honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Wheel Alignment Caster For proper inspection/adjustment of the wheel align-ment, check and adjust these items before checkinq thealignment: . Check that the suspension is not modified.. Check the tire size and tire pressure. . Check th( runout of the wheels and t;res,. Check the suspension ball joints. (Hold a wheel withyour hands, and move it up and down and right andleft to check for wobbling.) Inspection Use commercially-available computerized four wheelalignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (cast- er, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equip-ment manufacturers instructions. Check the caster angle. Caster angle: 210:t 1 lf out of specification, check for bent or damagedsuspension components. 1. 18-4 Camber Inspection Use commercially-available computerized lour wheelalagnment equipment to measure wheel alignment (cast, er, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equip,ment manufacturers instructions. 1. Check the camber angle. Camber angle: Front: 000 1 1 Rear: - 1 :! 1 2. lf out of specification, check for bent or damagedsuspensron components.

Front Toe Inspection/Adjustment Use commercially-available computerized four wheel alignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (caster, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equipment manufacturers instructions, 3. 1.Check the tire pressure. Center the steering wheel spokes. Check the toe with the wheels pointed straight ahead. Front toe-in: 0 i 3 mm {0 t 1/8 inl - lf adjustment is required, go on to step 4. - lf no adjustment is required, remove alignment equipment. Loosen the tie-rod locknuts, and turn both tie-rods in the same direction until the front wheels are pointing straight ahead. 5.Turn both tie-rods equally until the toe reading on the wheel alignment computer is correct. After adjusting, tighten the tie-rod locknuts and reposition the tie-rod boots if they are twisted or displaced. sir N m (5.5 kgJ.m, O lbf.ft) Rear Toe Inspection/Adjustment Use commercially-available computerized four wheel alignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (caster, camber. toe, and turning angle). Follow the equipment manufacturers instructions. Release parking brake to avoid an incorrect mea- surement. Check the toe. Ro8r toe-in: 2 :1 mm {lN l/16:t 1/16 in, - lf adjustment is required, go to step 2. - lf no adiustment is required. remove alignment equrpmenr. Before adjustment, note the locations of adjusting bolts on the right and left compensator arms. Loosen the adjusting bolts, and slide the compen- sator arm in or out. as shown, to adiust the toe. 1. FLANGE BOLT10 x 1.5 mm COMPENSATOR ARM Example: After the rear toe inspection, the wheel is 2 mm (0.08 in) out of the specification.- Move the arm so the adjusting bolt moves 2 mm {0.08 in) inward from the position recorded before the adjustment.- The distance the adjusting bolt is moved should be equal to the amount out-of-specification. 5. Tighten the adjusting bolts. 6a N.m 16.5 kgf.m, 47 lbfftl 18-5

Wheel Alignment Turning Angle Inspection Use commercially-available computerized four wheelalignment equipment to measure wheel alignment (caster, camber, toe, and turning angle). Follow the equipmentmanufacturers instructions. 1. Turn the wheel right and left while applying thebrake, and measure the turning angle of bothwneets. Turning angle: Inward wheel: 37.00 Outward wheel lreference): 31.30 2.lf the turning angle check for be nt or nenIs. is not within the specifications, damaged suspension compo- 18-6

Wheel/Hub lnspection Bearing End Play 1.Raise the vehicle off the ground, and make sure it is securely supported. Remove the wheels, then reinstall the wheel nuts. Attach the dial gauge as shown. Measure the bearing end play by moving the disc or drum inward or outward. Front/Rear; Standard: 0 - 0.05 mm (0 - 0.002 in) Measure end play at thehub flange. Rear: Measure end play at center ofthe hub flange.108 N.m{11.0 kgf.m, q} lbf.ftl It the bearing end play measurement is more than the standard, replace the wheel bearing. 1. Wheel Runout Raise the vehicle off the ground, and make sure it is securely supported, Check for bent or deformed wheels. Attach the dial gauge as shown. Measure the wheel runout by turning the wheel. Front and Rear Whoel Axial Runout: Standard: Steel Wheel: 0 - 1.0 mm {0 - 0.0i[ in] Aluminum Wheel: 0 - 0.7 mm l0 - 0.03 in) Service Limit:2.0 mm 10.08 inl Front and Rear Wheel Radial Runout: Standard: Steel Whoal: 0 - 1.0 mm (0 - 0.04 inl Aluminum Whoel: 0 - 0.7 mm {0 - 0.03 in} Servics Limit:1.5 mm (0.06 inl lf the wheel runout is more than the service limit, reolace the wheel. 18-7

Front Suspension Suspension Arms Replacement Note these items during replacement: . Replace the self-locking nuts after removal. . The vehicle should be on the ground before any bolts or nuts connected to rubber mounts or bushings are tightened.. Before tightening the upper and lower mounting nuts on the stabilizer link, adjusr the location of the link with the sus-pension under vehicle load. . After insta lling the suspension arm, check the front wheel alignment, and adjust if necessary (see page 18-4|. FLANGE EOLTS10 x 1.25 mm54 N.m (5.5 kgf.m,40 tbf.ft) STABILIZER LINKCheck for daftage. FLANGE BOLT8 x 1.25 mm22 N.m {2.2 kg{.m,16 tbf.ftl STAEILIZER AOLT STABILIZER BARAlign the stabilizer markwith end of stabilizer bushing. STABILIZERCheck for bending and damage. UPPER ARMCheck the bushing for deterioration and damage. FLANGE BOLT1{ x 1.5 mm103 N.m {10.5 kgf.m,76 tbf.ft) BALL JOINT BOOT. Check for deterorationano oamage,See page 18 16 for bootreplacement. LOWER ARMRUBBER BUSHINGCheck for deteriorationand damage. ...{l@3 SILICONE GREASERUBBER BUSHINGS SELF-LOCKING NUT10 x 1.25 rr|m 29 N.m (3.0 kgf.m, 22 lbf.ft)Feplace.Hold the ball ioint pin using a hex wrenct BOOTCheck for deteriorationano oamage, 29 N.m {3.0 kgl.m, 2.2 lbf.ftlBefore tightening the llange nut,position the ballioint pinin the middle of its range of travel,with the suspension under vehicle load. DAMPER FORKRUBBER BUSHINGCheck for deterioration and damage. o\ DAMPER FOBKCheck for damage. SELF.LOCKING NUT14 x 1.5 mmReplace.83 N.m (8.5 kgt.m, 61 lbt.ftl FLANGE BOLT14 x 1.5 mm89 N.m (9.l kgl.m, 66 tbf.ft) 10 x 1.25 mm!$ N.m (4.4 kgt.m,32 rbf.ftl SELF.LOCKING NUT12 x 1.25 mmBeplace.64 N.m (6.5 kgt.m, 47 lbf.ft) 18-8

Knuckle/Hub Replacement Note these items during replacement: . Replace the selt-locking nuts after removal. . The vehicle should be on the ground before any bolts or nuts connected to rubber mounts or bushings are tightened. . Torque the castle nuts to the lower torque specifications, then tighten them only far enough to align the slots with each pin hole. Do not align the nuts by loosening. o Use only genuine Honda wheel weights for aluminum wheels. Nongenuine wheel weights may corrode and damage the aluminum wheels. . Onthealuminum wheels, remove the center cap from the inside of the wheel after removing the wheel. . Before installing the brake disc, clean the mating surfaces of the front hub and brake disc. . Before installing the wheel. clean the mating surfaces ofthe brake disc and wheel. . Wipe off the grease before tightening the nuts at the balljoints. CALIPER MOUNTING BOLT12 x 1.25 mm108 N.m (11.0 kgtm.80 lbt.ftl LOWER BALL JOINTInspect for faultymovement and wear,Replacement, page18 15 CASTLE NUT10 x 1.25 mm39 - 47 N.m (i1.0 - 4.8 kgf.m, 29 - 35 lbf.ftl COTTER PINReplace. WHEEL BEARINGBeplace.Replacement, page 18-13 CIRCLIPSPLASH GUARD SCREW5x0.8mm4.9 N.m {0.5 kgf.m,3.6lbf.ft) SET RING FRONT HUBCheck for damage and Replacement,page 18 10 BALL JOINT BOOTCheck for deteriorationano oamage.SPINOLE NUT24 x 1.5 mm245 N.m {25.0 kgI.m, 181 lbtft}Replace.. Before installing the spindle nut, applyengine oil to the seating surface of the nut.. After tightening, use a drift to stake thespindle nut shoulder against the spindle. COTTER PINReplace. CASTLE NUT12x 1.25 fim49 - 59 N.m 15.0 - 6.0 kgt.m. 36 - € lbf.ft) BRAKE DISCCheck for wear andrust.Replacement, page 18-10Inspection, section 19. WHEEL NUT12 x 1.5 mm108 N.m{11.0 kgt m,80 tbf.ftl 6 mm BRAKE DISC RETAINING SCREW9.8 N.m (1.0 kgtm, 7.2 lbtftl(contd ) 18-9

Front Suspension Knuckle/Hub Replacement (contdl 1.Loosen the wheel nuts slightly. Raise the front of the vehicle, and make sure it is secu.ely supported. Remove the wheel nuts and wheel. SPINDLE NUT24 x 1,5 mm245 N.m (25.0 kgf.m, 181 lbtft)Replace. Raise the locking tab on the spindle nut, then remove the nut. Remove the brake hose mounting bolts. BRAKE HOSE MOUNTING BOLT8 x 1.25 mm22 N.m {2.2 kgt m, 16 lbtft) CALIPER MOUNTING BOLTS12 x 1.25 mm108 N.m (11.0 kgl.m, 80 lbl.ft) Remove the caliper mounting bolts, and hang the caliper assembly to ona side. To prevent damagg to the caliper assembly or brake hose, use a shortpiece of wire to hang the caliper from the undercar- riage. 18-10 7. Remove the 6 mm brake disc retaining screws, 6 mm BRAKE DISCRETAINING SCREWS9.8 N.m(1.0 kgl.m,7.2 lbf.ftl 8. 8 x 1.25 mm BOLTS Screw two 8 x 1.25 mm bolts into the disc to push it awav from the hub. Turn each bolt two turns at a time to prevent cocking the disc excessively, Remove the brake disc from the knuckle. Check the front hub for damage and cracks. 11. Remove the wheel sensor from the knuckle (for vehicles with ABS). Do not disconnect the wheel sensor connector. 9.8 N.m(1.0 kgf.m,7.2 tbttrl MOUNTINGBOLTS9.8 N.mlr.0 kgf.m, ?.2lbf.ftl

12. 13. 14. Clean any dirt or grease off the ball joint. Remove the cotter pin from the steering arm, and remove the nut. Apply grease to the special tool on the areas shown. This will ease installation of the tool and prevent damage to the pressure bolt threads. PRESSURE BOLT lnstall a 10 mm hex nut on the ball joint. Make sure the hex nut is flush with the ball joint pin end to prevent damage to the threaded end of the ball joint. BALL JOINT REMOVER, 28 mm07MAC - SL(x)2(x)HEX NUT HEX NUT10 x 1.25 mm(99 modcll43 N.mlit.a kgl.m.32 tbtft) 37 -98 models: tc. 6:) CASTLE NUT10 x 1.25 mm l97 - 98 modcls)39 - 47 N.m{4.0 - 4.829 - 3s rbtftt COTTERReplace.On re6ss€mbly,bend the cofter pin 16. Install the special tool as shown. Insert the jaws carefully, making sure you do not damage the balljoint boot. Adiust the jaw spacing by turning the pressure bolt. lf necessary, apply penetrating type lubricant to loosen the ball ioint. 99 -00 modol: 18. 17. Once the special tool is in place, turn the adjusting bolt as necessary to make the jaws parallel. Then hand-tighten the pressure bolt, and recheck thejaws to make sure they are still parallel. ADJUSTING BOLT After making the adjustment to the adjusting bolt, make sure the head of the adjusting bolt is in this position to allow the jaw to pivot. With a wrench, tighten the pressure bolt until the ball joint shaft pops loose from the steering arm. @ wear eye protection. The balt iointcan break loose suddenly and scatter dirt or other dsbris in your ey€s. Remove the tool, then remove the nut from the end of the ball joint, and pull the ball joint out of the steering/suspension arm. Inspect the ball joint boot. and replace it if damaged. (contdl 1(| 18-1 1

Front Suspension Knuckle/Hub Replacement (contd) 20. Remove the cotter pin from the lower arm ball joint castle nut, and remove the nut. COTTER PINReplace.On ra6ssembly,bend the cofter pin CASTI.E NUT12 x 1.25 mmilg - 59 N.m (5.0 - 6.0 kgf.m, 36 - a3 lbf.ftl CASTLE NUT12 x 1.25 mm COITER PINReplace. BALL JOINT REMOVER, 28 mm07MAC - Sl(xr2(x, Install a 12 mm hex nut on the ball joint. Make sure the hex nut is flush with the ball joint pin end, or the threaded section of the ball joint pin might be dam- aged by the ball joint remover. Use the special tool as shown on page 18-11 to sep- arate the ball joint and lower arm. lf necessary, apply penetrating type lubricant to loosen the balljoint. 18-12 23. Remove the cotter pin from the upper ball joint cas- tle nut, and remove the nut. COTTER PINReplace.On reassembly, bendthe cotter pin as shown. CASTLE NUT10 x 1.25 mm39 - 47 N.m14.0 - ,4.8 kgt m,29 - 35 tbt.ftl 24. 25. 26. 10 mmnEMOVER, 28 mm07MAC _ SLtD2(xl Install the 10 mm hex nut on the ball joint. Make sure the hex nut is flush with the ball joint pin end, or the threaded section of the ball joint pin might be damaged by the ball joint remover. Use the special tool as shown on page 18-11 to sep- arate the ball joint and knuckle. lf necessary, apply penetrating type lubricant to loosen the ball joint. Pull the knuckle outward, and remove the driveshaft outboard joint from the knuckle by tapping the driv+ shaft end with a pl8stic hammer, then remove the knuckle. KNUCKI.ECheck lor damage.