Forward ing button and then dialing the designated (forward e d-to) number. The feature is deactivate d by d ialing a different feature access code or pressing the Call Forwarding button again. An attendant activates Call Forwarding All Calls by dialing a feature access code, followed by the forward ing extension numb er plus the forwarded-to number. The attendant deactivates the feature by dialing a different access code, followed by the extension number for which the feature is to be canceled. The attendant cannot have a Call Forward ing button assigned to the console. A voice terminal user with console permission activates Call Forwarding All Calls for another user by dialing a feature access code, followed by the forwarding extension number plus the forwarded-to number. A voice terminal user with console permission can also activate Call Forwarding All Calls for himself or herself by dialing the feature access code or pressing the Call Forwarding button. When a Call Forwarding button is used to activate the feature, the status lamp associated with the b utton remains lighted until the feature is deactivated. Calls can be forwarded only once. Calls forward e d to a designated (forwarded-to) number do not forward again. These calls ring the designated number, if possible; redirect if the forwarding party’s Call Coverage criteria are met; or return busy tone to the calling party.