honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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PCM CONNECTOR C (31PI ferminalnumberWirecolorTerminalnameDoscriptionSignal tBLUiREDCKFP (CKF SENSOR PSIDE)Detects CKF sensor.With engine running: pulses 2BLUCKPP (CKP SENSOR PSIDE)Detects CKP sensor.With engine running: pulses 3GRNTDCP (TDC SENSOR PSIDE)Detects TDC sensor.With engine running: pulses 4YELCYPP (CYP SENSOR PSIDE)Detects cYP sensor.With engine running: pulses 5BLU,frEDACS (A/C SWTTCHSIGNAL)Detects A,/C switch signal.With AJC switch ON: 0 VWith A,/C switch OFF: battery voltage BLU/ORNSTS (STARTER SWITCHSIGNAL) Detects starter switch signal.With starter switch ON (lll): bafteryvoltageWith staner switch OFF: 0 V 7BRNSCS (SERVICE CHECKSIGNAL) Detects service check connectorsignal (the signal causing a DTCindication) With the connector connected: 0 V With the connector disconnected: about 5 V or battery voltage 8LT BLUK-LINESends and receives scan toolsrgnal.With ignition switch ON (ll): pulses 10WHT/BLUVBUUP) (VOLTAGE BACKPower source tor the PCMcontrol circuit. Power source for the DTC memory Battery voltage at all times 11WHT/REDCKFM (CKF SENSOR MSIDE)Ground for CKF sensor signal. 12WHTCKPM (CKP SENSOR I\4SIDE)Ground lor CKP sensor signal. 13REDTDCM (TDC SENSOR MSIDE}Ground for TDC sensor signal. 14BLKCYPM (CKP SENSOR MSIDE}Ground for CYP sensor signal. 16GRN PSPSW (P/S PRESSUREswtTcH)Detects PSP switch signal.At idle with steering wheel in straightahead position:0 VAt idle with steering wheel at full lock: battery voltage 17WHT/REDALTF (ALTERNATOR FRSIGNAL) Detects alternator FR signal.With fully warmed up engine running: 0 V-battery voltage {depending onelectrical load) 18BLUA/VHTVSS (VEHICLE SPEEDSENSOR)Detects VSS signal.Wirh ignition switch ON (ll) and frontwheels rotating: cycles 0 V - 5 V or bat-tery voltage Wire side of femaie terminalsPCM CONNECTOR C {31PINOTE: Standard battery voltage is 12 V. (contd)

Troubleshooting Powertrain Gontrol Module Terminal Arrangement -97 Model (contd) PCM CONNECTOR O {16PI PCM CONNECTOR D (I6P)Wire side of f6male terminals NOTE: Standard battery voltage is 12 V. f.rminal numbcrWir! colorT€rminal nam6DescriptionSignal 1RED/BLKTPS ffHROTTLE POSITION SENSOR} Detects TP sensor signal.With throttle fullv oDen: about 4.8 V With throttle fullv closed: about 0.5 V RE D,4/VHT ECT (ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR Detects ECT sensor signal.With ignition switch ON {ll): about 0.1 - 4.8 V (depending on engine coolant temperature) RED/GRN MAP (MANIFOLD ABSOLUTE PRESSURE SENSOR) Detects MAP sensor signal.With ignition switch ON (ll): about 3 V At idle; about 1.0 V(depending on engine speed) YEUREDVCCl (SENSOR VOLTAGE) Pow€r source for MAP sensor.With ignition switch ON (ll): about 5 V With ignition switch OFF: 0 V EG R N/WHT BKSW (BRAKE SWITCH) Detects brake switch signal.With brake pedal released:0 V With brake pedal depressed: battery voltage 7WHT PHO2S (PRIMARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR SENSOR 1) Detects heated primary oxygen sensor (sensor 1) signal. With throttle fully opened from idle with fully warmed up engine: above 0.6 V With throttle quickly closed: below 0.4 v 8RED//E L IAT (INTAKE AIR TEM. PERATURE SENSOR) Detects IAT sensor signal.With ignition switch ON lll): about 0.1 - 4.8 V (depending on intake air temperaturel 10YEUBLUVCC2 (SENSOR VOLT- AGEI Provides sensor voltage.With ignition switch ON (ll): about 5 V With ignition switch OFF: 0 V 11GRN/BLKSG2 (SENSOR GROUND) Sensor ground.Less than 1.0 V at all times 12GRN/WHTSGl (SENSOR GROUND) Ground for MAP sensor.Less than 1.0 V at all times 13RED/YE L SHO2S SG(SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR, SENSOR 2 GROUND) Ground for secondary heated orygen sensor (sensor 2). 14WHT/RED SHO2S (SECONDARY HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR, SENSOR 2) Detects secondary heated orygen sensor (sensor 2) signal, With throttle fully opened from idle with fully warmed up engine; above 0.6 V With throttle quickly closed: below 0.4 v 16*GRN/RED EL (ELD)Detects ELD signal.With parking lights turned on at idle about 2.5 - 3.5 V With low beam headlights turned on at idle: about 1.5 - 2.5V 1-70

Engine/Powertrain Control Module Terminal Arrangement - 38 - 00 Models ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A (32P} ,/./5aIsca ,/ l,/t5ItsTs n2ls!uCI Wire side ot female terminalsECM/FCM CONNECTOR A {32P)NOTE: Standard baftery voltage is 12 V. D93criptionSignal 3BLU2WBS {EVAP BYPASSSOLENOID VALVE)Drives EVAP bvoass solonoid valve.With ignirion switch ON {ll)r battery voltage LT GRNMHTVSV {EVAP CONTROL CANISTEB VENT SHUT VALVE)D.ives EVAP controlcanisler vent shutWith ig^ition switch ON (ll): battery voltage 5,BLUCRS (CRUISE CONTROL SIGNAL)Shift Oown signalinputfrcm cruise conWhen cruise control is used: pulses 6RED/YEL PCS (EVAP PURGE CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE)Drives EVAP purge controlsolonoid valve.With engins running, engine coolant, below 154F(68C)r battery voltageWith engine running, engine coolant, above 154F{6aC}r duty conl.olled 8ELIOWHTSO2SHTC (SECONDARVHEATED OXYGEN SENSORHEATER CONTROL) Drives sacondary heated oxygen sensorWith ignition switch ON (ll): banery voltageWith fully warmed up engine running: duty 10BRNSCS (SERVICE CHECX SIGNAL)Detects seNics check conneclor signal(he signalcausing a DTC indicatjon)with rhe lerminal connected:0 vWith the rerminaldisconnectedrabout 5 v or l4rGRN/8LKD4IND (D4INDICATOR)+3DIND (D INDICATORTIDrives D4*3. Drindicaior light.W,rh 04 , O indrcator light turned O batter, With D4*3, D*. indicator light turned OFFr0 V 16GRNI/ELFLR (FUEL PUMP RELAY)Drivss fusl pump relay.0 V for iwo seconds after runin9 ignlion swilchON lll), then banery voltage 17AL|(/REDACC (I/C CLUTCH RELAY}Drives l,/C clurch rclay.With compressor ONr0 VWith compressor OFF: battery voltage 18GRN/ORNMIL (MALFUNCTION INDICA.TOR LIGHT)Driv€s MlL.With MlLturned ON:0 VWith MIL turned OFF: battery voltage 19BLUNEP (ENGINE SPEED PULSE)Outputs engine spsed pulse.With sngine runnin9: pulses 20GRNFANC {RADIATOR FAN CONTROL)Drives r6diator fan rslay.With radaator fan running:0 VWith radaatorfan stopped: battery vollage 218LU/t/ELK-LINESends and receiv€s scan toolsignal.With ignition switch ON (ll): prlses 23WHT/REDSHO2S (SECONDARY HEATEDOXYGEN SENSOR. SENSOR 2iDetects secondary h€at€d oxygen sensorWith throttle fully opened from idle wilh fullywalmed up engine: above 0.6 Vwith rhrottle quickly closed: below 0-4 V 21BLU/WHTSTS (STARTER SWITCH SIG,NAL}Dotocts srarter switch signal.Whh staner switch ON (lll): batlery voltageWith srarter switch OFF: 0 V 26GBNPSPSW {P/S PsESSUFESWITCH SIGNAL)Detecrs PSP switch signal.At idle with steeing wh€el in stBighl ahead position: 0 VAt idls with nee ng wheel al full lockr banory voltage 2fBLU/BEOACS (IrC SWTCH SIGNAL}D€tects lyC switch signal.With AyC switch ON:0 VWith l/C swil€h OFF: about 5 V 2A\WHT/NEDSLU {INTERLOCK CONTROLUNIT)Orives interlock control unil.With ignilion switch ON (ll)and brake pedaldepressed: battery vohage 29LT GRNPTANK (FUEL TANK PRESSURE SENSOR)Detocts fueltank pressure sensor signal.With agnition switch ON (ll) and fuel fill capopensd; about 2.5 v GBN/FEDEL (ELD}Detects ELD signal.Wirh paaing rightstumed on at idle:about 2.5 - 3.5 VWith low beam headlights tumed on at idle:about 1.5-2.5V GRN/WHTBKSW (BRAKE SWTTCH)Dst€cts brake switch signal.Wirh brake pedal released:0 VWith brake pedal depressed: battery vollage 13: 98 modsl 15: USA(contd) 11-71

Troubleshooting Engine/Powertrain Control Module Terminal Arrangement - 98 - 00 Models (contd) ECM/PCM CONNECTOR B {25PI Wire side of female terminalsECM/PCM CONNECTOR B I25PI *2t MlT*3: 98 model4: 99 - 00 models NOTE: Standard baftery voltage is l2 Ierminalnumb€tWire colorTerminsl nameDescriptionSignal 1YEUBLKIGPl (POWER SOURCE)Power source for the ECM/PClvlcontrol circuit.withagewith ignition switch ON (ll): battery volt- ignition switch OFF:0 V BLKPG1 (POWER GROUND}Ground for the ECM/PClvl controlcircuit.Less than 1.0 V at all times REDlNJ2 (No. 2 FUEL INJEC-roR)Drives No. 2 Iuel injector.With engine running: duty controlled BLUlNJ3 1No. 3 FUEL INJEC-TOR)Drives No. 3Iuel jnjector. YELlNJ4 {No.4 FUEL INJEC-TOR)Drives No. 4 fuel injector. 8*1WHTLS- (A/T CLUTCH PRES.SURE CONTROL SOLE,NOID VALVE _ SIDE) A,/T clutch pressure controlsolenoid valve power supplynegative terminal. With ignition switch ON (ll): dutycontrolled 9YEUBLKIGP2 IPOWER SOURCE)Power source for the ECN,I/PCMcontrol circuit.With ignition switch ON (lll: bafteryvoltageWith ignition switch OFF:0 V 10BLKPG2 (POWER GROUND}Ground for the ECM/PCM controlcrrcurt.Less than 1.0 V at all times BRNlNJl (No. 1 FUEL INJECTOR)Drives No. l tuel injector.With engine running: duty controlled YEUGRNrcM {rGNrTroN coN-TROL MODULE)Sends ignition pulse.With ignition switch ON (ll): batteryvoltageWith engine running: pulses 17*1REDLS+ (A,,IT CLUTCH PRESSURE CONTROL SOLE-NOID VALVE + SIDE) A,/T clutch pressure controlsolenoid valve power supplypositive terminal With ignition switch ON (ll): dutycontrolled 19*.PNK ODIND (OVER-DRIVE OFF INDICATOR}Drives OVER-DRIVE OFFindicator light.With OVER-DRIVE OFF indicator lightturned ON: 0 VWith OVER-DRIVE OFF indicator lightturned OFF: battery voltage 20BRN/BLKLG1 (LOGIC GROUND)Ground for the ECM/PCM controlcircuit.Less than 1.0 V at all times WHT/BLUVBU (VOLTAGE BACKUP)Power source for the ECM/PCMcontrol circuit.Power source forthe DTC memory. Battery voltage at all times 22BRN/BLKLG2 (LOGIC GROUND)Ground for the ECN4/PCM controlctrcutt,Less than 1.0 V at all times 23BLVBLUIACV {IDLE AIR CON.TROL VALVE)Drives IAC valve.With engine running: duty controlled 11-72

ECM/PCM CONNECTOF C (31PI Wire side o{ female terminal€ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C (31P)NOTE: Standard battery voltage is 12 V. TermidalD.3criptionSignal 8LI(WHTPOzSHTC {PRIII4ABY HEATEDOXYGEN SENSOR HEATERCONTROL) Drivss prim6ry h$ted oxygsn sensorWilh ignition switch ON (ll): baneryvoltsgeWith ftrllywarmsd up €ngine runnang: duty 2WHT/GBNALTC (ALTERNATOR CON,TROL)Sonds alternalor control signsl.With fully wafmod up €ngine rnningr ban€ryvoltagoDu ng driving with small elsctrical lo6d: 0 v 31FED/8LUKS (KNOCK SENSOR)Dstects KS signal.With engine knockang: pulses 5WHT/REDALTF (ALTERNATOR FR SIG-NAL}Detects alternator FR signal.Wth fullywarmed up €ngine running:0 V-batteryvoltag€ {d€pending on slsctrical load) 1GRN,4trHTSG1 (SENSOR 680UND}Ground for l/tAP sensor.L€ss than 1.0 v 6t all times 8BLUCKPP (CKP SENSOF P SIDE)Dat€cls CKP s6nsor.With €ngin€ runningr puls€s 9CKPI.,I| {CKP SENSOF M SIDE)Ground for CKP s€nsor. 15PHO2S {PRIMARY HEATEDOXYGEN SENSOR, SENSOR 1)Detocts pfimary he6t6d oxygen ssnsor {sonsor 1)signal.with ihfottls fully opened from idle with fully, walm6d up engins: above 0.6 VWith throttlo quickly clossd: below 0.4 v 17RED/GRNMAP (MANIFOLD ABSOLUTEPRESSURE SENSOR) D6tects MAP s€nsor sign6l.With ignition switch ON (ll):about 3 VAt idls: aboul 1.0 V {dspsnding on engine speed) 18GRN/BLKSG2 (SENSOB GNOUNDiLsss than 1.0 V at all tim€s 19YEUBEDVCCl {SENSOR VOLTAGE)Power soufce to MAP s€nsor.With ignition switch ON (ll): about 5 VWith ignition switch OFF:0 V 20GRNTDCP {TDC SENSOR P SIDE)Derecis TDC sensor.With engine funning: Pulses 2lREDTDCM ITDC SENSOR M SID€)Ground for TDC sensor. 22BLU/REDCKFP (CKF SENSOR PSIDE)Dstscts CKF s€nsor.With sngins running: pulsss 23BLU/WHTVSS (VEHICLE SPEED SEN-soR)Dstscrs vss signal.With ignition switch ON (ll)and front wheelsrotaringrcyclss 0 v- 6bout 5 V or ban€ry voltage 25RED//ELIAT (INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOB)Detacts IAT sensor signal.With igniiion switch ON (ll): about 0.1 - 4.8 V(d€p€nding on iniate air t€mp€raturc) 26REO/WHTECT {ENCINE COOLANTTEMPERATURE SENSOR)oetscts ECT sensor signal.With ignition switch ON (ll): about 0.1 4.8 V {doponding on 6ngin€ coolanl lemper6tu16) 27RED/BLKTPS (THROTTLE POSITIONSENSOR)Dotects TP sensor signrl.with rhrottls fully op€n: aboui 4.8 vwith throtrl6 fullyclosed: about 0.5 v 2AYEUBLUVCC2lSENSOR VOLTAG€}Provid€s s€nsor voltage.With ignilion switch ON (ll): about 5 VWhh ignition switch OFF: 0 V 29YELCYPP ICYP SENSO8 P SIDE)Dsrscts CYP sensor.With €ngins runningr pulsss 30BLKCYPM (CYP SENSOR M SIDE)Ground for CYP sansor. 31WHT/REDCKFM {CKF SENSOR M SIDE)6.ound lof CKF ssnsor signal. 11. AfT 13. 94 model2:M/T 14:99- 0o modsls.5: USA (contd) 11-73

Troubleshooting Powertrain Control Module Terminal Arrangement -98 - 00 Models (contdl PCM CONNECTOR D (16P)NOTE: Standard battery voltage is 12 V. i1:A/T *3:98 model2: M/T *4:99 00 models ECM/PCM CONNECTOR D {16P} Wire side of lemaleterminals D€s4riptionSign!l YELLC A {LOCK,UP CONTBOLSOLENOID VALVE A)Oriv€s lockup conrrol solenoid valve A.With lock-up ON: b6ttery voltagsWith lock-up OFF:0 V 2+1GBN,M/HT SHB (SHIFT CONTROLSOLENOIO VALVE B)Drives shift controlsolenoid valve B.In 1st, 2nd position, in lst and 2nd gear an D4, D3(D)11 position: battery vohag€In P, R, N position, in 3rd geaf in D1, D3 (D)*.position, in 4th gear in D4 (D)*r positionr0 V GRN/BLKLC 8 (LOCK,UP CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE B}Drives lock up controlsolenoid valve B.With full lock-up: 8attery voitageWith half lockuprduty controlled BLK/YELVBSOL (BATTERY VOLTAGEFOR SOLENOID VALVE}Pow€r source of solenoid valvs.With ignition switch ON (ll): batteryvoltageWith ignition switch OFF| 0 V ATPR {AI GEAE POSITIONSWITCH)Delscls A/T gear posrtion swirch srgnal.In any other positjon: battsry voltage BLU,ryEL SHA (SHIFT CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE A)Drives shift conrrol solenoid valvp A.In 2nd, R position, an 2nd and 3rd ge6r in D4, D3(D)r posilion: batlery voltageIn 1st gear in 04, 03 {D)}. position, in 4th gear inD4 (D)*. position, in P, N position:0 V PNKATPD3 (AT GEAR POSITIONswrTcH)Detects A,/T g€ar poshion swirch sign6l.In D3 position:0 Vh any other posiiion: ban€ryvoltage PNK ODSW (OVER.DBIVE SWITCH)Detects OVEF-DRIVE swirch sagnal.With Ovor Drivs OFF (O/D OFF indicator lightturned ON): 0 VWilh Ovsr Drivs ON (O/D OFF indicrto.lashtturned OFF): about 5 V 9YELATPDI}3, O}I {AT GEARPOStTtON SWTTCH)Dot€cts A/T g€ar position swirch signal.In D4r3, O*. position:0 VIn any other posilion: battery voltage 10.,BLUNC (COUNIERSHAFT SPEEDSENSOR)Detscts counl€rshaft speed sensorWith ignition switch ON (ll), and ffonr wheels REDNM IIVAINSHAFT SPEEDSENSOB)Detects mainshaft speed sensor sign6ls.Wilh engine running: pulses NMSG {MAINSHAFTSPEEDSENSOB GBOUND)Ground for mainshaft speed sensor- 13*1LT GRNATPNP (AT GEAR POSITIONswtTcH)Delects A,/T gear position switch signat.In park or n€utral:0 Vh any other posilion: about 5 V 8LUATP2 (AT GEAR POSFIONswrTcH)Dstects A,/T gear position switch signal.h any othsr position: battery voltsgs 15.BRNATP1 {AT GEAR POSITIONswrTcH)Detscts A/T gear position switch signal.In any other position: htteryvoltage t6GRNNCSG {COUNTERSHAFTSPEED SENSOR GROUND}Grouod for counterchaft sp€ed s€nsor. 11-74

Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCI Chart *: These DTCS will be indicated by the blinking of the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) with the SCS service connector connected.**: The E (E)*u indicator tight and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) may come on simultaneously.*1 AIT *3 97 model +5; 99 - 00 models*2: MlT *4:98 model {contd) 11-75 DTC(MlL indication*lDetection ltemProbable CausePago P0107 (3)Manifold Absolute Pressu.e CircuitLow Input Open or short in MAP sensor circuit MAP sensor ECMiPCM t l-90 P0108 {3) Manifold AbsolutePressure Circuit High Input Open in MAP sensor circuitMAP sensor ECM/PCM 11-92 P01 1 1*3 (10)Intake Air Temperature Circuit Range/Performance Problem . IAT sensor 11-95 P0112 (10)lntake Air Temperature CircuitLow Input Short in IAT sensor circuit IAT sensorECM/PCM1 1-96 P0113 (10)lntake Air Temperature Circuit High lnput Open in IAT sensor circuit IAT sensor ECM/PCM I 1-97 P0116 (86)Engine CoolantTemperature CircuitRange/Performance Problem ECT sensor Cooling system1 1-99 P0117 (6)Engine Coolant Temperature Circuit Low Input Short in ECT sensor circuit ECT sensor ECM/PCM 1 1-100 P0118 (6)Engine Coolant Temperature CircuitHigh Input Open in ECT sensor circujt ECT sensor ECM/PCM 11-101 P0122 \11 Throttle Position Circuit Low Input Open or short in TP sensor circuitTP sensor ECM/PCM 11-103 P0123 l7l Throftle Position Circuit High Input Open in TP sensor circuit TP sensor ECM/PCM11-107 P0131 (1) Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit Low Voltage(Sensor 1) Short in Primary HO2S {Sensor 1) circuit Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) Fuel supply system ECM/PCM 1 1-1 10 P0132 (1)Primary Heated Orygen SensorCircuit High Voltage(Sensor 1) Open in Primary HO2S (Sensor 1) circuitPrimary HO25 (Sensor 1)ECM/PCM 11113 P0133 (61)Primary Heated Oxygen Sensor Slow Response(Sensor 1) . Primary HO2S (Sensor 1). Exhaust system11I 16 P0135 (41) Primary Heated Oxygen SensorHeater Circuit Malfunction {Sensor 1) . Open or short in Primary HO2S (Sensorl) heater circuit. ECM/PCM11-12l

Troubleshooting Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCI Chart (contd) *: These DTCS will be indicated by the blinking o{ the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) with the SCS service connector connected.**: The E (El*s indicator light and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp {MlL) may come on simultaneously,*1; A/T *3: 97 model *5: 99 - 00 models*2: MlT *4: 98 model 11-76 DTClMlL indicationlDetection hemProbable Caus.Page P0137(63)Secondary Heated Oxygen SensorCircuit Low Voltage{Sensor 2) Shon in Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2) circuatSecondary HO2S (Sensor 2)ECM/PCM n-1t7 P0138 (63)Secondary Heated Oxygen SensorCircuit High VoltageOpen in Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2) circuitSecondary HO2S (Sensor 2)EC|\il/PCM11118 P0139{63)Secondary Heated Oxygen Sensor lSensor 2i Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2)11-120 P0141 (65)Second6ry Heated Oxygen Sensor HeaterCircuit Malfunction(Sensor 2) Open orshon in Secondary HO2S (Sensor 2)heater circuitEC|V/PCtu11t2l P0r71 (45) System Too LeanFuel supply systemPrimary HOzS (Sensor 1) Contaminated fuel Exhaust leakage 11124 P0112 (45) System Too RichFuel supplv systemPrimary HO2S (Sensor 1) Contaminated fuel11 124 and Po3ol ltr \P0302 112 |P0303 173 iP0304 \74 t Random Mistirelgnition systemFuel supply system IAC valveContaminated fuelLack of fuel 11-126 P0301 /71 \P0302 112 |P0303 173 |P0304 \7 4l - Cylinder 1- Cylinder 2Cylinder 3- Cylinder 4Misfire Detected Fuel injectorFuel injector circuitlgnition systemtt 127 P0325*5{23)Knock Sensor {KS) Circuit MalfunctionOpen or shon in Knock Sensor (KS) circuitKnock Sensor (KS)ECM/PCt\411-130 P033s{4}Crankshaft PositionSensor CircuitCrankshaft Position SensorCrankshaft Positaon Sensor circuitE Cl\,l/PC l\,!11-131 P0336(4)Crankshaft Position SensorRange/PerformanceCrankshaft Position SensorTiming belt skipped teeth11,131 P0420{67)Catalyst System Efficiency BelowThresholdThree Way Catalytic convenerSecondary HO2S {Sensor 2)t1-200 P0441*3 (92) Evaporative EmissionControlSystemInsulficient Purge Flow EVAP Purge Control Solenoid valveEVAP Purge Control Solenoid valve circuitThrottle gody (purge port)TubingPCM It 205 P0451*5FuelTank Pressure Sensor CircuitBange/PerformanceFuel Tank Pressure SensorECM/PCMtt-208 (91iFuel Tank Pressure SensorCirclit Low InputOpsn orShort in FuelTank Pressure Sensor circuitFuel Tank Pressure SensorECM/PCt\411-209 P0453*r.5 {91)FuelTank Pressure Sensor CircuitHigh InputOpen in Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor circuitFuel Tank Pressure SensorECt /PCt\.111-211

DTC(MlL indicationlDotection ltomProbable CausePage P0500 t17)*, Vehicle SpeedSensor CircuitMalfunction Vehicle Speed SensorVehicle Speed Sensor circu itECtVI1 1-135 P0501 l17J*1 Vehicle SpeedSensor CircuitMalfunction Vehicle Speed SensorVehicle Speed Sensor circuitPCM11-135 P0505 (14)ldle ControlSystemMalfunction IAC valveThrottle BodyFast idle thermo valve*11 ]- 150 P0700P0715PO720P0730P0740P0753P0758 AutomaticTransaxle Section l4 P1106 (13)BarometricPressure CircuitRange/Performance Problem ECM/PCM (Baro sensor) 11-137 P1107 (13)BarometricPressure CircuitLow InPut . ECM/PCM {Baro sensor)11-137 P1108 (13)BarometricPressure CircuitHigh Inpur ECM/PCM {Baro sensor)11,137 P1121 (7)Throttle PositionLower ThanExpected . TP sensor11-109 P1122 (7)Throttle PositionHigher ThanExpected TP sensor1 1-109 P112a (5)Manifold AbsolutePressure Lower ThanExpected . MAP sensor11-94 P1129 (5)Manifold AbsolutePressure HiqherThanExpected MAP sensor1l-94 P1297 (20)Electrical LoadDetector CircuitLow Input Electrical Load DetectorElectrical Load Detector circuitECM/PCM1 1- 138 P1298 (20)Electrical LoadDetector CircuitHigh Input Electrical Load DetectorElectrical Load Detector circuitECM/PCM11-140 P13003 P0301P0302P0303P0304 7l721314 Random lvlisfirelgnition systemFuel supply systemMAP sensorIAC valveContaminated fuelLack offuel 11-126 *: These DTCS will be indicated by the blinking of the Malfunction Indicator Lamp {MlL} with the SCS service connector connected.**:The E (E])+s indicator light and the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) may come on simultaneously.*1:A,./T 3: 97 model +5: 99 - 00 models*2: M/T *4:98 model {contd) 11-77

Troubleshooting Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTCI Ghart (contd) r: These DTCS will be indicated by the blinking oJ the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MlL) with the SCS service connectorconnected.**: The Di (E)*5 indicator light and the Malfunction tndicator Lamp (MlL) may come on simultaneously.*1: A[f *3;97 model *5: 99 - 00 models*21M/f *4: 98 model 11-78 DTC {MlL indication}Detection ltemProbable CausePagc P1336 154)Crankshaft SpeedFluctuation SensorIntermittent Interruption . CKF sensor 11-142 P1337 i54)Crankshaft SpeedFluctuation SensorNo Signal CKF sensorCKF sensor circuitECM,FCM11-142 P1359 (8)Crankshaft Position/Too DeadCenter Sensorrcylinder PositionConnector Disconnection CKP/TDC/CYP sensor circuit11-146 P1361 (8)Top Dead CenterSensor IntermittentInterruption11-131 P1362 (8)Top Dead CenterSensor No SignalTDC sensorTDC sensor circuitECM/PCM11-131 P1381 (9)Cylinder Position SensorIntermittent Interruption . CYP sensor11-131 P1382 (9)Cylinder Position SensorNo SignalCYP sensorCYP sensor circuitECM/PCM11-131 P1456n.* {90} Evaporative EmissionControl System Leak Detected(FuelTank System) Fuelfill capVacuum connectionFueltankFuel tank prossure sensorEVAP bypass solenoid valveEVAP two way valveEVAP control canister vent shut valveEVAP control canisterEVAP purge controlsolenoid valve 11-213 Pr457n.s {90) Evaporative EmissionControl System Leak Detected(EVAP Control Canister Svstem) Vacuum connectionEVAP control canisterFuel tank pressure sensorEVAP bypass solenoid valveEVAP two way valveEVAP control canister vent shut valveFueltankEVAP purge controlsolenoid valve 11-219 P1508 (14)ldle Air ControlValve CircuitFailure IAC valveIAC valve circuitECM/PCM11-152 Pr607(-)Engine Control Module,PowertrainControl Module Internal CircuitFailure A . ECM,FCM11-147 P1705P1706P1753P1758P1768 AutomaticTransaxle Section 14