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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades And Additions Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-3 Read This First 5 Relocation of Port Circuit Packs An up g rad e to Release 8 d oes not cause G2 port circuit packs to be moved and manually retranslated . This is bec ause a G2 universal module is always up g rad ed to an EPN. So, d uring the up g rad e, a Release 8 exp ansion c ontrol c arrier (with 18 availab le p ort slots) always rep lac es the G2 mod ule c ontrol c arrier (with no p ort slots), p rovid ing a net g ain of 18 port slots. Usable Circuit Packs Eac h c irc uit p ac k used in the up g rad ed Release 8 system must c onform to the minimum usab le vintag e requirements for Release 8. Those c irc uit p ac ks ship p ed in the new Release 8 PPN or ship ped loose with the new EPN eq uip ment should always meet the usab le vintag e sp ec ific ations. In ad d ition, at a p resale site insp ec tion, the remed iation p roc ess must c hec k the vintag es of every G2 c irc uit p ac k (inc lud ing any CFY1 c urrent limiters) that will b e reused in the up g rad ed Release 8 and rep lac e those c irc uit p ac ks that have unusab le vintag es. Refer to Tec hnic al Monthly, “ Referenc e Guid e for Circ uit Pac k Vintag es and Chang e Notic es,” for c urrent information ab out usab le vintag es in a Release 8 system. In most c onfigurations, the 2- or 3-c irc uit p ac k c omb ination of a tone g enerator p ac k, tone d etec tor p ac k, and /or c all c lassifier p ac k c an b e rep lac ed with the TN2182 c irc uit p ac k, freeing up 1 or 2 p ort slots. Sinc e Release 8 sup p orts non-United States c all-p roc essing ap p lic ations, a wid e variety of non-United States c irc uit p ac ks c an b e used . Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rep resentative for more information. Site Inspections For the p urp oses of a Release 8 up g rad e, most G2 systems are already eq uip p ed with the c orrec t TDM/LAN c ab les (WP-91716 L6 and L7) and the c orrec t lig htwave transc eivers (9823A or 9823B). However, some G2 systems c ontain earlier versions of these c omp onents, and (b ased on a site insp ec tion) these old er c omponents must b e rep lac ed . The 2 earlier versions of the TDM/LAN c ab le inc lud ed the WP-91112 (L1 and L2) and the WP-91716 (L1 and L2). Both of these versions had white lab els. In c ontrast, the c orrec t c ab les (WP-91716 L6 and L7) have b lue lab els. If a remed iation site insp ec tion reveals that the old er c ab les resid e in the system, rep lac e the older c ab les und er the remediation p roc ess.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-4 Read This First 5 Earlier versions of lig htwave transc eivers inc lud e the 4-series transc eivers (4A throug h 4F). These transc eivers sup p ort fiber c onnec tions up to 7,000 feet (2134 m) ap art; whereas the 9823A sup p orts c onnec tions up to 5,000 feet (1524 m), and the 9823B sup p orts c onnec tions up to 25,000 feet (7620 m). A sing le mod e fib er transc eiver (300A) sup ports d istanc es of up to 115,000 feet (21.7 miles, 35 km). If the site insp ec tion reveals that the old er 4-series transc eivers resid e in the system, Ord er the c orrec t transc eivers ac c ording to a sep arate PEC. NOTE: Using the 300A may req uire 5 or 10 d B attenuators. Contac t your Luc ent Tec hnologies representative for more information. NOTE: The 9823A transc eiver is not a d irec t rep lac ement for the 4-series transc eiver (sinc e a p air of 9823A transc eivers c annot replace a pair of 4-series transc eivers sup p orting a c onnec tion of b etween 5,000 feet (1524 m) and 7,000 feet (2134 m)). Power and Ground The new multic arrier PPN c ab inet or any EPN c ab inet ad d ed for the up g rad e c an b e either AC- or DC-powered . If an ad d ed c ab inet is powered d ifferently from the existing c ab inets, the existing c ab inets d o not have to b e c onverted sinc e mixed p ower c onfig urations are allowed . However, the system’s p ower and grounding must b e mod ified so that the AC-p owered c ab inets are g round ed to the same sing le-p oint g round p oint as the DC-p owered c ab inets. If a new AC-powered cabinet is to be added, provide a separate AC receptacle to sup p ort the new c ab inet. This AC rec ep tac le must not b e shared with any other eq uip ment and must not b e c ontrolled by a wall switc h. For the c onvenienc e and safety of eq uip ment-room p ersonnel, the rec ep tac le should not be located under the MDF. NOTE: The new AC-powered PPN for a Release 8 upgrade has different power req uirements than the G2 system. Refer to the DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 System Desc rip tion Poc ket Referenc e for information. DC Isolator Eac h d evic e c onnec ted to a DC-p owered c ab inet, from the async hronous EIA RS-232 interfac e, req uires a 116A isolator. Insert the isolator at the RS-232 interfac e between the d evic e and the interfac e c onnec tor to isolate g round b etween the system and external ad junc ts.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-5 Read This First 5 Power-Failure Stations During routine system op eration, the g round for the p ower-failure stations is d erived from the system’s auxiliary c ab le. This g round is d isc onnec ted d uring the up g rade, thus d isabling the p ower-failure stations. Therefore, a g round strap must b e run to the p ower-failure transfer p anel. Connec t this strap shortly after removing p ower and d isc onnec t it just b efore restoring p ower to the system. To minimize downtime, power-failure transfer equip ment should b e tested and , if need be, repaired before the hardware upgrade begins. Software If the c ustomer p lans to emulate existing G2 translations in the up g rad ed Release 8, then these translations must b e c op ied to a sp are tap e and sent to Software Tec hnic al Sup port (STS) so that rep orts of the c urrent G2 translations and a G3-MA d iskette with b asic station translations c an b e g enerated . This p roc ess may take several d ays. STS must return the G2 rep orts and the d iskette to the Projec t Manag er before the up g rad e c an b eg in. For eac h G2 p roc essor, retain 2 tap es (1 system tap e and 1 b ac kup tap e) on site with the G2 system. After the rep orts arrive, many features req uire sp ec ial attention b ec ause of feature d ifferenc es, sc reen c hang es, and p otential naming c onflic ts in the up g rad e p roc ess. During the up g rad e, the Software Sp ec ialist should imp lement DEFINITY ECS Release 8 translations that are ap p rop riate for the c ustomer’s need s. For information to make the req uired c hang es, refer to: nDEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 8 Ad ministrator’s Guid e
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-6 Read This First 5 Alarm Connection The D6 c onnec tor on G2 systems had 31 alarm-monitor ap p earanc es (Unit 1 to Unit 31) for external eq uip ment. The AUXILIARY c onnec tor on an R8 PPN only has ap p earanc es for 1M (major alarm) and 1m (minor alarm). If the G2 system b eing up g rad ed used more than 1 major or more than 1 minor alarm-monitor ap p earanc e, these extra ap p earanc es, they c an either b e d istrib uted to the AUXILIARY c onnec tor on a DEFINITY ECS Release 8 EPN, or “ g anged ” so that several external d evic es share the same ap p earanc e. The alarms c an also b e ac c ommod ated b y p aralleling them to the above c onnec tions. NOTE: When several external d evic es are gang ed to the same ap p earanc e, eac h d evic e loses its ind ividual id entity. An alarm on a shared ap p earanc e only d enotes that 1 of several d evic es rep orted a p rob lem. Sub sequent maintenanc e effort is need ed to d etermine whic h d evic e rep orted the p roblem and the nature of the p rob lem. The c ontrol c irc uit p ac k b ehind the AUXILIARY c onnec tor d etec ts external alarms with a g round -d etec tor c hip . Therefore, to g ang several external d evic es, every d evic e must b e ab le to return a true relay g round c losure to the AUXILIARY c onnec tor. Alternatives, suc h as a TTL low d river, are inad eq uate. The following tab les c orrelate wall-field terminal numb ers, c onnec tor p in numb ers, lead c olors, and lead d esig nations for the G2 D6 and DEFINITY ECS Release 8 AUXILIARY c onnec tors.
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-7 Read This First 5 Table 5-1. Pinouts for D6 Connector on G2 System Te r m i n a l Number Pin # Color Designation Terminal # Pin # Color Designation 1 26 W-BL UNIT20 2 01 BL-W UNIT19 3 27 W-O UNIT22 4 02 O-W UNIT21 5 28 W-G UNIT24 6 03 G-W UNIT23 7 29 W-BR 8 04 BR-W UNIT25 9 30 W-S UNIT27 10 05 S-W UNIT26 11 31 R-BL UNIT29 12 06 BL-R UNIT28 13 32 R-O UNIT31 14 07 O-R UNIT30 15 33 R-G AUXCTMP 16 08 G-R UNIT32 1 7 3 4 R- B R EXTEQM N 1 8 09 B R- R EXTEQMJ 19 35 R-S AUXCRCT 20 10 S-R AUXCHO 21 36 BK-BL AUXCCB 22 11 BL-BK AUXCFRQ 23 37 BK-O AUXCFAN 24 12 O-BK 2 5 3 8 B K - G EXTPRMJ 2 6 13 G- B K EXTPRMN 27 39 BK-BR UNIT2 28 14 BR-BK UNIT1 29 40 BK-S UNIT4 30 15 S-BK UNIT3 31 41 Y-BL UNIT6 32 16 BL-Y UNIT5 33 42 Y-O UNIT8 34 17 O-Y UNIT7 35 43 Y-G UNIT10 36 18 G-Y UNIT9 37 44 Y-BR 38 19 BR-Y UNIT11 39 45 Y-S UNIT13 40 20 S-Y UNIT12 41 46 V-BL UNIT15 42 21 BL-V UNIT14 43 47 V-O UNIT17 44 22 O-V UNIT16 45 48 V-G 46 23 G-V UNIT18 47 49 V-BR RING0 48 24 BR-V TIP0 49 50 V-S RING1 50 25 S-V TIP1
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-8 Read This First 5 Table 5-2. Pinouts for Auxiliary Connector on Release 8 Systems Te r m i n a l Number Pin # Color DesignationTe r m i n a l Number Pin # Color Designation 126W-BLAUXMJ 201BL-WGRD 327W-OAUXMN 402O-WGRD 5 28 W-G 6 03 G-W GRD 7 2 9 W- B R 8 0 4 BR- W G RD 930W-S 1005S-WGRD 11 31 R-BL 12 06 BL-R GRD 13 32 R-O 14 07 O-R GRD 15 33 R-G 16 08 G-R 17 34 R-BR 18 09 BR-R 19 35 R-S 20 10 S-R 21 36 BK-BL XFER48 22 11 BL-BK GRD 23 37 BK-O XFER48 24 12 O-BK GRD 25 38 BK-G XFER48 26 13 G-BK GRD 27 39 BK-BR XFER48 28 14 BR-BK GRD 29 40 BK-S XFER48 30 15 S-BK GRD 31 41 Y-BL XFER48 32 16 BL-Y GRD 33 42 Y-O XFER48 34 17 O-Y GRD 35 43 Y-G 36 18 G-Y 37 44 Y-BR GRD 38 19 BR-Y ACC48A 39 45 Y-S GRD 40 20 S-Y ACC48B 41 46 V-BL GRD 42 21 BL-V ACC48C 43 47 V-O 44 22 O-V 45 48 V-G EXT_ALM 46 23 G-V EXT_ALM_RT 47 49 V-BR 48 24 BR-V 49 50 V-S INADS TIP 50 25 S-V INADS RING
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-9 Read This First 5 Save Translations 1. Log in at the Manag er II on the G2. 2. Type rtx (run tap e, exec ute) and p ress En t e r. This instruc ts the system to write all translation information from memory to the tap e. 3. Remove the system tap e and install the b ac kup tap e. 4. Type rtx and p ress En t e r. Make Source Tape for TRACS Report A sp are G2 tap e must b e ac q uired from the remed iation before p erforming the following step s. For eac h p roc essor, there must always b e 2 tap es on site with the G2 system. Do not send a system or b ac kup tap e to STS. After p erforming the p revious p roc ed ures, c op y the G2 translations to the sp are tape used to make the TRACS rep ort. 1. Remove the b ac kup tap e and install the sp are tap e. 2. Type rtx and p ress En t e r. This c ommand instruc ts the system to write all translation information from memory to the tap e. 3. Remove the source tap e. 4. Insert the system tap e. 5. Mail the sourc e tap e (next-day delivery) to STS for use in making the G2 TRA C S re p o r t . System Upgrades There are many c onfig urations of DEFINITY G2 in the field . Eac h system c an have a uniq ue c onfig uration. However, to simp lify Release 8 up g rad es: nThe existing c ommon c ontrol is always rep lac ed b y a multic arrier PPN nExisting trad itional mod ules are rep lac ed b y EPNs nExisting universal modules are upgraded to EPNs A new multic arrier c ab inet would then always serve as the PPN. If a G2 universal mod ule is up g rad ed to a DEFINITY ECS Release 8 EPN, hard ware c hang es (inc lud ing c arrier rep lac ement) are req uired .
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-10 Task Tables 5 Ta s k Ta b l e s Table 5-3, Table 5-4, and Table 5-5 p rovid e the hig h-level tasks to p erform the up g rad es d etailed in this c hapter. Refer to the ap p rop riate p age for d etailed instruc tions for eac h step . Table 5-3. Tasks to Upgrade to Release 8r — Standard Reliability áTask Description Page Save Translations 5-9 Make Source Tape for TRACS Report5-9 Required Hardware5-15 Follow Routine Preventive Maintenance5-16 Label Cables5-16 Check Link Status5-17 Disable TTI5-17 Power Down G2 System5-17 Install Power-Failure Transfer Ground Wire5-17 Disconnect Cables5-18 Remove Circuit Packs from Module Control Carrier A5-18 Remove CURL from Module Control Carrier A5-18 Remove Module Control Carrier A5-19 Unpack and Inspect Expansion Control Carrier5-23 Install New Expansion Control Carrier A5-23 Install Circuit Packs5-26 Interconnect Port Networks5-26 Verify Usable Circuit Pack Vintages5-35 Remove Power-Failure Ground Wire5-35 Boot the Release 8 System5-36 Set Daylight Savings Rules5-37 Set Date and Time5-38 Set Additional Administration5-40 Reconnect Cables to Upgraded EPN Cabinet5-40 Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-11 Task Tables 5 Power Up the EPN Cabinets5-41 Retranslate Port Circuits5-41 Enable TTI5-41 Check Link Status5-41 Enable Scheduled Maintenance 5-41 Resolve Alarms5-41 Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination to INADS5-42 Save Translations5-42 Back Up Disk5-43 Return Replaced Equipment5-43 Table 5-3. Tasks to Upgrade to Release 8r — Standard Reliability — Continued áTask Description Page Continued on next page
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Upgrades and Additions for R8r 555-233-115 Issue 1 April 2000 Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN 5-12 Task Tables 5 Table 5-4. Tasks to Upgrade to Release 8r — High Reliability áTask Description Page Follow Routine Preventive Maintenance 5-45 Label Cables5-45 Check Link Status5-46 Disable TTI5-46 Power Down G2 System5-46 Install Power-Failure Transfer Ground Wire5-46 Disconnect Cables5-47 Remove Circuit Packs from Module Control Carrier A5-47 Remove CURL from Module Control Carrier A5-47 Remove Module Control Carrier A5-47 Unpack and Inspect Expansion Control Carrier5-51 Install New Expansion Control Carrier A5-51 Install Circuit Packs5-55 Interconnect Port Networks — High Reliability5-55 Verify Usable Circuit Pack Vintages5-66 Remove Power-Failure Ground Wire5-66 Boot the Release 8 System5-67 Set Daylight Savings Rules5-67 Set Date and Time5-69 Set Additional Administration5-71 Reconnect Cables5-71 Power Up the EPN Cabinets5-72 Retranslate Port Circuits5-72 Enable TTI5-72 Check Link Status5-72 Enable TTI5-72 Resolve Alarms5-73 Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination to INADS5-73 Save Translations5-74 Back Up Disk5-74