Communications System
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
ATT DEFINITY Communications System Generic 3 Instructions Manual
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Automatic Wakeup Issue 3 March 1996 3-227 Interactions The following features interact with the Automatic Wakeup feature. nAttendant or Voice Terminal Display If the console or terminal is in the Automatic Wakeup mode and the user presses another display mode button, the Wakeup mode is aborted and the wakeup request is not entered, changed, or deleted. nDo Not Disturb If Do Not Disturb is active at a voice terminal, the Automatic Wakeup feature d eactivates Do Not Disturb for that terminal, and then the system places the wakeup call. nPMS Interface A Check-Out request will cancel an active wakeup call request for the guest room. Also, a Room Change/Room Swap request through the PMS will cause a wakeup request to be changed or swapped. nVoice Synthesis Board Auto Wakeup competes with the following features for use of the Speech Synthesis board. — Do Not Disturb — Voice Message Retrieval — Visually Impaired Attendant Service Administration The Automatic Wakeu p feature is administered by the System Manager. The following items require administration: nWakeup call announcement type — Choose one of the following: music, external recorded announcement, voice synthesis announcement, integrated, multiple integrated, or silence. nLength of time to leave a voice terminal connected to the announcement. nExtension number to receive LWC messages for failed wakeup call attemp ts. nExtension number to receive wakeup call attempts when voice synthesis prompting is not available. nAutomatic Wakeup Entry button (per attendant console or display-equipped terminal). nFeature access code for voice prompting. nSpecial access code for the attendant to verify that speech synthesis announcements are operating properly.

Feature Descriptions 3-228Issue 3 March 1996 nHospitality-Related System Parameters assignments: — Extension number for the wakeup log printer, if a journal printer is used — The time for the scheduled Wakeup Activity Report to b e printed — The time for the scheduled Wakeup Summary Report to be printed — Integrated Announcement Extension if the Announcement Typ e is integrated — Default Announcement Extension if the Announcement Type is multiple-integrated (G3V3 and later releases) If you are going to use the integrated announcement types, you must administer the following: nThe “ G3V3 O ptions” field on the ‘System-Parameters Customer-Options’ form (c ontact your AT&T support representative for assistance). nThe “ G3V3 Enhanced Hospitality” field on the ‘System-Parameters Customer-Options’ form (c ontact your AT&T support representative for assistance). nThe extensions used for the announcements, administered on the ‘Announcements/Audio Sources’ form. nRepeating announcements and barge-in queues, a dministered on the ‘Announcements/Audio Sources’ form. Hardware and Software Requirements If voice prompting is used, a TN725 Speech Synthesizer c ircuit pack is required. Each circ uit pack has four ports to provide voice promp ting. If speech synthesis is selected for wakeup call announcements, two ports must b e reserved for wakeup announcements. If recorded announcements are used, a model HQD 614B Recorder/Announcer manufactured by the Audichron Company is required. Each Recorder/Announcer requires four auxiliary trunk ports which must be on the same TN763B circ uit pack. With hosp itality features such as Automatic Wakeup, it is recommended that a journal printer be used with switch configurations larg er than 800 stations. The journal printer requires an MPDM and a port on a Digital Line circuit pack or an ADU and a port on a Data Line circuit pack. No a d ditional software is required. Integrated announcement types require the TN750B record ed announcements circuit pack. Multiple integrated announcements require the TN750C circuit p a cks. See the Recorded Announcement feature for details.

Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Issue 3 March 1996 3-229 3 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Feature Availability This feature is available with all Generic 3 releases. Description Provides real-time and historical reports to assist customers in managing individual agents, ACD splits (hunt groups), VDNs, and trunk groups. These reports are a subset of those available on the CMS adjunct. BCMS reports can be accessed and displayed on the Management Terminal or printed on demand on the printer associated with the Management Terminal. In ad d ition, the historical reports can be sc heduled to print on the system printer. The BCMS report feature collects and displays information pertaining to individual agents (based on the agent’s extension), ACD splits, trunk groups, and VDNs. Data is stored by hour or half hour for 25 time intervals (includes current time interval). Daily summary data are also calculated and stored for seven days. The following reports are available with the BCMS: nReal Time Re ports — Split Status — System Status — VDN Status nHistorical Reports — Agent — Agent Summary — Split — Split Summary — Trunk Group — Trunk Group Summary — VDN — VDN Summary The reports can be displayed and/or printed both locally and remotely. Locally, the reports can be accessed by the ACD administrator from the Management Terminal. Customers with multiple premises may wish to centralize the

Feature Descriptions 3-230Issue 3 March 1996 measurements data evaluation and access the switch data remotely. Reports can also be scheduled to print on the Report Scheduler system printer. An examp le of each BCMS report follows, along with a brief description of the data in the report. More detailed information on these reports can be found in DEFI NI TY Com munications System Generic 3 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) O perations , 555-230-704. VuStats, available in G3V3 an d later releases, provides call measurements for voice terminals equipped with displays. This feature can be used in conjunction with R3 CMS or BCMS to supplement the numb er of individuals receiving real-time information about call performance. This feature can also b e used without BCMS. (Refer to ‘‘Considerations’’ at the end of this section.) NOTE: The screens and calculations for some of the field values differ between G3V1, V2, V3, and V4. Also, if the EAS feature is optioned on the switch, the word ‘‘split’’ on menus and screens actually prints as ‘‘skill’’ since the concept of skills and skill groups replaces splits in an EAS environment. Acceptable Service Level Before using BCMS, you must understand the concept of Acceptable Service Level and then set the “ Acceptable Service Level” field on various forms. Acceptable Service Level is the desired time to answer for a given VDN or hunt group. Timing for a call begins when the call encounters a VDN or enters a hunt group queue. If the number of seconds to answer the call is equal to or less than the administered acceptable service level for the VDN or hunt group, the call is recorded as acceptable. Percent Within Service Level A service level can be administered for each hunt group or VDN, if the customer option has been set to ‘‘y’’ and if the hunt group or VDN is measured by BCMS. The service level is the amount of time (number of seconds) allowed the switch to answer calls (from 0 to 9999). To calculate the percentage of calls within the acceptable service level, BCMS divides the number of acceptable calls by the calls offered. For hunt groups, BCMS calculates the Percent Within Service Level as follows: %IN SERV LEVL= ACDcalls+abandons+out f lows+dequeued accepted *100 _ ________________________________________

Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Issue 3 March 1996 3-231 where accepted — Is the number of calls answered for which the q ueue time was less than or e qual to the administered service level for the sp lit. dequeued — Is the number of calls that encountered t he split’s queue, b ut were NOT answered, abandoned, or outflowed. This occurs with multiple split queuing. For VDNs, BCMS calculates the Percent Within Service Level as follows: where accepted — Is the number of answered calls (num ans) for which the answer time was less than or equal to the administered service level for the VDN. num ans here refers to the data item on the form of the same name. calls offered — Is the total numb er of c om pleted c alls that accessed the VDN during the interval. BCMS Real-Time Reports BCMS provides three real-time reports: nBCMS Split Status Report nBCMS System Status Report nBCMS VDN Status Report The BCMS Split Status Report provides the current (real-time) status and cumulative measurement data for those agents assigned to the split you specify. The BCMS System Status Report provides current (real-time) status information for either all BCMS splits or selected splits. The BCMS VDN Status Re port provides the current (real-time) status and cumulative measurement data for VDNs monitored by BCMS. You may generate these reports using the monitor command. These reports display data accrued since the last interval boundary. The time intervals may be in one-hour or half-hour increments. (To select the desired increment, access the Feature-Related System Parameters sc reen and enter hour or half-hour in the “ Measurement Interval” field. %IN SERV LEVL= calls o ff ered accepted *100 _ _____________

Feature Descriptions 3-232Issue 3 March 1996 There are three monitor commands, one to print each real-time report: nbcms split nbcms system nbcms vdn The bcms split c ommand g enerates the BCMS Split Status Report. The bcms system command generates the BCMS System Status Report. The bcms vdn command generates the BCMS VDN Status Re port. Whenever a status report is displayed on the G3 Management Terminal, it is updated automatically a p proximately every 30 seconds. You can immediately update the on-screen status report by pressing U PDAT E. To cancel the monitor command and return to the command prompt, press CANCEL. If the status report consists of more than one pa ge, press NEXTPAGE to display any subsequent p a ges and PRE VPA G E to display any previous pages. If you incorrectly enter the c ommand, or if the q ualifier is not a p plicable or cannot be measured, a d escriptive error message a p pears on the message line, located on the b ottom of the screen. Usually, the error message desc riptions provide enough information a bout the problem so that you will not need to research it. However, if you require more information about the error message, press HEL P. Some examples of error messages are liste d below: n‘‘??’’ invalid report type for specified time or day n?? number of BCMS measured agents exceeds maximum nSplit not measured by BCMS BCMS Split Status Report The BCMS Split Status Report provides the current (real-time) status and cumulative measurement data for those agents assigned to the split you specify. This report displays data accrued since the last interval boundary. For examp le, if the interval is set for hourly, and you issue the command to display the BCMS Split Status Report at 11:10 a.m., the report displays the data accrued since 11:00 a.m. Although this report is updated approximately every 30 seconds, you can immediately u pdate the information on the screen b y pressing UPDATE. At the b e ginning of the next interval, the report resets. Screen 3-8 shows the BCMS Split Status Report.

Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Issue 3 March 1996 3-233 Screen 3-8. BCMS Split Status Report Screen Report Headers, Abbreviations, and Their Definitions The header information at the top of each page includes the command entered to g enerate the report, the page number and the total num ber of p a ges in the report, the title of the report, and the time and date the report was generated. If there are more than nine agents in the sp lit, the remaining agent information a p pears on subsequent pages. Split — The split numb er specified with the command line. NOTE: With BCMS, sp lits do not have to be numbered from 1, and sp lit numbers do not have to be consecutive. * An asterisk precedes the ‘‘Call Waiting’’ field if any of the calls are Direct Agent calls. & The ‘‘LOGIN ID’’ column is em pty if the BCMS login system parameter is set to ‘‘no.’’ $ If name is not administered, this column is blank for the agent. Split is displayed as Skill when EAS is o ptioned. monitor bcms split 30 BCMS SPLIT (AGENT) STATUS Split: 30 Date: 12:13 pm MON MAY 15, 1995 Split Name: headquarters Calls Waiting: 5 Acceptable Service Level: xxx Oldest Call: 1:39 % Within Service Level: xxx Staffed: 7 Avail: 1 ACD: 1 ACW: 1 AUX: 1 Extn Calls: 2 Other: 1 ACD EXT IN EXT OUT AGENT NAME LOGIN ID EXT STATE TIME CALLS CALLS CALLS Agent 1 32191 12345 Avail 12:00 0 0 0 Agent 2 32192 12346 ACD 12:04 1 0 0 Agent 3 32193 12347 ACW 12:12 3 0 0 Agent 4 32194 12348 AUX 11:30 0 0 0 Agent 5 32195 12349 Ext In 12:08 1 2 0 Agent 6 32196 12350 Ext Out 12:10 0 0 1 Agent 7 32197 12351 Other 11:58 0 0 0 $ 32198 12352 INIT 00:00 0 0 0

Feature Descriptions 3-234Issue 3 March 1996 Split Name — The administered name of the split. This name usually describes the purp ose or service of the split (for example, sales, service, or help line). If no name exists, BCMS displays the sp lit extension (for example, EXT 65222). NOTE: The split name is limited to a maximum of 11 characters. If you enter more than 11 c haracters, the a dd itional characters are not printed on the System Printer. Calls Waiting — The number of calls currently queued and calls ringing at an agent’s phone. If any of the calls in the q ueue are Direct Agent calls, an asterisk appears before the value in this field. The Glossary desc ribes the Direct Agent feature. Oldest Call — The number of minutes and seconds that the oldest call in queue has been waiting to be answered. This includes calls ringing at an agent’s phone. Acceptable Service Level — The d esired time to answer for a given hunt group or VDN. Timing for a call b e gins when the call enters the hunt group queue. % Within Service Level — The percentage of calls answered within the administered service level. This field is blank if no calls have been recorded for this time interval or if there is no ‘‘Acceptable Service Level’’ administered on the Hunt Group form. Staffed — The numb er of agents currently logg e d into the split. Avail — The num ber of agents in this split currently available to receive an ACD call. In order to be counted as being available, agents must either be in the Auto-In or Manual-In work mo de. Refer to the Glossary for a description of work modes (or ACD work modes). If the agent is on another split’s call or is performing After Call Work for another split, the agent is not considered available and is not recorded here. If a call is ringing at the agent’s phone or a call is on hold, the agent is not considered available unless Multiple Call Handling is active and the agent selects AI/MI with a call on hold. ACD — The numb er of agents who are currently on an ACD call for this split. This value also includes Direct Agent calls and those agents who are currently on ACD calls that flowed in from another split. ACW — The number of agents in this split who are currently in ACW mode for this split. Refer to the Glossary for a description of after call work (ACW) mode. If an agent is in ACW mode for another split, the agent is included in the Other state count for this split. Also, if an agent is on a call while in ACW mo de, the agent appears in the Extn state count, and not in the ACW state. AUX — The number of agents in this split who are currently in the AUX work mode for this split. If an agent is answering a call from another sp lit or is in ACW work mo de for another split, that agent is not considered in AUX work mo de for

Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Issue 3 March 1996 3-235 this split and is not included in this number. The a gent is included in the Other state count. Extn — The numb er of agents in this split who are currently on non-ACD calls. These non-ACD calls may be either incoming (direct to the extension) or outgoing (direct from the extension). Those a gents receiving or making extension calls while in Avail, ACW, or AUX work mode is recorded as being on extension calls. Other — The numb er of agents in this sp lit who: nAre on a call from another split nAre in ACW work mode for another split nHave placed a call on HOLD and ma de no other state selections nHave a call ringing at their voice terminals nAre dialing a number (to place a call or activate a feature) All of the agents in the Other state are unavailable for ACD calls. AGENT — The name of the agent. Generally, this is the agent’s first or last name. However, if no name is administered on the station form, this field is left blank. When the field is blank, the data can be identified by the extension. LOGIN ID — The BCMS login ID(s) (taken from the BCMS Login ID form or EAS Login form) for which you requested the report. This column does not appear if BCMS logins are not optioned. EXT — The 2-, 3-, 4-, or 5 - digit extension number for the agent. STATE — The current work state for the a gent. Possible work states are Avail, ACD, ACW, AUX, Extn, and Other. (The sum of the time the a gent spends in the possible work states is the a gent’s ‘‘staffed’’ time.) Unstaffed agents do not a p pear on the report. When the system time is changed, agents are in the INIT state. Each agent remains in the INIT state until he or she takes a call or p ushes a work button. NOTE: Refer to the Glossary for a description of the term work state. TIME — The 24-hour clock time that the agent entered this work state. ACD CALLS — The number of ACD calls that the a gent has comp leted since the beginning of the current interval. This value includes any calls that flowed in from other splits. (Calls in process are not counted until they are completed.) EXT IN CALLS — The number of non-ACD calls that the agent has received (incoming) since the beginning of the current interval. (Calls in process are not counted until they are comp leted.) The maximum value is 255.

Feature Descriptions 3-236Issue 3 March 1996 EXT OUT CALLS — The number of non-ACD calls that the agent has ma de (outgoing) since the beginning of the current interval. (Calls in process are not counted until they are comp leted.) The maximum value is 255. BCMS System Status Report The BCMS System Status Report provides current (real-time) status information for either all BCMS splits or selected BCMS sp lits. This report displays data accrued since the last interval boundary. For examp le, if the interval is set to hour, and you issue the command to disp lay the BCMS System Status Report at 11:10 a.m., the report displays the data accrued since 11:00 a.m. Although this report is updated approximately every 30 seconds, you can immediately up d ate the information on the screen by pressing UP DAT E. This report is reset at the b e ginning of the time interval (for example, hour or half-hour). Screen 3-9 shows the BCMS System Status Re port. NOTE: When analyzing this report, keep the following things in mind: nAll averages are for completed calls only. nA comp leted call may span more than one time interval. ACD calls that are in process (have not terminated) are counted in the time interval in which they terminate. For examp le, if an ACD call begins in the 10:00 to 11:00 time interval, but terminates in the 11:00 to 12:00 time interval, the data for this call is counted in the 11:00 to 12:00 time interval. nAsterisks indicate that the maximum for the associated field has been exceeded. Screen 3-9. BCMS System Status Report Screen monitor bcms system BCMS SYSTEM STATUS Date: 12:53 MON MAY 15, 1995 AVG AVG AVG AVG % IN CALLS OLDEST SPEED AVAIL ABAND ABAND ACD TALK AFTER SERV SPLIT NAME WAIT CALL ANS AGENT CALLS TIME CALLS TIME CALL LEVL Service 3 1:03 :45 0 3 :30 20 2:30 1:25 85 EXT 4000 5 :33 :15 0 11 :45 36 1:32 :35 91