Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Tenant Partitioning Issue 3 March 1996 3-1135 Considerations For a comparison of the DEFINITY system G2 Tenant Services feature with G3V4 Tenant Partitioning, see the DE FI NITY Co mmunications System Generic 2 to Generic 3 Version 4 Transition Reference , 555-230-636. Capacities Interactions Tenant partition identification is not passed between switches. A network of DEFI NI TY switches will not enforce Tenant Partitioning restrictions without special administration. For example, Tenant Partitioning on a network of DEFINITY switches will not enforce tenant specific tie trunks. Administration of the following features will require special care to avoid undesired inter-tenant access. nBrid ging nCall Pickup nControlled Restriction nFacility Busy Indication nFacility Test Calls nIntegrated Directory nInter-PBX Attendant Calls nMain/Satellite/Tributary nMalicious Call Trac e nPersonal CO line nPrivate Networking (AAR) nUniform Dial Plan The function of any feature that specifies a tenant partition will be affected by tenant-to-tenant restrictions. The function of the following features is directly affecte d by Tenant Partitioning. Table 3-83. Tenant Partitioning Capacities G3vs/G3s G3i G3r Tenant Partitions20 20 100 Attendant Groups71628

Feature Descriptions 3-1136Issue 3 March 1996 nAAR/ARS Tenant partitions should not be confused with Time of Day Plan Numbers and Partition Groups in AAR/ARS. Time of Day Plan Numb ers and Partition Groups can still b e used to select one of eight route patterns for AAR/ARS routing when Tenant Partitioning is in effect nAttendant and Attendant Group Features Tenant Partitioning creates multiple attendant groups. Attendant operations such as direct station or trunk-group select (DCS/DTGS) are subject to tenant-to-tenant restrictions b oth at selection time and at split time. All calls put on hold b y an attendant from the attendant group will hear the music sourc e from the attendant group. nAttendant Control of Trunk Group Access An attendant group can only control access to trunk groups that belong to tenants that are served by that attendant group. nAUDIX, Intuity AUDIX, DEFI NIT Y AU DIX , a n d A UDI X Voice Power AUDIX voice and data ports will be subject to the same tenant-to-tenant restrictions as any other endpoint. AUDIX has the capability to restrict one group of subscribers from sending voice mail to another group of subscribers. The tenant partitioning provider will be able to create up to 10 different communities within each AUDIX that have/do not have permission to send voice messages across community boundaries. nAutomatic Wakeup The wakeup music will be the music sourc e assigned to the wakeup station’s tenant partition. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance All stations with bridged call appearances should be administered to be under control of the same tenant. nCall Coverage Tenant-to-Tenant access restrictions will a pply to coverage paths. If a tenant cannot access a particular tenant, it will not be able to access that tenant as part of another tenant’s coverage point. When an attendant is specified as part of a coverage path, the attendant group of the called tenant, not the calling tenant, is accessed. When a call goes to coverage, is answered and then put on hold, the music on hold will be the music source assigned to the tenant partition of the terminal that was originally called.

Tenant Partitioning Issue 3 March 1996 3-1137 nCall Detail Record (CDR) CDR d oes not report the Tenant Partition Number of the extension or trunk group used. The Tenant Partition Numb er must be inferred from the extension or trunk group number. nCall Pickup All stations in a call p i ckup group should be a dministered to be under control of the same tenant. nCall Vectoring/VDN A caller routed to a new destination by a vector step hears the music assigned to the new destination. nCMS CMS can be administered to provide CMS reports to each tenant. Each login to CMS can be restricted to control, on a permission basis, only those entities that are assigned to a particular tenant. Outputs to separate printers will allow any tenant to print their own CMS reports. The tenant partitioning provider will be responsible for the administration of the CMS to provide this separation of tenant permissions. nDial Access to Attendant When a tenant dials an attendant it will receive access to its assigned attendant group. nEmergency Access to the Attendant When a tenant dials emergency access, it will receive access to its assigned attendant group. nIntercept Treatment When access to the attendant is designated as intercept treatment, the caller will receive access to their assigned attendant group. nMalicious Call Trac e By d efault, Malicious Call Trace extensions are assigned to Tenant Partition 1. Therefore, if the Malicious Call Trace feature is enabled, it can be used b y any voice terminal with p ermission to call Tenant Partition 1. nMultiple Listed Directory Numbers Each Listed Directory Number is assigned to a tenant partition. nMultiple Audio/Music Sources for Vector Delay When music is administered on the wait-time vector step, the music played will b e the music source of the VDN’s tenant number. nNight Service Each tenant can have its own Listed Directory Numb er (LDN) night destination, Trunk Answer on Any Station (TAAS) port, or Night Attendant.

Feature Descriptions 3-1138Issue 3 March 1996 nPC Interfaces Each PC Interface must b e assigned to a tenant partition. nPC/PBX Connections Each PC/PBX Connection must b e assigned to a tenant partition. nPC/ IS DN Each PC/ISDN must be assigned to a tenant partition. nRemote Access Each Remote Ac c ess barrier code is assigned to a tenant. nTraffic Studies Traffic Studies do not report the Tenant Partition Numb er of the extension or trunk group used. The Tenant Partition Number must be inferred from the extension or trunk group number. nUniform Dial Plan If a Uniform Dial Plan is in p lace between switches, Tenant Partitioning identification will not be passed between the switches, and so Tenant Partitioning restrictions will not be enforced between the switches without special administration. Administration Because some features are not partitioned, sp ecial care must b e exercised during administrative assignment of those features to prevent inter-tenant access. See the “Interactions” section of this desc ription for a list of these features. Careful administration by the service provider will be necessary to ensure that: nAll stations in a call p i ckup group are under control of the same tenant nAll stations with bridged appearances are under control of the same tenant nStations in different d e partments (for the purposes of attendant services) can call each other. Each o bject (endpoint, virtual endpoint or other entity) that has an assigned COR must also be assigned a tenant partition number. The exceptions are authorization codes and fixed-assignment virtual endpoints. A “ Tenant Partition” form will need to be filled out for each tenant partition. For complete instructions for administering Tenant Partitioning see Tenant Partitioning in the DEFI NIT Y Com munications System Generic 3 Version 4 Implementation , 555-230-655, or DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 V2/ V3 Im p lem ent ati on , 555-230-653.

Tenant Partitioning Issue 3 March 1996 3-1139 Hardware and Software Requirements No a d ditional hardware is required. Multiple Music on Hold will require separate music sourc es. Tenant Partitioning requires a separate software right to use fee.

Feature Descriptions 3-1140Issue 3 March 1996 Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Feature Availability This feature is available with Generic 3rV1 and all Generic V2 and later releases. Description The TTI Feature allows a user to associate a terminal administered-without-hardware translation to a valid p ort address by dialing a special digit sequence (feature access code, TTI security code, and extension) from a terminal connected to the port. It also allows a user to disassociate a terminal from its port location by dialing a similar ‘‘disassociate’’ d i git sequence. The feature also includes the administration necessary to change unadministered ports in the switch to ‘‘TTI Ports’’ — or ports from which the TTI association sequence can occur. The TTI Feature, when used with the Administration Without Hardware (AWOH) feature, is expected to reduce costs in the initial provisioning of a system, and also aids in station and data module moves from office to office. Terminal Association from a Voice TTI Port When you go offhook, you receive dial tone and the selected call appearance light is lit on multifunction sets. Then you dial the feature access code for station TTI activation. If you are dialing from a set connected to a TTI Port and TTI is turned on for VOICE on the “System Parameters — Features” form you g et a second dialtone. Then you d ial the TTI security code. If you dial the correct code, you are allowed to continue and get a third dial tone. (If you dial the wrong code, you get intercept treatment and are dropped from the call. If you d ial a valid extension and if the extension is being changed on the ‘admin G3-MT’ or ‘G3-MA’ screen, then you g et reorder treatment.) You then dial a valid station number and receive confirmation tone. Reorder tone is also an invitation to try the association again. Reorder tone could be given if many users are trying to associate at once in which case trying again immediately probably succeeds. (The extension is valid in the system if it is within the d ialplan, is a dministered without a hardware location specified, and the set typ e of the extension matches the port type of the TTI Port making the merge request. For examp le, a d igital set typ e can only be merg ed to a port on a digital board ). As a result, the TTI Port is associated with the extension, creating a fully translated station. If there is a problem you receive intercept treatment and are dropped from the call. One reason for this might be that you are not dialing from a TTI port or the TTI i s n o t s e t t o VO ICE .

Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1141 Terminal Disassociation from a Voice Station When you g o offhook, you receive dialtone. The selected call appearance light is lit on multifunction sets. You dial the feature access c o de for station TTI disassociation. If you are dialing from a translated voice extension then you get a second dialtone. You d ial the TTI security c o de. If you dial the correct c o de, you are allowed to continue and are given a third dialtone. NOTE: If the code is dialed incorrectly, you get intercept treatment and are dropped from the call. If you dial the extension of the set you are originating from, and if the extension is being changed on the ‘admin G3-MT’ screen, you get reorder treatment. If not, the station’s p ort translation is disassociated from the station, you would get confirmation tone, and it becomes a station administered without hardware. Then d ial the extension and get the confirmation tone. Other Types of Terminals The examples given so far have b een specific for voice terminals. The TTI feature also supports attendants, data mo dules, voice/data, and ISDN-BRI terminals. Attendants The TTI port translations are the same for digital voice terminals and attendant consoles. To perform an association between a digital TTI voice port and an attendant AWOH extension, a digital voice station must be plugged into the jack assigned to the attendant console, and the TTI association digit sequence must be entered on the digital voice station. Once the TTI association has been completed for the attendant, the digital station must be unplugged and the attendant plugged into the jack. An attendant can only be separated from its extension translation via the ‘Attendant Ad ministration’ screen. A TTI disassociate request from an attendant console gives the user intercept treatment. Analog Queue Warning Ports and External Alert Ports The analog queue warning ports (used for hunt groups) and the external alert port may b e administered with an extension b ut without hardware. These types of extensions can be associated to an analog port via the TTI feature. The association must be d one by an analog set, and then the analog set is unplugged from the port. These extensions cannot be disassociated from their port location with the TTI feature. A TTI disassociate request from one of these ports gives you intercept treatment.

Feature Descriptions 3-1142Issue 3 March 1996 Data Modules There are tone and di git-sequence differences with data modules. Tone differences In the association/disassociation control flow, different tones are g iven to the voice terminal user to give the current status of the TTI operation. Instead of audible tones, status messages are displayed on a terminal connected to a data module when activating the TTI sequence through keyboard dialing. Table 3-84 lists a comparison of messages you get instead of tones. TTI must be turned on for data in the “ Change System Features Parameter” form. These status messages are: Digit sequence differences For a stand alone data mo dule, the TTI associate/d isassociate digit sequence is entered in one line at a dial promp t: nDIAL: < AWOH ext> Separate prompts are not given for the TTI security code and extension. Voice/Data terminals A station with a data terminal (DTDM) is treated the same as voice terminals in the TTI association/d isassociation procedures. The DTDM is associated/disassociated from its hardware translation at the same time the station is associated/disassociated. The TTI associate/disassociate sequence can only be initiated through the voice station for DTDM’s; it cannot be initiated through the data port. Table 3-84. Voice Terminal Tones vs. Data Terminal Display Voice Tone Data Display dial tone DIAL: confirmation CONFIRMED reorder TRY AGAIN intercept DENIED busy BUSY

Terminal Translation (with Security Measures) Issue 3 March 1996 3-1143 ISDN BRI Terminals The TTI disassociation sequence for Automatic TEI SPID initializing BRI terminals is identical to the sequence used for voice terminals. However, the association sequence is different. nDisassociation sequence: nFeature A c cess Code nSecurity Code nExtension nAssociation sequence: nConnect the station to any port to get power nProgram the SPID to the extension with which it will be associated nUnplug the station (this is necessary even if the station is connected to its intended port) nConnect the station to its intended port (this port should indicate Equipment Type: TTI Port) nReceive dial tone: nDial tone - association is complete nNo dial tone - terminal’s SPID is not an available extension number For BRI sets, dialing the TTI association sequence can be used if a user disassociates a BRI extension from its set and then wants to undo the process by reassociating the set to the same extension. Security Measures This feature may be subject to unauthorized use. A person could disrupt normal business functions by disassociating voice or data terminals. The administrator or system manager can help protect against this action b y changing the security code often. Another step is to remove the Feature Access Code from the system when it does not need to be used (for example, there are no moves going on at present). Consult the BCSystems Security Handbook, 555-025-600, for a d ditional steps to secure your system and find out about obtaining information regularly about security developments. Considerations The total numb er of translate d voice terminals and Voice TTI ports in a system is limited to the maximum number of administered stations supported in the system. The total numb er of translate d data terminals and Data TTI ports in a system is limited to the maximum number of administered data modules allowed

Feature Descriptions 3-1144Issue 3 March 1996 in the system. Each time a station is unmerged from a port, two station records are created. When the maximum number of administered stations is reached, they are no longer available for TTI. The provisioning p rocedures indicate that TTI should be set to TTI Voice first and then to TTI Data. The reason for the preference in order is to reduce the chance of a user trying to use TTI on a data-only terminal that d oes not have TTI Port Translation. This can happen because the number of voice terminals allowed by the system is twice the number of data terminals. For examp le, if the system limit for voice terminals is 15,000 and 7,500 for data, then when TTI was turned on for Data first, only the first 7,500 unadministered ports would get TTI port translations. These 7,500 ports may not be the ‘‘correct’’ 7,500 ports. The TTI Feature, when used with the Administration Without Hardware feature, is expected to reduce costs in the initial provisioning of a system, and also aids in station and data mo dule moves from office to office. Interactions The following describes how association/disassociation affects other features in use or active at the time the association/d isassociation is performe d. Some functionality is limited to multibutton sets. nAutomatic Callback If a station becomes disassociated while a normal station has automatic callback activated for that station, the normal stations auto-callback light is turned off and the auto-callback sequence is broken. nBrid ged Call Ap pearance If a station has a bridged call appearance of another station, that is off hook, the station administered with the brid ged call appearance can disassociate at any time and not disrupt the call in progress on the bridge. If a station with a bridged appearance of a normal station associates itself while the extension for the bridged appearances involved in the call, that station associating itself can join the call after it has completed the association sequence. Disassociation cannot b e performe d from a bridged call a p pearance. Disassociation (TTI) of a station must be performed from the p ort on which the set resides. nCall Coverage If a station disassociated while send-all-calls or goto-coverage is active, then these features remains active while the station has no hardware translation.