Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Report Scheduler and System Printer Issue 3 March 1996 3-1037 Screen 3-38 provides another example of a ‘Report Scheduler’ screen. Screen 3-38. Report Scheduler Example 4 Removing Scheduled Reports The System Manager may remove a scheduled report using the remove report-scheduler command. If the Job Status of the report is ‘‘print-next,’’ ‘‘printed,’’ or ‘‘waiting’’ (that is, not being printed), it will be removed immediately. If the report is being printed ( printing state), not only will the command be removed, but the printer link will b e torn d own as well. The link will b e brought up during the next 15-minute time interval or if an imme diate report is scheduled, whichever comes first. Listing Scheduled Reports The System Manager may display a list of the scheduled reports on the Management Terminal, or its printer, using the list report-scheduler command. A sample list is shown in Screen 3-39. The r e ports are displayed in the order they will be printed. The id of the user who scheduled the command is also displayed. This field is used to identify who scheduled the command. Reports that are scheduled for imme diate execution will be listed at the to p of the queue. Reports with the same sc heduled printing time are displayed according to their order in the report scheduler queue. The first report in the queue will be displayed first. The “Job Status” field indicates the status of a report. There are four possible values; waiting, print-next, printing, and printed. The System Manager may send the output of the list report-scheduler command to the printer attached to the Management Terminal by using the print option. change report-scheduler 10 Page 1 of 1 REPORT SCHEDULER Job Id: 10 Job Status: printed Command: list configuration all Print Interval: scheduled Print Time: __21:__15 Sun:___n Mon:___y Tue:___n Wed:___y Thu:___n Fri:___y Sat:___n

Feature Descriptions 3-1038Issue 3 March 1996 Establishing the Printer Link The system will attempt to bring up the link to the Re port Scheduler printer at the b e ginning of each 15-minute time interval, provided there are reports to be printed, or when an immediate report is to b e printed. After all reports for which the link was brought up have been printed, the system will tear down the link to preserve system resources. Screen 3-39 provides another example of a ‘Report Scheduler’ screen. Screen 3-39. Report Scheduler Example 5 Considerations With the Report Scheduler and System Printer, the System Manager can schedule most list, test, and display administration commands to be printed at various times on an asynchronous printer. By scheduling these reports to print automatically at the desired times, the System Manager saves valuable time which can be used to perform other administrative duties. The System Manager can schedule a maximum of 50 individual reports. The system has a single asynchronous printer connection d edicated for use by the report scheduler. Other printers in the system include those connected to the Management Terminal, the CDR printer, and the Journal Printer. These are not used by the Report Scheduler feature. Page 1 REPORT SCHEDULER Job Id Days (smtwtfs) Time User Status Type Command 4 immediate 18:53 bcms printing immediate list bcms split 7 time hh:mm 2 nynynyn 19:00 bcms waiting scheduled list bcms split 2 time hh:mm 7 nynnnnn 19:15 bcms waiting deferred list bcms system 23 nyyyyyn 22:45 bcms waiting scheduled list bcms agent 4000 day 09/15 Note: hh:mm is used to indicate field size but is not displayed.

Report Scheduler and System Printer Issue 3 March 1996 3-1039 Reports scheduled for the same time and day are printed according to their order in the Report Scheduler queue. The first report in the queue will be printed first. In order to present the least possible imp act on system performance, it is recommended that reports be scheduled at off-peak hours and stag gered so that they are not all sc heduled to be printed at the same time. Reports that are ad ded to the scheduler queue, and are scheduled to be printed during the current time interval, will not b e printed until the next scheduled time. If a system error is encountered while trying to print a scheduled report, the error will b e printed on the report, just as it would be displayed for the same command on the ‘Management Terminal’ screen. Interactions There is only one processor board EIA port available for asynchronous output. The port c annot b e a dministered for both CDR and the Report Scheduler System Printer on the “ System-Parameter Feature” form. Also, the Re port Scheduler System Printer and the Journal Printer used with hospitality features cannot share the same printer. Administration The System Manager may schedule, list, change, and remove the desired reports as previously described in this description. Before these procedures can be d one, however, the System Manager must supply printer information on Pa ge 4 of the “ System-Parameters Features” form b y entering the following information: nPrinter Extension: ‘‘EIA’’ for the EIA port or a valid data module extension if the EIA port is not to be used. The System Manager must specify the printer link by selecting either the EIA port, if available, or a data-module extension. If the d ata-mo dule extension is chosen, the System Manager must have previously administered the extension using the add data-module command. nEIA Device Bit Rate: The speed of the printer (1200, 2400, 4800 or 9600 b aud). Default is 1200. nLines per Page: The number of printed lines per p age (24 to 132). Default is 60. Hardware and Software Requirements The asynchronous printer can be connected to the switch using either of the following methods:

Feature Descriptions 3-1040Issue 3 March 1996 nThe printer can be connected directly to the EIA port on the switch’s processor board . In this case the a ppropriate cable is required. nThe printer can be c onnected to the switch with a MPDM or a 7400A data module and a port on a TN754 Digital Line circ uit pack (TN413, TN754B support A-law). nThe printer can be connected to the switch with an ADU and a p ort on a TN726 Data Line circuit pack. There is a single EIA port in DEFI NI TY s yst em Generic 3i. There may be contention between the CDR and the Report Scheduler feature for use of this port. If the Report Scheduler feature is using the EIA port and you would like to enable the CDR feature, it is recommended that you disconnect the system printer from the EIA port and use a data module for its connection, freeing the port for use by CDR. The EIA port on the processor board is not available in a duplicated system. Therefore, the data connection to the Report Scheduler System Printer must interface through a data module. When a processor switch occurs, the link to the printer is dropped and re-established. An AT&T 475 or AT&T 572, which uses a serial interface, or compatible printer, may b e use Printer. A PC may be connected to the system printer port for collection of data; however, a serial interface on the PC must be provided for the connection.

Restriction — Controlle d Issue 3 March 1996 3-1041 Restriction — Controlled Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Allows an attendant or voice terminal user with console p ermission to activate and d eactivate the following restrictions for an individual voice terminal or a group of voice terminals: nOutward — The voice terminal(s) cannot be used for placing calls to the public network. Such call attempts receive intercept tone. nTotal — The voice terminal(s) cannot be used for placing or receiving calls. DID calls are routed to the attendant or a recorded announcement. All other calls receive interc ept tone. As an exception, the following call types are allowed: calls to a remote access extension, terminating trunk transmission tests, and Emergency Access to Attendant calls. nStation-to-Station — The voice terminal cannot receive or place station-to-station calls. Such call attempts receive intercept treatment. nTermination — The voice terminal cannot receive any calls. Incoming calls are routed to the attendant, are redirected via Call Coverage, or receive intercept treatment. To activate the desired Controlled Restriction, the attendant or voice terminal user with console permission dials the feature access code for either the extension or the group, followed by either 1 for Outward, 2 for Total, 3 for Termination, or 4 for Station-to-Station, and then dials the voice terminal extension number (Attendant Control — Extension) or the COR for a group of voice terminals (Attendant Control — COR). Considerations Controlled Restriction gives the attendant control of outward, total, station-to-station, and termination restriction for voice terminals or groups of voice terminals. All voice terminals with the same COR are affected by a group restriction. When a call is placed, both the individual and the group restrictions are checked.

Feature Descriptions 3-1042Issue 3 March 1996 Interactions The following features interact with the Controlled Restriction feature: nCall Coverage Controlled Restrictions are not checked for covering users. nCall Forwarding Controlled Restrictions for the forwarded-to extension are only checked when Call Forwarding All Calls is activated. Once calls are redirected, the forwarded-to extension’s restrictions are not checked. nCOR Both COR and Controlled Restrictions are checked when a call is authorized. nUDP Calls dialed through the UDP are not restricted by Outward Restriction. Administration Controlled Restriction is administered on a per-system basis by the System Manager. The following items require a dministration: nControlled Restriction A ctivation and Deactivation access codes. Separate access codes are needed for individual (user) and group controlled restriction. nType of Intercept Treatment for each type of controlled restriction. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Restriction — Fully Restricted Service Issue 3 March 1996 3-1043 Restriction — Fully Restricted Service Feature Availability This feature is available with G3i-Global, G3rV1, G3V2, and later releases. Description Fully Restricted Service is a Class of Restriction (COR) that prevents assigned stations from having access to public network calls. Stations have access to internal calls only. In addition, fully restricted station users cannot use authorization codes to deactivate this feature. Any calls from the public network to a station with Fully Restricted Service are redirected to intercept treatment or to the attendant. If the call is redirected to the attendant, the attendant’s d isp lay indicates the call is being redirected because of Fully Restricted Service. The reason-code displayed is FULL. When the call is redirected to the attendant, the following may be appropriate actions: nThe attendant connected with a CO call may call or intrude on the called station user. nThe attendant cannot extend, conference or bridge the redirected call. nThe attendant can place a CO call on hold and call the station with Fully Restricted Service for consultation. NOTE: The name of this feature may imply that there are no circumstances where a station with Fully Restricted Service can access or be accessed by the p u blic network. However, there are circumstances when this can occur. See the ‘‘Interactions’’ section below for specific details. Considerations There is no limit to the number of COR’s that can have the “ Fully Restricted Service” field marked y. If a user with this COR attempts a call and the call is to the public network, then the call is routed to intercept treatment. Interactions Because of interactions with other features, Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned to a station under certain conditions (even though the switch allows the assignment). Conditions that prohibit the proper operation of this feature are

Feature Descriptions 3-1044Issue 3 March 1996 called prohibitive interactions. Conditions that permit the proper operation of this feature are called allowable interactions. These interactions, b eginning with prohibitive interactions, are listed on the following page. Prohibitive nStation has Abbreviated Dialing - All the calls automatically dialed from a Privileged List are completed without any restriction checking. nStation is an Attendant - Each Attendant is assigned a COS and a COR. When the attendant is called using its assigned extension, the COR assigned in the ‘Attendant’ sc reen is used for authorization checks. Any calls redirected to the attendant group uses the COR assigned in the ‘Console Parameters’ screen for authorization checks. The attendant group and individual attendants should not be assigned a COR with Fully Restricted Service. nStation has mismatched Bridged Call Ap pearance - The a p pearance of a voice terminal’s primary extension numb er at another voice terminal is called a bridged call appearance. Calls made to the bridged call appearance uses the COR of the station that has the same primary extension as the bridged call appearance for authorization checks. Stations with Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned bridged call appearances without Fully Restricted Service as the restriction can be defeated by using the bridged appearance. nStation is a call coverage and/or Send All Calls p oint - The covering station is only checked for Fully Restricted Service when a call is redirected to coverage; no other COR checks are made. Calls from the p u blic network are not redirected to any stations that have Fully Restricted Service. When defining Call Coverage Paths, the coverage points (Point1, Point2, and Point3) c an b e an extension number, hunt group, coverage answer group, or attendant. nStation is a Call Forwarding destination for outside calls - Calls from the public network art not forwarded to a station with Fully Restricted Service instead they are terminated at the dialed station. nStation is a Call Pickup point for outside calls - A station with Fully Restricted Service cannot pickup calls from the p u blic network to another station in the same p ic kup group. nStation number is used for Night Service - The following describes the interaction with Night Service. Night Console Service directs all calls for daytime attendant consoles to a night console when Night Service is activated. The COR assigned in the ‘Console Parameters’ sc reen is used for authorization checks. Multiple Night Service Extension redirects incoming calls from specific trunk groups to assigned Night Service Extension (for that p articular trunk group) whenever Night Service is activated. The COR of the trunk group is used for authorization checks. Stations with Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned as the Night Service Extension for public network trunks, to ensure it does not receive calls from the public network. Single Night Service Extension redirects

Restriction — Fully Restricted Service Issue 3 March 1996 3-1045 attendant-seeking calls to a designated extension number whenever Night Service has b een activated and the Night Console is either not provided or not available. The COR assigned in the ‘Console Parameters’ screen is used for authorization checks. A station with Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned as the single night service extension. nFeatures that have access to an outgoing trunk with an associated queue. When a station is in an outgoing trunk queue for a p ublic network trunk and Fully Restricted Service is activated for its COR, it is still called back when a trunk becomes available and enabled to p lace a call over the public network. However, any further attempts to access a public network trunk are redirected to intercept treatment. Accessible nStation number represents a loudspeaker paging zone - Each Loudspeaker Paging Access zone is assigned a COR, which is used to check authorization on all calls to Loudspeaker Paging. Code Calling Identification is part of Loudspeaker Paging which allows different Code Calling identifications (chime signals) to be assigned to different Ac cess zones. Each Code Calling Access zone is assigned a COR, which is used to chec k authorization on all incoming calls to Loudspeaker Paging. nStation denied for Authorization Codes - An authorization c o de allows, in certain cases, a terminal user (including an attendant) to dial a four to seven digit code which changes to a new COR that overrides the COR associated with the class of user. The Authorization Code feature can be used with the Automatic Route Selection (ARS), the Automatic Alternate Routing (AAR), certain incoming trunks and/or the Remote Access features. Authorization c o des do not override Fully Restricted Service. nCentralized Attendant Service (CAS)-This involves two switches with calls extend e d by the attendant on switch A to B. Since COR information is not passed over Release Link Trunks (RLTs), Fully Restricted Service allows all CAS calls. Therefore, this feature allows a p u blic network call to be completed to a station with Fully Restricted Service. nDistributed Communication System (DCS) - Since COR information is not transparent for DCS, Fully Restricted Service allows all DCS calls. Therefore, this feature c an allow a public network call to b e completed to a station with Fully Restricted Service. nEmergency Transfer - All authorization features are bypassed when an Emergency Transfer station is connected to an Emerg ency Transfer trunk in the Emergency Transfer Mode. nHunt Group - The COR assigned to the Hunt Group is checked on calls redirected by either Direct Department Calling (DDC) or Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) of the hunt group feature. Extensions in the hunt group that have Fully Restricted Service can receive calls from the public network (via the hunt group), if the COR of the Hunt Group does not have Fully Restricted Service. Stations with Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned to Hunt Groups without Fully Restricted Service.

Feature Descriptions 3-1046Issue 3 March 1996 nStations assigned a Personal Central Office Line (PCOL) - If a station with Fully Restricted Service is assigned a PCOL, calls can still be placed to/from the PCOL. Stations with Fully Restricted Service should not be assigned PCOL. nIn a system that associates a b arrier c ode with remote access - If a barrier code is entered on connection to remote access, the barrier code’s associated COR is used for authorization checks. If remote access does not require a barrier code (because the barrier c ode length is blank on the ‘Remote Access’ screen), then the default b arrier code’s COR is used (’none’ is entered as the only b arrier code with an associated COR on the ‘Remote Access’ screen). Remote Access can require an authorization code instead of or in addition to the b arrier code. If an authorization c o de is required, the authorization code’s associated COR overrides the b arrier code’s COR. CORs assigned to remote access barrier codes and authorization codes, should have the ‘CALLING PERMISSION’ field marked n for CORs with Fully Restricted Service, so that remote access cannot call stations with Fully Restricted Service. nStations in a non-restricted Terminating Extension Group - A Terminating Extension Group (TEG) is assigned a COR for authorization checks on calls to the TEG extension. TEGs can only receive calls, they cannot originate calls. nStations that may use Through Dialing - On Through Dialing calls, the attendant’s COR applies (not the COR assigned to the calling party). Transfer and conference checks would still be d one for extensions that have Fully Restricted Service active. Also see Class of Restrictions for detailed feature interactions of restrictions. Administration Administrable items are: nCOR identifiers and their asso ciated definitions. nEach class of user is assigned a COR. Hardware/Software Requirements There is no special hardware required for this feature.