honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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Spark Plug Inspection Inspect the electrodes and ceramic insulator for: . lmproper gap. Oil-fouling. Carbon deposits. Cracked centerelectrode insulator Burned or worn electrodes may be caused by: . Advanced ignition timing . Loose spark plug . Plug heat range too hot . Insufficient cooling Fouled plug may be caused by: . Retarded ignition timing . Oil in combustion chamber . Incorrect spark plug gap . Plug heat range too cold . Excessive idling/low speed runnang . Clogged air cleaner element . Deteriorated ignition wires I 2. Check the electrode gaP. . Adjust the gap with a suitable gapping tool. Electrode Gap Standard 1.1 3 mm (0.043 Loo. in) Replace the plug if the center electrode is rounded as shown below: Spark Plugs 97 - 98 modsls: ROUNDEOELECTRODE ,--, /(--/| | r------r-.--l-:=---:1 : ZFR5F-11 (NGK) KJ16CR-111 (DENSO) 99 - 00 models; ZFR6F-11 (NGK) KJ2OCR-111 (DENSO) Apply a small quantity of anti-seize compound to the plug threads, and screw the plugs into the cylin- der head finger-tight. Then torque them to 18 Nm (1.8 kgf.m. 13lbf.ft). 4-21

Charging System Component Location Index ALTERNATOR CHARGING SYSTEM LIGHT(ln the gauge assembly)Test, page 4-24 BATTERYTest, Troubleshooting, page 4-24Replacement, page 4-30Overhaul, page 4-31Rectifjer Test, page 4,32 ALTERNATOR BELTInspection and Adjustment, page 4 34 4-22


Gharging System Troubleshooting lf the charging system light does not come on or does not go off, or the battery is dead or low, test the following items inthe order listed below: 1. Battery (see section 23) 2. Charging system light 3. Voltage 4. Alternator control system (U.S.A. model) 5. Alternator/regulator Charging System Light Test ALTERNATOR 4P CONNECTOR{U.S,A. modell (BLK/YEL) 2 3 Wire sade offemale terminals I I I ALTERNATOR 3P CONNECTORlCaneda model Iemale terminals [ ]: Canada model Chsrging Systom Light Check:Turn the ignition switch ON {ll),and make sure the charging system light comes on. Check for a blown No. 15 17.5 Alfuse and a blown charging sys-tem light bulb. lf the tusa .ndbulb are OK, repair th€ open inth€ WHT/BLU wire. Does the charging systemlight come on? Charging System Light Check{comd}:Start the engine. Does the charging systemlight go offfPerform the Alte.nator/RegulatorTest lsee page +281. Voltage Check:Measure the voltage at the No. IlNo. 2iterminal of the 4P [3Plcon-nector with the ignition switch ON{ ). Ropair the open in the BLK/YELwiae betwoen the altemator andunder-da3h luso/relay box. ls there battery voltage? (To next page) 4-24

in(From previous page) Does the charging systemlight come on? Ch6ck the L circuil:1. Turn the ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the 4P [3P] con-nector from the alternator.3. Turn the ignition switch ON (ll). Repair the short to ground in theWHT/BLU wire. [ ]: Canada model(contd) 4-25

Charging System Troubleshooting (contdl 97 modol: Alternator Control System Test {U.S.A. model) NOTE: Before testing, check proper operation ofthe ELD by checking for a DTC (see section .11). CAUTION: Be sure to use a voltmeterwith ils positive terminal connected tobattery positive and hs negative termi-nalto the 4P connector terminal No. 2. BATTERY Wire side offemale terminals {WHT/GRNI ALTERNATORirP CONNECTOR ALTEFNATOR4P CONNECTOR Chock for a short in the circuitIALTC line):1. Disconnect the 4P connectorfrom the alternator.2. Start the engine, and turn theheadlights thigh beami ON.3. Me8sure voltage between the4P connector terminal No. 2and the positive terminal ofthe battery. lstherelVorless? Check for an open in the wire(ALTC linel:1. Turn the headlight and igni-tion switch OFF.2. Disconnect the 32P connectorfrom the ECN4/PCM.3. Check tor continuity betweenthe EcM/PcM 32P connectorterminal No.30 and alternator4P connector terminal No. 2- Repair open in the wi.e betwoenthe atternator and ECM/ there continuity? Check for a shorl in the wiroIALTC line):1. Turn the headlight and ign;,I|on swrtcn UFF2. Disconnect the 32P connectorfrom the EcM/PcM.3. Check tor continuity betweenthe ECM/PCN4 32P connectorterminal No. 30 and bodyground. Subslitute a known-good ECM/PCM, and recheck.It prescribed voha96 b now avail-able, replace the original ECM/PCM. ls there continuity? R€prir short in the wire betweenthe altornator and the ECM/PCM. ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A I32PI ,/1./1810 ./ l./t4161718t9202121 26272A293032 Wire side of ] ALTCfemale terminals I tWHT/cRNl tlWHT/GRN) female terminals I 1 ECM/PCM CONNECTOR A {32P} ,/ ,/46810 ,/1,/1416l7t81920212321 272A2S30:t2 Wire side of I ALTCfemale terminals {WHT/GRNI f) 4-26

RoR l u 98 -9O modols: Alternator Contlol SYstem Te3t (U.S.A model) NOTE: Before testing, check proper operation of the ELD by checking for a DTC (see section 11) EATTERY CAUTION: Be surc to uso a voltmetorwith its oo3itive torminel connccted to battery po3hivo tnd its negativo teami nal to the 4P connector torminal No 2. ECM,/PCM CONNECTORc {31P) Wire side olfemale terminals cIWHT/GRN) Wire side oltemale terminals ALTERNATOR4P CONNECTOR ALTC IWHT/GBNI ECM/PCM CONNECTOR C {31P} (contd) Chock tor . short in tha circuit IALTC lino):1. Disconnoct the 4P connectorIrom the alternator.2. Start the engine, and turn the headlights (high beam) ON. 3. Measure voltage between the4P connector terminal No. 2 and the positive terminal oIthe battsry. lsthere 1V or less? Check for an opon in the wire IALTC line):1. Turn the headlight and igni- tion switch OFF.2. Disconnect the 31P connectorfrom the ECM/PCM.3. Check tor continuity betweenth6 ECM/PCM 31P connectorterminal No. 2 and alternator4P connector terminal No. 2. Ropair open in the wiro betweenthe ahornrtor and ECM/PCM. Chack lor a rhort in tho wire {ALTC lincl:!. Turn the headlight and ignition switch OFF.2. Disconnect the 31P connectorIrom the ECM/PCM.3. Ch6ck for continuity betweenthe ECM/PCM 31P connectorterminal No. 2 and bodyground. Substituto . known-good ECM/ PCM, .nd rochock.lf prdcdb€d voltage b now, repl.ce the original ECM/ rcM. Rcpair rhort in thc wire b.twconth. ahGrn.tol.nd the EcM/PcM. 4-27

Gharging System Troubleshooting (contd) Alternator/Regulator Test NOTE: Make sure the battery is sufficiently charged (see section 23). FIELDSELECTOR TESTswtTcH I VOLTMEIERPOSmVEt NEGATIVE TESTERCABI.E {BLKI (BED) TESTERINDUCTIVEPICK.UP{GRN)CABLE IREDIAhernator/Regulator Test (contd)lI Release the accelerator pedal,and let the engine idle.2 Make sure all accessories areturned off. Turn the selectorswitch to posjtion 2 (charging).3 Remove the inductive pick up,and zero the ammeter.{ Place the inductive pick-upover the battery ground cableso that the arrow points to thebaftery negative terminal.5. Raise the engine speed to2 000 rpm, and hold ir there. I ( T I WHT WIRE Alternator/Regulator Test:1. Connect a Sun VAT-40 (orequrvalent tester), and turnthe selector switch to position1{sraning).2. Shift to neutral (A/T in E orN) position, and start theengane. Hold the engine at3,000 rpm with no load untilthe radiator fan comes on,then let it idle.3. Raise the engine speed to2,000 rpm, and hold it there. ls the voltage over 15.1 V? ls the voltage less than 13.5 V? Altarnator/Regulator Test (contd:Apply a load with a VAT-40 untilthe battery voltage drops tobetween 12 - 13.5 V. To next page 4-28

From previous page The charging sy3tem b the amperage 65 A or more? Aharnator/Regulator Tesl (contd): With the engine speed still at 2.000 rom, fulllield the alternator. CAUTION: The will tise quickly whon th. ahornato. is tull-li.lded Do not allow the voltage to exceod 18 V; it mry damago the .loctrictl 3yaiGm. NOTE: Attach a probe to a VAT-40Iull tield test lead, and inseft the probe into the tull field access hole at the back of the altemator Switch the field selector to the A lGround) posi- tion momentarily. and check the amperage readrng. REGULATOR(Located insidethe ond coverlFULL FIELDACCESS HOLE 4-29

Charging System Alternator Replacement t.Disconnect the battery negative terminal first, thenthe positive terminal. Disconnect the 4P (or 3P) connector and WHT wirefrom the alternator. WHT WIRE 4-30 ll Remove the adjusting bolt and mounting nut, thenremove the alternator belt. Pull out the through bolt, then remove the alternator. THROUGH BOLT ll^I}v N ir T n MOUNTING NUT10 x 1.25 mm44 N.m 14.5 kgf.m.33 tbtfttt o. LOCKNUT8 x 1 .25 mm24 N.m (2.4 kgt m, 17 lbl.ft, Install the alternator in reverse order of removal. Adjust the alternator belt tension after installation(see page 4-34).