Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) Issue 3 March 1996 3-507 An event notification request for a vector-controlled ACD split extension is denied. A Call Offered to Domain Event Re port is provided to a VDN monitor for every call that enters a vector via the monitored VDN. A Queue Event Re port is provided every time a monitored call successfully queues to a split, via queue to main, check backup, or messaging split vector commands. Ad ditional queue events are provided for the same split when queuing to the same split with a different priority. The Alerting Event report provides an indication that the call has been delivered to an agent and dequeued from all splits to which calls have been queued. A specific cause value is provided if the call alerts a converse agent. A Busy Event Report for the call is sent when a busy vector command is encountered. Direct Agent calls are not included or counted as part of the conditional threshold checks (for example, oldest call waiting or numb er of calls in queue) of the call vectoring commands (for example, Check Backup Split and Goto Step). Third Party Make Call requests cannot have a VDN as the originator unless EAS is enabled. A vector-controlled split could b e adjunct-controlled as well. If it is, the more restrictive properties of each apply. A vector-controlled split is not mapped to an adjunct via administration, unless it is also adjunct-controlled. A vector-controlled split (including an EAS skill) cannot be monitored. An event notification request for a vector-controlled split is denied. VDN Return Destination does not take effect if the c all has Flexible Billing. (If all parties but the calling party drop from a call with Flexible Billing and VDN Return Destination, the call is drop ped . nCall Waiting The Call Waiting tone is used to alert an analog user when a Direct Agent call is waiting. nCDR Calls originated by the adjunct via the Third Party Auto Dial cap a bility or Third Party Make Call cap a bility are marked with the condition c o de ‘‘B.’’ Adjunct originated calls include calls originated by forcing the user off-hook after a Third Party Auto Dial request or Third Party Make Call request; calls originated by the user going off-hook and then requesting Third Party Auto Dial or Third Party Make Call. Calls originated manually from a d omain-controlled station are not marked with condition code ‘‘B.’’

Feature Descriptions 3-508Issue 3 March 1996 Starting with G3V4, for externally directed calls, the CDR record shows the redirected-to numb er as the called number and the redirected extension as the calling number. nClass of Restriction (COR) Third Party Make Call attempts are placed using the originator’s COR (voice terminal’s or split’s). The COR associated with the adjunct’s link is not used at all. For switch-c lassified calls, if the destination’s COR check fails, the call is dropped. COR checking is not done for the originator of a switch-classified call. A “Direct Agent Callin g” field on the Class of Restriction form indicates whether the user can originate and receive Direct Agent calls. If either the originating or the destination p arty of a Direct Agent call does not have the proper COR, the call is denied. In the case of adjunct routing, the COR of the associated VDN is used for calling party restriction checks. nConference/Transfer When an agent is logged into an adjunct-controlled split, Conference and Transfer can only b e done via the a gent’s data terminal, since the voice terminal is locked. A voice station user is allowed to transfer or conference monitored/controlled calls at their voice station using the switchhook flashes or the Conference and Transfer buttons. The switch reports the first switchhook flash or push of the Transfer or Conference button as a Hold Event Report. When the conference or transfer operation completes (second push of the Transfer or Conference b utton), the switch provides a Call Conferenced or Call Transferred Event Report containing a list of parties active on the call. nConsult When the c overing user presses the Conference or Transfer feature b utton and receives dial tone, a Hold Event Report is returned to all adjuncts monitoring or controlling the call. The a djunct controlling the covering user’s station receives a Call Initiated event when the covering user listens to dial tone after pressing the Conference of Transfer b utton. A Call Initiated Event Report is then returned to the covering user’s adjuncts. After the Consult button is pressed by the covering user, Alerting and Connected Event Re ports are returned to the principal’s and covering user’s a djuncts. The covering user can then conference or transfer the call. nCoverage

CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) Issue 3 March 1996 3-509 Coverage timer. When a call is redirected, the coverage time for the principal’s party is restarte d. Thus, a call may go to coverage (principal’s) after being redirected. Don’t Answer Coverage (DAC) timer. If the DAC timer is assigned to the agent receiving a Direct Agent call, and the call is redirected, the DAC timer is cancelled. It is reset to the original value later. Redirection and Coverage Calls. If a call is alerting at the coverage point and the alerting station is a station extension, the call may be redirected via the Redirect Alerting Call feature, provided the request specifies the alerting extension, not the principal. Redirection and Caller Response Interval (CRI). If a call is redirected from the principal d uring the CRI, the CRI timer is cancelled. The call then won’t go to coverag e unless the new d estination doesn’t answer. Coverage/Redirection Tone. When a call is redirected, a redirection tone is not played. nDistributed Communication Systems (DCS) Direct Agent calls cannot be ma de over a DCS link. The destination on a Direct Agent call must be an internal ACD a gent extension. Third Party Make Call, Third Party Auto Dial, and Route Select requests (excluding Direct Agent and switch-classified calls) can be placed over a DCS network. They are treated like off-switch calls. CPN/BN is usually not provided unless the call is originated from within the DCS network. When provided, it is the transparent DCS extension of the originator. nDo Not Disturb Activation of this feature by an ACD agent only blocks personal calls from terminating at the agent’s voice terminal. ACD calls (including Direct Agent and Switch-Classified) are still d elivered to the ACD agent when this feature is activated. nDrop Button Operation The operation of this b utton is not changed with CallVisor ASAI. When Drop is pushed by one party in a two-party call, the Disconnect/Drop Event Report is sent with the extension of the p arty that pushed button. The originating party receives dial tone and the Call Initiated Event Re port is reported on its domain-c ontroller. When Drop is pushed by the controlling party in a conference, the Disconnect/Drop Event Report is sent with the extension of the p arty who was dropped off the call. This might be a station extension or a group extension. A group extension is provided in situations when the last a dd e d party to a conference was a group (for example, TEG, sp lit, and announcement) and Drop was used while the group extension was still

Feature Descriptions 3-510Issue 3 March 1996 alerting (or was busy). Since the controlling party does not receive dial tone (it’s still connected to the conference), no Call Initiated Event Re port is reported in this case. nExpert Agent Selection (EAS) For G3V2 only, EAS allows incoming calls to be routed to specialized groups of agents within a larg er pool of agents. With EAS, a set of skills are assigned to ACD agents based on their login identifiers (LoginIDs) and to incoming calls based on the vector directory number (VDN) associated with the calls. Incoming calls are d elivered to the appropriate agent by matching the call’s assigned skills and the agent’s skills. When EAS is enabled all ACD hunt groups become Skill hunt groups and all ACD agents become logical agents. Also for G3V2, two types of direct agents are sup p orte d: — Physical Direct Agent Calls Physical direct agent call are always available independently of EAS. These calls can only be originated by an ASAI adjunct. — Logical Direct Agent Calls Logical Direct agent calls are only available when EAS is enabled. Logical direct agent calls can be adjunct initiate d or voice terminal initiate d and must be allowed by the originating and destination stations’ class or restriction (COR). Otherwise the call is treated as a personal call to the specified agent. nExpansion Port Network (EPN) The Expansion Interface (EI) board makes it possible for CallVisor ASAIs to terminate on an EPN as well as the Primary Port Network (PPN). It is recommended that any CallVisor ASAIs that are critical to your company’s business terminate on the PPN to enable the CallVisor ASAI to remain operational in the event of a fiber link or EI failure. Further, resources that are used by a critical CallVisor ASAI adjunct such as classifiers, trunks, announcements, and agent ports should also home on the PPN for the following reasons: — To keep these resources in service in the event of a fiber link or EI failure; and — To minimize the amount of cross carrier traffic that could degrade CallVisor ASAI response time and system p erformance. nForced Entry of Account Codes Switch-Classified Call attempts to trunk groups with Forced Entry of Account Codes are denied. Ag ents logg e d into Adjunct-controlled splits cannot enter account codes from their voice station. nHold

CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) Issue 3 March 1996 3-511 When an agent is logged into an adjunct-controlled split, Hold can be invoked only from the agent’s data terminal. The adjunct must b e able to invoke Third Party Selective Hold on behalf of a party. This party cannot be an attendant, trunk, announcement, vector, or split. When the voice terminal is not locked, and the user has a monitored or controlled call at the voice terminal, the user may place the call on hold and reconnect it to the voice terminal any number of times. A hold event is reported for calls placed on hold either via switch-hook flash, hold button, or conference/transfer button.

Feature Descriptions 3-512Issue 3 March 1996 nHot Line A Third Party Make Call request made on behalf of a voice terminal that has this feature a dministered is denied. nHunt Groups Event notification requests are not allowed for hunt g roups (other than ACD splits). Therefore, the call offered event is never sent for hunt g roups. However, the queued event is sent for hunt groups when an adjunct-monitored call queues at a hunt group. nInterflow When a monitored or controlled call interflows to another switch, adjunct notification ceases except for trunk events (for example, Trunk Seized or Drop). nIntraflow Direct Agent calls do not intraflow since they follow the agent’s coverage path, rather than the sp lit’s. nISDN The Third Party Auto Dial calls follow ISDN rules for the originator’s name and number. The Call Initiated Event Re port is not sent for en-bloc BRI sets. nISDN-PRI Facilities ISDN-PRI Facilities may b e used by either inbound or outbound adjunct monitored or controlled calls. An incoming call over an ISDN-PRI facility (if so provisioned by the network) p rovides the calling and c alled party information which is passed to the adjunct in the Event Re port and Route capabilities. An outgoing call over an ISDN-PRI facility provides call feedback events from the network (Cut-through, Alerting, and Connected). Trunk Seized Event Re port is not provid e d for outgoing calls using ISDN-PRI facilities. Switch-Classified calls always use a call classifier on ISDN-PRI facilities whether the call is interworked or not. nLast Number Dialed The destination number of Third Party Make Call and Third Party Auto Dial requests (except switch-classified call requests) is recognized as the last number dialed for the originator of the adjunct controlled call. A user pushing the last number dialed button originates a call to the number last dialed on its behalf through a Third Party Make Call or Third Party Auto Dial attemp t. A call originate d in this fashion is not adjunct-monitored. nLookahead Interflow For the receiving PBX, the Lookahead interflow information element passed in the ISDN message is included in all subsequent call offered Event Re port and Route capabilities for the call when the information

CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) Issue 3 March 1996 3-513 exists. This information element includes ANI information, if available, the originally called VDN, but does not include any digits collected via call prompting at the original switch. nMultiple Split Queuing When a call is queued in multiple splits/skill hunt groups, the ‘‘Party ID Query’’ provides, in a d dition to the originator, only one of the s plit/skill hunt group extensions in the party list. When the call is d e queued, the Alerting Event Re port provides the split/skill hunt group extension of the alerting agent. There are no other events provided for the s plits from which the call was removed. A Queued Event Report is p rovided every time a monitored or controlled call is queued to a split, or when the call requeues to the same sp lit at a different p riority. nMusic-On-Hold Music-on-Hold (if administered and available) is provided to a call placed on hold via the Third Party Selective Hold capability. nNight Service A controlled station can be a night service station. Direct Ag ent calls directed to an agent on a split with night service activated redirect to the night service extension, even if priority calling is requested. Switch-Classified calls delivered to an originating split with night service activated, redirect to the night service extension. nPersonal Central Office Line (PCOL) Members of a PCOL may b e domain-controlled. PCOL b ehaves like bridging for the purpose of CallVisor ASAI event reporting. When a call is placed to a PCOL group, the Alerting Event Report is provided to each member’s domain-controller(s). The called number information p assed in the alerting message is the default station characters. When one of the members answers the incoming call, the Connected Event Report is provided with the station which answered the call. If another members connects to the call, another Connected Event Report is provided. When a member goes ‘‘on hook’’ but the PCOL itself does not drop from the call, no event is sent b ut the state of that party changes from the connected state to the b rid ged state. The Disconnect/Drop Event Re port is not sent to each member’s domain-controller(s) until the entire PCOL drops from the call as opposed to an individual member going on hook. Members that are not connected to the call while the call is connected to another PCOL member are in the bridged state. When the only connected member of the PCOL transitions to the held state, the state for all members of the PCOL changes to the held state even if they were previously in the bridged state. There is no event sent to the bridged user domain-c ontroller(s) for this transition.

Feature Descriptions 3-514Issue 3 March 1996 All memb ers of the PCOL may be individually domain-controlled. Each receives appropriate events as applicable to the controlled station. Third Party Call Control requests are not recommended. However, Third Party Selective Hold, Third Party Merge, Third Party Reconnect, and Third Party Selective Drop are not permitted on parties in the bridged state and may also be more restrictive if the exclusion option is in effect from a station associated with the PCOL. A Third Party Auto Dial or Third Party Make Call originate at the primary extension number of a user. For a call to originate at the PCOL call appearance of a primary extension, that user must be off hook at that call appearance when the request is received. If a Party Query ID is requested while the PCOL is alerting or on hold, one party member is reported for the group with the extension number specified as the default extension. If a Calls Query is requested on an extension while the PCOL call is active, only one call appearance is associated with the particular call identifier. nPriority Calling Third Party Make Call, Third Party Auto Dial, and Route Select calls c an b e requested as priority calls. If they are, the priority Call Coverage and alerting rules a pply. Direct Agent calls can also have priority calling. In this case, the call follows priority call rules for delivery to the destination. That is, calls are delivered with three b ursts of distinctive ringing, and do not go to the covering point for Call Coverage or Send All Calls. nPrivacy-Manual Exclusion Event Re ports are not provid e d to the a djunct when the station user activates Privac y-Manual Exclusion causing other bridged users to be dropped from the call (go to the bridged state). Bridged users that are not allowed to brid ge into an existing call because the user has activate Privacy-Manual Exc lusion cannot be bridged into the call using Third Party Control capabilities (like Third Party Answer or Third Party Reconnect). nQueue Status Indications Direct Agent calls are not included or counted in any Queue Status Indications. nQueuing Direct Agent calls have priority over all non-Direct Agent calls in the split queue. Each Direct Agent call occupies a queue slot from the maximum length queue administered on the Hunt Group form. nRingback Queuing Calls originated via Third Party Make Call or Third Party Auto Dial requests to a trunk supporting Ringback Queuing or routing are not allowed to queue and a busy/reorder tone is provided to the caller.

CallVisor Adjunct/Switch Ap plications Interface (ASAI) Issue 3 March 1996 3-515 nRedirection On No Answer (RONA) An ACD call delivered to an agent is redirected when a ‘‘no answer’’ time-out limit is reached. In this case: — If the call requeues to the sp lit a Queued Event Report is generated. — If the call is delivered to another agent, an Alerting Event Re port is generated. — If the call cannot be requeued, the caller continues to listen to ringback and an Event Report is not generated. — Starting with G3V4, when a call is redirected from an agent with RONA active, prior to the RONA timer expiry, the RONA timer is cancelled. nSend All Calls If the d estination agent has Send All Calls activated, then Direct Ag ent calls go to the agent’s coverage path. If priority calling is used, then the Direct Agent call does not go to the agent’s coverage path and remains in the queue. Send All Calls can be activated/deactivated either manually or via the Request Feature cap a bility. nService Observing Service Observing may only be initiated from the observer’s voice terminal. Any type of monitored or controlled c all may b e service observed as long as the service observing criteria are met. For a switch-classified call, the o bserver is bridged onto the connection when the call is given to the monitored agent. The observer receives the warning tone after the bridging is complete (provided the warning tone option is administered). For a user-classified call, the observer is bridged onto the connection when the d estination answers. When the d estination is a trunk with answer supervision, the observer is bridged onto the call when actual far-end answer occurs. When the destination is a trunk without answer supervision, the observer is bridged onto the call after the trunk answer supervision time-out event. nSingle-Digit Dialing And Mixed Station Numbering A call routed using the Route Select capability or initiated using the Third Party Make Call or Third Party Auto Dial c a pabilities is p ermitted to use single digit dialing. nSingle-Line Voice Terminals If a single-line voice terminal user (with Automatic Answer) is lo g ged into an adjunct-controlled split and the user goes on-hook, the user is logg e d out (regardless of the work mode).

Feature Descriptions 3-516Issue 3 March 1996 For regular stations or ACD agents, third party call control may be used in conjunction with switch-hook flash operations. Appropriate events are reported. For simplicity, it is recommended that third party operations should not be intermixed with manual ones. If a user-classified call is placed on behalf of a single-line voice terminal user, the user must either be off-hook (and not busy on a call), or go off-hook within five seconds of the call setup request. Otherwise, the call origination fails. nSubnet Trunking Third Party Auto Dial Adjunct monitored or controlled calls are allowed to use Subnet Trunking. nSupervisor Assistance This feature can be accessed in the conventional way from the voice terminal if the voice terminal is not locked. In this case, the call is placed to the switch-administered sp lit supervisor. If the voice terminal is locked (under adjunct c ontrol), this feature may only be accessed via the adjunct. This feature may also b e accessed via the adjunct for voice terminals that are not locked. nTemporary Bridged Appearances The o peration of this feature has not c hanged with CallVisor ASAI. There is no event provid e d when a temporary bridged appearance is created at a multifunction set. If the user is connected to the call (becomes active on such an ap pearance), the Connected Event Re port is provided. If a user goes on hook after having been connected on such an appearance, a Disconnect/Drop Event Report is generated for the disconnected extension (bridged appearance). If the call is dropped from the temporary brid ged appearance by someone else, a Disconnect/Drop Event Report is also p rovided. Temporary bridged appearances are not supported with analog sets. Analog sets get the Call Redirected Event Report when such an appearance would normally be created for a multifunction set. The call state provided to queries on extensions with temporary bridged appearances are bridged if the extension is not active on the call or connected if the extension is active on the call. The Third Party Selective Drop request is denied for a temporary brid ged appearance which is not connected on the call. Starting with G3V4, temporary bridged appearances are not maintained at a redire cting extension after the call has disconnected. nTerminating Extension Group Members of a TEG may be domain controlled. A TEG behaves similarly to bridging for the purpose of CallVisor ASAI event reporting. If controlled stations are memb ers of a terminating group, an incoming call to the