Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Security Violation Notification (SVN) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1085 Screen 3-41. Monitor Security Violations Report (Remote Access) Screen 3-42. Monitor Security Violations Report (Authorization Code) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- monitor security-violations remote-access -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECURITY VIOLATIONS STATUS Date: NN:nn DAY MON nn 199n REMOTE ACCESS BARRIER CODE VIOLATIONS Date Time TG No Mbr Ext Barrier Code 01/08 10:55 31 5 4050 1030 01/08 10:54 31 1 4050 2345 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- monitor security-violations authorization-code -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECURITY VIOLATIONS STATUS Date: NN:nn DAY MON nn 199n AUTHORIZATION CODE VIOLATIONS Date Time Originator Auth Code TG No Mbr Barrier Code Ext 01/07 08:33 STATION 1234567 84321 01/06 07:32 TRUNK 1233555 35 14 01/03 14:22 REMOTE ACCESS 2222222 31 3 3295912 12/25 16:45 ATTENDANT 1212111 84000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Feature Descriptions 3-1086Issue 3 March 1996 Screen 3-43. Security Violations Traffic Summary Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch Name:______________ Date: xx:xx am DAY MON xx, 19xx SECURITY VIOLATIONS SUMMARY REPORT Counted Since: xx:x am DAY MON xx,19xx Barrier Codes Authorization Codes Security Security Valid Invalid Violations Originator Valid Invalid Violations xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Station xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Trunk xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Remote Access xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Attendant xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Total xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx Successful Invalid Invalid Forced Login Security Trivial Port Type Logins Attempts IDs Disconnects Violations Attempts SYSAM-LCL xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx SYSAM-RMT xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx MAINT xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx SYS-PORT xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Total xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Send All Calls Issue 3 March 1996 3-1087 Send All Calls Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Allows users to temporarily direct all incoming calls to coverage regardless of the assigned Call Coverage redirection criteria. Send All Calls also allows covering users to temporarily remove their voice terminals from the coverage path. Send All Calls is activated by pressing the Send All Calls button or by dialing the Send All Calls access code. It is deactivated by pressing the button a second time or by dialing the deactivate access code. Details of how Send All Calls is used in conjunction with Call Coverage are given in the Call Coverage feature description, elsewhere in this section. Considerations Send All Calls provides the option for all incoming calls to be sent to coverage. This is useful when a user needs to b e away from the desk temporarily. Interactions Send All Calls is used only in conjunction with the Call Coverage feature. nACD Activation of Send All Calls does not make an ACD agent unavailable for ACD calls. nAutomatic Callback Send All Calls does not work with Automatic Callback calls. nDDC/UCD Activation of Send All Calls makes a member of a DDC/UCD hunt group unavailable for calls. nInternal Automatic Answer (IAA) IAA does not apply to calls to the original called extension when the c alled voice terminal has selected Send All Calls. nConsole Night Servic e With the console in Night Service and the Send All Calls activated, the call covers after the “no answer” ring interval is reached.

Feature Descriptions 3-1088Issue 3 March 1996 Administration Send All Calls is administered by the System Manager. The following items require administration: nSend All Calls button (per voice terminal) nActivate and Deactivate access codes for Send All Calls (per system) nSend All Calls coverage criteria (per coverage path) Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Senderized Operation Issue 3 March 1996 3-1089 Senderized Operation Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Reduces the time necessary to place calls to distant locations equip ped to receive touch-tone signals (or DTMF) and allows end-to-end signaling to remote computer equipment. The number dialed and end-to-end signaling digits from voice terminals and trunks are detected by the system and regenerated for transmission over outgoing trunks. The distant end associated with the trunk must be equip ped to receive touch-tone signals. Considerations This feature provides quicker service to remote touch-tone receiving facilities. Interactions None. Administration None required. Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.

Feature Descriptions 3-1090Issue 3 March 1996 Service Observing Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Service Observing Logical Agent IDs, Service Observing VDNs, and Service Observing Remotely/By FAC are available with G3V3 a n d later releases. Vector Initiate d Service Observing is available with G3V4. Description Allows a specified user, such as a supervisor, to observe a call that involves other users while the c all is in progress. The call can b e observed on a listen-only or listen-and-talk basis. In this feature description, the term observer refers to the supervisor or other user who is observing calls. The observer can service observe a station, attendant, logical agent ID, or VDN. See Service Observing Logical Agent IDsand Service O bserving VDNs later in this chapter for more information about these o ptions. In this feature description, the term “agent” refers to the station, attendant, or logical agent b eing observed. Service Observing can be activate d in one of two ways: the Service Observe button; or Service Observing (SO) feature access codes (FAC.) See Service O bserving Remotely/By FAC later in this section for more information about using SO FACs to access Service Observing. When using a Service Observe button, Service Observing can be activated by any user with access to the voice terminal. To activate Service Observing, the observer presses the Service Observe button followed by the extension number of the agent whose calls are to be o bserved. To deactivate Service Observing, the observer can either hang up, select another call appearance, or press the Disconnect or Release button. When Service Observing is activated with the Service Observe button, the observer is in the listen-only mo de. Each ad ditional press of the Service Observe button causes the observer to toggle between a listen-only and a listen/talk connection to the call. The lamp signal indicates which mode the observer is in. The observer can observe consecutive calls without reactivating Service O bserving. In other words, as long as an observer has activated Service O bserving for a specific agent, he or she can observe that agent’s calls until Service Observing is deactivate d. An optional warning tone can be administered (on a per-system basis) to let the agent and the calling party know that someone is o bserving the call. The warning tone is a 440 Hz tone. A two-second burst of this tone is heard before the split

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1091 supervisor is connected to the call. A half-second burst of this tone is heard every 12 seconds while a call is b eing observed. The warning tone is heard by all parties on the o bserved call. It is possible for an observer to activate Service Observing for an agent’s calls even though the agent is not active on a c all. In this case, the observer enters the ‘‘waiting’’ mode until the agent receives a call. When the agent receives a call, the observer is bridged onto the call. If an agent makes an outgoing trunk call and is being observed, Service O bserving b e gins when dialing is completed. For CO trunks with answer supervision, dialing is considered comp leted when answer supervision is returned. For CO trunks without answer supervision, dialing is considered completed when the answer supervision timeout occurs. With G3V3 and later releases, when the o bserver attemp ts to activate Service Observing, the system returns different tones to indicate if he or she was successful or not. If activation of Service Observing was successful, the system returns confirmation tone. If activation was d enied, the system returns intercept, reorder, or busy tone depending upon the reason for denial. If a call becomes ineligible while being observed, the system returns ineligible tone. If a logical agent logs out while b eing observed, the system returns busy tone to indicate that the observing connection has terminated. Tones are provided whether Service Observing is accessed by a Service Observe button or Service O bserving FAC. For more information, see Service Observing User Interface later in this feature description. NOTE: The use of Service Observing features may be subject to federal, state, or local laws, rules or regulations and may b e prohibited pursuant to the laws, rules, or regulations or require the consent of one or both of the parties to the conversation. Customers should familiarize themselves with and comp ly with all a p plicable law, rules and regulations before using these features. Service Observing Logical Agent IDs When EAS is optioned, an o bserver can observe agents based on their logical agent ID rather than by the physical voice terminal where they are located. The observer c an enter the logical agent ID extension number of a logged-in agent to set up the observing connection. When the agent is being observed (based on the logical agent ID), the observer is able to monitor every ACD, p ersonal, and Direct Agent call delivered to or placed by the agent, including calls placed to the physical extension. When an observer attempts to observe a Logical Agent ID, the “ Can Be Service O bserved?” field on the “ Class of Restriction” form is used to determine if the agent can be observed. If the “Can Be Service Observed?” field is set to n, the observer receives the d enial indication of a broken flutter and interc ept tone. If

Feature Descriptions 3-1092Issue 3 March 1996 the agent is not logged in, the observer receives the d enial indication of a broken flutter lamp indication and busy tone. Only one o bserver is allowed to observe a physical station at one time. If an observer requests to observe a login agent ID extension that is at a station already being observed, the system denies the second observer. Likewise, if an observer requests to observe a physical extension that is already being observed as a logical agent ID extension, the system denies the second observer. If the logical agent logs out while being observed, the monitoring connection is dropped and the o bserver receives busy tone. Service Observing VDNs The Service Observing feature provides the option of b eing able to observe VDNs. This option allows you to select a s pecific VDN and be brid ged on to calls (one call at a time) that have just started vector processing for that VDN. The observer hears all tones, announcements, music, and speech that the caller and the agent hear and say, including Call Promp ting and caller dialing. Also, the observer hears VDN of Origin announcements, and can replay VDN of Origin announcements if that observer is at a terminal equipped with a VOA Repeat feature b utton, and they have a COR that allows the VOA announcement to be heard. Once the system makes an observing connection to a call in vector processing, it maintains the connection throughout the life of the call until the call is disconnected or until the o bserver hangs up. This is the case even if the call is routed or transferred externally. If the o bserver does not disconnect after one observed call is d isconnected, the system connects the observer to another new call on the same VDN. This type of Service Observing is listen-only as long as the call is in vector processing. Once the call is out of vector processing, observers with listen/talk capability [activated by the listen/talk Service O bserving (SO) feature access code (FAC) or the SO button] are able to talk as well as listen. More than one o bserver can observe the same VDN simultaneously. If the o ptional warning tone is administered, the warning tone is heard by the caller and the observer only when the system connects the call to the answering or route d-to internal or external destination (after vector processing is finished). The system continues to a p ply the periodic tone throughout the duration of the call even if the call is transferred off-switch. Consider using a warning announcement at the first ste p of the vector to inform the caller of p ossible monitoring since warning tone cannot be given until after the call is out of vector processing. The ability to service observe VDNs is enabled on the “System-Parameters Customer-Options” form. As with the other Service Observing capabilities, the “Service Observing” field on the “ Class of Restrictions” form must be set to y for both the observer and for the agents that received observed calls.

Service Observing Issue 3 March 1996 3-1093 If an a gent or extension to which the call is connected is already being observed, the call cannot be observed. Multiple users can observe a single VDN simultaneously. However, only one observer can be connected to a given call on the VDN. To service observe a VDN, the observer s pecifies the VDN extension in the same manner as he or she would specify a physical extension or logical agent ID extension. However, if the option is not enabled on the “System-Parameters Customer-Options” form, the observer is denied and receives a broken flutter with intercept tone. NOTE: When a VDN is observed, the name of the VDN, agent, or trunk appears on the observer’s display as each is accessed by the VDN. For example, during vector processing the VDN name is disp layed, but when the call connects to an agent, the agent name is displayed. Service Observing Remotely/By FAC This Service Observing feature allows users to observe calls on a listen-only or a listen/talk basis from a remote location or a local station using Service Observing (SO) feature a ccess codes (FAC.) This gives observers dial-up access to Service O bserving from any telephone set without a Service Observe b utton. Different FACs are required for listen-only and listen/talk observing. When observing remotely by FAC is used, the observer cannot to g gle between listen-only and listen/talk observing. Service Observing remotely can be used to observe physical extensions, logical agent ID extensions, and VDNs. O bservers who activate Service Observing by way of a FAC will hear tones to indicate the status of the o bserving in p lace of lamp signals on the voice terminal. For exam ple, o bservers will receive c onfirmation tone when Service Observing is activated. Once connected to a call, remote o bservers have all the same features and functions as local observers, with the exception of not b eing able to replay VDN of Origin announcements if the o bserving station d oes not have a VOA Re peat feature b utton, or if their COR denies them access to the VOA announcement. Remote Service Observing c an be initiate d either through Remote Ac cess to PBX services or Call Vectoring. When Service Observing occurs through the Remote Access feature, a remote user gains access to the switch via either a trunk group dedicated to Remote Ac cess or DID to the Remote A ccess extension. Remote Service Observing operates with all types of DID trunks, including ISDN-PRI, tie trunks, and DCS over analog, T1 or over ISDN PRI. When Service Observing is initiate d through the Call Vectoring feature, a remote user gains access by dialing the VDN extension or a CO trunk that has as its incoming destination a VDN extension. Using route-to commands, the Service Observing vector associated with the VDN can be designed to provide direct

Feature Descriptions 3-1094Issue 3 March 1996 access to a specific extension to be observed. Or, it can be designed to access Service Observing dial tone. If Service Observing dial tone is accessed, the observer has the option of entering the numb er of any extension they are authorized to observe. Call Prompting and Call Vectoring can be combined to provide adequate security and to limit observing capabilities. The following is a simple example of a Service Observing vector. 1.wait-time 0 seconds hearing ringing 2.collect 5 digits announcement 2300 ( “ please dial your 5- digit security code”) 3.goto step 5 if digits = 12345 4.disconnect after announcement 2000 5.collect 1 digits announcement 2310 (“enter 1 to observe sales, 2 to o bserve b illing ” ) 6.route-to number 113001 with cov n if digit = 1 (11=listen-only observe, 3001=”Sales” VDN) 7.route-to number 113002 with cov n if digit = 2 (11=listen-only observe, 3002=”Billing ” VDN) 8.goto step 5 if unconditionally See DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Call Vectoring/Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Guide, 555-230-520, for a d ditional information about creating a Service Observing vector. The ability to service observe remotely and by FACs is enabled on the “ System-Parameters Customer-Options” form. As with the other Service Observing capabilities, the “Service Observing” field on the “Class of Restrictions” form must be set to y.’