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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-47 system printer An op tional p rinter that may be used to print scheduled rep orts via the report sc hed uler. system report A rep ort that p rovid es historic al traffic information for internally measured splits. system-status report A rep ort that p rovid es real-time status information for internally measured sp lits. system manager A person resp onsib le for sp ec ifying and ad ministering features and servic es for a system. system reload A process that allows stored d ata to be written from a tap e into the system memory (normally after a power outage). T T1 A d ig ital transmission stand ard that in North Americ a carries traffic at the DS1 rate of 1.544 Mb ps. A T1 fac ility is divid ed into 24 channels (DS0s) of 64 kb p s. These 24 channels, with an overall d ig ital rate of 1.536 Mb p s, and an 8-kb ps framing and synchronization c hannel make up the 1.544-Mb p s transmission. When a D-c hannel is p resent, it oc c up ies channel 24. T1 fac ilities are also used in Jap an and some Mid d le-Eastern c ountries. TAAS Trunk Answer from Any Station TA B S Telemetry asynchronous b loc k serial TA C Trunk-acc ess c ode tandem switch A switch within an elec tronic tand em network (ETN) that p rovid es the log ic to d etermine the b est route for a network call, p ossib ly mod ifies the d igits outp ulsed , and allows or d enies c ertain calls to c ertain users. tandem through The switc hed c onnec tion of an inc oming trunk to an outg oing trunk without human intervention. tandem tie-trunk network (TTTN) A private network that interc onnects several customer switching systems. TC Technic al c onsultant TCM Traveling class mark TDM See time-d ivision multip lexing (TDM). TDR Ti m e - o f - d a y r o u t i n g

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-48 TEG Terminating extension g roup terminal A devic e that sends and receives d ata within a system. See also administration terminal. tie trunk A telec ommunic ations channel that direc tly connects two p rivate switching systems. time-division multiplex (TDM) bus A bus that is time-shared reg ularly by prealloc ating short time slots to eac h transmitter. In a PBX, all p ort circuits are c onnected to the TDM b us, p ermitting any port to send a sig nal to any other port. time-division multiplexing (TDM) Multip lexing that d ivid es a transmission c hannel into succ essive time slots. See also multip lexing. time interval The period of time, either one hour or one-half hour, that BCMS measurements are c ollec ted for a rep or t. time slice See time interval. time slot 64 kb p s of d ig ital information structured as eight bits every 125 mic rosec ond s. In the switc h, a time slot refers to either a DS0 on a T1 or E1 fac ility or a 64-kb p s unit on the TDM b us or fib er connec tion b etween p ort networks. time slot sequence integrity The situation whereb y the N oc tets of a wid eb and c all that are transmitted in one T1 or E1 frame arrive at the outp ut in the same ord er that they were introd uc ed. to control An ap plication c an invoke Third Party Call Control c ap ab ilities using either an ad junc t-c ontrol or d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. to monitor An ap plication c an rec eive event reports on an ac tive-notific ation, ad junc t-c ontrol, or d omain-c ontrol assoc iation. TOD Ti m e o f d a y tone ringer A devic e with a sp eaker, used in elec tronic voic e terminals to alert the user. TOP Task-oriented p rotocol trunk A ded ic ated telec ommunic ations channel b etween two c ommunic ations systems or COs. trunk allocation The manner in which trunks are selected to form wid eband c hannels. trunk-data module A devic e that c onnects off-p remises p rivate-line trunk fac ilities and DEFINITY ECS. The trunk-d ata mod ule c onverts between the RS-232C and the DCP, and c an c onnec t to DDD mod ems as the DCP memb er of a mod em p ool.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-49 trunk group Telec ommunic ations c hannels assig ned as a g roup for certain func tions that c an b e used interc hangeably b etween two communications systems or COs. TSC Technic al Servic e Center TTI Terminal translation initialization TTR Touc h-tone rec eiver TTT Terminating trunk transmission TTTN See tand em tie-trunk network (TTTN). TTY Teletyp ewriter U UAP Usag e-allocation plan UART Universal async hronous transmitter UCD Uniform c all d istribution UCL Unrestric ted c all list UDP See Uniform Dial Plan (UDP). UL Und erwriter Lab oratories UM User manag er Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) A feature that allows a uniq ue 4- or 5-d ig it number assig nment for eac h terminal in a multiswitc h config uration such as a DCS or main-satellite-trib utary system. UNMA Unified Network Management Architec ture UNP Uniform numb ering p lan UPS Uninterruptible power supply

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-50 USOP User service-ord er p rofile UUCP UNIX-to-UNIX Communications Protocol UUI User-to-user information V VA R Value-add ed reseller VDN See vec tor d irec tory numb er (VDN). vector directory number (VDN) An extension that p rovid es acc ess to the Vec toring feature on the switc h. Vectoring allows a customer to sp ec ify the treatment of incoming c alls b ased on the d ialed number. vector-controlled split A hunt g roup or ACD sp lit ad ministered with the vec tor field enab led . Acc ess to such a sp lit is p ossible only by d ialing a VDN extension. VIS Voice Information System VLSI Very-larg e-scale integ ration VM Vo l t m e t e r VNI Virtual nod ep oint id entifier voice terminal A sing le-line or multiap pearance telephone. W WAT S See Wid e Area Telec ommunic ations Servic e (WATS). WCC World -Class Core WCR World -Class Routing WCTD World -Class Tone Detec tion

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-51 WFB Wireless fixed base Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS) A servic e in the United States that allows calls to certain areas for a flat-rate c harg e b ased on exp ec ted usage. wideband A c irc uit-switc hed c all at a d ata rate g reater than 64 kb ps. A c ircuit-switc hed call on a sing le T1 or E1 facility with a b and wid th between 128 and 1536 (T1) or 1984 (E1) kbp s in multip les of 64 kb p s. H0, H11, H12, and N x DS0 c alls are wideb and . wideband access endpoint Acc ess endp oints, extend ed with wid eb and switc hing to include wid eb and ac cess end p oints. A wid eb and ac cess end point consists of one or more c ontig uous DS0s on a line-side T1 or E1 fac ility and has an extension. The Ad ministered Connec tions feature p rovid es c all c ontrol for c alls orig inating from wid eband ac cess end points. wink-start tie trunk A trunk with which, after making a connec tion with a d istant switc hing system for an outgoing c all, the system waits for a momentary signal (wink) before send ing the d ig its of the c alled numb er. Similarly, on an incoming c all, the system send s the wink sig nal when read y to receive d ig its. work mode One of four states (Auto-In, Manual-In, ACW, AUX-Work) that an ACD ag ent can be in. Up on log g ing in, an ag ent enters AUX-Work mod e. To b ec ome availab le to receive ACD calls, the ag ent enters Auto-In or Manual-In mod e. To d o work assoc iated with a c ompleted ACD call, an agent enters ACW mod e. work state An ACD ag ent may b e a memb er of up to three d ifferent sp lits. Each ACD ag ent c ontinuously exhib its a work state for every sp lit of whic h it is a member. Valid work states are Avail, Unstaffed, AUX-Work, ACW, ACD (answering an ACD call), ExtIn, ExtOut, and OtherSp l. An agent’s work state for a particular sp lit may c hang e for a variety of reasons (examp le: when a c all is answered or ab and oned , or the ag ent c hang es work mod es). The BCMS feature monitors work states and uses this information to p rovid e BCMS reports. write operation The process of p utting information onto a storag e med ium, suc h as a hard d isk. WSA Waiting session ac c ep t WSS Wireless Subscrib er System Z ZCS Zero Cod e Sup p ression

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-52

Index IN-1 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 IN Index Numerics 300A sing le-mod e fib er transc eiver,3-27, 3-33 9823-type fib er-op tic transc eiver,3-27 A Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway,C-1 Ac c ess Sec urity Gateway Feature,xviadding circuit packs,6-2 c ontrol c arrier,6-80disk drive,1-9MCC p ort carriers,6-128 p ort c arriers,6-128switch node carrier,6-94, 6-108address plugs sing le-c arrier ,3-16alarm orig ination disable procedure,4-8 announcement rerecord ing,3-53ASG,C-1 B b lank carrier p anel,6-134b rac ket attac hments for fib er p ass-thru kit,6-17 C cab inet fastening tog ether ,3-50stab ilizing for earthq uake,3-49cab inet c lip,3-51 cab le c onnec tions interc ab inet, sing le-c arrier,3-20cab le d isconnec t label,6-17 cable labels,3-12cabling local p ort networks, sing le-c arrier,3-45 p ub lic network, sing le-c arrier,3-46center stag e switc h fiber-optic connections,3-40, 6-105, 6-120 CFY1 Current Limiter (CURL),3-20Channel Servic e Unit c abling to DS1 Converter,6-146 Sm ar t Ja c ks,6-146 circuit packs adding ,6-2expansion control cab inet,3-14sorted by cod e,6-3 colloc ated p ort networks sing le-c arrier,3-22communication between eq uip ment rooms,3-2 connec t new EPN to existing EPN and PPN stand ard reliab ility,6-26connec t new EPN to existing PPN c ritic al reliab ility ,6-31hig h reliab ility,6-28stand ard reliab ility,6-23, 6-27 connec tions ICC,6-91ITS network ,6-50, 6-53, 6-60 TDM /L A N,6-90, 6-104, 6-118, 6-140 TDM/LAN, for c ritical-reliab ility EPN,6-103, 6-116TDM/LAN, for c ritical-reliab ility PPN,6-117 control cab inet, remove existing single-carrier,3-15control carrier adding ,6-80ICC c onnections,6-91Control-LAN circ uit p ack,6-42 c ritic al-reliab ility fib er-op tic c onnec tions throug h center stag e switc h ,6-105, 6-120 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for EPN,6-139TDM/LAN c onnec tions for PPN,6-137 D d ate, set p roc edure,4-13d ay of the week tab le of English names,1-19, 2-18, 4-14, 5-38, 5-69, 5-108d aylig ht saving s rules,1-18, 2-16, 4-12, 5-37, 5-67, 5-107 DCS Interfac e,6-42disk drive, adding,1-9 d istrib uted communic ations system,6-42DS1 CONV c onnections to-EI/SNI Cab les,3-46 remoted c ab inets,3-45remoted p ort networks,3-27DS1 Converter Y c a b l e ,6-146cabling,6-146q uad c ab le,6-146 DS1 CONV-remoted p ort networks sing le-c arrier,3-23

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-2 E earthq uake front p late,3-50 earthq uake p rotec tion c abinet c lip,3-51electromag netic shielding,3-50English day names tab le of ,1-19, 2-18, 4-14, 5-38, 5-69, 5-108Eng lish month names tab le of,1-20, 2-18, 4-14, 5-39, 5-70, 5-109 EPN TDM/LAN connec tions,6-103, 6-116TDM/LAN connec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility ,6-139TDM/LAN connec tions for high-reliability,6-138 TDM/LAN connec tions for stand ard -reliability,6-138EPN c ab inet installation,6-22 EPN1 fib er op tic connec tions,3-24EPN2 fib er op tic connec tions,3-25, 3-26exp ansion c ontrol c ab inet circuit pack locations ,3-14 F fib er sing le-mod e ,3-27, 3-33Fib er Link Ad ministration form,A-8toA-19ad ministration command s,A-8 instructions b asic fib er link ad ministration,A-10 DS1 c onverter boards,A-17, A-18, A-19 DS1C c onverter boards,A-12, A-16 d uplicated fib er link ad ministration,A-11 PNC d uplication,6-37, A-5, A-9simp lex PNC,6-37, A-5, A-9fib er op tic cab le p ass-thru kit,6-8 fib er op tic connec tions,3-24, 3-26c enter stag e switc h,3-43 throug h c enter stag e switch,3-41fib er p ass-thru kit b racket attac hments,6-17fib er p ass-thru tool,6-14 fib er-remoted p ort networks sing le-c arrier,3-22, 3-27fig ures,6-89 b lank c arrier panel,6-134c ritic al-reliab ility fiber-optic c onnec tions throug h c enter stag e switch,6-105, 6-120 ICC c onnec tions for R7r control c arrier,6-91ICC c onnec tions for switc h nod e c arrier,6-99, 6-113 loc ation of g round ing jump ers,6-85, 6-88, 6-101, 6-115locations of g round ing jump ers,6-98, 6-112, 6-135 fig ures, (c ontinued) locations of g round ing jump ers (small cabinet) ,6-134TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritical-reliab ility EPN ,6-103, 6-116, 6-139TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritical-reliab ility PPN,6-117, 6-137 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for hig h-reliab ility EPN,6-138TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard-reliab ility EPN ,6-138TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard-reliab ility PPN,6-136 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard-reliab ility R5 r PPN,6-84front plate,3-50 G G2 (MCC) Universal Module to R5si+ m EPN,5-1g round p late,3-49 g round strap , sing le-c arrier,3-47g round ing jump ers locations,6-85, 6-88, 6-98, 6-101, 6-112, 6-115, 6-135locations (small cab inet),6-134 H high-reliability TDM/LAN c onnec tions for EPN,6-138TDM/LAN c onnec tions for R5r PPN,6-89 I ICC connections for R7r c ontrol c arrier,6-91 ICC connections for switch nod e c arrier,6-99, 6-113ICSU,6-142 integrated c hannel servic e unit,6-142integration p rocess c onnecting ITS c omp onents ,6-49, 6-59 ITS to the network,6-50, 6-53, 6-60 inter-c abinet c ab le, see ICC,6-91Internet Telep hony Server c onnecting c omponents ,6-49, 6-59network services, c hanging,6-71ISDN Gateway,3-5 ISDN interface links Re-installing,B-12isolator,3-4

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-3 J J58890AH Control Carrier,6-23 L loc al p ort network,3-45loc ation g round ing jump ers ,6-85, 6-88, 6-98, 6-101, 6-112, 6-115, 6-135g round ing jump ers (small c ab inet),6-134 M main distribution frame (MDF) relab el,3-48 maintenanc e, p reventative,3-12, 4-6mass storag e system (MSS),B-5MCC G2 Universal Mod ule to R5si+ m EPN,5-1 memory verify ad dition,1-17month names tab le of Eng lish ,1-20, 2-18, 4-14, 5-39, 5-70, 5-109 N network c onfig uration c hanging network servic es ,6-71 ITS connecting,6-50, 6-53, 6-60 Network Controller Interfac e Assemb ly,1-12, 2-11 new EPN c ab inet,6-22 O op tical d rive,1-1, 2-1 P parts earthq uake front p late ,3-50thread -forming sc rews,3-50 p ass-thru kit,6-8 p ass-thru tool,6-14PEC c o d e s,xviip in-field b loc ks J58890H-1 port cab inet ,3-21port cabinets J58890H-1,3-21 sing le-c arrier,3-15p ort carrier adding,6-128 p ort circ uits retranslate, single-carrier,3-52p ort networks c ollocated , single-carrier ,3-22DS1 CONV-remoted , sing le-c arrier,3-23fib er-remoted , sing le-c arrier,3-22 power and grounding sing le-c arrier,3-4p ower down AUDIX, p roc edure,3-56, 4-19, 6-141power up AUDIX p roc edure,3-56, 4-19, 6-141 p ower-failure stations,3-4PPN power down procedure,B-10 TDM/LAN c onnec tions,6-117TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility,6-137 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard -reliability,6-136p reventive maintenanc e,3-12, 4-6 p rotec tion elec tromag netic,3-50public network,3-46 R relabel wall field,3-48relocation of p ort circ uit pac ks sing le-c arrier ,3-3req uired tools,3-10, 4-3 rerec ord announcements,3-53retranslate p ort c ircuits sing le-c arrier,3-52 RF shield ing,3-50 S sc rews, thread -forming,3-50 setting d ate and time, p roc ed ure,4-13shield ing , elec tromag netic,3-50single-mode fib er,3-27, 3-33 software up g rad e p rocess,1-1, 2-1, 4-1stand ard reliab ility,4-7

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Index IN-4 stabilizing cab inets for earthq uakes ,3-49stand ard reliability software up grad e,4-7 stand ard-reliab ility TDM/LAN connec tions for EPN,6-138TDM/LAN connec tions for PPN,6-136 TDM/LAN connec tions for R5r PPN,6-84switch nod e c arrier adding,6-94, 6-108 ICC c onnec tions,6-99, 6-113Sw it c h N o d e C a r ri e r i n t h e PPN,6-27, 6-28, 6-31system ac cess ports, single-carrier ,3-47 T tab les TDM/LAN connec tions ,6-90task list G2 (MCC) to DEFINITY ECS Release 5si+ m EPN ,5-10G3si with TN790 to R5r,3-6software-only up g rad e proc ess,1-4, 2-5, 4-4 TDM/LAN b us terminators sing le-c ab inet,3-18TDM/LAN c ab le c onnections,6-140 TDM/LAN c onnec tion tab le,6-90TDM/LAN c onnec tions,6-104, 6-118TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility EPN ,6-139TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility PPN,6-137 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility R7r EPN,6-103, 6-116TDM/LAN c onnec tions for c ritic al-reliab ility R7r PPN ,6-117TDM/LAN c onnec tions for high-reliab ility EPN,6-138 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for R5r PPN,6-89TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard -reliab ility EPN ,6-138TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard -reliab ility PPN,6-136 TDM/LAN c onnec tions for stand ard -reliab ility R5r PPN,6-84 thread-forming sc rews,3-50 time, set proc ed ure,4-13TN1656 Tap e Drive c irc uit p ac k,B-3TN1657 Disk Drive adding ,1-9TN1657 Disk Drive c irc uit p ac k,B-3TN2211 Op tic al Drive c irc uit p ac k,B-3 TN2400,1-12, 2-11TN574 DS1 converter circ uit pac ks,A-12, A-16TN754 d igital line c ircuit p acks,A-12 TN1654 DS1 c onverter c irc uit p ac ks,A-16, A-17, A-18, A-19TN 7 9 4,1-12, 2-11 tools, req uired,3-10, 4-3transc eiver 300A sing le-mod e typ e,3-27, 3-33 9823-typ e,3-27sing le-mod e,3-27, 3-33TTI enab le p roced ure ,1-20, 2-19, 3-53, 4-16, 5-41, 5-72, 5-111, 6-37, 6-40 U UN332C circ uit pac k,2-1upgrade paths,xviiupgrade process sing le-c arrier with TN790 to R5r ,3-1software only,1-1, 2-1, 4-1up g rades MCC G2 Universal Module to R5si+ m EPN ,5-1 V verify system,1-17