Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-47 ‘‘sc’’ (Attd Serial Call) ‘‘AS’’ (Appel en serie) ‘‘ic’’ (Inoltro a Catena) ‘‘LS ’’ (Llamada en serie) ‘‘co’’ (Controlled Outward Restriction) ‘‘R D’’ (Restriction de depart) ‘‘cu’’ (Controllata Uscente) ‘ ‘R S’’ (Restriccion saliente) Table 3-7. Miscellaneous Call Identifiers — Continued ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) Continued on next page

Feature Descriptions 3-48Issue 3 March 1996 ‘‘cs’’ (Controlled St a t i o n t o St a t i o n Restriction) ‘‘R P’ ’ (Restriction vers postes) ‘‘cd’’ (Controllata Derivati) ‘‘CS’’ (Control estacion) ‘‘ct’’ (Controlled Termination Restriction) ‘‘AR’’ (Restriction d’arrivee) ‘‘ct’’ (Controllata Terminante) ‘ ‘R E’’ (Restriccion entrante) ‘‘db’’ (DID Find Busy Station With CO Tones) ‘‘OP’’ (Occupation du poste) ‘‘po’’ (Passante Occupata) ‘ ‘EO ’’ (Estacion occupada) ‘‘da’’ (DID Recall Go To Attd ) ‘‘R T’’ (Rap p el telephoniste) ‘‘pr’’ (Richiamata su Passante) ‘‘RD’’ (Rellamada d irecta) ‘‘qf’’ (Emerg. Queue Full Redirection) ‘‘FP ’’ (File d ’urgence pleine deviation) ‘‘de’’ (Deviata Emergenza) ‘‘DE’’ (Desvio d e emerg encia) ‘‘hc’’ (Held Call Timed Reminder) ‘‘AG’’ (Indicatif d’appel en garde) ‘‘at’’ (Avviso Chiamata in tenuta) ‘ ‘LR ’’ (Record atorio d e llama da retenida) ‘‘ic’’ (Intercept) ‘‘IN’’ (Interception) ‘‘in’’ (Intercettata) ‘‘IN’’ (Intercepcion) ‘‘ip’’ (Interposition Call) ‘‘AI’’ (Appel interposition) ‘‘ip’’ (Interposizione) ‘ ‘EP ’ ’ (Entre p osiciones) ‘‘ld’’ (LDN Calls on DID Trunks) ‘‘S D’’ (Selection directe) ‘‘pd’’ (Diretta Passante) ‘‘LD’’ (Larg a d istancia) ‘‘so’’ (Service Observing ) ‘‘E S’’ (ecoute du service) ‘‘is’’ (Inclusione Supervisore) ‘ ‘SS ’ ’ (Supervision d el servicio) Table 3-7. Miscellaneous Call Identifiers — Continued ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) Continued on next page

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-49 ‘‘na’’ (Unanswered or Incomplete DID Call) ‘‘S R’ ’ (Sans reponse) ‘‘pn’’ (Passante Non Risposta) ‘ ‘SR ’ ’ (Sin respuesta) ‘‘ACB’’ (Automati c Callback) ‘‘R . A UTO .’’ (Rap p el automatique) ‘ ‘PR N ’ ’ (Prenotazione Automatica) ‘‘RA’’ (Rellamada automatica) ‘‘callback’’ (Callback Call) ‘‘R APP EL’ ’ (Rap p el) ‘‘prenotaz’’ (Prenotazione) ‘‘RELLAM’’ (Rellamada) ‘‘park’’ (Call Park) ‘‘G. I.’’ (garde par) indicatif ‘‘parc h.’’ (Parcheggiata) ‘ ‘ES TA C ’ ’ (Estacionamiento d e llama da) ‘‘control’’ (Control) ‘‘CONTROLE’’ (Controle) ‘‘cntr.op.’’ (Controllo Operatore) ‘‘CONTROL’’ (Control) ‘‘ICOM’’ (Intercom Call) ‘‘I NTER C O M’ ’ (Intercommunicatio n) ‘‘ICOM’’ (Intercom) ‘ ‘I NTER F’’ (Llamda interfono) ‘‘OTQ’’ (Outgoin g Trunk Queuing) ‘‘FF D’’ (File faisceaux de depart) ‘‘RFO’’ (Richiamata su Fascio Occupato) ‘ ‘EE S’ ’ (Espera de enlace d e salida) ‘‘priority’’ (Priority Call) ‘‘P RI OR ITE’ ’ (Appel prioritaire) ‘‘priorita’’ (Priorita’) ‘‘PRIORIT’’ (Llamada prioritaria) ‘‘recall’’ (Recall Call) ‘‘APP.RAP.’’ (Appel rappel) ‘‘richiam’’ (Richiamata) ‘ ‘R EP ET’’ (Rellamada) ‘‘return’’ (Return Call) ‘‘R ET OUR ’’ (Retour) ‘‘ritorno’’ (Chiamata Ritornata) ‘ ‘R ETO RN O ’ ’ (Llamada d e retorno) ‘‘ARS’’ (Automati c Route Selection) ‘‘S AA ’’ (Selection de l’acheminement automatiqe) ‘ ‘SA I’’ (Selez. Autom. Instradam.) ‘ ‘SA R’’ (Seleccion automatica) d e rutas) ‘‘forward’’ (Call Forwarding) ‘‘R EN VOI ’’ (Renvoi) ‘‘deviata’’ (Deviata) ‘‘REENVIO’’ (Reenvio de llamada) Table 3-7. Miscellaneous Call Identifiers — Continued ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) Continued on next page

Feature Descriptions 3-50Issue 3 March 1996 ‘‘cover’’ (Cover) ‘‘S UPP L.’ ’ (Suppleance) ‘‘copert.’’ (Copertura) ‘‘COBER’’ (Cobertura) ‘‘DND’’ (Do Not Disturb ) ‘‘NPD’’ (Ne pas deranger) ‘‘nd’’ (Non Disturbare) ‘‘NM’’ (No molestar) ‘‘p’’ (Call Pickup) ‘‘P ’’ (Prise) ‘‘a’’ (Assente) ‘‘C’’ (Captura d e llama da) ‘‘c’’ (Cover All Calls) ‘‘s’’ (Suppleance) ‘‘c’’ (Copertura) ‘‘c’’ (Cobertura d e toda llamada ‘‘n’’ (Night Sta. Serv., Incoming No Answer) ‘‘N’’ (Service nuit, entrant pas reponse) ‘‘n’’ (Serv. Notte, Esterna Non Risposta) ‘‘N’’ (Servicion noct. ext. no responde) ‘‘B’’ (All Calls Busy) ‘‘O’’ (Tous occupes) ‘‘O’’ (Tutte Occupate) ‘‘O’’ (Todas ocupadas) ‘‘f’’ (Call Forwarding) ‘‘R ’’ (Renvoi) ‘‘d’’ (Deviata) ‘‘R’’ (Reenvio de llamada) ‘‘b’’ (Cover Busy) ‘‘o’’ (Suppleance occupee) ‘‘o’’ (Copertura per Occupato) ‘‘o’’ (Cobertura ocupada) ‘‘d’’ (Cover Don’t Answer) ‘‘n’’ (Suppleance pas de reponse) ‘‘n’’ (Copertura per Non Risposta) ‘‘n’’ (Cobertura sin respuesta) ‘‘s’’ (Send All Calls) ‘‘E ’’ (Envoi tous appels) ‘‘r’’ (Rinvio) ‘ ‘E’ ’ (Envio de tod a llamada) Table 3-7. Miscellaneous Call Identifiers — Continued ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) Continued on next page

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-51 Party Identifiers Table 3-8 lists displays associated with Party Identifiers. Party Identifiers can show up in two different ways (through administration and through DCS). Identifiers administrable are not translated. Party identifiers a ppearing on a display, d ue to DCS calling, are translate d. Property Management System Interface The following displays are associate d with the Property Management System (PMS) Interface feature. n‘‘CHECK IN - Ext:’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ENR EGI STR EM ENT - PO STE :’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK IN - Tel:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ RE GI STR A RSE - EX TENS IO N : ’ ’ n‘‘CHECK IN: ROOM ALREADY OCCUPIED’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ENR EGI STR EM ENT: CHAMBRE OCCUPEE’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK IN: CAMERA OCCUPATA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘REGISTRARSE: HABITACION OCUPADA’’ n‘‘CHECK IN COMPLETE’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ENR EGI STR EM ENT E FFECTUE’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK IN COMPLETATO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘REGISTRO TERMINADO’’ 1. These displays are ad ministrab le and appear translated if associate d with a DCS c all. If not associated with a DCS call, the name that appears is the name administered on the “ Associated A dministration” form. 2. This display is never translated. Table 3-8. Party Identifiers Displays Identifier ‘‘English Display’’ ‘‘French Display’’ ‘‘Italian Display’’ ‘‘Spanish Display’’ Attendant 1‘ ‘OPE RATOR’’ ‘ ‘‘ TEL EP HONIST E’ ’ ‘‘OPERATORE ’’ ‘ ‘OPERADOR A’’ Conference Call‘‘CONFERENCE’’ ‘‘CONFER ENCE’ ’ ‘‘ CONFERENZ A’’ ‘‘CONFERENCIA’’ Extension‘ ‘E XT’ ’ ‘‘ POST E’’ ‘‘DER’ ’ ‘ ‘E XTE NSI ON’ ’ Paging2‘‘PAGING’’ ‘‘PAGING’’ ‘‘PAGING’’ ‘‘PAGING’’ Trunk Group1‘‘OUTSIDE CAL L’ ’ ‘‘APPE L EXT .’ ’ ‘‘ EST ERNA’’ ‘‘LLAMADA EXT.’’ Unknown‘‘UNKNOWN NAME’’ ‘‘INTROUVABLE’’ ‘‘NOME SCONOSC.’’ ‘‘DESCONOCIDO’’

Feature Descriptions 3-52Issue 3 March 1996 n‘‘CHECK IN FAILED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘ECHEC D’ENREGISTREMENT’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK IN ERRATO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘REGISTRARSE: FALLIDO’’ n‘‘CHECK OUT - Ext:’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘DEP A RT - POS TE: ’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK OUT - Tel:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PAGAR LA CUENTA - EXTENSION:’’ n‘‘CHECK OUT COMPLETE: MESSAGE LAMP OFF’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘DEP ART : PA S DE M ES SA GE S’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK OUT COMPLETATO: NESSUN MESSAGGIO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PAGO TERMINADO: NINGUN MENSAJE’’ n‘‘CHECK OUT COMPLETE: MESSAGE LAMP ON’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘DEP A RT : ME SS A GES ’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK OUT COMPLETATO: MESSAGGI IN ATTESA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PAGO DE CUENTA TERMINADO: MENSAJES’’ n‘‘CHECK OUT FAILED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘ECHEC PROCEDURE DE DEPART’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK OUT ERRATO’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PAGAR LA CUENTA: FALLIDO’’ n‘‘CHECK OUT: ROOM ALREADY VACANT’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘DEP A RT - CHAMBRE INOCCUPEE’’ — Italian - ‘‘CHECK OUT: CAMERA NON OCCUPATA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PAGAR LA CUENTA: HABITACION VACANTE’’ n‘‘MESSAGE LAMP OFF’’ (English) — French - ‘‘PAS DE MESSAGES’’ — Italian - ‘‘NESSUN MESSAGGIO IN ATTES A ’ ’ — Spanish - ‘‘LUZ DE MENSAJE APAGADA’’ n‘‘MESSAGE LAMP ON’’ (En glish) — French - ‘ ‘ M ESS A GE S ’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘MESSAGGI IN ATTESA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘LUZ DE MENSAJE ENCENDIDA’’ n‘‘MESSAGE NOTIFICATION FAILED’’ (English)

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-53 — French - ‘‘ECHEC D’AVIS MESSAGES’’ — Italian - ‘‘NOTIFICA MESSAGGI ERRATA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘AVISO DE MENSAJE FALLIDO’’ n‘‘MESSAGE NOTIFICATION OFF - Ext: xxxxx’’ (English) — French - ‘‘AVIS DE MESSAGES DESACTIVE - POSTE:xxxxx’’ — Italian - ‘‘NOTIFICA MESSAGGI DISABIL. - Tel: xxxxx’’ — Spanish - ‘‘AVISO DE MENSAJE APAGADO - EXT: xxxxx’’ n‘‘MESSAGE NOTIFICATION ON - Ext: xxxxx’’ (English) — French - ‘‘AVIS DE MESSAGES ACTIVE - POSTE:xxxxx’’ — Italian - ‘‘NOTIFICA MESSAGGI ABILITATA - Tel: xxxxx’’ — Spanish - ‘‘AVISO DE MENSAJE ENCENDIDO - EXT: xxxxx’’ Security Violation Notification The following displays are associate d with the Security Violation Notification (SVN ) feature. n‘‘Barrier Code Violation’’ (English) — French - ‘‘VIOLATION DU CODE D’ENTR EE’’ — Italian - ‘‘Violazione di c o dici di taglio’’ — Spanish - ‘‘VIOLACIAON CONDIGO LIMITE’’ n‘‘Login Violation’’ (English) — French - ‘‘VIOLATION DE L’ACCES A L’ADMINISTRATION’’ — Italian - ‘‘Violazione di inizio di registrazione’’ — Spanish - ‘‘VIOLACION CLAVE ACCESO’’ Stored Number The following displays are associate d with the ‘Stored Number’ feature. n‘‘NO NUMBER STORED’’ (English) — French - ‘‘AUCUN NUMERO EN MEMOIRE’’ — Italian - ‘‘NESSUN NUMERO IN MEMORIA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘NINGUN NUMERO ALMACENADO’’ Stored numb ers are displayed just as dialed. Numeric and touch-tone characters are not changed. Special codes appear as listed in Table 3-9.

Feature Descriptions 3-54Issue 3 March 1996 Time of Day Routing The following displays are associate d with the Time of Day Routin g feature. n‘‘E NTER A C TIV AT IO N R O U TE PLA N , D A Y & TIM E’ ’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ENT RE R P LA N D’A CTI VA TI ON, JO UR E T H EUR E’’ — Italian - ‘‘INTRODURRE PIANO DA ATTIV., GIORNO E ORA’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ INTR ODUZCA PLAN ACT DE RUTAS, DIA Y HORA’’ n‘‘E NTER DEA CTI VA TI O N D A Y A N D TI M E’’ (English) — French - ‘ ‘ENT RE R JOUR ET HEURE DE DESACTIVATION’’ — Italian - ‘‘INTRODURRE GIORNO E ORA DI DISATTIVAZ’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ INTR ODUZCA DIA Y HORA DE DESACTIVACION’’ n‘‘O LD R O UTE PLA N: x ENT ER NE W P LA N:’ ’ (English) — French - ‘‘ACHEMINEMENT A NT. : x E NTR ER NO UVE AU:’’ — Italian - ‘‘I NST RA DA M ENTO P REC: x INTR O D I L NUOVO:’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PLAN RUTAS ANT: x INTRODUZCA EL NUEVO:’’ n‘‘O LD R O UTE PLA N: x NEW PL AN: y’ ’ (English) — French - ‘‘ACHEMINEMENT A NT. : x NO UVE AU PL AN: y’ ’ — Italian - ‘‘I NST RA DA M ENTO P REC: x NUOVO PIANO: y’’ — Spanish - ‘‘PLAN RUTAS ANT: x NUEVO PLAN: y’’ n‘‘R OUT E PLA N : x FOR y y y ACT - TI M E: z z : z z’ ’ (English) Table 3-9. Stored Number Special Codes ‘‘English Display’’ (stands for)‘‘French Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Italian Display’’ (stands for)‘‘Spanish Display’’ (stands for) ‘‘m’’ (Mark)‘‘M’’ (Marquer)‘‘m’’ (Marcato)‘‘M’’ (Marca) ‘‘p’’ (Pause)‘‘ P’’ (Pause)‘‘p ’’ (Pausa)‘‘ P’’ (Pausa) ‘‘s’’ (Suppress)‘‘ S’’ (Supprimer)‘‘s’’ (Soppresso)‘‘ S’’ (Suprimir) ‘‘w’’ (Wait)‘‘A’’ (Attendre)‘‘a’’ (Attesa)‘‘ E’’ (Espera) ‘‘W ’’ (Indefinite Wait)‘‘a’’ (Attendre)‘‘A’’ (Attesa)‘‘e’’ (Espera)

Administrable Language Displays Issue 3 March 1996 3-55 — French - ‘‘ACHEM.: x POUR yyy ACT-HEURE: zz:zz’’ — Italian - ‘‘I NST RA DA M ENTO : x P ER yyy AT TIV O RE :zz: z z’ ’ — Spanish - ‘‘PLAN RUTAS: x PARA yyy HORA-ACT: zz:zz’’ n‘‘ROUTE PLAN: x FOR yyy DEACT-TIME: zz:zz’’(English) — French - ‘‘ACHEM.: x POUR yyy DESACT-HEURE: zz:zz’’ — Italian - ‘‘INSTRADAM.: x PER yyy DISATTIV ORE:zz:zz’’ — Spanish - ‘‘ PLA N RU TAS : x P ARA y yy HOR A-DES ACT:zz:zz’’ For the a bove displays, x and y denotes the Route Plan Numb er (RPN 1-8), yyy is a three letter a b breviation for the day of the week and zz:zz is the activation time (military time). The three-letter a bbreviations for the day of the week are listed in Table 3-10. — To enter the day of the week, the user dials 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday, and so on. Considerations Each DCP/ISDN-BRI user and each attendant can select the language of their choice. In other word s, one user can view his or her call related messages in Italian and another user can view his or her call related messages in English. Language selection is ma de via administration (English is the default language). Once the language is selected and administered on the “Station/Attendant” form, all d isp lay messages (except those that are administered, for example, station and g roup names) are in the language selected. Users of a 32-character display set do not have the option of choosing a display language. These sets (in particular, the hybird MERLIN 7315H and the 7317H sets) default to English. Table 3-10. Three Letter Abbreviation for Days of Week ‘‘English Display’’ ‘‘French Display’’ ‘‘Italian Display’’ ‘‘Spanish Display’’ ‘‘Mon’’ ‘‘LUN’’ ‘‘Lun’’ ‘‘LUN’’ ‘‘Tue’’ ‘‘MAR’’ ‘‘Mar’’ ‘‘MAR’’ ‘‘Wed ’’ ‘‘MER’’ ‘‘Mer’’ ‘‘MIE’’ ‘‘Thu’’ ‘‘JEU’’ ‘‘Gio’’ ‘‘JUE’’ ‘‘Fri’’ ‘‘VEN’’ ‘‘Ven’’ ‘‘VIE’’ ‘‘Sat’’ ‘‘SAM’’ ‘‘Sab ’’ ‘‘SAB’’ ‘‘Sun’’ ‘‘DIM’’ ‘‘Dom’’ ‘‘DOM’’

Feature Descriptions 3-56Issue 3 March 1996 One a d ditional language display message set can be added to the system. This allows the flexibility of one a dditional language (in a d dition to those already provided by the system) in which a user can view his or her call related messages. This user customized language display message set is entered into the system via administration by either a customer or an AT&T in-country partner and is accessed by a 40-character display user as their display language preference by selecting the display language option, user-defined. If user-defined is selected as the d isplay language preference and the user-defined language display message set has not been entered into the system, all d isplay messages appear as a string of asterisks. Interactions See the ‘‘Feature Displays’’ section above for the details about the d isplays associated with sp ecific features. Administration The ‘‘Attendant’’ form and the ‘‘Station’’ form (if the station is e quipped with a forty-character display) ask for the display language preference. The c hoices are English (the default), French, Italian, Spanish, and user- defined. The a ddition of the user c ustomized language d isplay message set to the system (the user-defined language display message set) is a ccomplished by translating the English language display message set into another language via administration. This process is done either by a customer or an AT&T in-country partner. To select this language display message set as a user’s display language, set the display language option to user-defined. If user-defined is chosen as the display language preference, and a user-defined language display message set has not b een entered into the system, all display messages appear as a string of asterisks. Hardware and Software Requirements None required.