Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Feature A c cess Issue 3 March 1996 A-11 Dial and Button Access The following features or feature options can be activated and/or deactivated by dialing the assigned Feature Ac c ess Code; they can also b e assigned to a button for button access. nAbbreviated Dialing: — List 1 — List 2 — List 3 — Program nAgent Call Handling — Manual-In — Auto-In — Auxiliary Work — After Call Work — Assist — Release nAutomatic Wakeup: — Auto Wakeup Entry — Failed Mess a ges Wakeu p nCall Forward Busy/Don’t Answer nCall Forwarding All Calls nCall Park and Call Park Answer Back nCall Pickup nDo Not Disturb nEmergency Access to the Attendant nHunt Group Make Busy (activate and deactivate) (associated with Direct Department Calling and Uniform Call Distribution) nLast Numb er Diale d nLeave Word Calling: — Malicious Call Trac e — Cancel a Message — Display Module Lock — Store a Message

System Parameters A-12Issue 3 Marc h 1996 nPriority Calling The Priority Calling access code and extension numb er to be called, or the Priority Calling access c o de only, can be assigned to an Ab breviated Dialing button. nSend All Calls (associated with Call Coverage) nService Observing Feature Status Button Indicators The following buttons are not operational, but can be assigned to indicate the status of a feature or feature option. The light associated with the b utton lights when the assigned feature or o ption is active or is in use. nGroup Call (Lights to indicate that an incoming call is associated with a Call Coverage Answer group, a Direct Department Calling group, or a Uniform Call Distribution group.) nLock (Associated with the Voice Terminal Display; lights when activated and means that Leave Word Calling message retrieval is denied from that terminal. Other display mo des still work, including Coverage Message Retrieval.) Overview This a p pendix provides information on the overall characteristics and capacities of the system. System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits The maximum p arameters for the DEFINITY® Communications System Generic 1 and Generic 3 hardware and software items are liste d on the following pages. Unless otherwise noted, these parameters apply to both the Single-Carrier Cabinet and Multi-Carrier Cabinet systems. Also: nFor G3sV1/G3sV2 and G3vsV1/G3vsV2, when a capacity limit is the same for Advantage Business Package (ABP) and Premier Business Package (PBP), the common limit is listed. When a c a pacity limit for ABP and PBP differ, the ABP limit is g iven first followed by the PBP limit.

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-13 nTerminal and digital station capacities are reduced by such administered items as: attendant consoles, number of EAS login IDs, and number of ACD agents nMost G3iV1 and G3i-Global capacity limits are the same. In the few cases where a G3i-Global capacity limit differs from the corresponding G3i capacity limit, the G3i limit is given followed by the G3i-Global limit in parenthesis. NOTE: Not all maximum capacities listed in the following tables can be reached simultaneously with all versions or all configurations of the system.

System Parameters A-14Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. 100,000 for G3rV3 2. For Single-Carrier Cabinets (SCC), only four BX.2 5 p h ys i c al links are supported in G3sV2 and G3iV2. Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Abbreviated Dialing (AD) AD Lists per System 200 200 1,600/2,400 5,000 AD List Entry Size 24 24 24 24 AD Entries per System 12,000 2,000 10,000/12,000 50,000 Enhanc ed List (System List) NA/1 NA/1 1 1 Maximum Entries NA/1,000 NA/1,000 1,000 1,000 Group Lists 100 100 100 100 Ma xim um E ntr ies 90 90 90 90 Group Lists per Extension 3 3 3 3 System List 1 1 1 1 Ma xim um E ntr ies 90 90 90 90 Personal Lists 200 200 1,600/2,400 5,000 Ma xim um E ntr ies 10 10 10 10 Personal Lists per Extension 3 3 3 3 Applications Adjuncts CallVisor ASAI Adjuncts NA/NA NA/4 8 8 Asynchronous Links (RS-232) 5 5 5 10 CDR Output Devices 2 2 2 2 Journal:System Printer 2:1 2:1 2:1 2:1 Property Management Systems 1 1 1 1 BX.25 Physical Links 244 816 Application Processors (such as 3B2-MCS)11 17 AUDIX Adjunc ts 1 1 1 8 CMS Adjuncts 1 1 1 1 ICM Adjuncts ISDN Gateway NA/1 NA/1 1 1 BX.25 Processor Channels 64 64 64 128 Hop Channels 64 64 64 128

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-15 1. AAR is not an optional feature in G3sV2 ABP. 2. ARS is available in G3s if the Automatic Route Selection Op tion is selected. 3. This is the number of 12 character inserted-digit-strings available for AAR/ARS preferences. Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 ARS/AAR 1, 2 AAR/ARS Patterns (Shared) NA/40 NA/40 254 640 ARS/AAR Table Entries (NPA, NXX, RXX, HNPA, FNPA)2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 Choices per RHNPA Table 12 12 12 12 Digit Conversion Entries 300 300 300 400 AAR/ARS Digit Conversion Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 23 23 23 23 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 18 18 18 18 AAR/ARS Sub-Net Trunking Digits Deleted for ARS/AAR 23 23 23 23 Digits Inserted for ARS/AAR 36 36 36 36 Entries in HNPA & RHNPA Ta bles 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 FRL s 8 8 8 8 Inserted Digit Stri n g s 3450 450 1,200 3,000 Patterns for Measurement Shared Patterns for Measurement 20 20 20 25 RHNPA Tab les 32 32 32 32 Routing Plans 8 8 8 8 Toll Tables 32 32 32 32 Entries per Toll Table 800 800 800 800 Trunk Groups in an ARS/AAR Pattern 6 6 6 16 UDP (Entries) NA/240 NA/240 240 50,000 TO D C h a r t s 8 8 8 8

System Parameters A-16Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. For G3vs, there c an be four d ay consoles if there are no night consoles. Three of the four must be powered by auxiliary power. 2. This number is the same as the number of trunk groups in the system. 3. The ‘‘Maximum number of queue slots’’ is referred to as ‘‘emergency ac cess queue length’’ in G1. Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Attendant Service Attendant Consoles (day:night) 14:1 6:1 6:1/15:1 27:1 Atten dant Console 100s Groups/Attendant20 20 20 20 Atten dant Control Restriction Gr oup s 64 64 64 96 Centralized Attendant Service Release Link Trunks at Branch NA/99 NA/99 99 99 Release Link Trunk Group at Branch NA/1 NA/1 1 1 Release Link Trunks at Main NA/100 NA/100 400 4,000 Release Link Trunk Group at Main 2NA /32 NA/ 32 99 66 6 Other Access Queues Maximum Number of Queues 1 1 1 (12) 12 Maximum Number of Queue Slots 330 30 50/ 80 80 Size range of Reserved Queue NA NA NA (2-75) 2-75 Rese rved Queue Def au lt Size NA NA NA (5 ) 5 Queue Length 30 30 30/80 300 Switched Loops/Console 6 6 6 6 Authorization Authorization Codes 1,500 1,500 5,000 90,000 Classes of Restriction 64 64 64/96 96 Classes of Service 16 16 16 16 Length of Authorization Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of Barrier Code 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-7 Length of Forced Entry A c count Codes NA/1-15 NA/1-15 1-15 1-15 Restricted Call List 1 1 1 1

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-17 Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Authorization (Continued) Remote Access Barrier Codes 10 10 10 10 CDR Forced Entry Account Code ListNA/1 NA/1 1 1 Toll Call List 1 1 1 1 Unrestricted/Allowed Call Lists 10 10 10 10 Total Call List Entries 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Automatic Callback Calls20 20 160 /2 40 1,00 0 Automatic Wakeup Simultaneous Display Requests 10 10 10 10 Wakeup Requests per System 200 200 1,600/2,400 10,000 Wakeup Request per Extension 1 1 1 1 Wakeup Requests p er 15-minute Interval 150 150 300 950 Basic CMS Daily Summary Reports 7 7 7 7 Measured Agent Logins, 75 for G3vs and G3s, 200 for G3i, and 600 for G3r75 75 20 0 20 0 Measured Splits 12/24 12/24 99 99 Measured Trunk Groups 16/32 16/32 99 32 Measured VDNs NA/24 NA/24 99 512 Re porting Periods (30 or 60 min) 25 25 25 25 Number of Terminal User IDs 5 5 5 8

System Parameters A-18Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. 43 for G3rV3 for MCC 164 for G3rV 3 f or SCC 41 for G3rV3 for Small 44 for G3rV3 for Port Networks 3 f or G3rV 3 f or S wit c h Nod e Carriers (Simplex) 6 f or G3rV 3 f or S wit c h Nod e Carriers (Duplex) 41 for G3rV3 for DS1 Converter Complex (Simplex) 2. The EPNs in G3r can be DS1-remote EPNs. 3. Small systems refer to the two-carrier cabinet systems that are no longer sold to new customers. 4. MCC includes Medium Cabinet. Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Cabinets Expansion Port Network (EPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC) 1,2NA NA 2 21 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) 1,2NA NA 8 80 Sm al l 1 (Upgrades only)3NA NA 2 20 Int er-P ort Network Connectivity Port Networks 111 322 Maximum Number of Port Networks per Cabinet11 12 Switch Node Carriers 1 (Simplex) NA NA NA 2 Switch Node Carriers 1 (Duplex) NA NA NA 4 DS1 Converter Complex 1 (Si m p le x) NA NA N A 20 DS1 Converter Complex 1 (Duplex) NA NA NA 40 Processor Port Network (PPN) Multi-Carrier Cabinet (MCC) 4NA NA 1 1 Single-Carrier Cabinet (SCC) or Ehanced Single-Carrier Cabinet (ESCC)NA 4 4 NA Compact Single-Carrier Cabinet (CSCC)1NA NANA Remote Mod ules Remote Port Network NA NA 2/1 21

System Hardware and Software Capacity Limits Issue 3 March 1996 A-19 1. The number of call appearances is the sum of primary and bridged appearances; at most ten can be primary. A maximum of 54 administrable buttons are supported for the 7434D terminal — 34 b uttons in the basic terminal and an additional 20 buttons in the coverage module. 2. Does not ap ply to conferencing . 3. Only available with ABP when AT&T Voice Powe r adju nct (A UDIX, AUDIX Voi ce Power, AUDIX Voice Power Lodging, and DEFINIT Y A UDIX) are u sed . 4. The maximum number of users per coverage path equals the number of dial plan extensions (including hunt groups, TEGs, etc.). 5. 1,000 for G3iV3/5,000 for G3rV3 10,604 for G3V3 6. The CDRU ad junc t c a pacity is 40,000 calls per hour, and exceeds the system c all capacity for all systems exc ept for G3r. Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Call Appearances Bridged Images per Appearance 7 7 7 15 Call Appearances per Station 154 54 54 54 Maximum App earan ces per Extension 10 10 10 10 Minimum Appearances per Extension 2 2 2 2 Total Brid g ed A p pearanc es 200 200 1600/2,400 10,000 Maximum Simultaneous Off-Hook per Call 25555 Call Coverage Coverage Answer Groups (CAG) 30 30 200 500 Coverage Paths 150 150 600 5,000 With Hospitality Parameter ReductionNA/5 NA/5 5 5 Coverage Paths Including in Call Coverage Report100 100 100 100 Coverage Path per Station 34444 Coverage Points in a Path 3 3 3 3 Maximum Users/Coverage Path 4500 500 29 00 ( 35 00 ) 21 ,87 5 Members per CAG 8 8 8 8 Call Detail Recording CDRU Trackable Extensions 200 200 1,600/2,400 10,000 Intra-switch Call Trackable Extensions 5100 100 100 500 Number of CDRUs per System 62222

System Parameters A-20Issue 3 Marc h 1996 1. The total of VDN, Station, an d Log in ID extensions cannot exceed 25,000. 2,000 for G3rV3 7,084 for G3rV3 for Simultaneous three-way Conference Calls 3,520 for G3rV3 for “Simultaneous six-way Conference Calls” Table A-1. Maximum System Parameters for G3V1 — continued ITEMG3vsV1 ABP/PBPG3sV1 ABP/PBPG3iV1/ G3i-Global G3rV1 Call Forwarding (Follow-me) Call Forwarded Digits (off-net) 16 16 16 16 Call Forwarded Numbers 200 200 1,600/2,400 10,000 Call Park Attendant Group Common Shared Extension Numbers10 10 10 40 Number of Parked Calls 5180 180 723 5,302 Call Pickup Groups Call Pickup Members per Group 50 50 50 50 Call Pickup Members per System 200 200 1600/2400 10,000 Number of Groups 100 100 800 5,000 With Hospitality Parameter ReductionNA/5 NA/5 5 5 Call Vectoring/Call Prompting Expert Agent Selec tion Skill Groups NA NA NA NA VDN Skill Preferenc es NA NA N A NA Mul tip le Skil ls pe r Ca ll NA NA N A NA Mul tip le Skil ls pe r Ag en t NA NA N A NA Agent Login IDs NA NA NA NA Multiple Splits per CallNA/3 NA/3 3 3 Priority Levels NA/4 NA/4 4 4 Recorded Announcement NA/128 NA/128 128 256 Steps per Vector NA/15 NA/15 15 15 Vector Directory Numbers 1NA/100 NA/100 500 3,000 Measured VDNs NA/100 NA/100 500 2,000 Vectors per System NA/48 NA/48 256 512