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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-119 Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability) 6 Interconnect Port Networks 1. Behind the PPN cabinet (See Figure 6-37): a. Connec t the metallic intrac arrier c ab le b etween slots 1E01 and 1E02. b . Connec t the metallic intrac arrier c ab le b etween slots 1D01 and 1D02. 2. Behind switc h nod e c arrier E of PPN c ab inet 1 (See Figure 6-37 ): a. For eac h EPN, install one 9823-typ e lig htwave transc eiver on the following ord er of slots: 1E20, 1E03, 1E19, 1E04, 1E18, 1E05, and so forth. b . Connec t 1 end of eac h fiber op tic c able to eac h lig htwave transc eiver, just installed . c . Carefully attac h the fib er optic c ab les (with c ab le ties) to the wall of the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions. 3. Behind c ontrol c arrier A of eac h EPN c ab inet: a. Install a lig htwave transc eiver on slot A01. b . Connec t the other end of the fiber op tic c able to the lig htwave transc eiver, just installed . c . Carefully attac h the fib er op tic c ab le (with c ab le ties) to the wall of the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions. d . Coil up the surp lus leng th of fib er op tic c ab le, and c arefully attac h the c oil to the wall of the c ab le tray. 4. Behind switc h nod e c arrier D of PPN c ab inet 1 (See Figure 6-37 ): a. For eac h EPN, install a lig htwave transc eiver on the following ord er of slots: 1E20, 1E03, 1E19, 1E04, 1E18, 1E05, and so forth. b . Connec t 1 end of eac h fiber op tic c able to eac h lig htwave transc eiver, just installed . c . Carefully attac h the fib er optic c ab les (with c ab le ties) to the wall of the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions. 5. Behind p ort c arrier B of eac h EPN c ab inet: a. Install a lig htwave transc eiver on slot B02. b . Connec t the other end of the fiber op tic c able to the lig htwave transc eiver, just installed . c . Carefully attac h the fib er op tic c ab le (with c ab le ties) to the wall of the c ab le tray at the b uilt-in c ab le-tie p ositions. d . Coil up the surp lus leng th of fib er op tic c ab le, and c arefully attac h the c oil to the wall of the c ab le tray.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-120 Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability) 6 Figure 6-43. Critical-Reliability Fiber-Optic Connections through Center Stage Switch 2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB CLOCKCONTROL CARRIER - J58890APAUXTERMINAL CLOCKCONTROL CARRIER - J58890APAUXTERMINAL FAN FAN FAN SWITCH NODE CARRIER - J58890SA212019 18 17 16 15 14 13 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 POWER DISTRIBUTIONUNIT 2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB 2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB EXPANSION CONTROL CARRIER - J58890AFAUXTERM19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321 FAN FAN FAN 2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB 2019 18 17 16 15 14 13 12111098 7654 321PORT CARRIER - J58890BB POWER DISTRIBUTIONUNIT SWITCH NODE CARRIER - J58890SA212019 18 17 16 15 14 13 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 B A C REAR VIEW REAR VIEW B A C E D CABINET 1PPN W/ONE DUPLEX SWITCH NODE CABINET 2 THRU 16EPN E D TO CABINET 2 THRU 16, B2 TO CABINET 2 THRU 16, A1 TO CABINET 1, D3-D20 TO CABINET 1, E3-E20 BOTH CONNECTIONS FROM EACHEPN MUST GO TO THE SAMESLOT NUMBER (E.G. EPNCABINET 2, 2A1 TO 1E3 ANDAND CABINET 2, 2B2 TO 1D3). ADD IN ALTERNATINGORDER: 20, 3, 19, 4,18, 5, ETC. ADD IN ALTERNATINGORDER: 20, 3, 19, 4,18, 5, ETC. H600-278 H600-278 EI EI

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-121 Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability) 6 Reseat DEFINITY LAN Gateway System 1. Reseat the LAN Gateway assemb ly into its b ac kp lane c onnec tors. Reseat DEFINITY AUDIX System 1. Reseat the AUDIX assemb ly to its b ac kp lane c onnec tors. Power Up System 1. At eac h EPN, if p resent, set the main c irc uit breaker to ON. 2. At the PPN, set the main c irc uit b reaker to ON. 3. The system p erforms the level 4 reb ooting p roc ess, load ing the system p rog ram and d efault or c urrent translations from the disk. Reb ooting takes 5 to 11 minutes. NOTE: Ig nore alarms for now. 4. Type reset system 4 and p ress En t e r to c op y the translations from removab le media to memory. 5. Clear any alarms. 6. Type save translation [both] and press En te r if translation c hang es were mad e in Step 8 ab ove. 7. Type restore disk [both] full and press En t e r to c op y the translations from removab le media to d isk. 8. After the system reb oot is finished and all troub le c leared , verify that the EMERGENCY TRANSFER CONTROL switc h is set to AUTO. This restores the system to the normal op erating mod e. Restart DEFINITY LAN Gateway System 1. Log onto the DEFINITY LAN Gateway. 2. When the main menu ap p ears, selec t Maintenanc e. 3. Select Reset System from the Maintenanc e menu. 4. Select Restart System from the Reset System menu.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-122 Add a Switch Node Carrier (High or Critical Reliability) 6 Enable PNC Duplication All non-d up lic ated SNIs to SNI fib er links are automatic ally dup lic ated . 1. Type change system-parameters customer-options and press En te r. On sc reen 2, set the PNC Duplication? field to yes . Press En te r. 2. Type change system-parameters duplication and press En t e r. Chang e the Enable operation of PNC duplication? field to yes . Press En t e r. 3. Type status pnc and p ress En t e r. Verify the Duplicated ? field is yes . Resolve Alarms and Enable Alarm Origination 1. Examine the alarm log . Resolve any alarms using DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Maintenanc e for R8r . 2. If the Alarm Origination Activated f ield ad ministration that you p reviously noted is alread y set to y , be sure to enab le Alarm Orig ination. Otherwise you d o not need to enab le Alarm Orig ination (p roc eed to the next sec tion). 3. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r. The name of the Alarm Origination Activated field was c hang ed to Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers to sup port more than 1 OSS. 4. Type first-only in this field to enab le Alarm Orig ination (to the first OSS, whic h should be INADS). Be sure to typ e y in both Cleared Alarm Notification and Restart Notification field s if they are not enab led alread y. Press En t e r. 5. Type save translation [spe-a or both] disk and press En t e r. If you have lost the p revious ad ministration of the Alarm Origination field , you may reg ister the system ag ain with the INADS Datab ase Ad ministrator at the TSC. The INADS Ad ministrator enab les Alarm Orig ination as p art of the reg istration p roc ess. !WARNING: If you d o not enab le Alarm Orig ination when the c ustomer has purc hased a services contract, the switc h will not report any alarm to the TSC automatic ally, c ausing the TSC to b e unab le to fulfill the servic es c ontrac t.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-123 Add Center Stage Switch 6 Add Center Stage Switch Bec ause of the numerous installation p ossib ilities for c enter stag e switc hes, this sec tion is intend ed to p rovid e g eneral installation p roc ed ures only. For exac t req uirements per site, c ontac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative. The c enter stag e switc h (CSS) is c omp rised of 1, 2, or 3 switc h nod es (SNs). Eac h SN c onsists of a switc h nod e c arrier (SNC), or 2 SNCs for hig h reliability. Eac h SNC sup p orts up to 16 switc h nod e interfac e (SNI) c irc uit pac ks and up to 16 EPNs. Connec tions b etween the CSS and PNs, and b etween SNs within the CSS, are g enerally mad e with fiber op tic links. Figure 6-44 shows 1 switc h nod e used as a c enter stag e switc h for 11 EPNs. Figure 6-44. Single Switch Node CSS Figure Notes 1. Switc h Nod e 1 2. PPN Cab inet3. EPN Cab inet 1 4. EPN Cab inet 11 1 34 cydfpbx3 RPY 081897 2

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-124 Add Center Stage Switch 6 Figure 6-45 shows 2 SNs used as a CSS for up to 23 EPNs. Use this c onfig uration when hig h inter-SN traffic is exp ec ted . Figure 6-45. 2-Switch Node CSS with High Inter-SN Traffic Fiber Engineering for 2 SNs Switc hes with 2 SNs are c onnec ted b y 1 to 7 fib er links to p rovid e suffic ient switc hing fab ric at the CSS. The traffic in all loc ales within a sing le SN d oes not req uire eng ineering . Only traffic that links from loc ales in 1 SN to the other SN (and vic e versa) must b e eng ineered . The traffic that links ac ross these fib ers is simp ly the sum of the traffic that links to loc ales loc ated in the other SN.Figure Notes 1. Switc h Nod e (SN) 1 2. Switc h Nod e 2 3. PPN Cab inet 4. EPN Cab inet 15. EPN Cab inet 11 6. EPN Cab inet 12 7. EPN Cab inet 23 8. Inter-SN Connec tion (4 fib ers) 12 34567 8 cydfpbx1 RPY 081897

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-125 Add Center Stage Switch 6 Figure 6-46 shows 2 SNs used as a CSS for up to 29 EPNs. Use this c onfig uration when low inter-SN traffic is exp ec ted . Figure 6-46. 2-SN CSS with Low Inter-SN Traffic Fiber Engineering for 2 SNs Switc hes with 2 SNs are c onnec ted b y 1 to 7 fib er links to p rovid e suffic ient switc hing fab ric at the CSS. The traffic in all loc ales within a sing le SN d oes not req uire eng ineering . Only traffic that links from loc ales in 1 SN to the other SN (and vic e versa) must b e eng ineered . The traffic that links ac ross these fib ers is simp ly the sum of the traffic that links to loc ales loc ated in the other SN. Figure 6-47 shows 3 SNs used as a CSS for up to 31 EPNs. Use this c onfig uration when hig h inter-SN traffic is exp ec ted .Figure Notes 1. Switc h Nod e (SN) 1 2. Switc h Nod e 2 3. PPN Cab inet 4. EPN Cab inet 15. EPN Cab inet 14 6. EPN Cab inet 15 7. EPN Cab inet 29 8. Inter-SN Connec tion (1 fib er) 12 34567 8 cydfpbx1 RPY 081897

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-126 Add Center Stage Switch 6 Figure 6-47. 3-SN CSS with High Inter-SN Traffic Fiber Engineering for 3 SNs Switc hes with 3 SNs are c onnec ted b y 1 to 7 fib er links to p rovid e suffic ient switc hing fab ric at the CSS. The traffic in all loc ales within a sing le SN d oes not req uire eng ineering . Only traffic that links from loc ales in 1 SN to another SN (and vic e versa) must b e eng ineered . The traffic that links ac ross these fib ers is simp ly the sum of the traffic that links to loc ales loc ated in the other SN.Figure Notes 1. Switc h Nod e (SN) 1 2. Switc h Nod e 2 3. Switc h Nod e 3 4. PPN Cab inet 5. EPN Cab inet 1 6. EPN Cab inet 97. Inter-SN Connec tions (3 fib ers) 8. EPN Cab inet 10 9. EPN Cab inet 20 10. Inter-SN Connec tion (2 fib ers) 11. EPN Cab inet 21 12. EPN Cab inet 31 cydfpbx2 RPY 081897 1 23 456 77 89 10 1112

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-127 Add Center Stage Switch 6 Figure 6-48 shows 3 SNs used as a CSS for up to 43 EPNs. Use this c onfig uration when low inter-SN traffic is exp ec ted . Figure 6-48. 3-SN CSS with Low Inter-SN Traffic Fiber Engineering for 3 SNs Switc hes with 3 SNs are c onnec ted b y 1 to 7 fib er links to p rovid e suffic ient switc hing fab ric at the CSS. The traffic in all loc ales within a sing le SN d oes not req uire eng ineering . Only traffic that links from loc ales in 1 SN to another SN (and vic e versa) must b e eng ineered . The traffic that links ac ross these fib ers is simp ly the sum of the traffic that links to loc ales loc ated in the other SN.Figure Notes 1. Switc h Nod e (SN) 1 2. Switc h Nod e 2 3. Switc h Nod e 3 4. PPN Cab inet 5. EPN Cab inet 1 6. EPN Cab inet 137. Inter-SN Connec tions (1 fib er) 8. EPN Cab inet 14 9. EPN Cab inet 28 10. EPN Cab inet 29 11. EPN Cab inet 43 cydfpbx4 RPY 081897 1 23 456 77 891011

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Adding or Removing Cabinet Hardware 6-128 Add MCC Port Carriers 6 Add MCC Port Carriers A new p ort c arrier c an b e installed when ad d itional features or eq uip ment exc eed the c ap ac ity of the present system. Port c arriers are id entified as B, C, D, a n d E e xc e p t f o r a PPN c ab inet with the d up lic ation op tion. The “ B” c arrier is the sec ond c ontrol c arrier. PEC 63155 p rovides the nec essary eq uip ment for add ing the carrier. Ad d eac h new port c arrier to a p ort network in the “ B,” “ C,” “ D,” “ E” ord er of carrier positions. Before p roc eed ing with the ad d ition of a p ort c arrier, ensure that 3 TN1650B Memory Circ uit Pac ks exist in the system. Refer to the sec tion entitled ‘‘Remove the Circuit Packs’’ on page 1-11 for installation instruc tions. Before proceeding with the addition of a port carrier, ensure that the TN1657 Disk Drive is of Vintag e 4 (or hig her). Refer to Chapter 1, ‘‘Upgrading G3rV2, V3, V4 to R8r and Adding Memory’’ for installation instruc tions. Service Interruption 1. Sinc e the ad d ition of p ort c arriers req uires a servic e interrup tion, notify the c ustomer in ad vanc e as to when the ad d ition will take plac e. Verify System Status 1. Before p roc eed ing , examine the system for alarms. Every p rob lem should b e c orrec ted . The system must b e alarm-free. Disable Alarm Origination 1. Type change system-parameters maintenance and press En t e r. 2. Make a note of the Alarm Origination Activated field . If the feature is enab led , typ e n in this field to d isab le Alarm Orig ination. You will enab le this feature ag ain in 1 of the final p roc esses. !WARNING: If you d o not d isab le Alarm Orig ination b efore making c hang es to the switc h, the switc h may g enerate alarms, resulting in unnec essary troub le tic kets. Red uc ing red und ant and unnec essary troub le tic kets is c ritic al for measuring the q uality of Luc ent servic es and p rod uc ts. NOTE: For some releases of the software, d isab le Cleared Alarm Notification and Restart Notification fields before sub mitting the form.