Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-81 1. Only EPNs in G3r can be DS1-remote EPNs. 2. Small systems refer to the 2-carrier cabinet systems no longer sold to new customers. 3. MCC includes the Medium Cabinet. 4. The number of appearances is the sum of p rimary and bridged appearances; at most 10 c an be primary. A maximum of 54 administrable buttons are supported for the 7434D terminal — 34 b uttons in the basic terminal and 20 additional buttons in the coverage module. 5. Does not ap ply to conferencing . Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Cabinets Expansion Port Network (EPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC 1) N/A N/A 2 43 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC 1) N/A N/A 8 164 Small (Upgrades only) 2N/A N/A 2 41 Int er-P ort Network Connectivity Port Networks 1 1 3 44 Maximum Number of Port Networks per Cabinet 1 1 1 2 Switch Nodes (Simplex) N/A N/A NA 3 Switch Nodes (Duplex) N/A N/A NA 6 DS1 Converter Complex (Simplex) N/A N/A NA 41 DS1 Converter Complex (Duplex) N/A N/A NA 82 Processor Port Network (PPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC) 3N/A N/A 1 1 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) or Enhanced Single-Carrier Cabinet (ESCC)N/A 4 4 NA CSCC 1 N/A NA NA Call Appearances Bridged Images per Appearance 7 7 7 15 Call Appearances per Station 454 54 54 54 Maximum App earan ces per Extension 10 10 10 10 Minimum Appearances per Extension 0 0 0 0 Total Brid g ed A p pearanc es 400 400 2,400 25,000 Maximum Simultaneous Off-Hook per Call 55555

System Parameters A-82Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. All references to Hosp itality Parameter Reduction on the Customer O ption form have b een removed from the Cap acities Tables. 2. The maximum number of users per coverage path is equal to the number of extensions. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Call Coverage Coverage Answer Groups (CAG) 30 30 200 750 Coverage Paths 1150 150 60 0 7, 50 0 Coverage Paths Including in Call Coverage Report 100 100 100 100 Coverage Paths per Station 4 4 4 4 Coverage Points in a Path 3 3 3 3 Remote Coverage Points 225 225 225 225 Maximum Users per Coverage Path 2700 700 3,500 36,065 Members per Call Answer Group 8 8 8 8 Call Detail Recording Int ra-Switch Call Trackable Extensions 100 100 1,000 5,000 Maximum Number of CDR R e c ord s Buffered in Switch 300 300 300 1,900 Number of Records Buffered for the Primary Output Device to Cause Secondary Device to be Busied Out for 2 Minutes200 200 20 0 1, 80 0 Call Forwarding Call Forwarded Digits (off-net) 16 16 16 16 Call Forwarded Numbers 400 400 2,400 25,000 Call Park Attendant Group Common Shared Extension Numbers 10 10 80 80 Number of Parked Calls 180 180 723 10,604 Call Pickup Groups Call Pickup Members per Group 50 50 50 50 Call Pickup Members per System 400 400 2,400 25,000 Number of Groups 100 100 800 5,000

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-83 1. Measured limits depend on the CMS release used. 2. Proprietary, exists in G3V3 only. 3. Simultaneous 3-way Conference Call = (483 / 3)* number PNs. 4. Simultaneous 6-way Conference Call = (483 / 6)* number PNs. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Call Vectoring Maximum Skills a Call Can Simultaneously Queue to NA/3 3 3 3 Prio rit y Le vels NA /4 4 4 4 Recorded Announcement/Analog NA/128 128 128 256 Steps per Vector NA/32 32 32 32 Vector Directory Numbers NA/100 100 512 20,000 CMS Measured VDNs 1NA /10 0 100 51 2 2, 00 0 Vectors per System NA/48 48 256 512 Number of Collected Digits for Call Promp ting NA/16 16 16 16 Number of Dial-Ahead Digits for Call Promp ting NA/24 24 24 24 Vector Routing Ta bles NA/5 5 10 100 CallVisor ASAI Active Station Control Association N/A 250 2,000 6,000 Call Controllers per Call N/A 1 1 1 Call Monitors per Call N/A 14 14 14 Station Controllers per Station N/A 2 2 2 Maximum Simultaneous Call Classifications N/A 40 40 400 Numb er of CallVisor ASAI Links (Open and Proprietary) 2N/A 4 8 8 Notification Requests (Monitors) N/A 50 170 2,000 Simultaneous Active Call Controlled Calls N/A 75 300 3,000 Swit c h to Ad jun c t Associations (Routing) N/A 127 127 127 Number of Open MultiQuest Billing Requests N/A 25 100 1,000 Maximum Calls With Send DTMF Active N/A 16 16 32 Selected Listen - Disconnect Paths N/A N/A N/A N/A LAN Gateway Circuit Pack Maximum Links N/A 4 4 4 Conference Parties6666 Simultaneous 3-way Conference Calls 316 1 161 48 3 7, 08 4 Simultaneous 6-way Conference Calls 480 80 24 0 3, 52 0

System Parameters A-84Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. Login IDs count against the “Extensions” switch capacity. 2. These numbers are Uniform Dialing Plan (UDP) entries. 3. The Integrated Directory Entries = Stations + Attendant Consoles. 4. Used for PCOL g roups, common shared extensions, ac cess endpoints, administered TSCs, c ode calling IDs, LDNs, hunt groups, announcements, and TEGs. 5. The Number of Names = number of stations + attendant c onsoles + trunk g roups + digital data endpoints + miscellaneous extensions. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Data Parameters Administered Connections NA/24 24 128 128 Alp ha nu me ric Di al ing Maximum Entries 50 50 200 1,250 Characters per Entry 22 22 22 22 PRI En d p o in ts (PE )NA/25 25 25 50 A c cess End points (Number of Trunks) 50/100 100 400 4,000 Digital Data Endpoints75 75 800 7,500 Dial Plan DID LDNs 8 8 8 20 EAS A g e nt Lo g i n I D s 1NA/450 450 1,500 10,000 Extensions 700 700 3,500 36,065 Extension Number Portability 2NA/240 240 10,000 50,000 Feature Dial Access Codes 77 77 77 77 Numb er of Access Codes 70 70 70 70 Numb er of Digits 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 Integrated Directory Entries 3407 407 2,416 25,028 Maximum Extension Size 5 5 5 5 Minimum Extension Size 1 1 1 1 Miscellaneous Extensions 4150 150 900 3,317 Names Number of Names 5648/664 664 4,215 36,511 Number of Characters in a Name 15 15 15 15 Non-DID LDNs 50 50 50 666 Prefix Extensions Yes Yes Yes Yes

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-85 1. All references to Hosp itality Parameter Reduction on the Customer Option form have been removed from the Cap acities Tables. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Dial Plan (Continued) Trunk Dial Access Codes Number of Ac cess Codes 49/65 65 317 884 Number of Digits 1-4 1-4 1-4 1-4 Do Not Disturb (DND) DND Requests per System 400 400 2,400 25,000 Simultaneous Display Requests 10 10 10 30 Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Skill Groups NA/24 24 99 255 VDN S kill Pre fe ren c e sNA/3 3 3 3 Maximum Skills a Call Can Simultaneously Queue to NA/3 3 3 3 Agent Login IDs NA/450 450 1,500 10,000 Maximum Skills per AgentNA/4 4 4 4 Maximum Agents that can b e Log ged-In When Ea ch Has 4 Skills Assig ne d NA/37 37 125 1,300 When Ea ch Has 1 Skill AssignedNA/150 150 500 5,200 Facility Busy Indicators Buttons per Tracked Resour ce 100 100 100 500 Num b e r o f In d i c a to rs (Sta tio n an d T ru nk Groups) 450 450 3,600 10,000 Hunt Groups Announcements per Group 1 1 1 1 Ann ou n c em ent s p er System 128 128 128 25 6 Gr ou p s 112/24 24 99 255 Group Members per Group 150 150 200 999 Group Members per System 150 150 500 5,200 Queue Slots per Group 200 200 200 999 Queue Slots per System 200 200 1,000 10,500

System Parameters A-86Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. The Last Number Dialed Entries = Stations + Digital Data Endpoints + Attendant Consoles. 2. Leave Word Calling is available in the ABP only if the Voice Mail Option is purchased. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Intercom Translation Table (ICOM) Aut om at i c /M an ua l a n d Dia l ICOM groups per system 10 10 32 256 Au to/ Ma nu al 10 10 32 25 6 Dial 10 10 32 256 Members per ICOM group Auto 32 32 32 32 Dial 32 32 32 32 Members per System 320 320 1,024 8,192 Last Number Dialed Entries per System 1482 482 3,216 32,518 Number of Digits 24 24 24 24 Leave Word Calling (Switch-Based) 2 Messages Stored 650 650 2,000 6,000 Messages per User 125 125 125 125 Remote Message Waiting Indicators Per Extension 80 80 80 80 Per System 240 240 240 1,250 Simultaneous Message Retrievers 60 60 60 400 System-Wide Message Retrievers 10 10 10 10 Malicious Call Trace Maximum Simultaneous Traces 16 16 16 16 MLDN Via Direct Inward Dialing 8 8 8 20 Via Direct Inward Dialing with Tenant Partition 20 20 20 100 Via CO 99 99 99 99 Modem Pool Groups Mod e 2/Analog Group Members per System 64 64 160 2,016 Number of Groups 2 2 5 63 Members per Group 32 32 32 32

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-87 1. The actual limit in the software is 63, but due to p erformance c onsiderations the recommended number of DCS Nodes is 20. 2. These are node number ad dresses. 3. Only p ort slots are included in this count. For example, there are 100 p ort slots per MCC EPN cabinet. One slot in the c abinet is already d edicated for the Tone/Clock board. Other service c ircuits may b e required that would further reduce the number of port slots available. In G3r and G3si carriers, the service slot may be equipped with service boards that do not require tip and ring connections Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Networking CAS Nodes NA/99 99 99 99 DCS No d e s 1 BX. 25 NA/ 20 20 20 20 ISDN PRI NA/20 20 20 20 Hyb rid NA/20 20 20 20 ENP N o d es 2NA/999 999 999 999 Paging Code Calling IDs 125 125 125 125 Loudspeaker Zones 9 9 9 9 Partitions Attendant Group 15 15 15 27 Ext. P art iti on Group 8 8 8 8 Extension Partition 8 8 8 8 Tenant Partition 20 20 20 100 Personal CO Lines (PCOL) PCOL A p pearanc es 4 4 4 16 PCOL Li ne s (Tru nk Gro u p s) 15 15 20 0 20 0 PCOL Trunks Per Trunk Group 1 1 1 1 Port Circuit Pack Slots 3 Per Expansion Port Network (EPN) MCC Standard Reliability N/A N/A 99 99 SCC Standard Reliability N/A N/A 71 71 Small Cabinet Standard Reliability (Upgrade only) N/A N/A 39 39

System Parameters A-88Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. The G3r has been resized to 4000 q ueue slots for the 10 boards maximum (only 1,000 is needed for one board), since common pool architecture requires a greater number of total queue slots. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Port Circuit Pack Slots (Continued) Per Processor Port Network (PPN) MCC Standard ReliabilityN//A N/A 89 80 SCC S ta nda rd Rel ia b i lit y NA N/A 64 NA ESCC Sta n d a r d Re li a b i li ty N/A 7 0 70 NA CSCC Stan dard Reliability 10 N/A NA NA Recorded Announcements Analog an d Auxiliary Trunk Announcements Analog and Auxiliary Trunk Queue Slots p er Announcement50 50 150 1,000 Analog & Auxiliary Trunk Queue Slots per System 50 50 150 1,000 Calls Connected per Announcement Auxiliary Trunk 50 50 150 1,000 Analog Port 50 50 150 1,000 Integrated Announcements Integrated Announcement Circuit Packs 1 1 5 10 Channels Connected per Integrated Announcement Circuit Pack16 16 16 16 Calls Connected per Integrated Announcement 25 25 50 1,000 Integrated Announcement Recording Time (Minutes:Secon ds) 16 KB recording 8:32 8:32 8:32 8:32 32 KB recording 4:16 4:16 4:16 4:16 64 KB recording 2:8 2:8 2:8 2:8 Integrated Queue Slots per System 125 25 50 4,000 Total Recorded Announcements 128 128 128 256

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-89 1. 241 simultaneous circuit-switched calls per port network, exc ept for G3vs and G3si with 180 and G3r with 7,712 (limited by number of call records sup ported). 2. G3V4 uses TN744 Call Classifier for b asic TTR usage as well as call p rompting/call c lassification/MFC. Also, the TN2182 Tone/Clock/Detector is used for multiple tone detection functions. The number of TN748, TN420, or TN744 boards is limited only by the number of available slots. The numb er of TN2182 boards is limited. There is a single limit on the total numb er of tone receiver (classifier) p orts for the system: TN748/TN420 have 4 ports for TTR use, TN748/TN4 20 h ave 2 p orts for GPTD use, TN744 has 8 p orts for call prompting /call classification/MFC/TT R/GP TD use, and TN2182 has 8 ports for call p r o m p tin g / c a ll c l assi fi c a tio n/ MF C/T TR/ GPTD use. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 System Administration Number of Logins 15 15 15 15 Administrable History File Entries 50 50 500 1,250 Simultaneous Administration Command 1 1 1 5 Simultaneous Maintenan ce Command 1 1 1 5 Sim ulta ne ou s SM S ession s 3 3 5 8 Prin te r Qu eu e S ize 50 50 50 50 Speech Synthesis Circuit Packs66640 Channels per Speech Circuit Pack 4 4 4 4 Terminating Extension Groups (TEG) TEGs 323232 32 Users That May Share a TEG 4 4 4 4 Time Slots Simultaneous Circuit-Switched Calls 1180 180 723 7,712 Total Slots 512 512 1,536 22,528 Time Slots for Voice & Data 483 483 1,449 21,208 Time Slots per Port Network 512 512 512 512 Tone Classifiers Tone Receivers (General) 280 200 200 840 Call Classifier Boards N/A N/A NA NA Classifiers / Prompting TTRs N/A N/A NA NA Tone Detector Boards N/A N/A NA NA General Purpose Tone Detectors N/A N/A NA NA Touch-Tone Receivers N/A N/A NA NA TTR Queue Size 4 4 4 4 Prompting TTR Queue Size NA/80 80 80 80

System Parameters A-90Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. Only one Processor Interface (PI) c ircuit pack is sup ported in G3vs (CSCC) and G3s (ESCC) configurations, therefore a total of 4 physical links (used for BX.25 or PRI) are available. PRI interface via the PI is not available in Germany. PRI interface via the Packet Controller is used. 2. PRI interface via the Packet Controller is not available on G3vs. Therefore, PRI is not available on G3vs in Germany. Other Countries must use the PI when they have the G3vs configuration. 3. All references to Hosp itality Parameter Reduction on the Customer Option form have been removed from the Cap acities Tables. Table A-5. Maximum System Parameters for G3V4 Release 3.0 — continued ITEMG3vsV4 ABP/PBP G3siV4 G3siV4 +m G3rV4 Trunks DS1 Circuit Packs 8 8 30 166 Queue Slots for Trunks 32/64 64 198 1,332 PRI Interfaces via PI 1NA/4 4 8 NA PRI Int erf a c es via PAC C O N 2N/A 8 30 NA PRI Interfaces via PKTINT N/A N/A NA 166 PRI Temporary Sig naling Connections TSCs in System N A/164 164 656 4,256 Call Associated TSCs NA/100 100 400 4,000 Non-Call Associated TSCs NA/64 64 256 256 Administered TSCs NA/64 64 128 128 Ring b ack Queue Slots 32/64 64 198 1,332 Total PRI Interfaces NA/4 8 30 166 Trunk Groups Hourly Measurements 25 25 25 75 Trunk Groups in the System 16/32 32 99 666 Trunk Memb ers in a Trunk Group 50 99 99 255 Trunks in System (Including Remote A c cess) 350/100 100 400 4,000 Measured Trunks in System 50 100 400 4,000