honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Rear Damper 1. Upper Arm Bushing Replacement Remove the upper arm bushing and upper arminner bushing as shown. UPPER ARM INNER BUSHING UPPER ARM AUSHIT{G Mark a scribe line on the upper arm inner bushing so it is in line with the bolt mounting surface. BOLT MOUNTII{GSURFACE Make a mark on the upper arm at two points so the marks are in line and at a right angle with the arm as shown in the drawing. Drive in the upper arm inner bushing with themarks aligned until the leading edge is flush with the uoDer arm. Drive the upper arm bushing into the upper armuntil the leading edge is flush with the upper arm. REAR UPPER ARM 5. Removal Remove the rear wheels (see page 18-21), Remove the damper access panel and the damper cap. Remove the two flange nuts. ACCESS PANEL OAMPER CAP t. 4. Remove the flange bolts. Lower the rear suspension, and remove damper.the 1a-23

Rear Damper Disassembly/lnspection Disassembly L Compress the damper spring with the spring com- pressor according to the manufacturers instruc- tions, then remove the self-locking nut. Do not com- press the spring more than necessary to remove the self-locking nut. SELF-LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 mmReplace. STRUT SPRINGCOMPRESSOR:lCommercirlly avaihblo)BRANICKO I/N MSI-580Aor Mod6l/7200 or equivalent 2. Release the pressure from the spring compressor, then disassemble the damper as shown on page 18- 25. Inspection 1. Reassemble all parts, except the spring. 2. Push on the damper as shown. 3. WOODEN ELOCK Check for smooth operation through a full stroke, both compression and extension. The damper should move smoothly. lf it does not (no compres- sion or no extension), the gas is leaking, and the damper should be replaced. Check for oil leaks, abnormal noises, or binding dur- ino these tests. 4. SELF-LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 mm OAMPERMOUNTINGWASHER 29 N.m {3.0 kgf.m, 22 lbf.ft)Beplace. OAMPER MOUNTINGRUBBERCheck fordeteriorationano oamage. DAMPER MOUNTINGCOLLAR DAMPERMOUNTING BASE DAMPER MOUNTINGRUBBERCheck fordeteriorationano oamage. dd^.s //F, DAMPERCheck for weakness,compressron DUST COVER PLATE DUST COVERCheck for bendingand damage. SPRING MOUNTINGRUBBERCheck Ior deteriorationand damage. BUMP STOPCheck for weaknessano oamage. DUST COVEN BOOTCheck for deterioralionano oamage. BUMP STOP PLATE DAMPER

Reassembly 1.Install the damper unit on a spring compressor, Assemble the rear damper in reverse order of disas- sembly except the damper mounting washer and self-locking nut. Align the bottom of the damper spring and the spring lower seat as shown. 2. DAMPER MOUNNNG STRUT SPBING COMPRESSOR:(Commorcislly !v.ilablelBRANICKC T/N MST.s8OA 3.Position the damper mounting base on the damper unit as shown. Compress the damper spring with the spring com- pressor. Install the damper mounting washer, and loosely install a new self-locking nut. SELF.LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 mm29 N.m (3.0 Replace. Hold the damper shaft with a hex wrench, and tight- en the self-locking nut. 1. lnstallation Lower the rear suspenston, damper. The spring stop on should face rearward, and the left damper should face forward. and position the the right damper sprang stop on the SPRING STOP 2. Loosely install the two flange nuts. FLANGE NUTS10 x 1.25 mm . .:{9 N.m 15.0 kgf.m, 36 lbtft}- :,,-rigftn if_nrr. in ----.-* qla^ 7Step 7. 3. Loosely install the flange bolt. FLANGE EOLT10 x 1.25 mm54 N.m 15.5 kgt.m,40 tbI.ft) 6. 7. 8. Raise the rear suspension with a floor jack until the vehicle just lifts off the safety stand. @ The floor iack must be securely posi- iioned or personal iniury may result. Tighten the flange bolt. Tighten the two flange nuts on the top of the damper to the specified torque. Install the damper cap and access panel. Check the rear wheel alignment. and adjust if neces- sary (see page 18-4). 18-25

Brakes ........... 19-1 Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) ............. 19-25

Brakes Special Tools ............. 19-2 Component Locations lndex ................ ...... 19-3 Inspection and Adlustment Brake System Rubber Parts and Brake Booster ..........,,,.......... 19-4 Brake Pedal ............ 19-5 Parking Brake ........ 19-6 Bleeding ................. 197 Brake System Indicator ................... 19-8 Front Brake Pads Inspection and Replacement .......... 19-9 Front Brake Disc Disc Runout Inspection ................... 19-11 Disc Thickness and Parallelism Inspection ........,........ 19-1 1 Front Brake Caliper Disassembly/Reassembly ............... 19-12 Master Cylinder/Brake Booster Removal/lnstallation ....................... 19-13 Master Cylinder Inspection/Disassembly .............. 19-14 Pushrod Clearance Adiustment ...... 19-14 Brake Booster Inspection ...,.,,,,....... 1 9-1 5 Rear Drum Brakes Inspection .............. 19-15 Brake Shoes Replacement ..... 19-r 8 Wheel Cylinder Replacement ......... 19-20 Brake Hoses/Lines Inspection/Torque Specifications ... 19-21 Hose Replacement ....,...,............. ..,,, 19-22 Parking Brake Cable Inspection and Replacement .......... 19-23

Special Tools Ref. No. Tool Number Description ety psge Reference (, | 07JAG. SD40100 | Pushrod Adiustment cauge I r I tg_rt 19-2

Gomponent Locations lndex ERAKE SYSTEM INOICATORCircuit Diagram, paget9-8 PARKING BRAKEAdjustment, page 19-6Parking Brake Switch Test, page 19-8 PARKING BRAKE CABI..EInspection and Replacement,page 19-23 BRAKE BOOSTERBrake Booster Inspection, page 19-15 Removal/lnstallation, page 19 13 MASTER CYLINDER Inspection, pago 19-16Brake Shoes Replacement,page 19-18Wheel CylinderReplacement, page 19-20 REAR DRUM BRAKE Removal/lnstallation, page 19-13lnspection/ 19-14Pushrod Clearance Adjustment,page 19 ldBrake Fluid LevelSwitch Test,page 19-8 Inspection/Torque Specification, pag€19-21 Hose Replacement, Page 19-22 Front Brake Pads, page 19-9Front Brake Disc. page 19-11Front Brake Caliper, page 19-12 )it - /t,..,1 ...,. , \,,,. i ,. a., I .) ..) t ^fl) 19-3

Inspection and Adjustment Brake System Rubber Parts and Brake Booster @-Brake Booster Check brake operation by applying the brakes. lf the brakes do not work properly, check the brake booster. Replace the brake booster as an assembly ifit does not work properly or if there are signs of leak- age. @-Piston Cup and Pressure Cup Inspection. Check brake operation by applying the brakes. Visually check for damage or signs of tluid leakage.Replace the master cylinder as an assembly if thepedal does not work properly or if there is damage orsigns of fluid leakage. . Check for a difference in brake pedal stroke betweenquick and slow brake applications. Replace the mas-. ter cylinder if there is a difference in pedal stroke. (9-Brake Hoses Visually check for damage or signs of fluid leakage. Replace the brake hose with a new one if it is dam- aged or leaking. O-Caliper Piston S€al and Piston Boots Check brake operation by applying the brakes. Visually check for damage or signs of fluid leakage. lf the pedal does not operate properly, the brakes drag, or there is damage or signs of fluid leakage, disas- semble and inspect the brake caliper. Replace the boots and seals with new ones whenever the brake caliper is disassembled. @-Wheel Cylinder Piston Cup and Dust Cover Check brake operation by applying the brakes. Visually check for damage or signs of fluid leakage. lf the pedal does not operate properly, the brakes drag, or there is damage or signs of fluid leakage, replace the wheel cvlinder. 19-4

Brake Pedal Pedal Hoight 1. Disconnect the brake switch connector, loosen the brake switch locknut, and back off the brake switch until it is no longer touching the brake pedal. 2. Lift up the carpet, At the insulator cutout, measure the pedal height from the middle of the right side of the oedal pad. BRAKE SWITCH ERAKE SWITCH Standard Pedal Height (with floor m8i removed): A/T: 161 mm (5 5/16 in) M/T: 155 mm {6 U8 in} Loosen the pushrod locknut, and screw the pushrod in or out with pliers until the standard pedal height from the floor is reached. Do not adjust the pedal height with the pushrod pressed. After adiustment, tighten the locknut firmly. PUSHROD LOCKNUT 15 N.m11.5 kgj m, 11 lbf ftl 4. Screw in the brake switch until its plunger is fully pressed (threaded end touching the pad on the pedal arm), Then back otf the switch 1/4 turn to make 0.3 mm (0.01 in) of clearance between the threaded end and pad. Tighten the locknut firmly. Connect the brake switch connecto.. Make sure that the brake lights 90 off when the pedal is released 5. Checkthe brake pedalfree play as described below Pedal Free Play 1. With the engine off. inspect the free play on the pedal pad by pushing the pedal by hand- Free Play: 1 - 5 mm (1/16 - 3/16 in) 2. lf the pedal free play is out of specification, adiust the brake switch. lf the pedal free play is insuffi- cient, it may result in brake drag. swtTcH PEOAL PAD PEDAL FREE PLAY 19-5

Inspection and Adjustment Parking Brake Inspeqtion 1. Pull the parking brake lever with lbfl force to fully apply the parking The parking brake lever should be specified number of clicks. L.var Lockod Clicks: 2 - 6 196 N (20 kqf, 44 brake. locked within the 2. Adjust the parking brake if the lever clicks are out ofspecification. Adiustment 1. Raise the rear wheels off the ground. and support the vehicle on safety stands. @@ Bbck tho front who€ts betore iackingup the rear ot tho vohicle. 2. Remove the parking brake cover PARKING BRAKE COVER 19-6 3. Release the parking brake lever. Adjust the parking brake by turning the adjusting nut. Check that the parking brakes do not drag when therear wheels are turned. Readjust if necessary. Make sure the parking brakes are fully applied when the parking brake lever is pulled up fully. Installthe parking brake cover.7.