Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1145 nCall Coverage Answer Group Members in a group cannot be disassociated while there is still an incoming call to the group. In this case all sets are seen as active and therefore cannot be disassociated. If any endp oint previously administered without hardware translation is inserted into translation via TTI or station administration, that endpoint is excluded from all transactions taking place in the call coverage answer group. nCall Forwarding A station can disassociate while call forwarding is active. If a destination extension for call forwarding disassociates, call forward ing to that extension remains active. nCall Park A terminal is not allowed to be disassociated while placed in a parked state by another set. It is virtually p ut on hold. nCall Pickup The primary extension of a call pickup group cannot disassociate while a call is attempting to terminate. All secondary memb ers are allowed to disassociate while a call is terminating to a primary extension. If a call has terminated to any extension within a group, any member of the group may disassociate. If a c all has or has not terminated, and a member of a group disassociates, that memb er does not join the group for the call that is currently in progress, but is available for all subsequent calls to that group. nConference See “Hold” below. nCustomer Provided Equipment (CPE ) Alarm If a station that has been administered with a customer provided equipment alarm, enters the system translation while an alarm is active, then the newly associated station receives the alarm indication upon entering the system. nHunt Group UCD/DDC Any member of a hunt group that is not the target of the current call (not ringing), can disassociate itself. The primary (ringing) extension cannot. If any endp oint previously administered without hardware translation is inserted into translation via TTI or station administration, that endpoint is excluded from all transactions taking place in the hunt group. This means that a member does not join the other memb ers of an incoming call for one that is taking place during the ‘‘binding’’ of the station to the port location. The mem ber is a ble to join in all subsequent calls.

Feature Descriptions 3-1146Issue 3 March 1996 nHold Neither party, the one that puts another on hold, nor the one that is being held can perform disassociation. nIncoming Destination See the “station-to-Station Call” section. nIntercom Group See the “station-to-Station Call” section. nMessage Light All messages need not be delete d prior to disassociation. If a station should receive messages while it is in the untranslated state, when the terminal receives hardware translation, the message light is updated. nSend All Calls Send all calls remains active when a station becomes disassociated. nStation-to-station Call No disassociation is performed until a call is established. No disassociation can occur while a set is ringing. nTerminating Extension Group Members in a group cannot be disassociated while there is an incoming call to the group. All members of the group are seen as active, since they are ringing and busy indicator lights are flashing. If any endp oint p reviously administered without hardware translation via TTI or station a dministration, that end point is excluded from all transactions taking place in the termination extension group. This means that a member does not join the other memb ers of an incoming c all for one that is taking place during the binding of the station to the port location. The mem ber is a ble to join in all subsequent calls to the group. nTransfer After a connection has been established from the first to the third party, the second party, the one who performed the transfer, can be disassociated. Parties one and three are treated as a station-to-station call. nAttendant Because the attendant is a central focus for incoming calls, it is advisable to have the attendant in Position Busy Mode, so as to route incoming calls away from the attendant attempting to disassociate. It is possible to have the attendant in Position Available Mode and still d isassociate. Any calls queued, held, or seen as active for the attendant, prevents disassociation. nIncoming Destination

Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1147 An incoming d estination is not allowed to be disassociated while a call is in progress to that extension, regardless of whether the extension is a station or an attendant. nAttendant Night Service The night service station cannot be disassociated while in night service. For the removal of any endpoint a dministered without hardware translation while night service is activated, see that particular section. nAttendant Release Loop Operation All calls held with the release loop operation by the attendant are reclassified as attendant g roup calls if the attendant disassociates before the attendant timed reminder interval expires. nAttendant to Attendant To remove an attendant see the station-to-station section. nNight Service-Trunk Group If the night service destination is a station, disassociation operates the same way as disassociation for stations. Administration The following provides information on the administration of TTI. TTI Port Assignment A TTI Port may be assigned to other resources through the appropriate administration screen, just as if the p ort was unadministered. A TTI Port address may be assigned to an extension on the “ Station” form, for examp le. Terminal Moves and Site Data TTI can be used for implementing station moves. That is, the user disassociates the station from its port with TTI, unplugs the station from the jack, plugs the station in a another jack in a different location, and associates the station to its new port location with TTI. Certain translations is associated with the port and other translations is associated with the extension during a TTI station move.

Feature Descriptions 3-1148Issue 3 March 1996 Table 3-85 lists these associations. The ability to automatically move appropriate translation with the station is needed to prevent time-consuming manual translation changes. Administration without Hardware If a fully translated station, attendant, or data module is removed via administration, or if it is disassociated from its port by putting an X in the “Port” field on the ‘Station’ or ‘Data Module’ screen, the port becomes a Voice or Data TTI Port if TTI is set to voice or data in the system. If TTI is off in the system, then a port d isassociated from its station or d ata module becomes an unadministered port. Enabling/Disabling TTI The following is information regarding the enabling and disabling of TTI. System Parameters Customer Option Screen A “TTI” field on the “ System Parameters Customer-O ption” screen gives Services Personnel the option to turn on the TTI feature for a customer. A y (yes) after this field denotes that TTI is available; a n (no) d enotes that TTI is not available on the switch. System Parameters Features Screen If TTI is allowed on the switch via the customer option screen, a field on the ‘System Parameters Features’ screen is used to enable or disable TTI on a system wide basis. System Parameter Operation The “ TTI System Parameter” field may have one of five values: Table 3-85. Site Data Association Port Extension Building Color Floor Speakerphone Room Headset Jack number Cord length Cable Mounting

Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1149 nTTI Voice — TTI is turned on, the default translation generated for a TTI Port is for a voice or voice/data terminal, and the activation/deactivation sequence comes from a station keypad. nTTI Data — TTI is turned on, and the d efault translation generated for a TTI Port is for a stand alone data module. The activation/ deactivation sequence comes from a data terminal. nOff — TTI is turned off for the system. nSuspended — TTI was previously on for TTI Voice or TTI Data but TTI port translation generation is temp orarily prevented. Existing TTI port translations are not removed but no further translations are allowed (including via board insertions) until this flag is manually set to TTI Voice or TTI Data or Resume. nResume — When TTI is manually susp ended, the system administrator may set the “ TTI System Parameter” field to Resume. The state of TTI is then set back to what it was before TTI was manually suspended. When TTI is turned on for the system (the first two cases a bove), the following actions takes place: nIf TTI was previously turned on but in a different state for example, a voice to d ata state or vice versa, the old TTI translations are removed and the new ones a d ded on a board by board basis. nIf TTI is set to TTI Voice mode, then default TTI translations are g enerated for every unadministered port on all d igital, hybrid, and analog board s. nIf TTI Data translations exist for a digital board when TTI is set to Voice, the TTI Data translations are removed and TTI Voice translations are added in their place. nIf TTI is set to TTI Data mode, then default TTI translations are generated for every unadministered port on all d igital and data line boards in the system. nWhen TTI is set to Data, the TTI Voice translations are removed and TTI Data translations a d ded in their place. nWhenever a new digital board is inserted when the system is in TTI Data mode, or when a digital, hybrid, or analog b oard is inserted when the system is in TTI Voice mode, the unadministered ports on the board becomes TTI ports. nWhen TTI is turned off, all translation for the TTI ports are removed in the system; these ports return to an ‘‘unadministered’’ state. TTI Status Form This form checks on the status of TTI port translation generation after TTI has been turned on for the system.

Feature Descriptions 3-1150Issue 3 March 1996 Save Translation Operation All TTI port translations are saved if a ‘‘save translation’’ administration operation is requested. This lessens the impact to booting and board insertion by reading the translations from disk or tape instead of recreating them. If a ‘‘save translation’’ operation is requested while the system is actively generating TTI port translations as a result of turning the TTI system parameter on, the TTI port generation process is automatically suspended while the ‘‘save translation’’ operation executes. When the o peration finishes, the TTI port generation is automatically resumed. Transaction Logging When a set is associated or d isassociated through the use of TTI, the transaction appears in the system transaction log. This log can be displayed by the ‘‘list history’’ command on the administration console. TTI Security Code A single 1 to 7 d igit TTI security code is administrable on the ‘System Parameters Features’ sc reen. This c o de is entered during the TTI associate/disassociate sequence after the TTI associate/disassociate feature access code. It is not an optional field. Feature Access Codes The TTI Association and Disasso ciation Feature A c cess Codes must b e administered on the ‘Feature Access Cod e’ screen before any TTI transa ctions can occur. Hardware/Software Requirements None.

Terminating Extension Group (TEG) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1151 Terminating Extension Group (TEG) Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Allows an incoming call to ring (either audible or silent alerting) as many as four voice terminals at one time. Any user in the group can answer the call. Any voice terminal can be administered as a Terminating Extension Group (TEG) member; however, only a multiappearance voice terminal can be assigned a TEG button with associated status lamp. The TEG button allows the user to select a TEG call appearance for answering or bridging onto an existing call but not for call origination. When an incoming call is answered by a TEG member, a Temporary Bridged Appearance is maintained at the multiappearance voice terminals in the group. However, the Temporary Bridged Ap pearance is not visible on a call appearance. Any of the TEG members can bridge onto the call by pressing the TEG button, if assigned. For example, suppose an incoming call has been answered by a certain TEG member, and this TEG memb er does not have the needed information. If another member has the needed information, that member needs only to bridge onto the call to provide the information. The Privacy — Manual Exc lusion feature can be assigned to any or all of the multiappearance voice terminals in a TEG. This allows the answering TEG mem ber, by pressing the Exclusion button, to prohibit bridging by other group members. Pressing the button again reestablishes the bridging capability. A single-line voice terminal administered as a TEG member is rung for a TEG call if it is idle. A TEG is established by associating the individual member’s extension numb er with a TEG extension number. The mem bers have call placing and receiving privileges for their individual extension numb ers, as d efined by the assigned COR. Each TEG is also assigned a COR. The g roup COR overrides an individual member’s COR on calls to the g roup. Thus, the mem bers could be Termination Restricted, but still receive TEG calls. Considerations TEGs are useful when it is desirable to have incoming calls to a specific extension number ring more than one voice terminal simultaneously. For example, the appliance department of a large retailer might have three voice

Feature Descriptions 3-1152Issue 3 March 1996 terminals. Anyone in the department can answer the call. The salesperson most qualified to handle the call can bridge onto the call from either of the other two voice terminals. A voice terminal user can b e a member of more than one TEG, b ut can have only one TEG button for each group. A TEG can only handle one TEG call at a time. If any member of a TEG is active on a call to the TEG, a second call to the TEG waits until the first call is terminated before it rings the TEG. The TEG members have no way to know when a TEG c all is waiting. If a coverage path is assigned to the TEG, the waiting call routes accordingly. Interactions The following features interact with the TEG feature. nAutomatic Callback This feature cannot be activated for a TEG. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance Calls to a TEG cannot be bridged, except via a Temporary Bridged Appearance. nCall Coverage Calls to a TEG can be redirected to alternate answering positions whenever the Call Coverage feature is assigned and no group member is available to answer the call. If any member of a TEG is active on a TEG call, all subsequent TEG calls redirect to coverage. However, a TEG cannot serve as an alternate answering position. In other words, a TEG can have a Call Coverage path assigned, but cannot b e a p oint in a Call Coverage path. A Send Term button for the TEG can be assigned to any or all group members who have multiappearance voice terminals. When the Send Term button is pressed, all calls to that TEG redirect to coverage. The associated status lamp lights on the activating voice terminal and all other voice terminals with a Send Term b utton. Any memb er with a Send Term button can deactivate Send Term by pressing the button. The Send Term status lamp then goes dark on all voice terminals. Incoming calls are again directed to the group. nCall Park A TEG call cannot be parked on the group extension number; however, a group member answering a call can park such a call on his or her own extension number. nDDC and UCD A TEG cannot be a member of a DDC or UCD group.

Terminating Extension Group (TEG) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1153 nInternal Automatic Answer (IAA) Calls to a Terminating Extension Group extension are not elig i ble for IAA; however, calls placed to the individual extension are eligible. nLW C LWC messages can be stored for a TEG and can be retrieved by a member of the group, a covering user of the group, or a systemwide message retriever. The Voice Terminal Display feature and proper authorization can be assigned to the message retriever. Also, a remote Automatic Message Waiting lamp can be assigned to a group member to provide a visual indication that a message has been stored for the group. One indicator is allowed per TEG. nTemporary Bridged Appearance At multiappearance voice terminals in the TEG, a Temp orary Brid ged Appearance is maintained after a call is answered. This allows other members of the group to bridge onto the call. The Privacy — Manual Exc lusion feature, when activated, prevents other TEG members from bridging onto a call. A TEG member who attempts to bridge onto a call with Privacy — Manual Exclusion activated is dropped. Administration TEGs are administered by the System Manager. The following items require administration for each group: nGroup number nExtension number for the group nGroup name (for display purposes) nCall Coverage path number nGroup COR nUp to four group member extension numbers The following items can be administered to multiappearance voice terminal TEG members: nTEG button with associated status lamp. nExclusion button associated with the TEG extension number. (Keeps other group members from bridging onto an existing call.) nSend Term b utton for the TEG extension number. nRemote Automatic Message Waiting lamp (one per TEG extension number). nAudible or silent alerting.

Feature Descriptions 3-1154Issue 3 March 1996 Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware or software is required.