honda cr v 19997 2000 User Manual
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ldle Speed Setting Inspoction/Adiustmont 37 modsl: NOTE: . Before setting the idle speed, check the following items:- The MIL has not been reportsd on.- lgnition timing- Spark plugs - Air cleaner- PCV system . lcanada) Pull the parking brake lever up. Stan the engine, then check that the headlights are off. 1. Start the engine. Hold the engine at 3,000 rpm with no load (in Park or neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle. Connect a tachometer or a Honda PGM Tester. Disconnect the 2P connector from the ldle Air Con- trol (lAC) valve. IAC VALVE lf the engine stalls, restart the engine with the accel- erator pedal slightly depr6ss6d, Stabilize the rpm at 1,000, then slowly release the pedal until the engine idles. Check idling in no-load conditions: hsadlights, blower fan, rear d€fogger, radiator fan, and air con- ditioner are not operating. ldle spood should b.: {80 t 50 rpm {in Park or noutr.ll IDLE 7. Adjust the idle sp6ed, idle adjusting screw. if necessary, by turning the Turn the ignition switch OFF. Reconnect the 2P connector to the IAC valve, then remove the BACK UP (RAD|Ol (7.5 Al fuse in the under-hood fuse/rslav box for 10 seconds to reset the PCM. Restart and let the engine idle with no-load condi- tions for one minute, then check the idle speed. NOTE: (Canadal Pullthe parking brake lever up. Stan the engine, then check that the headlights are off. ldlo Ep€ed rhould be: 75O t 50 rpm (in P.rk or noutr.ll Let the engine idl6 for one minute with the head- lights (Low) ON, and check th€ idl€ speed. ldle lpcod 3hould bo: 750 t 50 ]pm (in Park or nautlal) Turn the headlights off. Let th€ engine idle for one minute with the headlights (Low) ON, heater fan switch at Hl and air conditioner on. then check the idle sDeeo. ldl. specd should b6: 7d) 1 50 rpm {in Park or nautral} lf the idle speed is not within specification, see the symptom chart on page 11-64. (contd) 1 1-169

ldle Control System ldle Speed Setting (contd) 38 - 0O mod6l3: NOTE: Before setting the idle speed, check the follow- ing items:- The MIL has not been reported on.- lgnition timing- Spark plugs - Air cleaner- PCV system 1. Start the engine. Hold the engine at 3.000 rpm with no load (in Park or neutral) until the radiator fan comes on, then let it idle. Connect a tachometer. Disconnect the IAC valve 2P connector and the EVAP purge control solenoid valve 2P connector. CONTROLSOLENOID VALVE SOLENOID VALVE lf the engine stalls, restart the engine with the accel- erato. pedal slightly depressed. Stabilize the rpm at 1,000, then slowly release the pedal until the engine idles. Che€k the idle in no-load conditions: headlights, blow- er fan, rear defogger, radiator fan, and air conditioner are not operating, ldle speed should bo: 480 t 50 rpm {in PErk or noutrall 11-170 lf necessary, adjust the idle speed, by turning the idle adjusting screw. After adjusting the idle speed, recheck the ignition timing (see section 4). lf it is out of spec, go back to steo 4.tDt.E 6. Turn the ignition switch OFF. 7. Reconnect the 2P connectors to the IAC valve and the EVAP purge control solenoid valve, then do the ECM/PCM reset procedure. 8. Restart and idle the engine with no-load conditions for one minute, then check the idle speed. ldle speod should be:,98 model: 750 t 50 rpm tin Park or neutral)9!l - 00 modsls: 730 i 50 lpm lin Psrk or neutral) NOTE: lf the idle speed increases to 780 t 50 rpm(770 1 50 rpml*, this means the EVAP system is purging the canister. To stop the purging temporari- ly, raise the engine speed above 1,000 rpm with the accelerator pedal, then slowly release the pedal.*: 99 - 00 models 9. Let the engine idle for one minute with the head- lights (Low) ON, and check the idle speed. ldle speed should be: 38 mod6l: 750 f 50 rpm (in Palk or neutrall99 - 00 modols: 730 t 50 rpm (in Palk or neutral) 10. Turn the headlights off. Let the engine idle for one minute with the heater fan switch at Hl and air con- ditioner on, then check the idle speed. ldls spqed should be:98 model: 780 t 50 rpm (in Park or neutrall99 - 00 mod€ls: 7701 50 rpm lin Park or neutral) lf the idle speed is not within specification. see the Symptom Chart on page 11-64. ADJUSTING

Fuel Supply System Fuel Lines Check fuel system lines, hoses, fuel filter, and other components for damage, leaks or det6rioration, and r€place it neces- sary. 97 model:33 N.m(3.4 kg(.m, 2s lbf.ftl 27 N.m12.8 kg{.m, 21 lbf.ft) 98 model: (contd) 11-171 27 N.rn(2.8 kgl.m, 21 lbf.ft)

Fuel Supply System Fuel Lines (contdl 99 - 00 models: 33 N.m(3.4 kgl.m.25lbtftl 11-172

97 model: Check all hose clamps, and retighten if necessary. FUELFILTER /\ {2 ,1

Fuel Supply System Fuel Lines (confd) 98 - (X) models: Check all hose clamps, and retighten if necessary. SASEGASKETReplace. FUELFILTER To FUELPRESSUREREGULATOR 10-14mm(0.39 - in) Clamp in the middle 11-174

Fuel Tube/Ouick-Gonnect Fittings Procautions @ Do not smoke whils working on the fuel syst6m, Koop open flames away from your work ar9a. The fuel tube/quick-connect fittings assembly connects the in-tank fuel pump with the fuel feed pipe. For remov- ing or installing the fuel pump and fuel tank, it is neces- sary to disconnect or connect the quick-connect fittings. Pay attention to following; . The fuel tube/quick-connect fittings assembly is not heat-resistant; be careful not to damage it during weld- ing or other heat-generating procedures. . The fuel tube/quick-connect fittings assembly is not acid-proof; do not touch it with a shop towel which was used for wiping battery electrolyte. R€place the fuel tube/quick-connect fittings assembly if it came into contact with electrolyte or somethino similar. . When connecting or disconnecting the fuel tube/quick- connect fittings assembly, be careful not to bend or twist it excessively, Replace it if damaged, A disconnected quick-connect fittings can be reconnected, but the retainer on the mating pipe cannot be reused once it has been removed from the pipe. Replace tha retainer . replacing the fuel pump. . replacing the fuelfeed pipe, . it has been removed from the Dioe, . it is damaged. RCTAINERFUEL TUBE CONNECTOR CONNECTOR RETAINER 11-175 Disconnection !@ Do not smoke while working on the fuel syst6m. Keep open flames away from your work area. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 2. Remove the fuel fill cap to relieve fuel pressure in the tank. 3. Relieve fuel pressure (see page 11-178). 4. Check the fuel quick-connect fittings for dirt, and clean if necessary. 5. Hold the connector with one hand and press down the retainer tabs with the other hand. then pull the connector off. NOTE: . Be careful not to damage the pipe or other parts. Do not use tools, . lf the connector does not move, keep the retainer tabs pressed down, and alternately pull and push the connector until it comes off easily. . Do not remove the retainer from the pipe; once removed, the retainer must be replaced with a new one. LOCKII{G PAWL RETANEN TAB @NNCCTOR Press down. 6. Check the contact area of the pipe for dirt and dam- age. . lf the surface is dirW, clean it . lf the surface is rusty or damaged, replace the fuel pump or fuel feed pipe, CONTACT ANEA {contd}

Fuel Supply System Fuel Tube/Ouick-Connect Fittings {contd) 7. To prevent damage and keep out foreign matter. cover the disconnected connector and oioe end with plastic bags. PL TSnC EAGS 11-176 Connection E!@ Do not smoke white working on the fuel system. Keep oper flamss away flom your work atea. 1. Check the pipe contact area for din and damage, and clean if necessary. Insen a new retainer into the connector if the retainer is damaged, or after . replacing the fuel pump. . replacing the fuel feed pipe. . removing the retainer from the pipe. AASEGASKETBeplace. COiITACT AiEA

3. Before connecting a new fuel tube/quick-connect fit- ting assembly, remove the old retainer from the mating pipe. with thetabs pulled apart, removeand discardthe retarner Ncw FUEL TUBE/OUICK.CONNECTFI?TING ASSEMBLY 4.Align the quick-connect fittings with the pipe. and align the retainer locking pawls with the connector grooves. Then press the quick-connect fittings onto the pipe until both retainer pawls lock with a click- Ing sound. NOTE: lf it is hard to connect, put a small amount of new engine oil on the pipe end. 5. Make sure the connection is secure and that the pawls are firmly locked into place; check visually and bypulling the connector. Reconnect the battery negative cable, and turn the ignition switch ON (ll). The fuel pump will run for about two seconds, and fuel pressure will rise. Repeat two or three times, and check that there is no leakage in the fuel supply system. 6.

Fuel Supply System System Description The fuel supply system consists of a fuel tank, in-tank high-pressure fuel pump. PGM-Fl main relay, fuel filter, fuel pressure regulator, fuel injectors, and fuel delivery and return lines. This system delivers pressure-regulat- ed fuel to the fuel injectors and cuts the fuel delivery when the engine is not running. Fuel Pressure Relieving Before disconnecting fuel pipes or hoses, release pres- sure from the system by loosening the 12 mm banjo bolt on the too of the fuel filter. Do not smoke while working on the fuel system. Ke€p open flames or sparks away from your work area, Be sure to relieve fuel pressure while the ignition switch is off. Write down the frequencies for the radios preset buttons. Disconnect the battery negative cable from the bat- tery negative terminal. Remove the fuel fill cap. Use a box end wrench on the 12 mm banjo bolt at the fuel filter while holding the fuel filter with anoth- er wrench. Place a rag or shop towel over the 12 mm banjo bolt. Slowly loosen the 12 mm banjo bolt one complete rurn 12 mm BANJoBOLT 1. SHOP TOWEL NOTE: Replace the washers whenever the 12 mm banio bolt is loosened or removed. 11-178 Inspection 1, Relieve fuel pressure. 2. Remove the 12 mm banjo bolt on the fuel filter while holding the fuel filter with another wrench. Attach the 12 mm fuel pressure adapter bolt and the special tool. FUEL PRESSUREREGULATON FUELPRESSUREGAUGE07406 - 0040001 The illustration shows97 - 98 models,99 - 00 models are similar. Start the engine. Measure the fuel pressure with the engine idling and the vacuum hose of the fuel pres- sure regulator disconnected from the fuel pressure regulator and pinched. lf the engine will not start, turn the ignition switch on (ll), wait for two seconds, turn it off, then back on again and read the fuel pressure. Pressure should be:97 - 98 mod€ls: 260 -31O kPa 12.7 - 3.2 kgf/cm,, 38 - 46 psil99 - 0O models: 270 - 32O kPa Q.A - 3.2 kgf/cm, ifo - /U psil Reconnect vacuum hose to the fuel pressure regulator. Prgs3ure should be:97 - 98 models: 210 - 25O kPa 12.1- 2.6 kgf/cm, 30 - 37 psi)99 - 00 models: 22O -26iJ kPa 12.2 - 2.7 kgt/cm, 31 - 38 psi) lf the fuel pressure is not as specified, first check the fuel pump (see page 11- 183). lf the fuel pump is OK, check the following: . lf the fuel pressure is higher than specified, inspect for:- Pinched or clogged fuel return hose or line.- Faulty fuel pressure regulator (see page 11- 181). . lf the fuel pressure is lower than specified. inspect for:- Clogged fuel filter.- Faulty fuel pressure regulator (see page 11- 1811.- Fuel line leakage.