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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-99 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Prepare New Switch Node Carrier D
    1. Visually insp ec t the new J58890SA Switc h Node Carrier for any d amag e. 
    Verify that the bac kp lane p ins are not b ent.
    The enhanc ed  R8r PPN AC c arrier may look d ifferent than the other 
    c arriers bec ause it c omes with 16 new g round ing  jumpers and  8 
    mounting  sc rews.
    2. Plac e the switc h nod e c arrier on the floor so that the rear of the c arrier 
    fac es up .
    3. Verify that the four AHF105 switc h nod e (SN) b us terminators are installed 
    on the “ D”  c arrier to the p in-field  b loc ks marked  “ SNTRM”  (top  and  b ottom 
    p ortions of slots “ 02”  and  “ 20” ). See Figure 6-34
    . The SN b us terminators 
    attac h with the c omp onents on the left sid e as viewed  from the rear.
    4. At the rear c onnec tor p anel, d etermine whic h c onnec tors will have a c ab le 
    attac hed , and  install a 4C c ab le retainer on eac h of these c onnec tors.
    Figure 6-34. ICC Connections for Switch Node Carrier
    ROW 49
    ROW 35
    ROW 25
    SLOT #
    ROW 24
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-100 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Install New Switch Node Carrier 
    1.Install the switc h nod e c arrier into p osition “ D”  b y lining  up  the p lastic  
    alig nment tip s on the top  rear of the c arrier with the sc rew holes in the 
    c ab inet. These alig nment tip s sup p ort the c arrier while the sc rews are 
    b eing  rep lac ed . Ensure that the p ower c ord s are p rop erly plac ed  in the 
    slots at the sid es of the c arrier.
    2. Fasten the c arrier into p osition with 4 self-tap p ing  sc rews.
    Carefully realig n the thread s on the self-tap ping  sc rews b y turning  
    them c loc kwise 1 turn before tightening  them to avoid  strip p ing  the 
    thread s out of the framework.
    3. Behind  the c arrier, rep lac e the 2 sc rews saved  from the removal of the old  
    4. Connec t the “ P1”  (small) c onnec tor to the “ D”  c arrier. If nec essary, to g et 
    enoug h slac k in the c ab les, c ut the tie wrap  hold ing  the interc ab inet c ab le 
    from the up rig ht in the area b eing  installed . Snap  the c onnec tor loc k into 
    p lac e to ensure the c onnec tion is p rop erly mad e.
    5. Connec t the 8 g round  strap s from either the “ A”  c arrier or the enhanc ed  
    fan unit to the new D c arrier. See Figure 6-33
    . These strap s were left 
    c onnec ted  when the old  “ D”  c arrier was removed .
    6. Connec t the 8 g round  strap s from the “ E”  c arrier (if installed ) to the new 
    “ D”  c arrier. See Figure 6-33
    . These straps were left c onnec ted  to the “ E”  
    c arrier when the old “ D”  c arrier was removed .
    7. For a stand ard  AC-p owered  c ontrol c arrier, install the 4 c arrier g round  
    strap s. The strap s c onnec t g round  p oints G1 and  G8 from the top  of the 
    B-c arrier b ac kp lane to the B-c arrier c onnec tor p anel  brac ket and  g round 
    p oints G9 and  G16 from the b ottom of the B-c arrier b ac kplane to the 
    B-c arrier c onnec tor p anel  b rac ket. 
    For an enhanc ed  c arrier, install the 16 c arrier-g round  strap s. The strap s 
    c onnec t g round  p oints G1 through G8 from the top  of the B-c arrier 
    b ac kp lane to the B-c arrier c onnec tor p anel  and  g round  p oints G9 through 
    G16 from the bottom of the B-c arrier b ac kp lane to the B-c arrier c onnec tor 
    p anel . Use the 8 sc rews to c onnec t the g round  strap s to the c onnec tor 
    p anel  (see Figure 6-35
    An enhanc ed  c arrier is used  only in an R8r PPN c ab inet that uses 
    either AC p ower (U.S.) or Glob al power.
    DC-p owered  c ab inets DO NOT use any of the ab ove c arrier-g round  
    strap s. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-101 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Figure 6-35. Locations of Top and Bottom Ground Straps on Standard and 
    Enhanced Carriers
    8.If the switc h nod e c arrier was installed in the “ D”  position of the PPN, 
    install the TDM/LAN c able (b etween the “ A”  and  “ D”  c arriers) to the 
    pin-field block labeled “TDM/LAN” on the right side of both carriers. See 
    Figure 6-36
     and  Table 6-9. Figure Notes
    1. Stand ard  AC-p owered  Carrier
    2. Enhanc ed  Carrier (in R8r PPNs using  
    either AC p ower [ U.S.]  or Glob al 
    power)3. Top  Ground  Strap s
    4. Bottom Ground  Strap s
    lcdfgrn2 KLC 022100
    8 10
    2 4 5
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-102 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    9.If a switc h node c arrier was installed  in the “ D”  p osition, verify that the 
    ZAHF4 TDM/LAN b us terminator is installed  at slot 02 of the switc h nod e 
    carrier “D”. See Figure 6-36
    If a switc h nod e c arrier is b eing  installed  in the “ E”  p osition, verify that the 
    ZAHF4 TDM/LAN b us terminator is installed  at slot 21.
    10. Install the front trim p lates on the “ D”  c arrier.
    11. Install the new p ower units into the “ D”  c arrier. Install a 649A on the left 
    and  rig ht sid es of the c arrier.
    12. Connec t the p ower c ord s to the p ower units. The p ower c ords are the 
    white c ab les eq uip p ed  with p lug s that are run throug h the slots in the front 
    of each carrier. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-103 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Figure 6-36. TDM/LAN Connections for Standard Reliability R8r EPN Figure Notes
    1.Port Carrier (“ C” Position)
    2. Port Carrier (“ B”  Position)
    3. Proc essor Carrier (“ A”  Position)4.  Switc h Nod e Carrier (“ D”  Position)
    5. TDM/LAN Bus Terminator (ZAHF4)
    6. TDM/LAN Cab le (WP91716 L7) 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-104 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Install Circuit Packs
    1.Install the new c irc uit p ac ks into c arrier “ D.”  Use the d ec al and  the 
    up g rad e c onfig uration doc ument (p rovid ed  with the eq uip ment) as a 
    2. Install c irc uit p ac k b lanks in slots not eq uip p ed  with c irc uit p ac ks.
    Interconnect Port Networks
    1. Behind the cabinet containing the switch node carrier (See Figure 6-37):
    a. Connec t the metallic  intrac arrier c ab le (H600-278) to slots 1D01 
    and  1D02.
    2. Behind  switc h nod e c arrier D of PPN c ab inet 1 (See Figure 6-37
    a. For eac h EPN, install 1 lig htwave transc eiver on a c ab le c onnec tor 
    with the following  ord er of slots: 1D20, 1D03, 1D19, 1D04, 1D18, 
    1D05, and  so forth.
    b . Connec t 1 end  of a fib er op tic  c ab le to eac h lightwave transc eiver, 
    just installed .
    c . Carefully attac h the fib er optic  c ab les (with c ab le ties) to the wall of 
    the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions.
    3. Behind  p roc essor c arrier A of eac h EPN c abinet:
    a. Install a lig htwave transc eiver on c ab le c onnec tor at slot 1A01.
    b . Connec t the other end  of the fiber op tic  c able to the lig htwave 
    transc eiver, just installed , at slot A01.
    c . Carefully attac h the fib er op tic  c ab le (with c ab le ties) to the wall of 
    the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions.
    d . Coil up  the surp lus leng th of fib er op tic  c ab le, and  c arefully attac h 
    the c oil to the wall of the c ab le tray.
    Table 6-9. TDM/LAN Connections
    “J” Number Carrier Type LHS Slot RHS Slot
    J58890BB L1 Port 21 02
    J58890BB L2 Port 21 01
    J58890BB L3 Port 21 01
    J58890AP Control 21 02 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-105 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    4. Behind  p ort c arrier B of eac h EPN c ab inet:
    a. Install a lig htwave transc eiver on c ab le c onnec tor at slot 1B02.
    b . Connec t the other end  of the fiber op tic  c able to the lig htwave 
    transc eiver, just installed .
    c . Carefully attac h the fib er op tic  c ab le (with c ab le ties) to the wall of 
    the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions.
    d . Coil up  the surp lus leng th of fib er op tic  c ab le, and  c arefully attac h 
    the c oil to the wall of the c ab le tray.
    Figure 6-37. Critical-Reliability Fiber-Optic Connections through Center Stage Switch
    2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB
    SWITCH NODE CARRIER - J58890SA212019 18 17 16 15 14 13 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB
    2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB
    EXPANSION CONTROL CARRIER - J58890AFAUXTERM19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321
    2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB
    2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB
    SWITCH NODE CARRIER - J58890SA212019 18 17 16 15 14 13 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
    TO CABINET 2 THRU 16, B2
    TO CABINET 2 THRU 16, A1
    TO CABINET 1, D3-D20
    TO CABINET 1, E3-E20
    ADD IN ALTERNATINGORDER: 20, 3, 19, 4,18, 5, ETC.
    ADD IN ALTERNATINGORDER: 20, 3, 19, 4,18, 5, ETC.
    EI EI 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-106 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Reseat DEFINITY LAN Gateway System
    1. Reseat the LAN Gateway assemb ly into its b ac kp lane c onnec tors.
    Reseat DEFINITY AUDIX System
    1. Reseat the AUDIX assemb ly to its b ac kp lane c onnec tors.
    Power Up System
    1. At the c ab inet c ontaining  the new switc h nod e c arrier, set the main c irc uit 
    breaker to ON.
    2. The system p erforms the level 4 reb ooting  p roc ess, load ing  the system 
    p rog ram and  d efault or c urrent translations from the disk. Reb ooting  takes 
    5 to 11 minutes.
    Ig nore alarms for now.
    3. Type reset system 4 
    and p ress 
    En t e r  to c op y the translations from 
    removab le media to memory.
    4. Clear any alarms.
    5. Type save translation 
    and press 
    En t e r  if translation changes were made in 
    Step  7 ab ove.
    6. Type restore disk full
     and  p ress 
    En te r  to c op y the translations from 
    removab le media to d isk.
    7. After the system reb oot is finished  and  all troub le c leared , verify that the 
    EMERGENCY TRANSFER CONTROL switc h is set to AUTO. This restores 
    the system to the normal op erating  mod e.
    Restart DEFINITY LAN Gateway System
    1. Log  onto the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. 
    2. When the main menu ap p ears, selec t 
    Maintenanc e.
    3. Select 
    Reset System from the Maintenanc e menu.
    4. Select 
    Restart System from the Reset System menu. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-107 Add a Switch Node Carrier (Standard Reliability) 
    Resolve Alarms and Enable Alarm Origination
    1. Examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms using  DEFINITY Enterp rise 
    Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r
    2. If the Alarm Origination Activated f
    ield  ad ministration that you 
    p reviously noted  is alread y set to y
    , be sure to enab le Alarm Orig ination. 
    Otherwise you d o not need  to enab le Alarm Orig ination (p roc eed to the 
    next sec tion).
    3. Type change system-parameters maintenance
     and press 
    En t e r.
    The name of the Alarm Origination Activated
     field  was c hang ed  to 
    Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers
     to sup port more than 1 OSS.
    4. Type first-only
     in this field  to enab le Alarm Orig ination (to the first OSS, 
    whic h should be INADS). 
    Be sure to typ e y
     in both Cleared Alarm Notification
     and Restart 
     field s. Press 
    En te r.
    5. Type save translation disk
     and press 
    En te r.
    If you have lost the p revious ad ministration of the Alarm Origination
    field , you may reg ister the system ag ain with the INADS Datab ase 
    Ad ministrator at the TSC. The INADS Ad ministrator enab les Alarm 
    Orig ination as p art of the reg istration p roc ess.
    If you d o not enab le Alarm Orig ination when the c ustomer has 
    purc hased a services contract, the switc h will not report any alarm to 
    the TSC automatic ally, c ausing  the TSC to b e unab le to fulfill the 
    servic es c ontrac t. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
    Upgrades and Additions for R8r  555-233-115  Issue 1
    April 2000
    Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 
    6-108 Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability) 
    Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or 
    Critical Reliability)
    To upg rad e to a hig h or c ritic al reliability R8r, a sec ond  switc h nod e c arrier is 
    ad d ed  either to an emp ty “ E”  c arrier p osition of an existing  multic arrier p ort 
    network or to the “ D”  c arrier p osition (as the d up lic ate switc h nod e c arrier) of an 
    existing  multic arrier c ab inet.
    To avoid  moving a p ort c arrier, the p referred  p rac tic e is to plac e the new 
    switch nod e c arrier in an emp ty c arrier p osition.
    Service Interruption
    1. Sinc e the ad d ition of the sec ond switc h nod e c arrier req uires a servic e 
    interrup tion, notify the c ustomer in ad vanc e as to when the ad d ition will b e 
    c arried  out.
    Verify System Status
    1. Before proc eed ing , the system should  b e examined  for alarms, and  every 
    p rob lem should be c orrec ted. The system must b e alarm-free.
    Disable Alarm Origination
    1. Type change system-parameters maintenance
     and press En t e r.
    2. Make a note of the Alarm Origination Activated
    ad ministration. If the feature is enab led , typ e n
     in this field  and press 
    En t e r 
    to d isab le Alarm Orig ination. 
    If you d o not d isab le Alarm Orig ination b efore making  c hang es to the 
    switc h, the switc h may g enerate alarms, resulting  in unnec essary 
    troub le tic kets. Reduc ing  red und ant and  unnec essary troub le 
    tic kets.
    For some releases of the system software, you may also need  to 
    disable Cleared Alarm Notification
     and  Restart 
     field s b efore sub mitting  the form. 
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