honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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From page 14-74 Check Shift Control SolenoidValvo B tor a Short Circuil:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the shift control solenoidvalve yy8 assembly.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 811 and Ag or A22 termi-nals, Ropair short to ground in the wireb64w€€n tho 811 torminal and lhgshift control solenoid valvo B. Meesure Shift Control SolenoidValve B Rosistance at lh€ Sole-noid Vrlve Connector:Measure the resistance betweenthe No. 2 terminal ol the connector and body ground. Check tor open in the wirebdtweon the 811 torminal and theshift control sol€noid valv6 the resistance 12 - 25 O? Reolace the shift control solenoidvalve A/B asJembly, PCM CONNECTORS Wire side of female terminals SHIFT CONTROL SOLENOIDVALVE A/B ASSEiBLY CONNECTOR ti;Tll I sH B |GRN/W{T| o YII Terminal side of male terminals 14-75

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Countershaft Speed Sensor Possible Cause . Loose or faulty connection betweenih€ PCM and vehicle harness. Disconnected countershaft spoedsensor conneclor. Short or open in countershaft speed . Faulty counteBhaft speed lensor lf the Honda PGMTester is available:I J COUNTERSHAFT SPEED SENSOR CONNECTOR ll-T,ll-rT ral YIL__l Terminal side of male terminals . OBO ll Scan Tool indicates Codem720. solt-diagnosis iD! indicator lightblink3 nine tim6s. Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for problem verification. Connect the Honda PGM Tester,and test-drive the vehicle withthe tester in Data Link or snapShot mode, Make sure the coun-tershaft speed sensor reads thesame as the vehicle speed sensorlVSS). The countershaft sooed sensor isOK sr this time. Veritv that allconnecloas in the circuit aremaking good contacl. Check the countershaft speedsensor installation, and check itfor damage. ls the countershaft speed sen-sor installed properly, and notdamaged?neinstall or roDlaco and recheck. Measuro CountoBhaft Speed Sen-sor Relbtance at the Sensor Con-nector:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the countershaft speedsensor connector.2. Measure the resistance of thecountershaft speed sensor. ls the resistance 400 - 600 o? To page 14-77 14-76

Ch€ck CounteGh!ft Spocd Sonsoifor a Short Cirruit:1. Disconnect the B 125P) connector lrom the PCM.2. Check for continuity botweenthe body ground and the B23terminal and 822 term ina Iindividually. Repair short in tho wirgs b€twoentho 823 ,nd 822 te.minals andthc countaBhaft sp€€d senso.. Mersuro Countorrhrtt Spoed Son-sor qrcuit tor an Open:1. Connect the countershaftspeed sensor 2P connector,2, Measure the resistancebetween the 823 and 822 termrnals. Rapair loor€ t.rminll or opon intho wircs betwoon tho 823 .nd822 terminrl! .nd th. countaFshaft specd san3or. ls the resistance 400 - 600 0? Check for loo3e terminsl fit in thePCM connecto13. It necess!ry,sub3titulg s known-good PCMand rochock. PCM CONNECTOR B I25PI Wire side of lemale terminals 14-77

Electrical Troubleshooting {97 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Mainshaft Speed Sensor Po$ible Cau3o . Disconnocted mainshaft speod sen-sot connectot. Short or open in mainsh.ft sp6ed Faulty meinshaft spoed sensor NOTE: Code P0715115) on the PCMdoesnt always mean theres an electricalproblem in the mainshaft or counlersharlspeed sensor circuit; code P0715(15) mayalso indicate a mechanical problem in thetransmission. Check the freeze data witha Honda PGM Tester. lf the mainshaftspeed sensor rpm was 0, proceed withthis troubleshooting. lf not, the probablecause is a mechanical problom within thetransmission, MAINSHAFT SPEEOSENSOR CONNECTOR _E_ ItiT,ll-F=r 9t LJ Terminal side of male terminals PCM CONNECTOR B {25P Wire side of female terminals . OBD ll Scan Tool indic.t6 Codem715.. Self-diagnosis E indic.tor lightindicatag Code 15. Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later {or prob,lem verification. Check the mainshaft and counter-shaft speed sensor installation,and checkthe sensors for damage. Are the mainshaft and counter-shaft speed sensors installedproperly, and not damaged?Reingtall or reolace and recheck. Meaaure MaiNhatt Spoed Sen3orR6sist!nce at the Sensor Con-necaor:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the mainshaft speed sen-sor connector.2. lreasure the resistance of themainshaft speed sensor. ls the resistance 400 - 600 O? Check Mainahaft Speed Sensortor a Short Circuit:1. Disconnect the B (25P) connec-tor lrom the PCM.2. Check for continuity betlveenbody ground and 815 terminaland the 814 terminal individu- ReDair short in the wir€6 b€t reenthe 815 and 814 torminals andthe mainsh!ft sp€ed sensor. To page l4-79 14-78

From page 1478 Moasuro Mrin3haft Spoed SanlorResktanco:1. Connect the mainshaft speedsensor 2P connector,2, Measure the resistancebetween the 815 and 814 ter-minals, Run the Electricrl TroubloshootingFlowchs tor codo m72O l9l.Chock for loo3e torminal fh in thePCM conn6cto.s. It necessarY,substitute a known-good PCMand rochgck. ls the resistance 400 - 600 O? Check NM Wiro Continuity:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the mainshaft speed sen-sor connector.2. Check for continuity betweenthe 815 terminaland the No.2terminal of the mainshaftspeeo sensor conneoor. Ropair open in the wir6 betw€onthe 815 terminal and the main-shaft sDood $nsoa. Check NMSG Wire Continuity:Check for continuity between the814 terminal and the No. 1 termi-nal of the mainshaft speed sensorconnector. R€pai. opon in the wi.o betweenthe Bltl terminal and tho main3haft sDe€d sensoa, lor loos. t6rminallit in thePCM connecto13, lf neca3sary,substitute a known-good PCMand rochock. PCM CONNECTOR B {25P} Wir€ side of female terminals MAINSHAFT SPEED SENSORCONNECTOR 14-79

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Modell Troubleshooting Flowchart - Linear Solenoid Possible Caus€ . Disconnocted linear solenoid con- . Short or oDen in linear solenoid . Fsultv linear solenoid SOLENOID CONNECTOR t-TTIt]]lt tl I ? rl-Tr atll L_l PCM CONNECTOR B I25PI LSM {WHTI LSP {RED) LINEAR Terminal side ot male terminals Wire side of lemale terminals . OBD ll Scan Tool indicates CodeP1768.. E indicator lightindicat* Code 16. Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for prob lem verification. M€ssurc Linear Solanoid Re3ist-ance ei th€ Solonoid Connoctor:1. Disconnect the 2P connectorfrom the linear solenoid con-nector,2, Measure the resistance ol thelinear solenoid. ls the resistance about 5.0 O? Check Linear Solenoid {or a ShortCileuit:1. Disconnect the B (25P) connector from the PCM.2. Check for continuity betweenthe body ground and the B1terminal and 82 terminal individually. Rooair short in the wires betweenthe Bl end 82 terminek .nd thelinear solenoid. To page 14-81

Ch€ck Ground Lin€:1. Disconnect the A (32P) con-nector from the PCM.2. Check lor continuity betweenterminals Ag and A10 andbetween terminals A22 andA.23. Repair loose terminal or opon inth€ wires between terminals A9,A10, A22 and A23 and g.ound, andrepair poor ground lG101, G4011. Measure Linear Solenoid R*ist- ance:1. Connect the linear solenoid 2P connector.2. Measure the resistancebetween the 81 and 82 terminals, Ropair loos€ terminal or op6n in the wiles between th€ 81 and 82 l6rminals and the linear the resistance about 5.0 0? Chock lor loose tarminalfit in thePCM connectors. lf necosaarv,subsiituto a known-good PCMand recheck. PGl IBLKI PG2 (ALKI Wire side of temale terminals 14-81

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model) . OBD ll Scan Tool indicrt6 Cod6P0740.. Self-diagno3b E indicator lightindicatos Codc 40. Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed laterlor prob- lem verification Check tor Another Code:Check whether the OBD ll scantool or the E indicator lightindicates another code. Perlorm the TroubleshootingFlowchart lor th€ indicat€dCodo{s). Rocheck tor code P0740 {ilol after troubl$hooting. Does the OBD ll scan tool orthe E indicator light indicateanother code? Tesl Line Pressure:Measure the line pressure (seepage 14-161 and 14-162). ls the line pressure within theservice limit?R6pair tho hydraulic ayst€m asnecessary {see page 14-162}. Test lst, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ClutchPressure:Measure the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4thclutch pressure (see page 14161thru 14163). Repair the hydraulic system dsnecessary {see pago 14-152 rnd14-163). ls each clutch pressure withinthe service limit? Troubleshooting Flowchart - Lock-up Control System Possiblo Cause Faulty Lock-up control sy3t6m NOTE: Do not continue with this troubleshooting until the causes of any otherDTCS have been corrected. * Even if yotl cannot reproduce code P0740. test the line pressure, test the clutchpressures, and i{ necessary, replace the lock-up control solenoid valve assembly 1 To page 14-83 4-82

From page 14 82 Replace the Lock-up ControlSolenoid Valve Assembly andRecheck:1. Replace the lock-up controlsolenoid valve A/B assembly(see page 14-135).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PCM by remov-ing the BACK uP (7.5 A) fusein the under-hood fuse/relaybox for more than 10 seconds.3. lJsing the scan tool, check tobe sure that the engine coolanttemperature is 176F 180C) orabove,4. Drive the vehicle at 55 mph(88 km/h) constantly for moretnan one mrnute.5. Recheck for code P0740 (40). Does the OBD ll scan tool indicatecode PO74O or doesthe El indicator light indicate code 40?The svstem is OK ai this time. Replace the Linear Sol€noidA$embly and Recheck:1. Beplace the linear solenoidassembly {see page 14-138).2. Turn the ignition switch OFFand reset the PCM memory byremoving the BACK UP (7.5 A)fuse in the underhood fuse/relay box for more than 10seconds.3. Using the scan tool, check tobe sure that the engine coolanttemperature is 176F (80C) orabove.4. Drive the vehicle at 55 mph (88 km/h) constantly for more thanone minute,5. Recheck for code P0740 {40). Does the OBD ll scan toolindicate code P0740 or doesthe E indicator light indicate code 40? The svsteo is OK at this tim€. Replace the transmission andtorque convertor assembly.

Electrical Troubleshooting (97 Model) Troubleshooting Flowchart - Shift Control System Possible Cause Flty t lft .tttrl yt.. + Even it you cannot reproduce codeP0730, test drive the vehicle, test theclutch pressures, and if necessary,replace the shift control solenoid valve . OBD ll Scan Tool indicates CodeP0730.. Selt-diagnosis E,l indicatorlight indicates Code 41. Check and record the freeze datain case it is needed later for prob-lem verification. Check tor Another Code:Check whether the OBD ll scantool or the Pll indicator lightindicates another code, Pertorm the TroubleshootingFlowchart for the indicatedCodels). Do not conlinu€ withthis troubleshooting until thecauses of anv other DTCS havebeen corrected. Recheck for codeP0730 {41) after troubloshooting. Does the OBD ll scan tool orthe E indicator light indi-cate another code? Test lst. 2nd, 3rd. and 4th ClutchPressure:Measure the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and4th clutch pressure (see page 14-161 thru 14-163). Repair the hydraulic svstem asnecessary lsee page 1,1-162 andr4-1631. ls each clutch pressure withinthe service limit? To page 14-85